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Answer the questions with a partner.

what you would do and why.

What would you do if ... ?

1- somebody in the street asked you for money

on your way home tonight.

2- you were driving home at night and you saw

somebody who had run out of petrol.

3- you saw an old man being attacked in the

street by a couple of teenagers.

4- you were in a queue at a station or airport

and someone asked to go in front of you
because he/ she was in a hurry.

1- I think it depends on the person, but generally I would go on my

way, because once I was stolen while I was waiting at the traffic
light by one of these people.
2- I would continue on my way because of the same answer to the last
3- I would stop in order to help that old man.
4- It depends on the situation, for example if there is something that
is urgent, I would let it go.

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