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What is Happiness?

 In Psychology, happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being that can be defined by, among
others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
 To behaviorists, happiness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we do something good or
 To neurologists, happiness is the experience of a flood of hormones released in the brain as a reward for
behavior that prolongs survival.

Is Happiness a destination or a journey?

 The Hedonistic view of well-being is that happiness is the complete opposite of suffering; the presence of
happiness indicates the absence of pain.
 They believed that the purpose of life is to maximize happiness, which minimizes misery.
 Eudaimonia, a term that combines the Greek words for “good” and “spirit” to describe the ideology.
 It defines happiness as the pursuit of becoming a better person.
Eudaimonists do this by challenging themselves intellectually or by engaging in activities that make them
spiritually richer people.

Eudaimonia - “Good-spirited”, Coined by Aristotle, Describes the pinnacle of happiness that is attainable by
humans, “Human flourishing”

 According to Aristotle, there is an end of all of the actions that we perform which we desire for
itself- eudaimonia, flourishing, or happiness, which is desired for its own sake with all other
things being desired on its account.
 Eudaimonia is a property of one’s life when considered as a whole. Flourishing is the highest
good of human endeavors and than toward which all actions aim.
 It is success as a human being. The best life is one of excellent human activity.

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