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Alluring Lore

The Conjuring House

Date: 4/5/2024

The Conjuring House (originally named the Arnold Estate), built in 1736, is

said to be the most haunted house in Rhode Island. In 1970, the home was

bought and moved into by Roger and Carolyn Perron and their five

daughters, Andrea, Nancy, Christine, Cindy, and April. Soon after moving in,

the Perrons had experienced paranormal happenings. The mother,

Carolyn, would be harmed by an unseen entity who seemed to have a grudge

against her. The youngest daughter, April, would have conversations and

play with the spirit of a young boy, Henry (thought to be named Oliver)
Richardson. The Perrons had gotten noticed nationally from the

Annabelle doll case. This had caught the attention of Ed and Lorriane

Warren, the notorious paranormal investigators. Upon Carolyn’s pleads,

Lorraine had held a seance. During the seance, Carolyn was temporarily

possessed, started speaking in an unknown language, and then was flung

from her chair into another room. It is believed that Carolyn was

possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba Sherman, supposedly a satanic woman

who had lived on the property long before. Although historic records show

that Bathsheba was buried on hallowed ground and she did not kill her

children as some say. In fact, one of her sons had outlived her and had a

family of his own, however, the information on her other children are

unclear. The Perron family eventually moved out of the home in the

summer of 1980. In present time (2024) the property is owned by Jacqueline

Nunez who has turned it into a tourist site. She and others help maintain

the estate and give ghost tours. There are many spirits there, and I did

some research, yet could not find the names of all the spirits that reside

there. However, there are a few that I do know. There’s Abigail Arnold,

who was the wife of John Arnold, the original owner of the estate. She is

a kind spirit who will warn people when touring the basement by telling

the visitors to “get out”. Then there’s the ghost of a little boy named

Henry Richardson who will play with the kids visiting and organize the

toys after they were played with by the living children. There’s also a

spirit who doesn’t live at the house but visits from time to time. His name is

Matthew K. Not much is known about Matthew K, but he is said to be a

caring and fun spirit who loves the piano and when he was shown how a

smartphone works he called it witchcraft. He also jokingly commented

how music is weird now and that it’s weird that women wear pants. You can

tour the house and even stay for a night (Though staying overnight is a

bit pricey)! More information can be found on the website: @i_am_skyler333

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