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Linear Equations: Solving Equations

involving Fractions, Brackets or both

Fractions and Brackets
Grade 8
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Solve equations involving:
a. Fractions
b. Brackets
c. Both fractions and brackets

Essential Questions
1. What is a Linear Equation? A linear equation or simple
equation in one variable has only one variable (unknown) with
an index (power) of 1.
Eg. 3 + x = 8
Here there is only one unknown, x, whose power or index is 1.
There is also only one possible solution for x.

2. What are Equivalent Equations? These are equations
having the same solution or root.
E.g. 3 + x = 8 and x - 4 = 1 are equivalent equations

ICE BREAKER - Math Magic
Think of any number.
Double the number.
Add 9 to the result.
Subtract 3 from the result.
Divide the result by 2.
Subtract the number you started with.

Magic or Math?

Consider the following:

a. 3(3x - 1) = 4 (x + 3)
b. 5(x + 11) + 2(2x - 5) = 0

1. How would you simplify these?

Solve the equation for x:
3(3x -1) = 4(x + 3)
First we remove or expand the brackets:
9x - 3 = 4x + 12
Then we put like terms together by having knowns
on one side and unknowns on the other side.
9x - 4x - 3 + 3 = 4x - 4x + 12 + 3
So we subtracted 4x from and added 3 to both sides
We are left with:
5x = 15
Dividing both sides by 5:
5x/5 = 15/5

Let us check our solution:
When x = 3,
LHS = 3(3 x 3 - 1) = 3(9 - 1) = 3(8) = 24
RHS = 4(3 + 3) = 4(6) = 24
Hence LHS = RHS

What about 5(x + 11) + 2(2x - 5) = 0?
Again, we expand the brackets first:
5x + 55 + 4x - 10 = 0
Then we put like terms together:
9x + 45 = 0
Then we put knowns on one side and unknowns on
the other side by subtracting 45 from both sides:
9x = -45 12
Finally, we divide both sides by 9:
9x/9 = -45/9
x = -5
Let us check when x = -5:
LHS = 5(-5 + 11) + 2(2 x -5 - 5)
= 5(6) + 2(-10 - 5) = 30 + 2(-15) = 30 + -30
= 30 - 30 = 0
Since RHS = 0 then LHS = RHS
Try these

1. 2(x + 5) = 18
2. 15 = 3(x - 3)
3. 55 = 5(2a - 1)
4. 2(3y + 1) = 14
5. 4(x + 7) + 12 = 0
6. 0 = 7(x - 3)
7. 6(2s - 7) = 5s
8. 4b = 3(3b + 15)
9. 3(f + 2) = 2 - f
10. 3x + 1 = 2(3x + 5)


What about worded problems involving brackets?
E.g. I subtract 3 from a certain number, multiply the result by 5
and then add 9. If the final result is 54, find the original number.
Let the original number be k.
I subtract 3: k - 3
I multiply the result by 5: 5(k - 3)
I add 9: 5(k - 3) + 9
The result is 54: 5(k - 3) + 9 = 54
Now Solve for k:
5(k - 3) + 9 = 54
Expand the brackets:
5k - 15 + 9 = 54
5k - 6 = 54
Collect knowns on one side and unknowns on the other by
adding 6 to both sides:
5k - 6 + 6 = 54 + 6
5k = 60
Finally, we divide throughout by 5:
5k/5 = 60/5
k = 12
Checking when k = 12:
LHS = 5(12 - 3) + 9 = 5(9) + 9 = 54
Since RHS also equal 54 then LHS = RHS

Try these

1. I add 12 to a certain number then double the result. The
answer is 42 Find the original number.
2. I subtract 8 from a certain number. I then multiply the result
by 3. The final answer is 21. Find the original number.
3. I think of a number. I multiply it by 5. I then subtract 19.
Finally I double the result. The final number is 22. What
number did I think of?
4. Find two consecutive whole numbers such that 5 times the
smaller number added to 3 times the greater number
makes 59. [Hint: let the numbers be y and (y + 1)]
5. Find two consecutive odd numbers such that 6 times the
smaller added to 4 times the greater comes to 138. [Hint: let
the numbers be k and (k + 2)]



1. 3 things you learned today

2. 2 things you have questions about or are
unclear about
3. 1 thing you would like the teacher (or a
classmate) to know

Complete the classwork for homework.

The End!


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