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Q1: The youngest of the Bennet sisters, Lydia is 15 when this Jane Austen novel begins & 16

when she elopes with Wickham?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Pride and Prejudice</i>

Q2: Tragically, this spouse of a biblical man looked back & became a pillar of salt?

The crrect Answer is: Lot\'s wife

Q3: The Dodgers departed this NYC borough for the west in 1957?

The crrect Answer is: Brooklyn

Q4: "Never look a gift horse..."?

The crrect Answer is: in the mouth

Q5: This superstar forward, for both the Minneapolis & L.A. Lakers, was GM of the L.A.
Clippers for 22 years?

The crrect Answer is: (Elgin) Baylor

Q6: The happy days of Erin Moran & Scott Baio did not last long on the spin-off where
"Joanie Loves" this character?

The crrect Answer is: Chachi

Q7: Carlos Sanchez, a Columbian coffee farmer, has portrayed this advertising icon since

The crrect Answer is: Juan Valdez

Q8: The $20 view, which was on that Canadian bill in the '70s, shows the Valley of the Ten
Peaks in this westernmost Prairie province?
The crrect Answer is: Alberta

Q9: The IOC recently granted provisional recognition to this ancient sport, one of Japan's
most popular?

The crrect Answer is: Sumo wrestling

Q10: "Fishy" name for the usurious crime of lending money at extremely high rates of

The crrect Answer is: loan sharking

Q11: In Tony Award categories, it's the term for a new production of an old play?

The crrect Answer is: Revival

Q12: The working day's over, & I just want to hang with my pal here, this handsome breed
of dog?

The crrect Answer is: a pug

Q13: Jan Hammer had only one Top 40 hit, but it was a big one: the No. 1 theme from this
police drama?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Miami Vice</i>

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