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Employees are among the most important resources of an organization

and are minted as higher value assets. The nature and amount of work
done by them have a direct impact on the productivity of an
organization. Therefore, maintaining healthy relationships with
employees within an organization is a prerequisite for any organization
to grow and succeed. According to the CIPD (Chartered Institute of
Personnel & Development), employee relations are a broad term that
incorporates many topics, from collective bargaining, negotiation, labor
legislation to more recent considerations such as the balance between
working life and family Equality of opportunities and diversity
management. It includes practices or initiatives to ensure that employees
are happy and productive. Employee relationships offer assistance in
several ways, including employee recognition, policy development and
interpretation, and all types of problem solving and dispute resolution.

It is about managing the remuneration agreement, dealing with work
practices, terms and conditions of work, employment problems, giving
employees a voice and communicating with them. Relations with
employees are responsible for maintaining the employee, employer
relationship, which contributes to satisfactory productivity, increasing
employee morale and motivation. A time when "Relations with
employees" meant fragmented working relationships in negotiations.
Orchestrate. Dictate. Human resources professionals have helped
negotiate collective bargaining agreements. The provisions of the
contract defined the relationship between management, unions and
workers. Nowadays, employee relations is a much broader concept. It
involves maintaining a work environment that meets the needs of
employees and administration. Improve employee morale, build a
corporate culture, convey expectations. An effective relationship
between employees involves the creation and cultivation of a motivated
and productive workforce. It is necessary to take into account the
dynamics of the employer-employee relationship. It covers all
relationships between employers and employees in the industry.
Relationships with employees also include the possibility of employee
participation in management decisions, communications, policies to
improve cooperation and control of complaints and to minimize conflicts

People are usually motivated from within, but human resources and
organization must be concentrated what they can do to encourage the
kind of environment in which employees thrive to deliver Better
presentation Motivated employees have a higher level of reduced work
commitment better rotation and performance than non-committed
employees. From the success of the organization is directly related to the
performance of its employees, the companies Maintaining solid
employee relationship initiatives will benefit from the fact that your
workforce is Very motivated to do their best. So the management of
these relationships becomes important for business success, since strong
and healthy relationships can lead to greater results Employee happiness
and even greater productivity

Strong employee relations are required for high productivity and

human satisfaction. Employee relations generally deal with avoiding and
resolving issues concerning individuals which might arise out of or
influence the work scenario. Strong employee relation depends upon
healthy and safe work environment, cent percent involvement and
commitment of all employees, incentives for employee motivation , and
effective e-communication system in the organization. Healthy
employee relations lead to increase production level.

In recent times, while most Workers are on job, they do not produce
more simply because of the un healthy relationship they have with their
fellow colleagues and employers. A recent study conducted by Blyton
revealed that employees do not put up their best performances at
workplaces when they are un-happy with management, government, or
even their fellow colleagues. Bad employee -employer relationship
results in strike actions and lockouts. All these actions taken by
employees to display the grievances only do the organization harm than
good as productivity will be reduced drastically.

By many accounts, employee relations today are in crisis. In

academia, its traditional positions are threatened on one side by the
dominance of mainstream economics and organizational behaviour and
on the other by postmodernism. In policy -Making circles, the industrial
relations emphasis on institutional intervention is trumped by a neo-
liberal emphasis on the laissez faire promotion of free markets


This study seeks to bring out the various employee relations practices
in an organization and the various practices needed to increase its
productivity and contributes this quota in the economic development of
the communities which it operates, and the country at large. This study
will therefore help enlighten management of various organizations. The
study will also bring out specifically, the employee relations practices
which various organizations use.

The employment law standardises the bond between the

management of the organization and its employees. These laws govern
what is expected of the employees by the management and certain rights
of the colleagues at the workplace. The development and amendment of
the laws impact the relationships between the colleagues and the
employer. However, certain terms have to be covered. These include;
checking of the recruitment process, legal requirements, data protection,
pay and labour time, health as well as safety rules, paternal rights,
maternity leaves and rules, redundancy, and so on. These aspects ensure
the employees feel engaged and positive at the workplace and there's
harmony within the organisation.

The major issue of enhancement of productivity within organisation is
essentially due to the maintenance of good relations with the employee.
This is the reason why it plays a crucial role in the economic
development of the state

Considering the second difference, the Company perspective supports

that every employee shares similar goals or interests, whereas pluralism
would suggest that there are no conflicting opinions between the
members of the team or the employees of the organization

The protection for the interest of the labour that the government
themselves rectifies by using proper industrial relations. The government
also regulates that employee and workers should handle their

Employees are among an organization's most important resources and
coined as most valuable assets.

Motivation is the desire to achieve some given targets at any given
time. It is a difference between sleeping state of mind and action.
Motivation is a self- esteem any can have in one’s inner self yet requires
a stimulus for being motivated.

This is the accomplishment of an employee, organisation in relation to
stated goals and objectives.

This is achieving the highest level of performance with the least
expenditure on resources

Factors related to Employee Relations

Good relationships between employer and employee do not just

happen; they are the result of a strategy and activities that employee
relations managers design to improve communication between
employees and management. Scholars have highlighted several ERM
practices, which include: employee empowerment and involvement,
employee suggestions, collective bargaining, conflict management and
grievance redress measures, training and development, transparency in
communication, encouraging group activities (teamwork), and work

Initiating Employee Suggestions

Employee suggestion scheme can be described as a formalized

mechanism which encourages employees to contribute constructive
ideas for improving the organization in which they work. Implemented
ideas are rewarded by a monetary award or some other form of

Usually proportionate to the benefits generated. It creates a climate of

trust and confidence, job satisfaction and continuous improvement in the
company. It defines a staff suggestion scheme as a formalized procedure
to encourage the employees to think creatively about their jobs, job
environment, and to come forward with ideas for which they will be
rewarded on the specific

The intention of this study is to investigate the employee relations and
its effect on employee productivity. The study will benefit both
employees and employers. It will benefit the employees in the sense that
each employee will be given an opportunity to state their individual
perceptions toward employee relations and its effect on employee
productivity, and make recommendations as to what they feel the firms
should do to improve employee relations. The management will benefit
from the study too, as the findings will be presented to them with
recommendations from the respondents. It will also serve to make them
understand the benefits of good employee relations and it influence on
employee productivity.

Importance of human assets:

The board Human Asset The executives are an essential cycle and
include drawing in, creating, and keeping a capable and vivacious labor
force to help the association's central goal, targets, and procedures.
Effective human resource management has emerged as a crucial
strategic concern for today's businesses because of the increased
complexity of global business, rapid change, and intense competition

 Study the factors related to employee relations
 Analyze the impact employee relations on employee performance
 To analyse the satisfaction level of the employees
 The study cover the whole organization is taken in to consideration
and the survey conducted among the workers through the
 To identify the challenges faces by employees at work places
 To identify ways of enhancing healthy relationship between
employees and employees in an organisation

 To understand the importance of employee relations
 To identify the factors related to employee relations
 To analyze the impact of employee relations on employee
 To establish the extent to which employee relations has improved
employees performance
 To identify the various employee relations practices, and its effects
on the productivity of an organization
 To identify the ways of enhancing healthy relations between
employees in the organization

 An employee relations strategy is the way to create balance
between employers and employees by creating an environment to
conducive to each needs
 Employers want productivity and their performances
 Employees wants productivity and performances of their
 Employees want to acknowledgement and appreciation.
 A good employee relations strategy will help both get what they
 The employee relations practices which the organization has been
able to make available to its employees.

 The organisation encountered a limitations in regards to availability
of the information.
 Thus is due to the institutions working ethics, the researcher could
not get access to vital information.
 Since it was treated as confidential and the targeted respondent’s
number was not attained since some employees are leave.
 Inadequate funds and availability of time also became a limitation.
 Having better communication will lead to your employees feeling
valued, involved and connected.
 The more positive your workplace culture, the more productive your
employees will be.



Industrial Relations Unions:

Kathryn, 2008 cited in Som, (2015) Both positive and negative effects
by unions on performance have been identified. Unions can cause a
“shock effect, whereby they induce managers to alter methods of
production and adopt more efficient personnel policies.

Rawashdeh & Al-Adwan, (2012) The benefits of this are off set, at
least in part, when unions favor restrictive work practices, such as
clauses that hamper the introduction of new technology and cause firms
to pay more for labor than necessary. Union scan reduce staff turnover
and this may be of benefit to a business, because high turnover can
reduce productivity in a workplace through a direct loss of firm-specific.
Unions stress seniority rules and these can be a positive factor as there is
a positive relationship between productivity and experience, and a
seniority system may emphasize ability and merit

Leibenstein (1966) emphasized that one of the major areas for
improving what he calls ‘X efficiency in the firm is worker morale and
motivation. Unions improve communications between workers and

Dworkin & Ahlburg, (1985) The opening of communication channels

between management and workers can result in integrative rather than
distributive bargaining

Kathryn, (2008) A number of negative factors have also

been identified. One of the most well established effects of unionism is
the raising of wages, and the associated impact on labor allocation, firm
profitability and impact on employment

Employment Practices:

Beaumont, (1992) For many years, the management of employment

relations in public sector organizations was characterized by the
dominance of centralized, highly bureaucratic procedures, which were
determined from above, and national collective bargaining machinery.
Consequently, the role of the personnel management function was
largely restricted to the implementation of standardized procedures and
national agreements, with very little scope for discretion

Winchester & Bach, (1999) During the 1980s, however, Conservative

governments enacted policies that stimulated the role and authority of
managers in the public sector: the emphasis on better value for money
and customer service; the devolution of decision-making to smaller
business units; and the encouragement of a greater strategic awareness in
a context of rigorous financial targets

Employee Communication:
Kovach (1995) A healthy employee relationship ensures a positive
environment at work and also helps the employees to achieve their
targets at a much faster rate. People are most focused, can concentrate
better in their assignments and hence the output increases. Employees
are not engaged in constant fights are eager to help each other and do not
take work as a burden.

Hood, (1991) Depend more on written modes of communication as they

are more reliable as compared to verbal communication. An individual
might back out if the information is passed on to him verbally as there
are no records, but it never happens in written modes of communication.
Prefer passing on information through Emails. All the related team
members must be marked a carbon copy so that everyone knows what is
being communicated to his fellow member. One should master the art of
writing emails. Remember an email is nothing but a mirror image of
one’s thoughts. Make sure that your mail is self-explanatory and
everyone is clear about your ideas and opinions
Ganster & murphy (2000) Making this work requires providing
employees with the training, coaching, and information they need to
make intelligent decisions

Human Resource Management Practices:

Stone, (1995) This form of management practice differs from the

previous two in that it starts from the belief that organizational tensions
can be completely resolved by nurturing a psychological contract based
on organization.

Kathryn, (2008) The employee relations choices in this instance are

predicated on the belief that the forces uniting managers and employees
are far stronger than the forces dividing them. It is the task of
management to facilitate these unifying forces by establishing workplace
conditions that encourage autonomous individuals, whether employees
or management, to work collaboratively for the common good.

Companies taking this approach are expected to regard workplace

relations holistically, where by collaboration between management and
employees is encouraged through the development of a unifying culture,
strong and pervasive leadership, and a clear vision of organizational
goals. The employee relations aim of these techniques is to resolve
internal tensions by breaking down workplace social classes, developing
open lines of communication lines different stake-holders, and
promoting a collective understanding that the interests of all are better
served by working together and avoiding conflict. Collaborative
management practices in the form of work place teams, as well as
performance appraisals, performance related pay and individual.

Empirical Review:

Employee Relations:

Aryee et al., (2012) Trust is regarded as a critical factor underpinning

social exchanges in that the act of initiating social exchange
relationships requires the originator to trust that the recipient will
respond in kind in the organisation.
Flynn (2005) employees with relational identity orientation prefer
reciprocal exchange, i.e. these employees may reciprocate an
organization when they are in an interdependent task environment.
Fuller, Brown, Katou, & Dealny, (2016) Organizations adopt high-
commitment HR practices making employees perceive organizational
support and feel that they are important in the interdependent
organization. Based on social identity theory, employees who feel they
are appreciated by their organization may perceive high status in the
Employees who experience mutual reciprocity of resources,
information, respect and power with management experience high
perceptions of autonomy hence, they would be satisfied with the
resources, information and support offered by the supervisor, as well as
the job generally – Hence, they would be committed to staying in the
organisation and also perform well

Employee productivity:

Millea (2012) reports empirical evidence about the bi-directional

relationship between employee’s benefits and productivity, in particular
considering the nature of the benefits setting process in different
countries. The empirical evidence of this paper as well as that of
a more in-depth study for Germany can be interpreted in the light of
efficiency wages, i.e. explaining productivity as resulting from particular
wage levels, for given characteristics of the labour market e.g. the total
level of unemployment. Leaders should try to increase the belief that
good performance will result in valued rewards. Ways of doing so
includejob performance accurately; describe clearly the rewards that will
result from successful performance; describe how the employee’s were
based on past performance; provide examples of other employees whose
good performance has resulted in higher rewards. In essence, leaders
should link directly the specific performance they desire to the rewards
desired by employees. It is important for employees to see clearly
the reward process at work. Concrete acts must accompany statements of
Berger, (2009) Compensation mechanisms can be a powerful incentive
in linking performance to rewards. Compensation systems that reward
people directly based on how well they perform their jobs are known as
pay-for-performance plans.
Dunn, Mercer, Carpenter, & Wyman, (2010) These may take such
forms as commission plans used for sales personnel, piece-rate systems
used for factory workers and field hands, and incentive stock option
(ISO) plans for executives.

Etzioni (1975) identified three different sources and forms of power that
could be utilized by employers and three different forms of
involvement. The source and forms and forms of power were named
coercive, remunerative and normative, and the forms of involvement
were named alienative , calculative and moral.

Schein (1988) thereexists an implicit contractual relationship between

the employee and the employer which is derived from a series of
assumptions on the part of employer and employee about the nature of
their relationship.

Cully (1998) addressed this issue as part of an attempt to ascertain the

extent to which employees in the UK were satisfied with their job. They
complied a measure of job satisfaction which look into account
employees satisfaction with four different components of their overall
reward package incorporating both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Work
satisfaction depends on sense of achievement, respect from managers in
terms of recognition for a job well done

Gennard J and judge G (2002) define employee relations is as study of

the rules, regulations and agreements by which employees are managed
both as individuals and as a collective group, the priority given to the
individuals as opposed to the collective relationship varying from
company depending upon the values of management.

King, price& dainty (2004) an organizations strengths and weakness
relies on the way they manage and undertake employee relations within
their businesses.

Blyton & turnbull (2008) conducted a study that revealed: employees

do not put up their best performance at work if the employee-employer
relations are estranged.

Gospel & palmer (1993) regarding to employee relations they started:

conflict and cooperation coexists in organization.

Gazioglu & saziye (2013) job satisfaction in relation to managerial

attitudes towards employees.

Torrington And Hall(1998) refers to the relationship between

employee and management as a framework of organizational justice
consisting of organizational culture and management style as well as
rules and procedural sequence for grievance and conflict management
indeed , the objectives of employee relationship is to achieve
harmonious employee relations and minimize conflict practices in

Peter drucker (1999) according to this author there was not enough
evidence for the alleged turning away from material towards. Economic
incentives where becoming right rather then towards. There was no
doubt what we live in a money motivated world. Any amount of human
relations cannot compensate for lack of monetary rewards. Rewards
could act as the catalyst for improved performance and better

Rose, (2008) The need to manage the relationships that exists between
the employers and employees has been at the forefront ever Since the
beginning of industrial revolution. Effective employee relationship
management is vital to the workplace whatever at the time of
recruitment during the employee tenure or at the time of separation.
Gren and Anderson, (2013) Employee relationship management is
relatively a recent term defined as a strategy to effectively to be
manage employees in a way they can attain organizational objectives.
Chapman and Goodwin, (2001) Employees can contribute more when
the managers of the organization understands the demands of each
employee and tries to fulfill their needs as kind of concern which
initiates them to dedicate for the realization of organizational goals.
Whereas, when employees engage in conflict and misunderstanding with
So, to foster employees moral and to get more managers should build
health employee relation tomitigate productivity gaps. Employee
relation management also facilitates employee effectiveness and
Productivity when devoted to strengthen managers the relationship,
employees are willing to produce quality products & services to the
target customers of the organization.

Kontabutra and Avery, (2009) The concept of shared goal indicates
the communality among the employees and management of the
organizations towards the central goal which is expected to be realized
by the organization.

Chinomana & Jandata, (2013) Sharing common goal enables

employees to direct all their efforts to the accomplishment of that
particular goal of the organization. However, this can be realized when
there is interdependence and collaboration among the employees. Shared
goal has a positive impact on employees performance and
Organisational outcomes
Gills, (2008) Trust promotes cooperative behaviour, minimize conflict
and develop employees positive perceptions to their managers which in
turn enhance employee job satisfaction in the organization.
Daniel, (2003) When employees fail to trust their managers, the flow of
upward communication will be compromised; likewise, when
managers distrust their employees who work with them, the downward
flow of information will be negatively affected.
Armstrong (2009) However the dominant one which is commonly used
by in many organisation is measuring their actual performance against
expected result is financial results.
Hayward (2005) Many organisation realize that employees are their
major sources of competitive advantage and hence employees contribute
to the organization performance.
Kelchner (2017) Organisation investigating in employee relation
programs may experience are increase in performance which leads to
increase in profit for the business.


The Human Resources (HR) consultancy industry plays a crucial role

in assisting organizations in managing their workforce effectively. In
India, this industry has experienced significant growth due to the
evolving business landscape, increasing competition for talent, and the
need for specialized HR expertise. This profile provides an overview of
the HR consultancy industry in India, including its growth, key players,
services offered, challenges faced, and future prospects.

Growth and Importance:

The HR consultancy industry in India has witnessed remarkable

growth in recent years. Factors such as globalization, changing
employment trends, and the rising importance of human capital have
contributed to the industry's expansion. Organizations in India are
increasingly realizing the strategic value of effective HR management in
achieving their business goals. HR consultancy firms offer expertise in
talent acquisition, performance management, employee engagement,
training and development, compensation and benefits, and HR

Key Players:

The HR consultancy industry in India consists of a mix of multinational

consulting firms, specialized HR firms, and independent consultants.
Some of the prominent players in the Indian HR consultancy market
include Mercer, Aon Hewitt, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young (EY),
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), and Randstad. These firms provide a
wide range of HR consulting services across industries such as IT,
manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and retail.

Services Offered:

HR consultancy firms in India offer a comprehensive suite of services to

assist organizations in effectively managing their human capital. Some
of the key services offered include:

a. Talent Acquisition:
Assisting organizations in attracting, selecting, and onboarding the
right talent through recruitment process outsourcing, executive search,
and employer branding strategies.
b. Performance Management:
Designing and implementing performance appraisal systems, goal
setting frameworks, and competency-based assessments to enhance
employee productivity and performance.

c. Employee Engagement:
Conducting surveys, developing employee engagement strategies,
and implementing initiatives to improved employees morae,
motivation, and satisfaction.
d. Training and Development:
Designing and delivering training programs, leadership to give
development initiatives, and skill enhancement workshops to foster
employee growth and development.
e. HR Compliance and Policy Development:
Ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations, assisting in
policy development, and providing guidance on employment
contracts, employee handbooks, and HR policies.


The HR consultancy industry in India faces several challenges that

impact its operations and growth:

a. Talent Management:
Attracting and retaining skilled HR consultants is a significant
challenge due to intense competition and the limited pool of
experienced professionals.

B. Adapting to Technological Advances:

Keeping up with advancements in HR technology, such as HR

analytics, cloud based HR systems, and AI-powered tools,
requires continuous learning and adaptation.

c. Balancing Cost and Value:

Organizations in India often seek cost-effective HR solutions, which

puts pressure on consultancy firms to provide quality services while
managing costs.

d. Cultural Sensitivity:

India's diverse culture and regional variations necessitate an

understanding of local nuances and customs when implementing HR
initiatives and strategies.

Future Prospects:

The future outlook for the HR consultancy industry in India remains

promising. As organizations increasingly recognize the strategic
importance of HR, the demand for specialized HR consulting services is
expected to grow. Factors such as the rapid expansion of the startup
ecosystem, the focus on skill development, and the government's
initiatives for job creation are likely to drive the industry's growth.
Additionally, the adoption of technology-driven HR solutions and the

need for HR transformation in response to changing work dynamics will
create new opportunities for HR consultancy firms.

The HR consultancy industry in India plays a pivotal role in helping

organizations effectively manage their human resources and achieve
their business objectives. With a range of services covering talent
acquisition, performance management, employee engagement

A consultancy Firm is a firm of experts providing professional advice

to an organisational or an individual for an fee. The primary purpose of
an consultancy firm is to provide access to industry-specific specialists/
consultants and subject matter expertise.

Management consulting is referred to the practice of helping

businesses to improved their performance, mainly through the analytics
of existing organizational challenges as well as competitive
environment. It also involves the development of detailed plan of action
for improvement. Organisation may seek the consultancy services for a
number of reasons which includes gaining external advice and access to
the consultants specialized expertise.


AV Global Advisory Services is Owned and Managed by Mrs.

Anandhi Vinoth. She is Post Graduate in International Business and has
16 years of rich experience in handling recruitments across levels since
2006. Prior to AV Global, she has worked in Equitas Small Finance
Bank as Deputy Vice President -Talent Acquisition and consulting
giants like Team lease Services, Manpower Group.

AV Global Advisory Services is a Chennai based Fast-Growing HR

Consulting firm established in January 2021.

We help our clients to hire the right talent to achieve a competitive edge
in the business. We are committed to ensuring the TAT, based on our
validated pipeline of Talent Pool. The database is reviewed, updated

We have a focused approach in our recruitment process which is

methodological, helping us to maintain our standards to match our client
needs. Our understanding of the domain and passion to deliver top-notch
human resource services has empowered us.

We take the time to get to know and identify the needs of the Client and
aim to build strong, long-lasting relationships. With Passion and
diligence, we always ensure the highest levels of professionalism in
everything we do.

We cater to all levels of hiring from entry level to leadership, with
expertise in placing professionals in Banking and Financial Services,
ITES. We also cater to Manufacturing & Engineering, Ecommerce and
Services Industries across geographies.


To become worldwide leader of manpower providers. Our main motive

is to explore the range of employment with the best opportunities for the
orientation of the bright future of the candidates having a brilliant
capability to explore. We are AV GLOBAL ADVISORY SERVICES.


To become world class organisation in the quality of our services. Our

aim is to provide high quality of intregrated HR solutions baseds on the
code of ethics. We nourish our relationship with clients and partners
with our best services.


To maintain professional ethics. To glow with the competent and

committed manpower with best technical skills. To practice professional
etiquettes in working. To assist a large number of the organisations to
grow with competent and committed manpower.


AV Global Advisory services in a recruitment firm and the

information platform useful to the job seekers as well as employer. If
you are looking for your next career move, you won’t find a more
comprehensive resource anywhere that brings you real, salaried job
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certain head to find skill technical proof, continues to battle. The
employees thus finds it most difficult to identify and secure hires among
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are continuously updated in order to retrieve specific information to
provide platform for the both job seeker and employers.








Research is a systematic and continuous method of defining a problem,

collecting the facts and analyzing them, reaching conclusion forming
generalization. The systematic and objective identification, collection,
analysis, dissemination, and use of information for the purpose of
assisting management in decision making related to the identification
related to solution to problems and opportunities.


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It

may be understood has a science of studying how research is done
scientifically. In it we study the various steps that all generally adopted
by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic
behind them.


 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights

into it.
 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual,
situation or a group.
 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with
which it is associated with something else.
 To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables.


 Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and promotes

development of logical habits of thinking and organisation.

 Research plays a dynamic role in several fields and it has increased

significance in recent times, it can be related to a small business
and also to the economy as a whole

 Most of the government regulations and policies are based on and

are a results of intensive research.

 Its significance lied in solving various planning and operational


Research design:

Research design is a blueprint for conducting the research project. It

specifies the details of procedures necessary for obtaining the
information needed to solve the problem. The study is a descriptive
research. It involves describing and interpreting events, conditions or
situations of the present. Generally, findings and conclusions only apply
to the sample or population studied.

It is the arrangement of conditions for collections and analysis of data

in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure.

 Descriptive research

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquires of

different kinds, which help the researchers to describe the present
situation that makes the analysis about the effectiveness of employee
satisfaction among the employees and helps to reach the objective.

Data collection method

For any statistical survey the collection of data or information is done

through principle sources identically i.e., by

 Primary data
 Secondary data
 Questionnaire

Primary Data:

Primary data are those which are collected for the first time. Primary
data for the study is collected through questionnaire and the information
for this study was directly collected from the respondents by using this

Secondary Data:

Most of the data used for the study is secondary in nature and has been
collected from books, journals and from the records of AV Global
Advisory Services manufacturing Indian private Limited.


A Questionnaire is simple and a formalized set of questions for

eliciting information. A questionnaire consists of a number of questions
printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms.


The different types of questions used for the study are

 Open ended questions

 Closed ended questions
 Multiple choice questions


An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful

answer using the subject’s own knowledge and/or feelings. It is the
opposite of a closed-ended question, which encourages a short or single-
word answer


A closed-ended question contrasts with an open-ended question, which

cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, or with a specific piece
of information, and which gives the person answering the question scope
to give the information that seems to them to be appropriate.


A multiple choice item consists of a problem, known as the stem, and

a list of suggested solutions, known as alternatives. The alternatives
consist of one correct or best alternative, which is the answer, and
incorrect or inferior alternatives, known as distracters.


Sampling method:

The researcher was made by the survey in accordance to the

convenience of the employees. So that the sample type is convenience

Data source Survey

Research instrument Questionnaire

Universe AV Global Advisory Services

Manufacturing India private limited

Sample size:

Sample size is the number of items to be selected from the population

to constitute the sample for the research. For this research, a sample of
150 employees was taken.

Sampling area:

The sampling area refers to the place where the survey is to be

conducted. In this research the sample were collected from the

Period of the study:

The period of the study was nearly 3 months.


The data collected was analyzed with appropriate tools used for this
research are:



Percentage refers to the special kind of ratios. Percentage is used in

making comparisons between two or more series of data. Percentage is
used to describe the relationship.

Percentage of respondents = (no. of. respondents / total no. of.

respondents) × 100


At times the researcher is interested in determining whether the ambers

of observation or response that fall into various categories differ from
chance. If the data are normally scaled, a chi-square test is applied.
When test undertaken to examine whether the sample data support the
hypothetical contribution such problems are called test of goodness of

The X2 test requires the following steps:

1. State the null hypothesis and calculate the number in each category
if the hypothesis were correct.
2. Determine the level of significance, that is, how much risk of the
type 1 or the Research is prepared to take.
3. Calculate X2 as follow

X2 = ∑(O-E)2

O – Observe frequency

E- Expected Frequency

4. Determine the number of degrees of freedom for the specified level

of significance and the degree of freedom: Find the critical or
theoretical value of X2
5. Compare the calculated value of X2 with the theoretical value and
determine the region of rejection


The change in the value of one variable produces a change in the

value other variable. In that case we say that the variables are
correlated or there is correlation between the two variables

𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌−∑ 𝑋 ∑ 𝑌
√𝑁 ∑ 𝑋 2 −(∑ 𝑋 2 )√𝑁 ∑ 𝑌 2 −(∑ 𝑌 2 )


N = Number of pairs of scores

∑xy = Sum of the products of paired scores
∑x = Sum of x scores
∑y = Sum of y scores
∑x = Sum of squared x scores
∑y = Sum of squared y scores

1. Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of
the organization?
Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage
1. Highly Satisfied 01 05%
2. Satisfied 18 90%
3. Average 01 05%
4. Dissatisfied 00 00%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents

5% 5%


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

As graph shows almost all the employees are satisfied with the working
culture of the Organization. This says that the work culture of
organization is good and satisfying according to employees opinion.

2. Are you satisfied with your relations with your

Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage

1. Highly Satisfied 01 05%
2. Satisfied 18 90%
3. Average 00 00%
4. Dissatisfied 01 05%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents

1% 1%


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

According to graph almost all the employees are satisfied with their
relations with their coworkers.But there are very few employees who is
not satisfied with the relations with their coworkers.

3. Do you get Support from manager/supervisor for your
Sr. No. Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. Yes 19 95%
2. No 01 05%
3. Not Applicable To Me 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents



Yes No Not Applicant to me

The interpretation from this graph is that the managers or supervisors of
the organization are supportive for employees. But there is employees
who are feeling neglected or not getting support from managers or
supervisors of the organization.

4.To what extent do you agree with the following statement:
I would recommend this company as a Great Place to Work?
Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage
1. Highly Satisfied 02 10%
2. Satisfied 15 75%
3. Average 03 15%
4. Dissatisfied 00 00%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents
0% 0%

15% 10%


Highly Satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

The interpretation from this graph is that almost all the employees are
happy with the work culture of the organization and they recommend
this organization as the great place to work.

5. Are you satisfied with your relation with your
immediate supervisor?
Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage
1. Highly Satisfied 03 15%
2. Satisfied 14 70%
3. Average 02 10%
4. Dissatisfied 01 05%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents
0% 0%

10% 15%


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

The interpretation from the graph is that the employees relation with
their immediate supervisor is good. But there are some of employees
who are not satisfied with the relation with their immediate supervisor of
the organization.

6. Do you know how you are part of company’s vision and
your role for that?
Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage
1. Highly Satisfied 00 00%
2. Satisfied 14 70%
3. Average 05 25%
4. Dissatisfied 01 05%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents
0% 0%




Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

There are employees who know how they are part of company’s vision
and their role for that.
But it can be observed that the some of the employees don’t have any
clear idea about organization vision and their role for that.

7. Is there good communication from managers to employees
in The Company?
Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. Yes 15 20%
2. No 01 05%
3. To some extent. 04 20%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondent

20% 20%


Yes No To Some Extent

Here the some of employees think that there is not proper
communication between the managers and employees in organization.
But more than 70% employees are satified with Comminication between
employee and employer

8. People in your department communicate sufficiently with
one another?
Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. a) Yes 14 70%
2. b) No 00 00%
3. c) To some extent. 06 30%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents



Yes No To Some Extent

70% employees are confident that department communicates sufficiently
with one another.
But 30% employees think that the department communicates sufficiently
with one another up to some extent only.

9. Does your supervisor actively listens to your suggestions
and enables you to perform at your best?
Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage
1. Highly Satisfied 04 20%
2. Satisfied 13 65%
3. Average 02 10%
4. Dissatisfied 01 05%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents

10% 20%


Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Here we can interpret that the supervisor is active listener as in everyone
is satisfied but some of them are averagely satisfied.

10.Overall, how satisfied are you working for the Company?
Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage
1. Highly Satisfied 02 10%
2. Satisfied 15 75%
3. Average 03 15%
4. Dissatisfied 00 00%
5. Highly Dissatisfied 00 00%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents
0% 0%

15% 10%


Highly Satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

Here we can interpret that almost everyone is satisfied by overall
working of the Organization.
Which means that overall working of organization is satisfying for the

11. Do you think that if employees have healthy relationships
the organization will be more effective and successful?
Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. Yes 16 80%
2. No 00 00%
3. To some extent. 04 20%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents




Yes No To Some Extent

Here the 80% employees are saying yes and 20% employees are saying
to some extent it indicates that organisation have a healthy relationship
between still some improvements are needed.

12. Do you generally feel you are able to balance your work
and personal relationships (such as marriage, partners, and
Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. Yes 09 45%
2. No 03 15%
3. To some extent. 08 40%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents



1st Qtr No To Some Extent

Here the 40% employees are saying to some extent 45% are saying yes
and 15% are saying no.
We can predict that some of the employees are not able to balance
personal and professional life.

13.The people here are pleasant and co-operative to work

Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage

1. Yes 16 80%
2. No 01 5%
3. To some extent. 03 15%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents




Yes No To Some Extent

Here the 80% employees are saying yes 15% are saying to some extent
and 5% are saying no.

14.There is someone at work who encourages my
Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. Yes 13 65%
2. No 03 15%
3. To some extent. 04 20%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents




Yes No To Some Extent

Here the 65% employees are saying yes 20% are saying to some extent
and 15% are saying no.

15. Even if I had the opportunity to get a similar job with
another organization, I would stay with my present
Sr. No Attributes No. Of Percentage
1. Yes 07 35%
2. No 01 5%
3. To some extent. 12 60%
TOTAL - 20 100%

No Of Respondents




Yes No To Some Extent

Here the 60% employees are saying to some extent 35% are saying
yes and 5% are saying no.

16. Do you consider employee relations to be important?

Sr. No Attributes No. of Percentage

1 Very important 90 90%
2 Important 10 10%
3 Not important 0 0%
TOTAL 100 100%

No.Of. Respondent



very important Important


Only 10%of employees believe that employee relations are important,

but none of the employees believe that they are unimportant they believe
that employee relation is more important.

17.I am aware of the fundamental criteria that underpin
employee relations Attributes No of respondents Percentage

1. Strong agree 90 90%
2. Agree 10 10%
3. Neither agree or 0 0%
4. Disagree 0 0%
5. Strongly disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 100 100%

No of responds



Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree


We can say that 90% of the workers know about fundamental standards
on which representatives relations are based on 10% don’t know about it

18. A company give a salary and increment of the
respondent ? Attributes No of respondents Percentage

1. Strong agree 4 10%
2. Agree 27 67%
3. Uncertain 3 7%
4. Disagree 4 10%
5. Strongly disagree 2 5%
TOTAL 40 100%

Percentage of salary and increment

5% 10%



Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree


We can say that 67% of workers are Agree for salary and increment
which bases on the employee relations 7% are disagree about it.
19. Classification Of Respondents According To Their
Marial Status

Sr. No Particulars No Of Percentage

1. Unmarried 93 62%
2. Married 57 38%
TOTAL 150 100

Marial Status



Unmarried Married


This table shows that out of the total respondents 62% of respondents
are married 38% of respondents are unmarried.

20. Classification Of Respondents According To Their
Family Type

Sr. No Family Type No Of Percentage

1. Nuclear 89 59%
2. Joint family 61 40%
TOTAL 150 100%

Family Type



Nuclear Joint Family


This table shows that out of the total respondents 40% of respondents
are nuclear and 59% of respondents are joint family

21. Classification Of Respondents According To Their
Educational Qualification

Sr. No Educational No Of Percentage

Qualification Respondent
1. SSLC 9 6%
2. HSC 17 11%
3. UG 61 40%
4. PG 50 33%
TOTAL 137 100%

Educational Qualification





This table shows that 6% of the respondents are SSLC, 11% of the
respondents are HSC, 40% of respondents are UG, 30% of respondents
are PG.

22.Classification Of Respondents According To Their

Sr. No Experience No Of Percentage

1. Less than 5 years 127 84%
2. 5-10 Years 11 7%
3. Above 10 years 12 8%
TOTAL 150 100%




Less than 5 years 5-10 Years Above 10 Years


This table shows that 84% of respondents is less than 5 years, 7% of

respondents are 5-10 years, 8% of respondents are Above 10 years.

23.Classification Of Respondents According To Their
Present Working Shift

Sr. No Working shift No Of Percentage

1. 1st shift 33 22%
2. 2nd shift 5 3%
3. General shift 88 58%
TOTAL 150 100%

Working shift


58% 19%

1st Shift 2nd shift General shift


This table shows that 22% of the respondents are 1st shift, 19% of the
respondents are 2nd shift, 58% of the respondents are General shift.

24. Classification Of Respondents According To Their Work

Sr. No Work No Of Percentage

Environment Respondent
1. Very Good 46 30%
2. Good 57 38%
3. Satisfactory 44 29%
4. Bad 2 1.33%
5. Very Bad 1 0.67
TOTAL 150 100%

Work Environment
1.33% 0.67%

29% 30.00%


very good Good Satisfactory Bad Very bad


This table shows 30% of respondents is very good,38% of respondents is

good, 29% of respondents is satisfactory, 1.33% of respondents is bad,
0.67% of the respondents is very bad.



To find out the significant difference between the qualification and

frustrated with parts of your job or life.


Ho (Null hypothesis): There is no significant difference between the

qualification and frustrated with parts of your job or life.

H1 (Alternate hypothesis): There is significant difference between the

qualification and frustrated with parts of your job or life.


Qualification/frustrate Strongl Agre Neutra Disagre Strongl Tota

d which part of your y e l e y l
job or life agree Disagre
Diploma 2 6 4 3 2 17
UG 7 10 8 9 3 47
PG 6 7 9 2 2 27
Professional 1 4 3 5 1 14
TOTAL 16 27 34 16 8 104


Observed Expected O-E (O-E)2 (𝑶 − 𝑬𝟐 )

Frequency Frequency 𝑬

2 2.61 -0.61 0.37 0.185

6 4.41 1.59 2.53 0.42
4 5.55 -1.55 2.40 0.6
3 3.1 -0.1 0.01 0.003
2 1.3 0.7 0.49 0.245
7 7.2 -0.2 0.04 0.005
10 12.2 -2.2 4.84 0.484
18 15.3 2.7 7.29 0.405
9 8.6 0.4 0.16 0.017
3 3.6 -0.6 0.36 0.12
6 4 2 4 0.67
7 6.75 0.25 0.06 0.008
9 8.5 0.5 0.25 0.027
2 4.75 -2.75 7.56 3.78
2 1 1 1 0.5
1 2.1 -1.1 1.21 1.21
4 3.6 0.4 0.16 0.04
3 4.57 -1.57 2.46 1.25
5 2.5 2.5 6.25 1.25
1 1.07 -0.07 0.049 0.049
TOTAL 10.835

Calculated value = 10.835
Degree of freedom = (r-1) (c-1)
= (4-1) (5-1)
= 3(4)
= 12

The table value at 5% level of significance =21.026


From the above table it is inferred that calculated value 10.835 is lesser
than the table value 21.06. Therefore H1 is rejected; there is no
significant difference between the qualification and frustrated with parts
of your job or life.



To find out the correlation between getting what you want and time to
plan as much as you would like.


Particulars Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
Getting 20 30 26 18 10
what you
Time to 15 36 21 19 13
plan as you


X Y X2 Y2 XY
20 15 400 225 300
30 36 900 1296 1080
26 21 676 441 546
18 19 324 361 342
10 13 100 169 130
∑𝑿=104 ∑𝒀=104 ∑ 𝑿𝟐 = 𝟐𝟒𝟎𝟎 ∑𝒀𝟐 = 𝟐𝟒𝟗𝟐 ∑ 𝑿𝒀

= 𝟐𝟑𝟗𝟖

𝑵 ∑ 𝑿𝒀−∑ 𝑿 ∑ 𝒀
√𝑵 ∑ 𝑿𝟐 −(∑ 𝑿𝟐 )√𝑵 ∑ 𝒀𝟐 −(∑ 𝒀𝟐 )

√5(2400)−(104 2 )√5(2492)−(104 2 )

√12000−10816 √12460−10816

√1184 √1644



r = 0.84


The value of the correlation co-efficient is 0.84. This shows that

variables are highly correlated. Hence, it is inferred that it is a positive
correlation level between the getting what you want and time to plan as
much as you would like.



1. It is observed that the employees are happy with the work culture
of the organisation. But some employees are facing problem in
communication with managers or immediate supervisors.
2. It is observed that some of the employees are facing the problem in
personal and professional life some to extent. This was affecting
their productivity.
3. There is some employees who are dissatisfied with the relationship
with their managers or immediate supervisor. So the productivity
of the employees getting affected.
4. Attrition rate is on higher rate when the HR Industry is performing
well overall
5. Employees are not clear about the vision of the organisation and
their role to achieve it.
6. The absence of any clear guidelines or feedback can be detrimental
to ensuring positive employee relations.


1. Sending out a memo or email to inform employees of important

company information is insufficient and impersonal .
2. Our employees are among the most important resources in the
organization, so you should work to improve communication with
the staff
3. To decrease employee turnover, the company needs to take an
active role in staff career development.
4. Encourage your managers to work closely with employees on
improving staff skills and answering any questions
5. To make employees feel better about the company, it is important
to share the company’s plan with the staff. Hold meetings to
explain about the company’s plan for growth and expansion
6. Employees of the month programs are great, as are incentives and
rewards. However, they are short term behaviour changers,


1. Maintaining harmonious relationships is very important for the

survival, prosperity and growth of the organization.
2. Good and healthy relationships with employees lead to better
organizational performance of the co-workers
3. It is a significance positive relationship between employee
relationship and employee performance of the organization.
4. In addition the study recommends that small organisations on
creative effective and sustainable working relationships that
guarantee their growth and survival.
5. It can be deducted and good salary, a pleasant working relationship
and good working condition play important role in ensuring that
6. It is recommended that the measures be implemented not only to
increase the salaries but also pay all they emoluments prompty.


Books Referred

Sr. Name Of Author Publisher Editio Year of

No The Book n Publicatio
. n
1. Employee Elizabeth Kindle 1st 2014
Relations. Aylott Cloud
2. Research C.R.Kothar NewAge 2nd 2004
methodology i Publishers

3. Employee John London : 4th 2005

Relations. Gennard, Chartered
Graham institute of
Judge personnel





1. Rate your level of satisfaction with the working culture of the

a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied e.
Highly Dissatisfied
2. Are you satisfied with your relations with your coworkers?
a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied e.
Highly Dissatisfied
3. Do you get support from manager/supervisor for your work?
a. Yes b. No c. To some extent
4. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: I would
recommend this company as a great place to work?
a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied e.
Highly Dissatisfied
5. Are you satisfied with your relation with your immediate
a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied e.
Highly Dissatisfied

6. Do you know how you are part of company’s vision and your role
for that?
a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied E.
Highly Dissatisfied
7. Is there good communication from managers to employee in the
a. Yes b. no
8. People in your department communicate sufficiently with one
a. Yes b. No
9. Does the supervisor activity listens to your suggestions and enables
you to perform at your best?
a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied e.
Highly Dissatisfied

10.Overall how satisfied are you working with the company?

a. Highly Satisfied b. Satisfied c. Average d. Dissatisfied d.

Highly Dissatisfied

11. Do you think that if employee have healthy relationships the

organisation will be more effective and successful?

a. Yes b. No

12. Do you generally feel you are able to balance your work and
personal relationships (such as marriage, partners and friends)?

a. Yes b. No

13. The people here the pleasant and co-operative to work with.

a. Yes b. No

14. There is someone at work who encourages my development.

a. Yes b. No

15. Even if I had the opportunity to get a similar job with another
company organisation, I would stay with my present company.

a. Yes b. No

16. Do you consider employee relations to be important?

a. Very Important b. Important c. Not important

17. I am aware of the fundamental criteria that underpin employee


a. Strong Agree b. Agree c. Neither Agree Or Disagree d. Disagree

e. Strongly Disagree

18. A company give a salary and increment of the respondent?

a. Strong Agree b. Agree c. Neither Agree Or Disagree d. Disagree

e. Strongly Agree

19. Classification Of Respondents According To Their Marial Status

a. Married b. Unmarried

20. Classification Of Respondents According To Their Family Type

a. Nuclear b. Joint Family

21. classification of respondents According to their education



22. Classification of respondents according to their experience

a. Less than 10 years b. 5-10 Years c. Above 10 years

23. Classification of respondents according to their present working shift

a. 1st Shift b. 2nd Shift c. General Shift

24. Classification of respondents according to their work environment

a. Very Good b. Good c. Satisfactory d. Bad e. Very Bad


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