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For this project we will use

1. Nextjs +
2. Ionic framework's components (which will provide native like features) +
3. Capacitor JS for final packaging as a native app

Steps to proceed
1. Clone this repository – it has the boilerplate setup mlynch/nextjs-tailwind-ionic-capacitor-starter:
A starting point for building an iOS, Android, and Progressive Web App with Tailwind CSS,
React w/ Next.js, Ionic Framework, and Capacitor (
2. It has a simple project structure, understand it
3. We can also use Konsta UI - Mobile UI components built with Tailwind CSS for the mobile ui
components , as an alternative of Ionic framework and KonstaUI uses tailwind
4. Just choose bw Konsta and Ionic and start the project
5. Use Supabase for backend

You can use Expo for the app, it is more matured approach
Example of using expo --- Build a WhatsApp Clone with React Native (Expo Router, Reanimated, Clerk,
Gestures, Gifted Chat) (

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