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GROWTH MINDSET STATEMENTS AND AFFIRMATIONS \. Mistakes help me learn and grow 2. T haven't figured it out YET 3. Tam on the Night track 4. L can do hard things 5S. This might take time and effort 6.1 stick with things and don't give up ecisity ‘LI strive for progress, not perfection 8.1 go after my dreams @. I cheer myself up when it gets hard 10. Lam a problem solver i. I try new . I embrace new challenges B. Learning is mu superpower fi. T am brave enough to try 15. I get better at things when IT practice We. T grow my brain by learning hard things N11 try different strategies 18. When I don't succeed right away, I try again 19. I ask for heip when I need it 20. LT learn from my mistakes 2. focus on my own results and don't compare myself to others 22.1 was born to learn 23. When I fail, I say “I can't do it YET" and try again 24.1 strive to do my best a eae a 2 a = ¥ & z = a = e e eS a z S = ; 2 3

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