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Fill in the blanks

Chapter 1 : Advanced Web Designing
1 The ___ element is a starting element in an HTML, it indicates that document type
definition being used by the document. <!DOCTYPE html>
2 An unordered list created using the ___ tag. <ul>
3 The float property defines the ___ of content. float
4 The ___ tag is used to create a form. <form>
5 <input type="___"> defines a field for entering a number. number
6 <input type="___"> defines an image as a submit button. image
7 <input type="___"> defines a field for an email address. email
8 <input type="___"> defines the range control. range
9 <input type="___"> defines a date picker that includes the year, month, day and time.
10 <input type="___"> defines a file select field and a "Browse" button for the uploads.
11 <input type="___"> used to define input fields that should contain a telephone
number. tel
12 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies the maximum value for an input field. max
13 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies a regular expression to check the input
values. pattern
14 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies that an input field is read only. readonly
15 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies that the input field should automatically get
focus when the page loaded. autofocus
16 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies the width of an <input type="image">.
17 The ___ attribute of <input> tag is used to apply CSS style to the individual input
element. class
18 The ___ tag is used by search engines to search information that is provided with the
web page. <meta>
19 The ___ attribute of <meta> tag specifies the name of the meta data. name
20 <meta http-equiv="___">, browser sends the cookies back to the server. set-
21 The ___ block can contain one or more declarations separated by a semicolon.
22 ___ CSS is used to apply CSS on a single line of element. inline
23 The ___ style sheet is used when you want to make changes on multiple pages.
24 External Style Sheet used ___ tag on every page. <link>
25 External style sheet can be written in text editor and must be saved with ___
extension. .css
26 The ___ property is used to set background color in your webpage. background-
27 The ___ property is used to add strike through marks, underline, overline etc. text-
28 The ___ property is used to control the horizontal alignment of any block level text.
29 The ___ property allows you to control the size of the font. font-size
30 The ___ property is used to set an image as the background of webpage.
31 The ___ selector selects the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific
element. id
32 The Class selector is used with ___ character followed by the class name. period
33 There are ___ types of positioning in CSS. four
34 The ___ positioning is the default position for HTML element. static
35 ___ keeps the element float on left side of the container. float:left
36 ___ keeps the element float on right side of the container. float:right
37 The ___ attribute of <ol> tag specifies the numbering type for the used items.type
38 ___ list is also called as bulleted list. unordered
39 ___ list can be numerical or alphabetical. ordered
40 To define a definition list ___ tag is used. <dl>
41 The ___ is used to define term's definition. <dd>
42 The ___ attribute of <audio> tag sets the audio will start over again, every time it is
finished. loop
43 An image with multiple hyperlinks is called an ___. image map
44 To create a client side image map ___ attribute of <img> tag is used. usemap
45 The ___ attribute acts as a pointer which indicates that the image is a client side
image map. usemap
46 The ___ attribute of <map> tag specifies name of the image used for client side
47 The ___ attribute of <area> tag defines the URL to which the clickable region within
the image map navigates. href
48 The ___ attribute specifies co-ordinates of the clickable regions on the image map.
49 Website is made available on the Internet with help of ___. web hosting
50 Cost effective method of web hosting is ___. shared hosting
Chapter 2 : Digital Marketing
1 ___ has always been about connecting with audience in the right place and right time.
2 ___ marketing is popular due to the increase in internet users, mobile phone users
and digital content consumption. digital
3 ___ is the process of boosting content and technical setup of the website. Search
Engine Optimization
4 Posters, commercials on TV and radio, bill boards, brochures and the example of ___.
Traditional Marketing
5 YouTube videos, banners add, websites, social media mentions are the example of
___. Digital Marketing
6 ___ is to attract visitors to your website when they search for product or services
related to your business. Search Engine Optimization
7 Companies communicate with their audience through ___ marketing. Email
8 Pay per click advertising is also referred as ___. Paid search
9 SERP stands for ___. Search Engine Results Pages
10 Using SMS, MMS and in - app ___ marketing is done. Mobile
11 Paid search advertising refers to ___ on the SERP. Sponsored result
12 ___ ads are visible, flexible and effective for organisations. Pay per click
13 In ___ search advertiser has to pay when ad is clicked. Paid
14 ___ is a fuel that drives Digital marketing strategies. Quality content
15 In Digital marketing ___ marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites
to promote a product or service. Social media
16 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat are the examples of ___ marketing. Social
17 In any form of marketing quality ___ is the fuel that drives digital marketing
strategies. Content
18 A ___ is a software system that is designed to carry out web search. Web search
19 ___ plays important role in randing the website. Search engine
20 The keyword ___ show that the sire had paid. Ad
21 ___ SEO ensures that web page content should be created for the users. White hat
22 ___ is a program used by search engines to collect data fro the website. Crawler
23 In ___ SEO changes are visible to readers. On-Page
24 If SEO efforts does not generate expected results there are problems with ___ SEO.
25 ___ is a free SEO audit tool. SEOptimer
26 ___ are links that sends a message to its visitors that the website no longer exists.
Broken links
27 ___ is important in SEO to increase the ranking of the webpages. Indexing
28 ___ collects documents fro the web to build Google's search index. Googlebot
29 ___ is the Google's spider. Googlebot
30 ___ file tells the search engines which pages to access and index on your website.
31 ___ means creating interest in the mind of customer about your product.
32 ___ marketing include things like websites, YouTube videos, Banner ads etc. Digital
33 ___ adds are visible, flexible and effective for different types of organizations. Paid
34 ___ is a free SEO Audit Tool that will perform a detailed SEO analysis. SEOptimer
Chapter 3: Computerised Accounting with GST
1 GSTIN stands for ___. Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
2 ___ involves providing basic information about the company whose books of accounts
are to he maintained. Create company
3 All financial entries are made using ___ or account heads. Ledger
4 ___ in Accounting Software classify and identify account heads according to their
nature. Groups
5 ___ maintains debit and credit record. Voucher
6 The ___ voucher type is used for recording cash and credit sale of goods and
services. Sales
7 The ___ voucher type is used for recording cash and credit purchase of raw materials
and goods and services. Purchase
8 The ___ voucher type is used for recording deposits or withdrawal of cash from bank.
9 The ___ voucher type is used for recording rectifying entries or transfer or adjustment
entries. Journal
10 Bank account ledger can be created under ___ group. Bank Account
11 Discount received comes under ___ group. Indirect Income
12 The ___ voucher type is used for recording return of goods by a customer. Sales
Return / Credit Note
13 ___ is an indirect tax which has replaced many indirect taxes in India. Goods and
Service Tax
14 ___ is one nation, one tax. Goods and Service Tax
15 ___ provides you a report with Debit and Credit balance of all ledger accounts. Trial
16 ___ is a statement showing Assets and Liabilities of the business concern. Balance
17 Reports and documents generated through ___ software can also be printed.
18 Loans from partner comes under ___ group. Loans (Liability)
19 In ___ accounting various financial inventory reports can be generated after finishing
the recording of transactions. Computerised
20 ___ is one of the most widely used financial accounting software. Tally
21 In Tally, for deleting any ledger, group, voucher ___ key combination is used. ALT +
22 ___ software was updated to comply with Indian Goods and Service Tax
requirements. Tally ERP 9
23 ___ are the activities provided by other people who include doctors, consultants,
chartered accountants etc. Services
24 ___ is the registration number allotted to every registered dealer under GST Act.
Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
25 HSN stands for ___. Harmonized System of Nomenclature
26 Separate ___ ledgers can be created for local purchases, Interstate purchases and
Non-taxable purchases. Purchases
Chapter 4 : E-Commerce and E-Governance
1 ___ is the process of buying and selling of goods and services using electronic
medium. Electronic Commerce
2 In ___ Commerce scope is global. Electronic
3 ___ commerce provides the sellers with a global reach. Electronic
4 ___ commerce helps in reducing the cost of searching a product. Electronic
5 There is a lack of a personal touch is ___ commerce. Electronic
6 In model ___ business sells its product directly to a customer. Business to
7 In ___ model, consumer helps consumer to sell their assets by publishing their
information on the website. Consumer to consumer
8 In ___ model, consumers have products or services of value that can be consumed by
businesses. Consumer to business
9 A ___ is the series of exchanges between a customer and supplier that takes place
when a commercial exchange is executed, Trade cycle
10 The ___ phase of Trade cycle consists of order and delivery. Execution
11 The ___ phase of Trade cycle consists of warranty and after sales services. After
12 ___ is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld
devices such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile commerce
13 EDI stands for ___. Electronic data interchange
14 ___ is the electronic interchange of business information using a standardized
format. Electronic data interchange
15 E-wallet is a type of __ account in which a user can store money for any future online
transaction. Prepaid
16 ___ signifies the implementation of information technology in the government
processes and function. Electronic Governance
17 G2C stands for ___. Government to citizen
18 G2B stands for ___. Government to business
19 The ___ consists of many services exchanged between business sectors and
government. Government to business
20 The E-Governance which provides safe and secure inter-relationship between
domestic and foreign government is ___. Government to government
21 The ___ is the internal part of G2G sector. Government to employee
22 ___ is widely used on the internet to protect user information being sent between
browser and a server. Encryption
23 ___ is also known as a public key certificate or identity certificate. Digital certificate
Chapter 5 : Database Concepts using Libre Office Base
1 ___ is a result obtained from processing of the data. Information
2 ___ is a collection of related data items stored in an organized manner. Database
3 In DBMS collection of related data is stored in ___. Database
4 ___ is used to collect information from user. Form
5 ___ is used to represent the data in printed form. Report
6 DBMS stands for ___. Database Management System
7 A ___ is a software designed to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a
database. Database Management System
8 RDBMS stands for ___. Relational Database Management System
9 A ___ model is the internal structure of database. Data
10 Extension of Base database file is ___. .odb
11 ___ is a basic unit for storing data in a database. Table
12 Column in a database table is called ___. Field
13 The ___ datatype stores small integer. Tinyint
14 The ___ datatype stores big integer. Bigint
15 The ___ data type stores binary information of variable length. Varbinary
16 The ___ data type stores descriptive type of information. Longvarchar
17 The ___ data type stores a number with or without decimal point. Numeric /
18 The ___ data type is used to store variable sized text. Varchar
19 The ___ data type stores date. Date
20 In Libre-office Base for storing Yes/No type of information ___ data type is used.
21 The ___ data type stores time. Time
22 The ___ data type stores any other object. Other
23 A ___ is a question asked within the database environment. Query
24 ___ is to retrieve records from the table. Query
25 ___ displays subset of data contained in various tables of database. Query
26 ___ is used to collect the data from the user. Form
27 ___ is the representation of data in printed form. Report
28 ___ model defines how data is connected to each other. Data
29 The Columns of a relation are the attributes which are referred as ___. Fields
30 The number of attributes in a relation is called the ___ of the relation. Degree
31 A ___ key is used to represent the relationship between two relations. Foreign
32 There are ___ types of relationships in relational database design. 3
33 In ___ relationship, row can have only one matching row in another table and vice
versa. One to one
34 In ___ type of relationship, a row in a table can have one or many matching rows in
another table. One to many
35 In ___ relationship a row in a table can have many matching rows in another table
and vice versa. Many to many
Chapter 6 : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
1 ERP stands for ___. Enterprise Resource Planning
2 An ___ is a group of people and other resource working together for a common goal.
3 ___ can be designed for departments of an enterprise so that accurate and timely
data can be provided. Information System
4 There are different types of ___ in an enterprise like men, material, money and
machine.Resource management
5 ___ helps to managers to improve future performance, by establishing objectives and
selecting a course of action for the benefit of the organization. Planning
6 An ___ can be considered as a system and all its departments as its sub systems.
7 The ERP system helps the management in making the planning process more ___
and efficient. productive
8 The ___ module can collect financial data from various functional departments and
generate valuable financial reports. Financial
9 ___ module contains necessary business rules to manage the entire production
process. Manufacturing
10 ___ module is used for optimizing the utilization of available resources and helps the
organization to plan their production. Production planning
11 ___ module identifies the material required, allocates optimal resources using data
and sales forecasting with the sales data. Production planning
12 ___ module is responsible for identifying the inventory requirements and setting the
target of the stock items required. Inventory control
13 ___ module is used for monitoring and tracking customer orders, increasing
customer satisfaction and for eliminating credit risks. Marketing
14 ___ module is used for managing the quality of the product. Quality management
15 HR stands for ___. Human Resource
16 ___ is the process of managing the entire life cycle of a product. Product life cycle
17 MIS stands for ___. Management Information System
18 SCM stands for ___. Supply chain management
19 ___ consist of all the activities associated with moving goods from the supplier to the
customer. Supply chain management
20 ___ is a term applied to the processes implemented by a company to handle its
contract with its customers. Customer Relationship
21 ___ are interactive, computer based systems that aid users in judgment and choice
activities. Decision support system
22 ___ means meeting maximum customers requirements for a product or service.
Customer satisfaction
23 ___ services are impacting every facet of business operations. Artificial
True / False
1 Charset is used for character encoding declaration. True
2 .cs is the extension of CSS file. False
3 <input type="color"> defines a color picker. True
4 <input type="month"> defines a month and year control. True
5 <input type="datetime-local"> defines a date picker that includes the year, month, day
and time. True
6 <input type="week"> defines a week and year control. True
7 <input type="tel"> used to define input fields should be disabled. False
8 Readonly attribute specifies that an input field is read only. True
9 Height and width attribute specifies the height and width of an <input type="image">.
10 <meta> tag is used by search engines to search information that is provided with the
webpage. True
11 <meta http-equiv="set-cookies">, the browser sends the cookies back to the server.
12 CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. True
13 CSS allows you to control the look and feel of several pages by changing a single
source. True
14 Each declaration block can contain one or more declarations separated by a
semicolon. True
15 Inline CSS is used to apply CSS in multiple lines or elements. False
16 Font-style property is used to italicize text. True
17 External CSS file must be saved with .CSS extension. True
18 An ID is unique element. True
19 Class name should starts with a number. False
20 .abc{color:blue} is example of class selector. True
21 Commas are used to separate each selector in grouping. True
22 Static positioning is the default position for HTML elements. True
23 Relative positioning property is used to set the element relative to its normal position.
24 The float property defines the flow of content. True
25 Float:none is the default property. False
26 Inline value is used to display an element as an block element. False
27 <ol> tag defines ordered list. True
28 The default value of type attribute in ordered list is 1. True
29 The list items in unordered lists are marked with numbers. False
30 <ul type="square"> sets the list item marker to a square. True
31 Controls attribute is used to display audio controls. True
32 SRC attribute specifies the URL of the audio file. True
33 Multiple sources of audios are specified so that if the browser is unable to play the
first source then it will jump to the second source. True
34 Height attribute sets the height of the video-player. True
35 Width attribute sets the value in pixels. True
36 <img> tag is used to insert an image on a web page. True
37 The attribute shape="poly" is used when we wish to give hotspot of pentagon shape.
38 <map> tag is paired tag. True
39 Circle value specifies a circular region. True
40 Alt attribute specifies extra information about clickable area. True
41 Width attribute specifies the width of an <iframe>. True
42 The companies that provide web hosting services are called web host. True
43 You can buy your own web server space, but it is most expensive way to publish
your website. True
Chapter 2 : Digital Marketing
1 Traditional marketing can occur electronically and online. False
2 Digital marketing is carried out with the help of portal. True
3 SEO is the fuel that drives your Digital Marketing strategies. False
4 White hat SEO involves looking for ways to improve user experience ethically and
genuinely. True
5 Crawler program can read images. False
6 A title tag are snippet of code that tells search engines important information about
your web page. False
7 Robot.txt file is what tells the search engine which pages to access and index on your
website and which not. True
8 Device rendering checks visually demonstrates how your webpages renders on
different devices. True
9 Google Analytics was developed by Google. False
10 To make the Traffic analysis SEO techniques are used. True
11 Traditional marketing examples include tangible items. True
12 SEO is the process of boosting content and technical set up of the website. True
13 Paid search advertising refers to the sponsored result on the search engine result
pages. True
Chapter 3: Computerised Accounting with GST
1 In Computerized Accounting the transaction data is stored in well organised database.
2 While creating a company fields like name of company, address, financial year begins
from etc has to be entered. True
3 A voucher is a pre-numbered accounting document used for recording daily
transactions. True
4 Receipt voucher is used for recording amounts received by way of cash. True
5 Purchase voucher is used for recording cash and credit purchase of goods and
services. True
6 Contra voucher is used for recording rectifying entries. False
7 Sales return voucher is used for recording return of goods by a customer. True
8 Credit note is generated when goods are returned by customer. True
9 Sales voucher records all cash and credit sales transations. True
10 Purchase return voucher is used for recording return of goods to a supplier. True
11 GST came into effect in India on 1st July 2017. True
12 In Tally Narration is optional. True
13 Profit and Loss Account report gives the final working result of the business with Net
profit/Net loss. True
14 The Day Book contains all vouchers for the day. True
15 GST report prints a summary of the GST received and paid. True
16 In 2001, Tally solutions introduced the software Tally ERP 9. False
17 In Tally, CTRL + D key combination is used to delete ledger, group or voucher etc.
18 In 1954, Germany was the first country to implement GST. False
19 Sevices are the activities provided by other people like doctors, consultants,
chartered accountants etc. True
20 GSTIN is the registration number allotted to every registered dealer under GST Act.
21 GSTIN is a 15 digit PAN based registration number. True
22 GSTIN stands for Goods and Services Transfer Indian Number. False
23 GSTIN code for Maharastra is 27. True
24 There are three types of GST. True
25 SGST is imposed on Intra-state supply of goods and sevices collected by State
Government. True
26 For calculating GST on services, accounts only mode should he selected while
creating company. True
Chapter 4 : E-Commerce and E-Governance
1 E-Commerce stands for Electronic commerce. True
2 E-Commerce is a process of buying and selling of goods or services using Internet.
3 Traditional commerce is manual. True
4 Traditional commerce is limited to business hours. True
5 E-Commerce is 24 x 7. True
6 E-Commerce is local. False
7 Traditional commerce's scope is global. False
8 E-Commerce reduces paper work. True
9 Set-up cost of E-Commerce is expensive. True
10 In B2C Model business sells its products to an intermediate buyer who then sells
product to the final customer. False
11 In B2C model business sells its product directly to customer. True
12 OLX, Quikr, Online auction are the examples of B2B model. False
13 Trade cycle is the series of exchanges between a customer and supplier that take
place when a commercial exchange is executed. True
14 The execution phase consists of order and delivery. True
15 Invoice means customer will receive a bill for purchased product. True
16 Settlement means customer will do complaints about the performance of product and
get maintenance service from supplier. False
17 Credit cards are most common way for customers to pay online. True
18 Bank Transfer cannot be used when money is sent from one bank account to
another. False
19 NEFT, IMPS etc are the examples of Bank transfer. True
20 Some common forms of E-Commerce are C2B, B2B, C2C etc. False
21 M-Commerce is buying and selling of goods and services through smartphones and
tablets. True
22 The application of M-Commerce are Mobile banking, E-bill payment, online auctions
etc. True
23 EDI stands for Electronic Data Information. False
24 EDI is a process which allows one company to send information to another
electronically rather than paper. True
25 Two most common documents exchanged using EDI are purchase orders and
invoices. True
26 Types of E-Governance are B2B, B2C, C2C. False
27 Licence renewals and paying tax are the examples of G2C. True
28 G2B provides access to relevant forms needed to comply. True
29 The G2E is the internal part of G2G sector. True
30 Reviewing salary payment records, applying for leave is the exmaple of G2C. False
31 Encryption is used to protect user information being sent between browser and a
server. True
32 Conversion of plain text into Cipher text is called decryption. False
Chapter 5 : Database Concepts using Libre Office Base
1 Data may be written, oral, computerized or non-computerised. True
2 Information is the output generated through processing of data. True
3 Database is a collection of related data items stored in an organized manner. True
4 Database consists of objects like table, query, form and report. True
5 Form is used to collect information from user. True
6 DBMS is a software is designed to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a
database. True
7 Table is a collection of related data. True
8 Base is a Relational Database Management System. True
9 DBMS that is based on relational data model is called RDBMS. True
10 Extension of Base file is .odbTrue
11 Column in a database table is called as field. True
12 Row is called as tuple. True
13 To store image, binary datatype is used. False
14 To store fix sized text Char datatype is used. True
15 To store a number with or without decimal point numeric data type is used. True
16 Integer datatype is used to store integer values. True
17 To store variable sized text varchar data type is used. True
18 For inserting a new record in the table Edit data must be ON. True
19 A Query is a question asked within the database environment. True
20 Form allows entering, editing or deleting data in the table. True
21 Query is the collection of related data. False
22 Form cannot be used to collect data from the user. False
23 Data model defines how data is connected to each other. True
24 Table cannot be related to other table. False
25 Each row of data in a table is called a tuple. True
26 Attribute has some pre-defined value scope known as attribute domain. True
27 The attribute used to uniquely identify the tuples in relation is called primary key.
28 Primary key consisting of more than one attribute is called candidate key. False
29 There are 3 types of relationships in relational database design. True
30 In One to many relationship, a row in table can have one or more matching row in
table B. True
31 One to many relationship can also be viewed as Many to one relationship. True
32 The intermediary table is typically referred as Junction table. True
33 Types of relationships are 1:1, 1:m, m:m etcTrue
Chapter 6 : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
1 An enterprise acts as a single entity. True
2 Planning helps managers to improve future performance of an organization. True
3 For better benefit and efficiency, each department must know what other departments
are doing. True
4 The entire ERP package contains single module. False
5 Financial module is the core of many ERP software package. True
6 Product life cycle is used for determining the lifespan of a product. True
7 CRM has the capability to generate reports as and when the user demands it. False
8 MIS begin with collecting raw material and ends with receiving the goods by the
customer. False
9 CRM covers methods and technologies used by companies to manage their
relationship with clients. True
10 DSS is a computer program application that analysis business data and present it so
that users can make business decision more easily. True
11 Implementation of web based ERP gives the end user cost effective solution tool for
ERP management. True
12 Using ERP system the wastage of loss of all types of resources can be reduced and
improved resource utilization can be ensured. True
MCQ(1) Correct Ans
Chapter 1 : Advanced Web Designing
1 The ___ tag is used to create a form.
a) <input> b) <textarea>c) <select>d) <form>
2 <input type="___"> defines a color picker.
a) number b) urlc) color d) date
3 <input type="___"> defines a field for an email address.
a) imageb) email c) url d) color
4 <input type="___"> defines the range control.
a) time b) search c) range d) file
5 <input type="___"> defines a field select field and a "Browse" button for file uploads.
a) tel b) range c) search d) file
6 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies that an input field should be disabled.
a) max b) required c) disabled d) autocomplete
7 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies the minimum value for an input field.
a) minb) max c) pattern d) autofocus
8 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies a regular expression to check the input
a) required b) multiple c) pattern d) max
9 The ___ attribute of <input> tag acts as a temporary label showing the purpose of a
text field without requiring a label tag.
a) patternb) placeholderc) multiple d) readonly
10 The ___ attribute of <input> tag specifies whether a form or input field should have
autocomplete on or off.
a) required b) max c) autofocus d) autocomplete
11 CSS stands for ___.
a) Content Style Sheets b) Commanding Style Sheets c) Cascading Style Sheets
d)ContextStyle Sheets
12 ___ indicates the HTML element you want to style.
a) selector b) declaration c) property d) value
13 A ___ is a type of attribute of HTML element.
a) property b) value c) declaration d) selector
14 Internal CSS is also called an ___ CSS.
a) embeddedb) inline c) inbuilt d) external
15 The ___ style sheet is used when you want to make changes on multiple pages.
a) internalb) external c) inline d) embedded
16 In external CSS ___ tag should be put inside head section.
a) <style>b) <link> c) <title> d) <body>
17 The ___ property changes the color of text.
a) color b) background-colorc) font-colord) text-color
18 The ___ property sets background color in your webpage.
a) background-color b) background-bgcolor c) back-colord) color
19 The ___ value of text-decoration property is used to add strike though marks.
a) line-through b) underline c) stike-throughd) overline
20 The ___ value of text-decoration property is used to remove underlines from lines.
a) overline b) underline c) none d) line-through
21 The ___ property helps in controlling the horizontal spacing between characters of
a) letter-spacingb) spacing c) padding d) border
22 The ___ property adds a border to a web page element.
a) paddingb) border c) font-size d) margin
23 The ___ property sets margin area on the left side of the element.
a) margin-left b) left-margin c) padding d) border
24 The ___ selector selects the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific
a) ID b) CLASS c) Grouping d) Universal
25 The ID selector is written with the ___ character followed by the id name.
a) period (.) b) asterisks (*) c) hash (#) d) exclamation (!)
26 The ___ selector selects HTML elements with a specific class attribute.
a) ID b) CLASS c) Grouping d) Universal
27 The class name should not start with a ___.
a) text b) character c) number d) alphabet
28 The ___ selector is used to select all the elements with the same style definitions.
a) Class b) Grouping c) ID d) Universal
29 There are ___ types of positioning in CSS.
a) oneb) four c) six d) three
30 The ___ property forces an element into a fixed position relative to the browser.
a) fixed b) static c) absolute d) relative
31 The ___ element will not move even when the page is scrolled.
a) fixed b) static c) absolute d) relative
32 The ___ property gets an element in a specific location and it is not affected by the
flow of the page.
a) fixed b) static c) absolute d) relative
33 ___ is a CSS property written in CSS file or directly in the style of an element. a)
absolute b) fixed c) float d) static
34 ___ is default property which shows the element as it is.
a) float:left b) float:rightc) float:noned) float:top
35 The ___ property is used to define the display of different parts of a web-page.
a) display b) static c) fixed d) absolute
36 Using ___ value selected is completely removed.
a) inline b) block c) none d) block-inline
37 A ___ list can be numerical or alphabetical.
a) ordered b) unordered c) definition d) none
38 The default value of type attribute of ordered list is ___.
a) I b) a c) 1 d) A
39 An unordered list is created using ___ tag.
a) <ol>b) <ul> c) <dd> d) <dt>
40 To define a definition list ___ tag is used.
a) <dd>b) <dl> c) <dt> d) <ol>
41 MPEG stands for ___.
a) Making Picture Experts Groups b) Moving Picture Experts Groups
c) Managing Picture Experts Groups d) Merging Picture Experts Groups
42 Using ___ attribute of <audio> tag the audio will start playing as soon as it is ready.
a) controls b) src c) loop d) autoplay
43 The ___ attribute of <audio> tag sets the audio will start over again, every time it is
a) loop b) controls c) src d) muted
44 The ___ attribute is used to add audio controls such as play, pause and volume.
a) loopb) controls c) autoplay d) src
45 The ___ tag is used to embed video into web page.
a) <video> b) <audio> c) <style> d) <img>
46 The ___ attribute specifies that the audio output of the video should be muted.
a) controls b) loop c) muted d) height
47 The ___ attribute sets the width of the video player.
a) mutedb) width c) loop d) controls
48 ___ tag is used to insert an image on a web page.
a) <image>b) <img> c) <body> d) <head>
49 The ___ tag is used to map the image.
a) <img>b) <map> c) <area> d) <body>
50 The ___ attribute of <area> tag defines the URL to which the clickable region within
the image map navigates.
a) href b) src c) url d) link
51 The ___ attribute specifies co-ordinates of the clickable regions on the image map.
a) shape b) alt c) coords d) href
52 Circle defines the cicular region which requires ___ co-ordinates.
a) three b) two c) six d) seven
53 ___ frames are often used in online advertising.
a) inline b) internal c) external d) embedded
54 The ___ attribute specifies name of an <iframe> tag.
a) srcdoc b) src c) width d) name
55 Website is made available on the Internet with the help of ___.
a) web site b) web space c) web world d) web hosting
56 ___ are paid hosting servers for large web site.
a) free b) dedicated c) fixed d) shared
Chapter 2 : Digital Marketing
1 ___ is to attract visitors to your website when they search for products or services
related to your business.
a) Content Marketing b) Search Engine Optimization c) Social Media Marketing
d) Email Marketing
2 Companies communicate with their audience through ___.
a) Email Marketingb) Paid Search c) SEO d) Mobile Marketing
3 ___ denotes the creation and promotion of content assets.
a) Paid Search b) Email Marketing c) Content Marketing d) Mobile Marketing
4 ___ is a software system that is designed to carry out web search.
a) Paid Search b) Web search engine c) Content search d) Email marketing
5 ___ SEO involves looking for ways to improve user experience ethically and
a) On-Page b) Off-Page c) White Hat d) Black Hat
6 The paid advertisement of the Google can be identified with ___ keyword.
a) Ad b) ads c) Advertisement d) Ads
7 ___ is a program used by search engines to collect data from the website.
a) Crawler b) Crawl c) SEOptimer d) Google Analytics
8 ___ is a balance between giving the right information to search engines without
compromising the information that customer are reading on the page.
a) Off Page SEO b) On Page SEO c) Technical SEO d) Black Hat SEO
9 If the speed of the displaying the website is slow then ___ ranking method is used.
a) technical b) on-page c) off-page d) load-page
10 ___ tags are displayed on search engine result pages.
a) technicalb)on-page c)off-page d) load-page
11 ___ are links that send a message to its visitors that the webpage no longer exists.
a) Links b) Backlinks c) Broken Links d) Friendly URLs
12 The product of Google Analytics was originally developed by ___ company.
a) Google b) Microsoft c) Urchin d) Yahoo
13 ___ is the Google's Spider.
a) Googlebot b) Header c) Links d) Indexing
14 ___ file tells the search engines which pages to access and index on your website
and which are not.
a) Googlebot b) Indexing c) Header d) Robot.txt
15 A ___ is a visual representation of your website and business.
a) Flash b) Favicon c) Header d) Indexing
16 ___ can slow down the website and obstruct usability.
a) Tap target b) Page speed info c) Flash d) iFrame
17 ___ is a web analytics services offered by Google.
a) Google Analyticsb) Amazon c) Red Hat d) Black Hat
18 ___ is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your
brand and increase sales.
a) Paid search b) Social media marketing c) Email d) Search result
Chapter 3: Computerised Accounting with GST
1 Contra Voucher is used for ___.
a) Master Entry b) Withdrawal of cash from bankc) Reports d) Credit Purchase
2 GSTIN is ___ digit alphanumeric number.
a) 13 b) 10 c) 15 d) 1
3 ___ software describes a type of application software that records and processes
accounting transactions within functional modules.
a) Designing b) Creating c) Accounting d) Manual
4 For managing accounts ___ concepts of accounting is being followed.
a) Single ledger b) One ledger c) Ledger d) Double ledger
5 ___ accounts are created to identify transactions.
a) Vouchers b) P/L c) Balance sheet d) Ledger
6 A ___ is a pre-numberedacccounting document used for recording daily transations.
a) Group b) Voucher c) Ledger d) Entries
7 The ___ voucher type is used for recording cash and credit sale of goods and
a) Receipt b) Payment c) Purchase d) Sales
8 The ___ voucher type is used for recording rectifying entries or adjustment entries.
a) Journal b) Purchase c) Sales d) Contra
9 The ___ voucher type is used for recording return of goods by a customer.
a) Purchase b) Sales return c) Sales d) Purchase return
10 ___ is issued when there is reduction in the price given by supplier.
a) Credit Note b) Debit Note c) Contra Note d) Receipt Note
11 GST stands for ___.
a) Goods and Service Tax b) Goods and Sales Tax c) Goods and Supply Tax
d) Goods and Survey Tax
12 ___ is a Indirect Tax which is replaced many Indirect Taxes in India.
a) IST b) SST c) AST d) GST
13 In India, GST Act came into effect on ___.
a) 1st June 2017 b) 1st July 2017 c) 1st August 2010 d) 1st July 2018
14 ___ is one nation one tax.
a) GST b) IST c) SST d) BST
15 ___ provides a report with debit and credit balance of all ledger accounts.
a) Balance sheet b) Profit and Loss account c) Day Book d) Trial balance
16 ___ is a statement showing assets and liabilities of the business concern.
a) Trial balance b) Profit and Loss accountc) Balance sheet d) Day book
17 The purpose of ___ is to show days transactions.
a) Trial balance b) Day book c) Balance sheet d) Profit and Loss account
18 The ___ report prints a summary of the GST received and paid by you.
a) GST b) Sales c) Payment d) Receipt
19 ___ is one of the most widely used financial accounting software.
a) Tally b) Office c) C++ d) Java
20 CGST stands for ___.
a) Common Goods and Services Tax b) Clear Goods and Services Tax c) Central
Goods and Services Tax d) Consumer Goods and Services Tax
21 IGST stands for ___.
a) Inserted Goods and Services Tax b) Integrated Goodsand Services Tax
c) Indian Goods and Services Tax d) Important Goods and Services Tax
22 ___ tax is imposed on Intra-state supply of goods and services collected by State
a) CGST b) GST c) SGST d) IGST
23 Goods sold from Mumbai to Pune is the example of ___.
a) CGST b) No GST c) IGST d) GST
24 Goods sold from Solapur to Surat is the example of ___.
a) CGST b) GST c) SGST d) IGST
25 The Government has proposed ___ tier tax structure for all goods and services.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 10 d) 4
Chapter 4 : E-Commerce and E-Governance
1 E-Commerce stands for ___.
a) Engage Commerce b) Evolve Commerce c) Electronic Commerced) Easy
2 ___ commerce provides face to face interaction.
a) Electronic b) Traditional c) Digital d) Web hosting
3 ___ commerce has no time limits, it is available 24 x 7.
a) Electronic b) Divisional c) Traditional d) Digital
4 In ___ commerce scope is a global.
a) Digital b) Electronic c) Traditional d) Divisional
5 ___ application provides users with more options to compare and select the cheaper
and better option.
a) Z-Commerce b) G-Commerce c) E-Commerce d) V-Commerce
6 In ___ model, business sells its product directly to a customer.
a) C2B b) B2C c) B2B d) C2C
7 In ___ model, consumer helps consumer to sells their assets by publishing their
information on the website.
a) C2B b) B2C c) B2B d) C2C
8 In ___ model, consumer have products or services of value that can be consumed by
a) C2B b) B2C c) B2B d) C2C
9 A ___ is the series of exchanges between a customer and supplier that takes place
when a commercial exchange is executed.
a) EDI b) Trade cycle c) Encryption d) Decryption
10 ___ phase of Trade cycle consists of order and delivery.
a) Presale b) Execution c) Settlement d) After sales
11 ___ services means customer will do complaints about the performance of product
and get maintenance service from the supplier.
a) Presale b) Execution c) Settlement d) After sales
12 ___ phase consist of invoice and payment.
a) Presale b) Execution c) Settlement d) After sales
13 Apps the BHIM, UPI, Paytm are the example of ___.
a) chequepament b) cash payment c) EDI d) mobile payments
14 NEFT, IMPS are the examples of ___.
a) Credit card b) Trade cycle c) Debit card d) Bank transfer
15 ___ enables users to access online shopping platforms without using desktop
a) M-Commerce b) EDI c) T-Commerce d) Trade Cycle
16 EDI stands for ___.
a) Easy Data Interchange b) Economic Data Interchange c) Electronic Data
Interchange d) Enable Data Interchange
17 ___ is the process which allows one company to send information to another
company electronically rather a paper.
a) Trade cycle b) EDI c) Social commerce d) Mobile commerce
18 ___ is the implementation of information technology in the government processes
and functions.
a) E-Governance b) E-Commerce c) Social Commerce d) M-Commerce
19 The ___ type of E-Governance refers to the government services which enable
citizen to get access to wide variety of public services.
a) G2E b) G2C c) G2B d) G2G
20 The ___ type of E-Governance is the exchange of services between government and
business organizations.
a) G2E b) G2C c) G2B d) G2G
21 In ___ type of E-Governance, government agencies can share the same database
using on line communication.
a) G2E b) G2C c) G2B d) G2G
22 In ___ type of E-Governance provides facilities to employees like applying for leave,
reviewing salary payment record and checking balance of holiday.
a) G2E b) G2C c) G2B d) G2G
23 ___ is used on the internet to protect user information being sent between a browser
and a server.
a) Encryption b) Decryption c) Digital Signature d) Digital Certificate
24 ___ is of two types symmetric and asymmetric.
a) Encryption b) Private key c) Public key d) Decryption
25 PKI stands for ___.
a) Public Key Infrastructure b) Personal Key Infrastructure c) Publish Key
Infrastructure d) Person Key Infrastructure
Chapter 5 : Database Concepts using Libre Office Base
1 ___ means all kinds of facts, figures, places, things or events.
a) Data b) Information c) Query d) Report
2 ___ must be processed in proper way to generate the useful and meaningful
a) Information b) Data c) Table d) Report
3 ___ is output generated through processing of raw data.
a) Information b) Database c) Data d) Query
4 ___ consists of objects like table, query, form and report.
a) Information b) Raw data c) Database d) Operation
5 ___ is used to retrieve information from database.
a) Table b) Report c) Query d) Data
6 ___ is used to represent the data in printed form.
a) Query b) Form c) Report d) Table
7 ___ is a software design to define manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a
a) Table b) Query c) Report d) DBMS
8 DBMS stands for ___.
a) Digital Management System b) Design Management System c) Database
Management System d) Draft Management System
9 ___ is a Relational Database Management System.
a) Excel b) Base c) Word d) Tally
10 RDBMS stands for ___.
a) Ratio Database Management System b) Right Database Management System
c) Regional Database Management Systemd) Relational Database Management
11 A DBMS that is based on relational data model is called as ___.
a) RDBMS b) Table c) Report d) Query
12 ___ is a basic unit for storing data in database.
a) Query b) Table c) Form d) Report
13 Attributes of an entity are stored in the form of ___.
a) Rows b) Columns c) Record d) Data
14 The ___ data type stores small integer.
a) Binary b) Char c) Varchard) TynyInt
15 The ___ data type is used to store image.
a) Char b) BigInt c) SmallIntd) LongVarBinary
16 The ___ data type stores binary data of fixed length.
a) Binary b) Char c) SmallInt d) BigInt
17 The ___ data type stores fix sized,
a) Char b) BigInt c) Binary d) Decimal
18 The ___ data type stores Integer.
a) Char b) Varchar c) Boolean d) Integer
19 The ___ data type stores Boolean type of data.
a) Numeric b) Float c) Char d) Boolean
20 The ___ data type stores date data.
a) Date b) Decimal c) Time d) Other
21 The ___ data type stores date as well as time.
a) TimeStamp b) Date c) Time d) Other
22 A ___ is a question asked within the database environment.
a) Table b) Report c) Query d) Database
23 ___ is an object which allows entering, deleting or editing data in the table.
a) Form b) Report c) Query d) Wizard
24 The presentation of information in an organized format is known as ___.
a) Report b) Query c) Table d) Form
25 ___ defines how the logical structure of a database is modelled.
a) Data model b) DBMS model c) Query model d) Report model
26 A ___ database refers to a database that stores data in a structured format using
rows and columns.
a) Logical b) Relational c) Artificial d) Natural
27 Each row of data in a table is called a ___.
a) Tuple b) Column c) Field d) Data
28 The number of tuples in a relation is called the ___ of the relation.
a) Tuple c) Domain c) Degree d) Cardinality
29 The ___ within a relation must be unique.
a) Tuple c) Domain c) Degree d) Cardinality
30 The attributes that can be used to uniquely identify the tuples in the relation are
called ___.
a) Reserve key b) Primary key c) Foreign key d) Composite primary key
31 Primary key consisting of more than one attribute is called ___.
a) Composite primary keyb) Foreign key c) Reserved key d) Primary key
32 A ___ is an attribute whose value is derived from the primary key of another relation.
a) Foreign key b) Primary key c) Composite key d) Candidate key
33 There are ___ types of relationships in relational database design.
a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 7
34 A row in table X can have only one matching row in table Y and vice versa is
example of ___ relationship.
a) Many to many b) One to one c) One to many d) One to none
35 One to many relationship can also be viewed as ___ relationship.
a) Many to one b) One to one c) Many to many d) One to none
Chapter 6 : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
1 ERP stands for ___.
a) Enterprise Resource Planning b) Enterprise Resource Process c) Enterprise
Research Planning d) Enterprise Research Process
2 ___ is a group of people and other resources working together for a common goal.
a) Organization b) Committee c) Enterprise d) Company
3 ___ helps managers to improve future performance of the organization.
a) Planning b) Managing c) Communication d) Fast Decision
4 ___ module is the core of many ERP software packages.
a) Financial b) Marketing c) Production Planning d) Purchasing
5 ___ module includes financial accounting, investment management, enterprise
controlling and treasury.
a) HR b) Financial c) Inventory Control d) Quality Management
6 ___ module contains necessary business rules to manage the entire production
a) Manufacturing b) HR c) Financial d) Inventory Control
7 ___ module of ERP enables an enterprise to combine technology and business
processes to get integrated solutions.
a) Production planning b) HR c) Quality management d) Manufacturing
8 ___ module identifies the material required, allocates optimal resources using data
and sales forecasting with the sales data.
a) Financial b) Marketing c) Production planningd) Purchasing
9 ___ module maintains an updated and complete employee database including
personal information, salary details, attendance, performance, promotions etc.
a) HR b) Financial c) Inventory control d) Quality management
10 ___ module covers processes of maintaining the appropriate levels of stock in the
a) Manufacturing b) HR c) Financial d) Inventory control
11 ___ module is responsible for identifying the inventory requirements and setting the
target of the stock items required.
a) Inventory control b) Manufacturing c) HR d) Financial
12 ___ module helps for generating purchase order evaluating the supplier and billing.
a) Manufacturing b) Sales and distribution c) Financial d) Purchasing
13 ___ module is used for monitoring and tracking customer orders, increasing
customer satisfaction and for eliminating credit risks.
a) Financial b) Marketing c) Production planning d) Purchasing
14 ___ module helps for tracking enquiries, order placements, order scheduling,
dispatching and invoicing.
a) Manufacturing b) Sales and distributionc) Financial d) Purchasing
Chapter 1 : Advanced Web Designing
1 Default range of range control is ___ to ___.
a) 0 b) 100 c) 120 d) 200
2 Following attributes of <input> tag are used to specify minimum and maximum value
for input field ___.
a) min b) disabled c) multiple d) max
3 Following are the attributes of <input type="image">
a) width b) min c) required d) height
4 Following are the values of http-equiv attribute of <meta> tag ___.
a) monthb) refresh c) image d) expires
5 A CSS rule set contains ___ and ___ block.
a) valueb) selectorc) declarationd) property
6 Text-align property has following values ___.
a) middleb) center c) top d) justify
7 Types of positioning in CSS are ___.
a) form b) constant c) fixed d) static
8 Following are the values of Display properties.
a) middleb) inline c) block d) top
9 Types of positioning are ___.
a) static b) logical c) absolute d) disabled
10 An ordered list can be ___ or ___.
a) staticb) numericalc) constant d) alphabetical
11 Following are the attributes of <ol> tag ___.
a) alphabetb) start c) number d) reversed
12 Following are the values of type attribute of <ul> tag are ___.
a) circle b) trianglec) square d) bold
13 Examples of nested list are ___ and ___.
a) double list c) single level list c) multi level list d) grouping list
14 Following are attributes of <audio> tag ___.
a) widthb) autoplay c) muted d) height
15 Following attributes of <audio> tag does not have any values.
a) controls b) src c) loop d) muted
16 Following are the attributes of <video> tag ___.
a) hrefb) src c) loop d) link
17 Image maps are of two types ___.
a) my side b) client side c) host side d) server side
18 Following are the attributes of <area> tag.
a) href b) src c) link d) coords
19 Types of Web hosting are ___.
a) fixed hosting b) shared hosting c) dedicated hosting d) my hosting
Chapter 2 : Digital Marketing
1 Digital marketing is the use of ___.
a) Print ads b) Internet c) Phone communication d) Social media
2 Following are the channels of Digital marketing.
a) Mobile marketingb) Posters c) Brochures d) Paid search
3 To rank a website you must follow ___ and ___.
a) long tail b) short tail c) small tail d) big tail
4 To Google Analytics Report contains the following.
a) Page size info b) Conversion c) Sessions d) Bounce rate
Chapter 3: Computerised Accounting with GST
1 ___ and ___ are ledger accounts can be created under Group Indirect Expenses.
a) Insurance b) Sales c) Rent d) Bank Loan d) Octroi
2 Valid types of vouchers are ___ and ___.
a) purchase b) receipt c) loans d) liabilities
3 Types of output reports are ___ and ___.
a) Balance sheet b) Ledger c) Trial balance d) Godown
4 Types of Input Masters are ___ and ___.
a) Ledger b) Day book c) Trial balance d) Groups
5 Valid ledger accounts comes under direct exprenses group are ___ and ___.
a) Wages b) Salary c) Freight d) Postage
6 ___ and ___ are ledger accounts can be created under group indirect income.
a) rent received b) purchases c) commission receivedd) Octroi
7 Process of accounting software includes ___ and ___.
a) information system b) printing of reports c) GST and calculationd) manual
8 Sales voucher is used for recording ___ and ___.
a) cash b) loan c) credit d) debit
9 Trial balance provides a report with ___ and ___ balance of all ledger accounts.
a) profitb) debit c) credit d) loss
10 Current assets group contains ___ and ___.
a) Investment b) Sundry Debtor c) Sundry Creditor d) Stock in hand
11 We can add any number of ___ and ___ in an voucher entry depending upon the
a) Debit b) Cash c) Bank d) Credit
12 ___ is an internationally accepted coding system by ___ with a vision of classifying
goods all over the world in a systematic and logical manner.
a) CGST b) HSN c) WCO d) IGST
13 Structure of GSTIN consist of ___ and ___.
a) State code b) Aadhar number c) PAN d) Income Tax
Chapter 4 : E-Commerce and E-Governance
1 E-Commerce is also referred as paperless exchange of business information using
___, ___.
a) EDI b) Electronic Fund Transferc) Private Key d) Public Key
2 Disadvantages of E-Commerce are ___.
a) High set up cost b) Late delivery c) Public services d) Any time shopping
3 Types of E-Commerce are ___.
a) B2C b) C2B c) G2G d) G2E
4 Examples of C2C model are ___.
a) Network provider b) OLX c) EDI d) Quikr
5 Following are the phases of Trade cycle.
a) Presale b) EDI c) Trade cycle d) Execution
6 The execution phase consists of ___ and ___.
a) Order b) Delivery c) Search d) Negotiate
7 The settlement phase consist of ___ an ___.
a) Order b) Invoice c) Search d) Payment
8 Modes of payments are ___.
a) M-Commerce b) Mobile Paymentsc) E-Commerce d) E-Wallets
9 Examples of Bank Transfer are ___.
a) EDI b) NEFT c) IMPS d) Cash transfer
10 Common forms of E-Commerce are ___.
a) Local Commerce b) M-Commerce c) National Commerce d) Social Commerce
11 Social Commerce is the use of networking websites such as ___ a vehicles to
promote and sell products and services.
a) Gmail b) Google Docs c) Facebook d) Twitter
12 Advantages of E-Governance are ___.
a) Increase of overall cost b) Decrease convenience c) High transparency
d) Reduced corruption
13 Types of E-Governance are ___.
a) B2C b) C2C c) G2E d) G2G
14 G2E type of E-Governance provides ___, ___ online facilities to employees.
a) License renewals b) Salary payment check c) Booking tickets d) Applying for
15 Encryption is of two types ___.
a) Plain text b) Symmetric c) Coded text d) Asymmetric
16 Encryption converts ___ text into ___ text.
a) Plain b) Cipher c) Random d) General
Chapter 5 : Database Concepts using Libre Office Base
1 Database consist of different objects like ___ and ___.
a) Table b) Query c) Data d) Information
2 Screen of Base consists of following parts.
a) Title bar b) Data bar c) Menu bar d) Option bar
3 Following are the data types available in Base.
a) Binary b) Varchar c) Int d) Array
4 Following data types are used to store number with or without decimal point.
a) Decimal b) Char c) Numeric d) Varchar
5 Table is a collection of ___ and ___.
a) Database b) Rows c) Columns d) Facts
6 ___ and ___ methods are used to create query.
a) Standard view b) Tool view c) Wizard d) Design view
7 ___ and ___ are the types of data models.
a) Relational Data Model b) Network Data Model c) My Data Model d) Object Model
8 ___ and ___ commonly used terminologies in relational data model.
a) Domain b) Object c) Methods d) Tuple
9 Following are the different types of keys used in Relational Database.
a) Primary key b) Local key c) Foreign key d) Manual key
10 In database type of relationships are ___ and ___.
a) 1:1 b) A:1 c) M:M d) 1:A
Chapter 6 : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
1 Technologies used along with ERP packages are ___.
a) Financial module b) HR module c) Product life cycle management d) Decision
support system
Chapter 1 : Advanced Web Designing
1 Following form controls are used to collect different kinds of user inputs.
a) text b) textbox c) radio button d) checkbox e) radio f) option button
2 Following are the valid values of type attribute of
<input> tag ___.
a) linkb) date c) list d) emaile) file f) start
3 Following are the attributes of <meta> tag ___.
a) content b) charset c) name d) min e) max f) minimum
4 Text-decoration property is used to add ___.
a) strike-through b) line-through c) underline d) overline e) middleline f) line
5 Types of selectors used in CSS are ___.
a) groupb) grouping c) universal d) block e) class f) static
6 The elements can be positioned using ___ properties.
a) top b) bottom c) middle d) right e) up f) down
7 Following are the types of floating properties.
a) float:mid b) float:topc) float:left d) float:none e) float:right f) float:min
8 Following are the valid values of type attribute of <ul> tag ___.
a) rectangle b) square c) triangle d) circle e) disc f) diamond
9 Following are the attribute of <audio> tag ___.
a) widthb) controls c) loop d) muted e) height f) depth
10 Following are the common video formats ___.
a) .avb) .mp4 c) .ogg d) .webM e) .aac f) .midi
11 Tags used to define Client Side Map are ___.
a) <link>b) <img> c) <href>d) <map> e) <area> f) <image>
12 Types of Web Hosting are ___.
a) fixedb) dedicatedc) formal d) shared e) free f) non
Chapter 2 : Digital Marketing
1 Valid approaches SEO to generate traffic to your website are ___, ___ and ___.
a) On page SEO b) All page SEO c) Off page SEO d) Technical SEO
e) With page SEO f) Online page SEO
2 Following are some of the ways to optimize the webpage for SEO.
a) Links b) Black Hat c) Conversion d) HTML Header e) Body Contentf) White Hat
3 Google Analytics Report contains following.
a) Users b) Bounce rate c) Session duration d) Behavior e) Black Hat f) White Hat
c) Session duration
4 What are the different ways to optimize the webpage for SEO in HTML body content ?
a) Title Tags b) Heading Tags c) Line break Tags d) Error! Filename not
e) Document f) Keyword consistency
5 Channels of Digital Marketing are ___.
a) Social mediaB) Newspaper c) Content d) Posters e) Magazines f) Paid search
6 In Digital Marketing ___, ___ and ___ are platforms of social media marketing.
a) Libre office b) YouTube c) Wikipedia d) Twitter e) Google Map f) Facebook
7 In Digital Marketing content marketing includes ___, ___ and ___.
a) Video b) Books c) Business cards d) Television e) E-Books f) Blogs
Chapter 3: Computerised Accounting with GST
1 Accounting software process includes ___.
a) creation of company b) manual accounting c) creation ledger with appropriate
groups d) show process e) GST calculation f) manual reportscalculation
2 Following are the valid voucher types used in Tally ___.
a) trial balance b) receipt c) balance sheet d) sales returne) day book f) sales
3 Following are various reports generated by Tally ___.
a) trial balance b) GST report c) balance sheet d) receipt e) payments f) purchases
4 Three types of GST are ___.
a) HSN b) SAC c) GNUCashd) CGST e) SGST f) IGST
5 ___, ___ and ___ ledgers are created under sub group Duties and Taxes.
a) HSN b) SAC c) CGST d) IGST e) SGST f) NOGST
Chapter 4 : E-Commerce and E-Governance
1 Disadvantages of E-Commerce are ___.
a) Global scope b) Expensive c) Cost saving d) Lack of personal touch e) Anytime
shopping f) Late deliveries
2 Types of E-Commerce are ___.
a) B2C b) G2E c) B2B d) G2G e) G2C f) C2C
3 Following are the modes of payments ___.
a)Presale b) Execution c) Settlement d) Mobile payments e) Bank transferf) E-
4 Examples of Mobile payment Apps are ___.
a) BHIM b) Trade cycle c) EDI d) UPI e) Google pay f) Google docs
5 Applications of M-Commerce are ___.
a) Ticket booking b) RTGS c) NEFT d) E-Bill payment e) IMPS f) Online auctions
6 Types of E-Governance are ___.
a) G2C b) G2G c) C2B d) B2B e) C2C f) G2E
7 Examples of successful implementation of E-Governance projects are ___.
a) e-Mitra b) B2B c) C2B d) e-Seva e) C2G f) CET
8 Security measures in E-Commerce are ___.
a) EDI b) Trade cycle c) Encryptiond) Digital Signature e) E-Commerce f) Digital
Chapter 5 : Database Concepts using Libre Office Base
1 A database consists of different objects like ___, ___, and ___.
a) Information b) Table c) Project d) Report e) Query f) Documents
2 DBMS provides various functions that allow ___, ___ and ___.
a) Entry b) Object c) Storage d) Retrieved e) Formats f) Document
3 Following are the data types available in Base.
a) Array b) Structure c) LargeIntd) Chare) Varchar f) Decimal
4 To store a number with or without decimal point following data types are available in
a) Decimal b) Real c) Char d) Float e) SmallInt f) TynyInt
5 Commonly used terminologies in relational data model.
a) Table b) Tuple c) Object d) Form e) Degree f) Domain
6 Following are types of relationships in relational database design.
a) Many to more b) One to none c) One to one d) None to none
e) Many to many f) One to Many
Chapter 6 : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
1 Purchasing module is closely connected with.
a) Marketing module b) Inventory module c) Finance module d) Manufacturing
module e) Production planning modulef) HR module
2 Three components of MIS.
a) Management b) Information c) Software d) Manufacture e) System f) Marketing
3 Popular ERP packages are ___.
a) Oracle b) Excel c) SAP d) Powerpoint e) Tally f) Word

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