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Library Administration

Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies

University of Delhi
Rithala, New Delhi

February, 2024

Subject: Request for certain academic and non academic books in the institute’s library


As a regular student of the institute, I have felt extremely benefitted by the library services
and availed its use from time to time. I am writing to request the addition of certain books to
enhance the library's collection. Please find below a list of the same:

S. No. Book Name Author's Name

1 Storytelling with data Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
2 O'Reilly Hands-On Machine Learning Aurélien Géron
3 Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson
4 Mathematics for Machine Learning Marc Peter Deisenroth
5 Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before Dr. Julie Smith
6 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams
7 I Fell In Love With Hope Lancali
8 No Longer Human Osamu Dazai
9 What Every Body is Saying Joe Navarro
10 Predictably Irrational Dan Ariely
11 Fooled by Randomness Nassim Nicholas Taleb
12 Behave Robert Sapolsky
13 Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike Phil Knight
14 Build, Don't Talk Raj Shamani
15 Feel-Good Productivity Ali Abdal
16 How to win friends and influence people Dale Carnegie
17 Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl
18 The Demon-Haunted World Carl Sagan
19 Unofficial Project Manager Kory Kogon
20 Energy and Civilization: A History Vaclav Smil
21 Why Nations Fail Daron Acemoğlu

I am confident that the addition of these books would be greatly appreciated by the students
and the faculty alike. Thank you for considering my request.

Warm Regards,
Moksh Ahuja Nancy Garg
R. No. 22532 Library Representative (R. No. 22536)

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