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QUIZ #01 for Programming Fundamentals 2024 Spring Test ID: A

Attempt all 10 Multiple Choice Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q1. The entry point of a C++ program is:
A. the first instruction inside the Main() function
B. the first instruction of the main program
C. the first instruction inside the main() function
D. none of the above
Q2. C++ is a:
A. liner sequential programming language
B. procedural programming language
C. is an interpreted programming language
D. all of the above
Q3. Curly braces in a C++ program:
A. must be matched open with close
B. may be nested one inside the other
C. indicate a code block
D. all of the above
Q4. Variables are quantities:
A. whose value remains the same throughout the life of a program
B. must always be of integer type
C. must always be initialized to a value of 0
D. none of the above
Q5. Constants are quantities:
A. that may have different values at different times in the life of a program
B. can contain numeric values only
C. can contain character values only
D. their values are fixed and not changeable
Q6. A function:
A. must return a value
B. may return a void
C. must always be passed parameters
D. must never be passed parameters
Q7. Parameters declared
A. In the function header are formal parameters
B. In the function call are the actual parameters
C. May be of different datatypes
D. all of the above
Q8 Formal and Actual parameters
A. must match in quantity
B. must match in datatype
C. may have different variable names
D. All of the above
Q9. An instruction in C++
A. must always end in a semi-colon
B. must always be on a single line
C. can never have multiple statements
D. are case insensitive
Q10. A program written in C++
A. must be compiled before it can run
B. must be linked before it can run
C. must have no syntactical mistakes
D. All of the above

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