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Being Successfulxx 23

Being Successful

Scientists are people whose minds are full of extraordinary courage and determination.
They are the true servants of the society.
Look around and think of how our entire life is run by scientific inventions. You owe your
comfort at home, at school and outside to these amazing people.
An exceptionally brilliant woman, Madam Marie Curie, discovered radium which is used
for treating cancer patients.
Making a discovery requires a lot of concentration and self-sacrifice. Due to the exposure
to radioactivity while conducting experiments, Madam Curie began to suffer from
leukaemia- a blood disorder which killed her at the age of 64. Madam Curie was born in
Poland but she went to Paris to study Mathematics and Science. In those days, the
admission of women scientists to the university was unheard of. It was in Paris that she met
her husband Pierre Curie- a dedicated scientist. The couple plunged themselves into
research. Madam Curie was awarded with two Nobel Prizes for her valuable work in
Physics and Chemistry.
It is said that as a child and as a young girl, Marie’s power of concentration was so high
that not even the biggest explosion in the world could distract her.

Story 1

A Clever Crow

It was summer. The canals and little streams had all dried up. The day was also very hot. A
thirsty crow was flying about for some water to drink. But he could find no water
At last he saw a pitcher by the way-side at a distance. He flew to it very eagerly. But alas!
The water lay at the bottom of the pitcher. He could not reach it. This made him very sad.
Besides, the sight of the water made him all the more thirsty.
He looked about and thought. His eyes fell on a heap of pebbles close by. At once a plan
came into his head. He flew to the heap. He brought one pebble after another in his beak
and dropped them all into the pitcher. Slowly the water rose higher and higher. At last it
rose high enough for the crow to reach it. The clever crow drank and flew away happily.
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”

Story 2

Making the Best of Yourself

Long ago, in Italy, there lived a man called Michelangelo. He was a great painter and
One day people saw Michelangelo dragging a block of marble across an open area in a
market place. Someone asked him, “What are you going to do with it?” Michelangelo
replied, “There’s an angel inside it, screaming to be let out.”
What did Michelangelo mean?
He meant that the ordinary looking block of marble could be shaped into the beautiful,
graceful figure of an angel. And, he, Michelangelo, was going to do it.
Being Successfulxx 24
This story holds a lot of meaning for all of us. When we come into the world, each one
of us is like that block of marble.
But in each there is an angel, screaming to be let out. In other words, we appear to be
ordinary people but hidden within us there is a fund of goodness, beauty and talent.
If we cultivate good values and make goodness a part of our lives, if we develop our talent,
we can grow into remarkable human beings.
Isn’t that a wonderful thought? Isn’t that a wonderful thing to work for? Let us begin to
shape the block of marble that is you.

Story 3

Be Yourself

Suddenly, from being a care-free, fun-loving student, who feels she/ he has been pushed
into a completely different set-up.
One realises that responsibilities have increased, there are definite goals to work towards,
expectations to be met with and above all, time is to be utilised with its fullest. The extra
attention from parents and teachers is overwhelming as, together with class-mates, one
steers towards books, preparing to tackle the syllabi. One notices a distinct change in
oneself, in friends, in parents and teachers…

Just stop and look around

Books, papers, assignments and extra classes! Before one knows it, one is showered with
meaningful instructions. Playtime has been reduced and interaction with friends limited to
academics and homework. Is it you racing or is everyone else too? Do you, all at once, feel
pressurised with work, unable to cope?

Make a better tomorrow

There was a man who made a living selling balloons at a fair. He sold balloons of all
colours including bright red, yellow and green. Whenever business was slow, he would
release a helium-filled balloon. The children watching this would come rushing to him for
One day, the balloon-man felt a tug at his elbow. He turned round and saw a little boy
asked, “If you released a black balloon, would it also fly?” Moved by the little boy’s
question, the man replied, “Son, it is not the colour of the balloon, it is what is inside that
makes it go up.”
This is applicable to each one of us. Have you ever wondered why some students are more
successful than others? Haven’t you wished to be in their shoes? Sometimes you wish for a
magic want to quickly give you and edge over others.
Being Successfulxx 25
Someone once approached the French philosopher, Blaise Pascal and said, “If I had your
brains, I would be a better person.” Pascal turned and replied, “Be a better person and you
will have my brains.”
To be better, to score over others, to have the cutting edge, everyone needs to develop and
nurture attitudes.
Positive Attitudes

Negative Attitudes

Creating rifts and tension

Don’t curse your luck, change it

Every artist messes up a canvas at one spot or another. Every accountant uses a pencil with
an eraser. You cannot allow your mistakes to master your moods and cause you to lose
your enthusiasm. Deep down within you, there is a little voice that says the worst time will
pass. Better days have to be around the corner.
Begin to programme yourself positively. You cannot surrender your successes to your
failures. Remember that, “The person who never makes mistakes is a person who is a total
failure, for the person never tries to do something worthwhile.”
It is all a matter of attitude. The negative person takes a bad experience and curses it. He
takes it out on others. He nurses the affliction and tells people how bad the situation is. He
rehearses the miserable situation that got him into that predicament.

Story 4
Being Successfulxx 26
The Farmer and His Sons

Long ago, there lived an old farmer. He had four sons. They always quarrelled with one
another. The old man asked them again and again to be good. But they did not listen to him.
So he was very unhappy.
The old man knew that he would not live long. So he wanted that his sons would live in
peace after his death. He at last made a plan. He ordered his sons to bring a bundle of
He now asked his eldest son to break the bundle. He tried again and again. But he could not
break it. The other sons also tried in their turn. But they also could not break it.
The oldman then untied the bundle. He gave one stick to each of them. He directed them to
break it. Each of them broke the stick very easily and without any difficulty.
Now the old man smiled and said, “You see, my sons, you can break the sticks one by one.
But you cannot break a bundle.
This should teach you a lesson. If you quarrell with one another, your enemies will defeat
you easily. If you live in peace together, no one will be able to harm you. So do not quarrell
with one another.”
The young men understood the lesson their father taught them. They made a promise never
to quarrell again.
“United we stand, divide we fall.”


Trouble brings experience and experience brings wisdom.

Ambition makes people diligent.
Nothing seek, nothing find.
There is always room at the top.
Ask and it shall be given you.
Such beginning, such end.
Doing is better than saying.
Do well and have well.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
One hour today is worth two tomorrow.
A good dog deserves a good bone.
No bees, no honey! No work, no money!
He is wise who looks ahead.
Being Successfulxx 27


Nation & Flag

Story 1

Two Boy Warriors

The battle of Badr was going on. Rafey, a brave boy of fourteen, wanted to join the fight.
So he came to the Prophet and politely asked for his permission. The Prophet did not allow
boys to join the fight. But Rafey prayed again and again. So at last, he gave his permission
to Rafey.
There was another boy, Samra by name. When Rafey got his permission, he, too, came to
the Prophet and made the same request. He said, “Hazrat, you permitted Rafey to fight. I
am of his age. I always defeat Rafey in wrestling. So please allow me also to join the fight.”
The Prophet did not know at first what reply to make. He seemed to be caught in his own
action. Other boys might also make the same request. At last he said, “Well, my boy, I am
glad to see your eagerness to fight for your religion. If you can defeat Rafey in wrestling, I
shall consider your prayer.”
Samra was happy to hear the words of the Prophet. He immediately asked Rafey to wrestle
with him. Samra proved what he had said. He defeated Rafey and got his permission to join
the fight.
These two young warriors fought well and bravely in the battle of Badr.
Story 2
My Country and My People

Once a Bangladeshi lady went to America for higher studies. She was there for one year. It
was a very busy, successful, enjoyable year, during which she met some wonderful people
and saw some wonderful places. When she came back to Bangladesh someone asked her,
“What was the best part of your trip?” Without a moment’s hesitation she replied, “Coming
home. I was so happy to see my country and my people once again that I cried.”
Writers, poets, and painters, men rich and poor, great and small, they have all sung praises
of their homeland. Every country has had its patriots- that is, people who loved it and
worked hard for its freedom or progress. Some of them even sacrificed their lives for the

Story 3

This Happened in Holland

Being Successfulxx 28

It was one night, many hundred years ago, in Holland. A mother stayed awake praying for
her dear son who had not returned home. Where was Peter? His father was away at work,
minding the night shift. He was in charge of the dyke gate to let the boats into the canal or
to open the gate for the outgoing vessels.
Holland is a low-lying land. The early settlers had ringed the low-lying land with a massive
dyke wall to keep the sea away.
Peter was on his was after playing with his friends. He knew mother would be waiting for
him for supper. So he quickened his footsteps. He loved the feel of the cool sea breeze as he
walked along the path by the dyke wall. Suddenly he stopped. He had stepped into a tiny
puddle. 'How did the water get there?' he wondered, looking at the wall. He noticed a small
hole in the wall. Sea water was slowly trickling down. This was a crisis indeed! He knew
that if the water was allowed to continue seeping through, the hole would become bigger
and the wall would collapse. He looked around for help but there was no one in sight. So he
plugged the hole with his finger and stayed there for hours. Despite pain and exhaustion,
the eight-year-old youngster was determined to save his country. He groaned and moaned
from time to time but not a soul heard him.
Hours later, a guard on his rounds discovered him slumped by the wall. He fetched help and
had the boy carried home to his mother. People told her, "Madam, your son has saved the
country from being submerged. He is a son to be proud of."
History is full of such incidents where young people have shown deep love and concern for
their country.
Peter showed strength character. He fearlessly and selflessly did a great service, tolerated
physical pain and proved to the whole world that even young people can share the
responsibility of serving their nations.


Lime makes a rich a father and a poor son.

Corn and horn go together.
One for the mouse, one for the cow, one to rod and one to grow.
A red cow gives good milk.
A cherry year, a merry year; a plum year, a dumb year; a pear year, a dear year.
When the gorse is out of bloom, kissing's out of fashion.


In a higher class, at last more is expected of us, and this often puts pressure on us. Arming
oneself with determination and perseverance makes things easier. Even if one is not
successful, it is not the end of the world.
Determination and perseverance are the routes to success. For example, Thomas Edison
tried ten thousand times to develop an incandescent lamp and failed each time. But he did
not give up and finally invented the electric bulb.
Being Successfulxx 29
Failure, even now, is a stepping stone to success. A mistake is nothing but a guide for
future success.
There are countless examples of famous achievers in the fields of science, politics, religion,
arts, sports and literature who have had to try again and again to reach their goals.
You are lucky to be young because you have plenty of time to persevere. Your memory is
strong; your mind is fresh and responsive. Nothing could be worse than growing old and
wishing desperately to put the clock back when it is too late. So make the most of your time
now, and act.
The ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius spoke about the qualities of perseverance and
determination: He said that a student-
“… however weak he may be, will acquire strength.”

Story 1

Being Resolute: Brave Kamal

This is the story of Kamal, blind beggar. Kamal did not like to beg. But he was blind. He
could not earn money by working. So he sat by the roadside and begged.
Kamal lived in a hut with two other people. They washed and cooked for him. In return,
Kamal gave them some money.
Kamal’s hut was in a slum area. There were other huts nearby. Many people lived in these
huts. Some worked as labourers, some as vegetable sellers, some as cobblers.
The area was crowded and dirty. It had only one fresh water tap. There was a well too. But
it was full of mud, stones and weeds. There was no wall around the well. So it was not safe
to draw water from it.
One day a boy fell into the well. Kamal heard loud cries. He had just sat down to eat. “Lead
me to the well,” he said to the people who lived with. He wanted to help.
The men of that area were out working. The women and children did not know how to
Kamal had been a good swimmer as a boy. Now he was very thin and weak. He did not
know if he could save the boy. But he had made up his mind to try.
Kamal took off his shirt and went down the well. He held his breath and dived under the
water. But he felt only mud and weeds. He came up.
Once again Kamal dived. Once again his hands picked up only mud and weeds. He came
up. He was very tired. He wished he could see, for that would make it much easier to find
the boy.
But there was no time to think. Kamal dived a third time. There was pain in his chest and
he felt giddy. But he kept on.
At last Kamal’s hands touched a piece of cloth. He went deeper. And there was the boy. He
had been caught in the weeds. Kamal pulled the weeds away. He brought the boy to the top.
To everyone’s joy, the boy soon became all right. The boy’s parents thanked Kamal. But
they could not help him in any way. Next day, Kamal went back to begging.
But Kamal’s picture and the story of his bravery came out in many papers. He became as
hero for the whole country.
As a reward he was given money. He was also given training in a school for the blind.
Today Kamal is not begging any more. He earns money by working. He once saved a life.
As a result, his own life has become so much better.
Being Successfulxx 30

Story 2

Success of Resolution

Once two boys lifted the covers of two milk cans and dropped a bullfrog in each. Later, the
cans were picked up and loaded for city delivery.
During the journey, the bullfrog in the first can said: “I can’t lift the cover because it is too
heavy and I can’t reach the bottom to get enough momentum to lift the cover, so what’s the
use?” He gave up trying and quit! When the cover was lifted there was a dead bullfrog.
The same condition existed in the other can. The frog said: “Well, I cant lift the cover as it
is too tight and heavy. I haven’t got a brace and bit to drill a hole, but by the grace of God, I
learned to swim.” So, he swam and swam and churned a lump of butter and sat on it. When
the cover was lifted, he jumped out and was saved.
“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”
Story 3
A Never-say-die Attitude

History was created during the India-Pakistan Test Match in New Delhi’s Ferozshah Kotla
cricket ground on February 7, 1999 when Indian spin bowler, Anil Kumble took 10 wickets
in an innings- to win the Test Match for India. The spinner became only the second bowler
in 122 years to take all ten wickets in one innings after Jim Laker of the English team
dismissed ten Australian batsmen in 1956. Kumble’s achievement, his transformation to an
all-time great, was the result of a never-say-die attitude. He was never one to give up.
While still in school, he was batting during a match when a misjudged bouncer hit his face.
The next day, after taking that painful knock on the pitch, he pleaded with his father:
“Can I go out to play in the match?”
His father looked at his son’s swollen face and asked, “Can you face the same bowler?”
Kumble quickly nodded and went straight to the cricket ground. That day only strengthen
his belief in himself and he went on to be selected in the national eleven and became asset
to the Indian team. He was dropped from the national team briefly but made a comeback in
1992. In 1995 when he was excluded from the side again, he promised to “fight my way
back.” And he did. It hurt a lot when he was not chosen for the Sahara Cup and the Pakistan
tours because he lost the vice-captain’s post as well. But he never showed it, because he
knew there’s always a chance if you try harder. He did and became the only Indian after
Kapil Dev to take 200 Test and One-day wickets.
Story 4

The Power of hard Work

Hard work can achieve wonders, as you will know when you have read this story.
Somewhere near Agra, there once lived a girl called Prabha who dreamt of becoming a
doctor. Prabha’s background was as follows:
Father- a peon in a government office, earning a small salary.
Mother- a gentle but sickly woman. Quite unable to cope with the housework.
Three small brothers- they took delight in teasing and worrying Prabha.
Being Successfulxx 31
In addition the family had a cow which had to be fed and milked.
Right from the time that she was eight or nine years old, Prabha used to get up at four in the
morning. She would feed and milk the cow, cook for the family, sweep the house and wash
the clothes. When she got too tired, she hid in the store room so that nobody would find her
and give her something more to do. But Prabha went to school all right. In spite of all the
work that she had to put in at home, she studied hard and did well in the final exams.
When the results were declared, the Principal sent for her. “Congratulations Prabha,” he
said. “You have worked hard and done well. What do you wish to do now?”
“I wish to become a doctor,” said Prabha.
The Principal was surprised because he knew that Prabha’s father had very little money and
medical studies were expensive. But he was a kind man. “You sit for the entrance exam,”
he told Prabha, “and I’ll see what I can do.”
Prabha passed the entrance exam and got a seat in the Agra Medical College. In the mean
time the Principal had arranged to get her scholarship. Prabha’s joy knew no bounds.
She thanked the Principal and plunged heart and soul into her new branch of study.
But half way through medical college, Prabha realised that her eyesight was very weak, she
did not have the money to but a pair of spectacles, so she borrowed the money, paying back
five rupees a month out of her scholarship.
Able to see clearly once again, she attacked her studies with renewed vigour.
At last she qualified as a doctor and got a good job. Her happiest moment was when she
came home with her first salary and gave it to her father. His eyes shone with pride. “Well
done my daughter,” he said. “I have never earned so much in a single month!”
Today Prabha has a flourishing medical practice. She has put two of her brothers through
The youngest works as her secretary. People like Prabha prove that hard work always bears
“Diligence is the mother of good luck.”

Story 5

The Hare and the Tortoise

A tortoise always moved slowly. A hare often laughed at the slow tortoise.
One day the tortoise challenged the hare to run a race with him. The race started. The hare
ran fast. Soon he was far ahead of the tortoise.
Being Successfulxx 32
As the hare came near the winning post, he thought, “Let me not finish the race right
now. I shall sit here under a tree and wait for the tortoise. When he comes here, I shall run
fast and cross the winning post before him. This will make him angry and I shall have a lot
of fun.”
So the hare sat under a tree. The tortoise was still far behind. After some time, the hare fell
asleep. When he woke up, he saw the tortoise crossing the winning post. The hare lost the
“Slow and steady wins the race!”

A cat in gloves catches no mice.

He who hesitates is lost.
Every task is easy to a resolute man.
There is always room at the top.
Hitch your wagon to a star.
Seek that which may be found.
Nothing seek nothing find.
Nothing crave, nothing have.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


Family Members
Their Rights

Respect of parents is a primary and sacred obligation. If you fail to respect your parents,
you have disobeyed God. And those who treat their parents badly will sooner or later fall
into ill-treatment of others.
From the very moment of conception the child, as it grows and develops, is a care and
responsibility for its parents. It is impossible to estimate the depth of attachment and
compassion parents feel for their children, nor it is possible to calculate the troubles and
hardships they go through as parents. For this reason, respecting them is a dept of human
gratitude as well as a religious obligation.

Those who can judge the value of their parents rightly and regard them as a means to obtain
the mercy of God, are the most prosperous in both worlds. Those who, by contrast, regard
their parents’ existence as a burden to themselves or who become wearied of them are
unfortunate ones who will inevitably suffer the most severe hardships in life.
The respectful you are to your parents, the greater the respect and awe you feel before your
creator. Those who do not feel and show respect to their parents, feel no fear, awe and and
respect towards God. Yet, it is a curious thing today that not only those who are
disrespectful to God but also those who claim that they love God, do not defend themselves
from disobedience to their parents.
Being Successfulxx 33
Children should be respectful and obedient to their parents to the greatest degree
possible, and parents should give as much importance to their children’s moral and spiritual
education as to their physical growth and health, and submit them to the care of the most
honourable teachers and guides. How ignorant and careless are the parents who neglect the
moral and spiritual training of their children, and how unfortunate are the children who are
the victims of such neglect.
Children who are inconsidreable of the rights of their parents and disobedient to them are
brutes equally those parents too are brutes who do not labor to secure the moral and
spiritual welfare of their children. Most brutish and pitiless of all are those parents who
paralyze the moral and spiritual development of their children after they have found a way
to revive themselves spiritually.
Families form the foundation of a society. Where there is reciprocal respect of rights and
obligations within a family, the society is healthy and strong. It is in vain to look for
compassion and respect in the society once these have been lost from the relationships
within the family.
We should always speak to them with honour. Parents make a lot of sacrifices and it is the
duty of their children to be grateful to them.
Sometimes parents punish their children to correct their mistakes. They do this for the good
of the children. You have to obey your parents. Never say “No” to them for something they
ask you to do. Help them in every possible way. You may help them doing household jobs,
running errands and keeping the house clean. We should respect their opinion. As everyone
knows we share our lives with parents.
For that reason we got to do many things together. They have taken care of you up to now.
They have been giving many things to us for instance, garments, food, education, etc.
Namely they try to provide everything we need without provision. As you see they do many
things for our future also.
I think it is not difficult to give a glass of water to them, to help mother by setting the table,
washing up in the kitchen, doing shopping, cleaning the garden, etc. If I speak about
brothers and sisters we share many things with them also. We can help them with their
homework we share our feelings, play together. If they are younger than us we take care of

Story 1

Helping in the House

John and Bob were two happy cildren. They had a beautiful home to live in and loving
parents who did everything for them.
But once their mother fell ill and had to stay in bed for two weeks. The children didn’t
know how to cook and their father was too busy. So they got their meals from a hotel
nearby. Even then the children had a tough time doing all the odd jobs about the house.
“How hard mother must be working when she is well!” said John.
“I know,” said Bob. “Why don’t we help a bit, always?”
Wasn’t that a good idea? You could do it too.
We have to do many things to keep a house neat and clean and pretty. Some of these things
are sweeping, dusting, washing of vessels and clothes, looking after plants in the garden,
Being Successfulxx 34
furnishing and decorating the rooms with flowers or pictures, polishing brassware,
furniture and silver, throwing away rubbish.
There are many other jobs that must be done in the house to keep it clean. Think about it
and tell your teacher some more.
Think of a few simple duties that you can take over in your own home. For example,
putting away your books after you have done your homework and washing your own socks.
Talk to your parents about it and write down here the duties that you wish to take on.

Story 2

Tickets to the Circus

Ramsey was a boy of ten. He had a small brother. His name was Shakir. He also had a
small sister. Her name was Fatema. The three children loved each other very much.
One day their uncle came to see them. He said, “Ramsey, I have two tickets to the circus.
Will you come and see the circus with me?”
At first Ramsey was very happy. But then he grew sad. He said, “Thank you very much,
uncle. But I won’t have any fun if Shakir and Fatema don’t come. Please leave me out.
Take Shakir.”
Uncle said to Shakir, “I have two tickets to the circus. Will you come and see the circus
with me?”
At first Shakir was very happy. But then he too grew sad. He said, “Thank you very much,
uncle. But I won’t have any fun if Ramsey and Fatema don’t come. Please leave me out.
Take Fatema.”
Uncle said to Fatema, “I have two tickets to the circus. Will you come and see the circus
with me?”
At first Fatema was very happy. She clapped her hands. But then she stopped. “Only two
tickets?” she said. “So Ramsey and Shakir can’t go.
Then how can I go, uncle? Please leave me out. Take father or mother.”
When father heard about it he smiled. “I know what to do,” he said. “We’ll buy four more
tickets and all of us will go to the circus.”
They all went to the circus and had a lovely time together.


One father is more than a hundred schoolmates.

Parents are patterns.
Like father, like son.
Like mother, like daughter.
He that burns most, shines most.

Being Successfulxx 35

Honesty means being in the right path. If a person is honest, he has a good character and he
is also good example to the others. An honest person is not afraid of anything in his life.
Because he does what he promises. In fact honesty comes into view in promise and also it
comes into view in interaction, thought, will, power, determination, loyalty and deed.
Nowadays in our society we have got many problems because it shows the level of our
society based on dishonesty. That’s why relationships among people are far from honesty
and factitious. Society is not trusty, suspicious. Honesty makes people turn to the right path
but dishonesty makes people turn to the wrong path. Dishonesty means being in the wrong
path. A dishonest person deceives everyone, tells lie, cheats, and doesn’t keep his/her

Story 1
The Truthful Boy

One day, Taufiq’s father gave him a little axe. This little axe was very beautiful. It was
sharp edged and had a wooden handle. Taufiq was very eager to try his axe on something.
So, he went straight to the garden of his home and started cutting plants. He cut down many
flowers and branches. Then, his eye fell on the young apple tree. He soon cut off its many
branches. The tree was almost cut down.
In the evening, Taufiq’s father went to water the plants. To his great shock, he saw the
destruction in the garden. The apple tree was almost lying on the ground. He called out
Taufiq and asked him angrily, “Have you done this,?” what do you think the answer Taufiq
gave? Did he tell a lie? Did he lay blame on somebody else? No, with tears in his eyes, he
said, “Dad, I did this with the little axe you gave me. I am really sorry.”
On hearing this reply, his father’s anger cooled off. He patted him and said, “I am happy
you have spoken the truth and did not make any excuses. I am glad that you have the
courage to admit your mistake. I would rather lose all the trees in my garden than hear my
son tell a lie.

Story 2
Mercury and the Woodman

A woodman was felling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, glancing off the trunk,
flew out of hands and fell into the water. As he stood by the water’s edge lamenting his
loss, Mercury appeared and asked him the reason for his grief. On learning what had
happened, out of pity for his distress, Mercury dived into the river and, bringing up a
golden axe, asked him if that was the one he had lost. The woodman replied that it was not,
and Mercury then dived a second time, and, bringing up a silver axe, asked if that was his.
“No, that is not mine either,” said the woodman. Once more Mercury dived into the river,
and brought up the missing axe. The woodman was overjoyed at recovering his property,
and thanked his benefactor warmly; and the latter was so pleased with his honesty that he
made him a present of the other two axes. When the woodman told the story to his
companions, one of these was filled with envy of his good fortune and determined to try his
luck for himself. So he went and began to fell a tree at the edge of the river, and presently
contrived to let his axe drop into the water. Mercury appeared as before, and, on learning
Being Successfulxx 36
that his axe had fallen in, he dived and brought up a golden axe, as he had done on the
previous occasion. Without waiting to be asked whether it was his or not, the fellow cried,
“That’s mine, that’s mine,” and stretched out his hands eagerly for the prize: but Mercury
was so disgusted at his dishonesty that not only declined to give him the golden axe, but
also refused to recover for him the one he had let fall into the stream.
“Honesty is the best policy”

Story 3
The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf

A shepherd boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a village, brought out the villagers
three or four times by crying out, “Wolf! Wolf!” and when his neighbors came to help him,
laughed at them for their pains. The wolf, however, did truly come at last. The shepherd
boy, now really alarmed, shouted in an agony of terror: “Pray, do come and help me; the
wolf is killing the sheep”, but no one paid any heed to his cries, nor rendered any
assistance. The wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole
“There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth”

Story 4
Your Inner Voice

Ramsey worked for a private company. One day his boss marched into his room and
demanded, “Did a man come to see me on Monday afternoon, when I was out?” Ramsey
was quick to tell a lie. “No sir,” he said. “At least nobody came to me.”
The boss looked at him doubtfully for a moment. Then he left. The subject was not brought
up again. The boss seemed to have forgotten all about it but from that very moment
Ramsey lost his peace of mind. All night long he tossed in bed, shocked and angry with
himself for telling a lie. At about six in the morning, he could not stand it any longer. He
had a bath, dressed up and went straight to his boss’s house.
“A man did come to see you on Monday afternoon, sir,” blurted out Ramsey to a boss who
was still sipping his morning cup of tea. “I forgot to tell you and was too scared to own up.
I am very, very sorry.”
Ramsey was quite prepared to be dismissed because he had done something very wrong
and his boss was a strict man. But there was a big surprise in store for Ramsey. His boss
smiled and said, “It must have taken a great deal of courage to come here and own up.
Forget about the whole thing now but do be more careful in future.” Ramsey went back
home as a happy man, with a great load off his mind.
People try to cover up a mistake up telling lies mostly because they are afraid. Afraid of
punishment. Afraid of being found out and getting a bad name. Afraid of loosing the good
opinion of family and friends. But we must remember that a lie will never let you rest in
peace. Truth is very difficult to hide.
Have you ever made a mistake and tried to hide the truth? What mistake did you make and
from whom did you try to hide it?
If you make a mistake, it is always best to own up. For one thing, we must remember that
everyone makes mistakes. Even the most intelligent, successful people sometimes make
mistakes. So why that feeling of shame in confessing that we too have made a mistake?
Being Successfulxx 37

Story 5
Keep That Promise

“Mother,” said Ramsey one morning, “may I stay back in school after classes today? I want
to play badminton.” “Sure,” said his mother. “But do come home by five.” Ramsey
promised and went off to school.
The clock struck five but Ramsey had not returned. 5.30, 6 and he still wasn’t back. His
mother walked all the way to school which was more than a kilometer away. But there was
not a soul around. The gate was locked.
Ramsey’s mother enquired at the house of two of his friends. He was not there. She asked
at his favourite ice cream van. He had not been there either. By then it was getting dark and
Ramsey’s mother was very worried indeed, particularly because Ramsey’s father was away
on tour.
As she stood near the market, wondering what to do, she saw a boy who studied in
Ramsey’s class. “Have you seen Ramsey?” she asked the boy. “Yes Aunty, I have,” came
the reply. “He has gone to Tahsen’s house. I saw him and Tahsen walk out of the school
Together they went to Tahsen’s house. Ramsey and Tahsen were busy playing a video
game. When Ramsey saw his mother’s face, gone white with worry, he felt quite ashamed
of himself. “ Please forgive me, Mother,” he said. “In future I shall always keep my
promise.” And Ramsey has never broken this promise.
A broken promise can cause a lot of worry, as in the story given above. It can also cause a
lot of unhappiness. Suppose a friend of yours goes away to another city, promising to write
to you, but he/she does not write. How would you feel about it?
A broken promise can cause a lot of unnecessary trouble too. Suppose you are putting up a
play. You need a long coat for one of the characters. One of your friends has such a coat at
home. He promises to bring it but does not. He upsets the whole play.
Many people break promises, not because they like to do so, but because they are careless
about it. They think promises don’t matter. But they do. In fact, promises matter a lot.
Think of an occasion when someone broke a promise made to you. What was the promise?

Story 6

Once there was a boy named Tarkan. He was in class 7. There were twenty-seven boys in
the class. One of the boys, Faysal, had a beautiful pencil-sharpener. Faysal was very proud
of his sharpener and kept it carefully. He not only sharpened his own pencil with it but also
sharpened the pencils of all other children in his class.
One day, when all the children were on the playground, Tarkan ran back to the classroom
and took out the pencil-sharpener from Faysal’s bag. “He quickly hid it in his own bag.
Tarkan went home as soon as school was over.

Now that he had the sharpener, he was very pleased with himself. He went to his room,
took out all his coloured pencils and sharpened them.
Being Successfulxx 38
After a while, his mother called him for tea. When he came to the table, he found his
little brother Lokman in tears.
“Why are you crying, Lokman?” Tarkan asked. “Did some boy hit you? Tell me who he is.
I shall set him right.”
“No Tarkan, nobody has beaten me,” said Lokman, sobbing. Today, I took my toy-pistol to
school. Someone stole it from my bag.” Poor little Lokman loved his toy-pistol dearly. Its
loss left him heartbroken.
Tarkan felt very sorry for his brother. He tried to cheer him up, but Lokman remained sad
and gloomy.
That night Tarkan heard his brother praying “Dear Allah, tomorrow when I go to school,
please make the boy who took my pistol put it back in my bag.”
“If Lokman is feeling so sad about his pistol,” thought Tarkan, “Faysal must also be
unhappy because he has lost his pencil-sharpener.” He realised what a naughty thing he had
“Tomorrow, I will put the sharpener back in Faysal’s bag,” decided Tarkan. He felt
ashamed of himself. He made up his mind never to steal again.
Sometimes, it seems that the easiest way to get what one wants is to steal it from others.
But it is wrong to steal. Often, people have to work very hard for the things they have. It is
wrong to take what does not belong to us.
A person, who steals is called a thief. A thief is afraid of being caught and punished. So, he
is always in fear.
Honest people do not steal. Everyone respects an honest person. Dishonest people are
neither loved nor respected. Nobody wants to be the friend of a thief.
You must not take other people’s things without asking them. If you find something that
does not belong to you, you must return it to its owner.

Story 7
In the Examination Hall

Given below are four true stories. Each one of them leads us to a great truth. Read and
discuss it in class.

Suzan was trying for the first position in class. She worked hard. But she also took some
notes with her to the examination hall and copied from them. When the results came out,
Suzan was deeply disappointed to find that two girls had beaten her.
Ramsey never learnt his lessons properly. In the exam he copied from the next boy. Once
he tried to copy a whole sum but missed out one step. He was found out and punished.
Ahmad cheated in a test and got very good marks. But he wasn’t at all happy. He kept
thinking, “Do my class fellows know about it? What must they be thinking of me? Suppose
one of them tells the teacher? My parents will come to know too and I’ll be punished. Oh
dear, why did I cheat at all?”
Mary’s class had a test in maths. The paper was tough. Anne, the brightest girl in class, sat
next to Mary but Mary did not even look at Anne’s answer book. The teacher was
watching. She was very pleased with Mary and began to give her a little extra time
explaining everything very carefully. Soon Mary pushed ahead in maths.
“Not cheating but hard work makes a winner”
Being Successfulxx 39
In any exam only one, two or three people can win a prize. It is only natural to feel bad
if you tried for a prize and did not get one. But it is not nice to show that you are hurt or to
say nasty things about those who have won.
Think of a time when you hoped for a prize and did not get one. What did you do or say?

Story 8

Mary was the tallest student in her class. For that reason she had to sit in a rear desk.
Actually she had wanted to sit in a front desk since the first year of school. This was the
fourth year that they had been studying in this school. But she had still been sitting in a rear
desk in the classroom.
After finishing summer holiday Mary was coming back to school hoping her friends taller
than her. With regret they were the same tall but Mary was the tallest again. Only she had
grown. She gave up hope of herself because her friends hadn’t grown more than her.
Once she had appealed to her teacher to sit in front desk. Her teacher had given her
permission to sit in front desk for one day since she was so insistent. Her friends sitting
behind her were trying to see the board by standing up. Some of them were trying to see the
board by leaning down the edge of the desks. At the end of the first class her teacher had
made her sit in the rear desk.
Mary had made her mind to sit in front desk that’s why she had to find a solution. For many
days she thought about it. Finally a bright idea came to her mind and she would tell a lie.
When she went to school she told that she was unable to read the blackboard.
She said that the letters on the board were murky and not clear.
“Come to the front desk, will you be able to see better?” said.
Mary came to the front and looked at the board
“I see the blackboard very well from here.” She said.
In that case you have got sight problem. In a short time you must go to the doctor.
“Shall I sit in front desk for now until I go to doctor?”
Because I can’t see from rear desk, she said.
Teacher thought a little and he made her sit in front desk near the window. Because she was
hindering not many students’ sight. Five or six students exactly behind her would tolerate.
Finally Mary came to front and she was very happy. After a couple of days “Did you go to
doctor Mary?” teacher asked.
“My father would take me to the doctor after regulating” said.
After passing two weeks the students behind Mary had started to complain “We are roughly
being hindered to see the board” they said.
Her teacher warned Mary and said
“Do you care if I speak to your father to take you to the doctor?”
“We don’t need to speak about it, because we will go to the doctor this weekend” she said.
However her father knows neither about doctor nor her daughter’s tricks.
When weekend came she was thinking what to do, on Saturday she went to the optician and
bought unnumbered glasses. On Monday while she was entering the gate of the school she
wore her glasses. She said she had gone to the doctor and doctor had given her glasses.
Her teacher said
Being Successfulxx 40
“You can see well with glasses, that’s why go to the rear desk”
Mary was bored and taken aback.
“I can see very well from here” she said.
“It doesn’t make any difference to sit in the rear desk since you have glasses, because you
are disturbing your friends if you sit in the front desk” teacher said. Mary was unable to
find a pretext so she sat in the rear desk now. But she hadn’t thought to happen like that.
All her efforts were in vain to sit in the front desk. By the way she had bought glasses and
had to wear it. And also she didn’t get used to wearing glasses.
She decided to get rid of the glasses. She wore glasses until weekend. On Monday she came
to school without glasses of course her friends asked why she didn’t wear her glasses.
She said adding “On the weekend when I went to the doctor, he had given me medicines. I
used these medicines and this weekend I went to the doctor again. Doctor said to me not to
use glasses because my eyes are OK now, that’s why I am not wearing glasses.”
But her friends hadn’t believed her.
“How is it possible not to wear glasses after using some medicines” her friends said.
Mary was surprised what to say and how to behave.
“My doctor is an expert person he has finished his university in America. His medicine is
being tested in America now and it is not available in our country” she said
After that she wanted not to disclose this subject. But it wasn’t so easy to close this subject.
At the first break five students who were wearing glasses had come up near her because
they wanted to get this medicine.
“Give us name of this doctor, and we went to get rid of these glasses” they said.
Mary doesn’t know what to say.
“I can’t” she said. But her friend insisted on it. Anyway she didn’t want to talk about
doctor’s name. Her friends are offended with her.One of them was her best friend that was
Susan. Susan didn’t know anything about her friend’s plot and trick.“You are selfish and
you don’t want our goodness so don’t speak with me again” Susan said.
Mary was so sad because her lies and plots had brought trouble on her. Her close friend was
also offended with her. She had just told a lie but this lie had brought trouble on her. She
had deceived either her friends or her teacher.
In that class from moral values her teacher had spoken about the importance of being
confident and reliable. Her friend Susan had also read a poetry about “I never go back from
honesty” and Mary had felt ashamed. After poetry finished, she stood up and confessed all
her lies.
Mary said:
“I apologize to you, I had thought to sit in the front desk by telling you a lie. My little lie
became a huge problem.”
Her teacher:
“This is true you have told. A lie gives a birth to a lie. A little lie or big lies is the same not
different. You have made a mistake but you became aware of your mistake. It is also a
good progress.” said her teacher.Mary apologized to her friends again. Her teacher and
friends forgave her. At the break time Susan said to her
“I apologize to you, but if you tell a lie again, I never speak with you. If we don’t trust in
each other we will not be friendly. Because a liar can’t get a real friend, as you know
nobody trusts in them.” Mary felt sorry for everything. This event had become a good
lesson to her.
Being Successfulxx 41

Honesty is the best policy.

Plain dealing is best.
Better beg than steal.
He is wise that is honest.
A true man and a thief think not the same.


Staying Healthy and Clean

The ever-changing body is a wonderful machine which will serve one well if one takes care
of it. Health and hygiene make a healthy mind. If the body is fit, it becomes easier for the
mind to concentrate on other tasks.
Remember what you eat. Pay extra attention to how different foods make you feel.
For example, a greasy meal may make you suffer from indigestion and fresh fruit and
vegetables make you feel fit and energetic.
Develop your own ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’. Be moderate and avoid extremes. Exercise and
playing outdoor games keep the mind well-balanced, refreshed and healthy.
Exercise is an amazing energy- giver which melts stress away and clears the mind.
There is no single best way to exercise- it could be running, walking, cycling, skating,
aerobics, and so on- but for best results, exercise for twenty to thirty minutes a session at
least three times a week.
Cleanliness reflects the personality and besides leaving a good impression, goes a long way
in preventing disease and infections.
Clipped nails, a clean face and body with neat, spick-and-span clothes are all part of a
disciplined way of life guaranteed to make you feel good about yourself.
It is important to stay healthy by caring for yourself on a daily basis.
Some habits are negative such as pessimism, blaming or criticizing others, and having

The Road to a Perfect Body

“Health is wealth” is an age old proverb. If you are a fitness fan, you would know that
taking care of yourself is to be valued as a priority. Good living habits are absolutely
necessary for a healthy and happy life.
Why should we give importance of the highest order to health and fitness? We need to do it
in order to live longer and live better so that we can enjoy all the good things of life. So, eat
healthy and nutritious food. Rich food taken in large quantities can give you heart disease
Being Successfulxx 42
in the long run. Lack of exercise and not fresh air can make the body sloppy and flabby
which in turn weakens the muscles, thereby making them useless.
If you have health problems, bring them out into the open. Do not ignore them. They get
worse and worry you for the rest of your life. Give them proper attention and care. Seek the
help of professionals who can help you for your specific problems. Doctors, nurses and
dentists are always within your reach.
The other important thing to remember is to share your worries with your parents as you are
not experienced enough to deal with health problems. If you are confused, get someone
much older than you to make the decision for you.
“Writing on the board is getting blurry. I’m going to look terrible in classes.” “Don’t take
any chances. There are hundreds of beautiful frames to choose from. I can help.”
“Yucky! My mouth stinks, gums bleed and the tooth hurts. I’m terrified of the dentist.”
“Don’t be silly. The germs will spread to your other teeth. The dentist can give you
something to stop the pain. And what’s more- try avoiding sweets for a while. Rinse your
mouth after every meal.”
“Mummy, they call me Walrus at school because of my buckteeth.” “Don’t be unhappy, my
darling. Let’s visit the dentist. He’ll fix wires to strengthen your teeth.” “Oh, no! It will
hurt. How will I speak? No part for me in the plays. My mouth will look ugly.” “Better now
than for the rest of your life. Accept the change and the discomfort. And then you will look
“I don’t have the disease symptoms anymore. Here go the medicines. Yippee!” “Hey,
don’t! Respect doctor’s orders and the prescription. Finish the course.”
“Poor Tarkan! Feeling so ill! There is still some of my old medicine in the cupboard, you
can have it. You’ll feel better.” “Stop! Prescription drugs can have different effects on
different people. These reactions happen due to size, age and body constitution. What may
be good for you, may not work on your friend Tarkan.”
“Look at me, flabby, fat and tired! They will never choose me for any extra-curricular
activity.” “Well! Don’t just feel sorry for yourself. Get up and exercise. Use your will
power and become an achiever.”
“Wow! Look at Tarkan. What muscles and what a figure!” “He works hard for the healthy
look. He plays, jogs and exercises.”
“I feel so low and depressed. My best friend Tarkan has given me the magic drug. She
would never dream of hurting me.” “Stop, you silly boy! That’s the Horror Drug. Once is
not enough. You will get hooked on to it and finally become a useless human being.”
“Why have a meal at home? Nothing like junk food. It’s so delicious. Foolish to call it junk.
Come on now.” “No way. It is processed and not balanced. Besides, it could empty your
Kamal looks great, doesn’t he? Tarkan is too something. Beautiful skin, teeth and hair.”
“You said it! They both eat well balanced meals with milk products, protein based foods,
fruits, vegetables, and bread everyday. Of course, they drink a lot of water as well, almost
three litres. No wonder…”
“I feel so upset! Can’t sleep. Can’t concentrate on my work.” “Try meditating. Take deep
breaths. Relax. Make positive resolutions. Think of yourself as someone getting better
every day and in every way.”
Visualize… you are inhaling pure fresh energy that perhaps looks like shiny golden clouds
which roam around inside your body- healing all the way. Stomach in- exhale.
Being Successfulxx 43
With your eyes closed see black impure clouds leaving your body. If you go to sleep
with your nerves tense, you will have a very restless sleep and change position very often
during the night. So relax.


Health and wealth create beauty.

Health is great riches.
Health is better than wealth.
Poverty is the matter of health.
Where the sun enters, the doctor does not.One doctor makes work for another.

Our Duty


Our Parents

Story 1

A Dutiful Son

Bayazid was a little boy. One night he was studying. His mother was fast asleep. Suddenly,
she raised her head and said, “Bayazid, my boy, could you give me a glass of water? I’m
very thirsty.”
Bayazid went to the pitcher to get water. But he found the pitcher empty. So the boy went
to the next house for water. He found everybody asleep. The boy did not like to disturb the
people so late at night.
He remembered that there was a well at a distance. So he came back home. He took the
pitcher, the boy returned home as fast as he could. In the meantime, his mother has fallen
asleep again.
Bayazid filled a glass and took it to his mother. He found her asleep, he waited by his
mother’s bed. Hours passed but his mother did not awake. So Bayazid stood there with the
glass of water still in his hand. He did not disturb his mother in her sleep.
When it was dawn, his mother opened her eyes. To her great surprise, she saw Bayazid
standing with the glass of water. The mother remembered everything. She was overjoyed.
Being Successfulxx 44
She drew Bayazid to her and kissed him again and again. In her joy she prayed,
“Merciful Allah, I am pleased with my son. May you also be pleased with him.”
The prayer of the happy mother did not go in vain. In later years, Bayazid became a famous
saint. He was then known as Bayazid Bustami, the Prince of Saints.

Story 2

Thank You, God, for Parents

“Rezwan!” shouted father as I burst into the room with muddy shoes and sweaty clothes. I
had gone to play football without telling anyone. Father had decided to come home earlier
than usual.
“Pinky, my sweet, please get me my newspaper.” He was all honey and sugar to my sister.
“He doesn’t like me much.
Why would he be such a crosspatch, otherwise?” I wondered. “He is always asking me to
do this and that.” I felt very angry with him and very sorry for myself. Come too think of it,
I must admit I should not have felt like that.
My father is, as a matter of fact, a wonderful person. He directs his anger towards me not
because he hates me, but because he wants me to be a better person.
He only scolds me when I am at fault. Why don’t take more interest in my studies? It is
rather naughty to go out without informing anyone. I should actually be grateful to God that
He has given me a father who cares enough for me to notice my shortcomings and point
them out.
Thank God for my good father!

Story 3

Sabrina’s Choice

This is the story of a family- father, mother and two girls, Sabrina and Maryam. They did
not have much money, but they were quite happy because they loved and cared for one
Once Sabrina’s uncle and aunty came to stay with them. Uncle was a rich man. He lived in
Africa and earned a lot of money. Every day uncle and aunty talked about their life in
Africa. They had a beautiful house with a garden. They had two cars, one black, the other
red. They kept dogs and horses. Every year they went on a holiday by plane and had a
lovely time.
Uncle and aunty had no children. From the first day they want to take Sabrina. They talked
to Sabrina about her school. They took her out and brought her pretty things.
One day, uncle said to father. “We like Sabrina very much. May we take her with us to
Aunty said, “She’ll be very happy with us. She’ll get lots of money, good food and good
clothes. We’ll send her to the best school. What do you say?”
Sabrina’s mother did not wish to send her daughter away. She began to cry. Sabrina’s
father thought for some time and said, “I don’t want to part with Sabrina. But I can’t give
her all the good things that you can. It may be best for her to go with you.”
Being Successfulxx 45
“Let’s ask Sabrina,” said uncle.
They called Sabrina and told her everything. Sabrina became very quiet. Then she asked
her father, “Do you want me to go?”
Her father replied, “My daughter, it is your choice. You can go or stay, as you wish.”
Sabrina ran to her mother and hugged her. “I don’t wish to go at all.” She said. “I’ll stay
right here with you. Who wants money? I want your love.”
Father and mother smiled happily. Uncle and aunty smiled too. They said, “How right you
are, Sabrina!”

Story 4

An Example

One day a man brought his son to Hazret Muhammad (PBUH). The boy was very fond of
sweetmeat. He used to trouble his parents for it every now and then. His parents were not
rich. So they could not always give him what he wanted. The boy would cry and create
trouble. So the father brought his son to the Prophet (PBUH) for advice.
The Prophet (PBUH) called the boy to him and advised him thus: “My son, there is no
doubt that you love your parents. Your parents love you, too. So you, as a good and dutiful
son, must not do anything to give them pain. You know your parents are not rich. So it is
not possible for them to give you everything you like to have. I am sure you will not trouble
them anymore for sweetmeat. They know that there is nothing bad in taking sweetmeat. So
they will give it to you when they can.”
The kind words of Our Prophet (PBUH) pleased the boy. So he promised not to trouble his
parents any more about sweetmeat.

Story 5

Duty Towards Our Parents

Have you heard the story of Abdullah?

Abdullah was a young boy. His parents were old and blind. They had brought him up with
great love and affection. They had to work hard to make a living.
Abdullah grew up to be a loving and thoughtful boy. He realized how difficult it must have
been for his blind parents to look after him. He did all he could to help them.
One day, his parents told him that they would like to go on a long pilgrimage. But it was
not easy for them to go because they were old and blind.
Abdullah wanted to fulfill the wishes of his parents. He said to himself, “If my parents
cannot walk all the way, I shall carry them.” He tied a basket at each end of a pole.
He made his parents sit in the baskets and carried them on his shoulders.
It was a hard task for Abdullah. The journey was long, but Abdullah was cheerful. His
parents were proud of him. They thanked Allah for giving them such a good and dutiful
Being Successfulxx 46
Our parents work hard to bring us up. Often, they give up many things which they like
so that we can have what we want and need. They try to bring us up in the best possible
way because they love us.
Sometimes, our parents have to scold us and be strict with us. They check on our faults so
that we can correct ourselves.
It hurts them when they have to be hard on us, but they do it to make us better persons.
They want us to be liked and respected by all.
We also have a duty towards our parents. We should help them as much as we can, always
bearing in mind that they did their best for us when we needed their help.
As children it is our duty towards our parents to behave well, to do our schoolwork
regularly, to be neat and clean and to be polite.
We must obey our parents and respect them. We should always behave in a manner which
will make our parents be proud of us.
When our parents are not there, our teachers and our elders take their place. We should treat
them with the same love and respect.
When our parents grow old, they will need our love and attention more than ever before. It
is our duty to look after them when we grow up.

Story 2

Sally and Sam’s Gift for Mother

Sally and Sam didn’t know what to do. Mother’s Day was only a few days away and they
still hadn’t gotten their mother a present.
“If daddy were here he’d give us some money and take us to the store so we could buy
something!” Sam grumbled.
“Maybe he’ll get back before Mother’s Day,” Sally said hopefully.
“No, when I talked to him on the phone last night he said grandpa is still very sick and he
had to stay and drive grandma to and from the hospital,” Sam answered sadly.
“I guess it’s nice for grandma that he’s there, but I miss him. Mother does too. I heard her
crying last night,” Sally told her brother in a hushed voice, looking around to make their
mother hadn’t entered the room.
“Maybe she is worried about grandpa,” Sam said, recalling how his mother asked their
father every evening when he called how Grandpa Miller was.
“I heard Mrs. Foster say a wife’s place is next to her husband,” Sally said with a frown,
recalling what she had overheard the next door neighbour say when they had gone over to
help the older woman hang some new curtains.
“What did mother say about that?” Sam wanted to know.
“Mother said there wasn’t enough money for her to go back east, and besides it was no
place for children at a time like this.”
“A time like what?” Sam asked, but Sally only shrugged.
“I don’t know. Mother saw I was listening and changed the subject.”
“Perhaps we could ask daddy to send us some money next time he calls,” Sam said,
returning to their Mother’s Day dilemma. “I’ll bet Mrs. Foster would take us shopping so
we could get a present in time for Sunday.”
“There is not enough time for daddy to send something through the mail,” Sally told him.
“Besides, if there isn’t enough money for mother to go with daddy to see Grandma and
Being Successfulxx 47
Grandpa Miller, then I don’t think we should ask daddy to send us any. Don’t you have
any money saved from your allowance?”
Sam shook his head. “Not much,” he admitted. “I’ve put almost all my money into the
vacation jar.”
The vacation jar was an old coffee can that Mr. and Mrs. had helped the children wrap in
bright red construction paper and then glue pictures of Disney characters on.
There were pictures of Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck, Whinny and Pooh with his arm
around a pretty cat, and many other less favourite characters in various positions all over
the can.
Every week Daddy would put some money in the vacation jar, saying that the sooner they
had enough saved up, the sooner they could take the children to Disneyland.
Sally and Sam almost always added some of their allowance to the jar. They had never
been to Disneyland, but a number of their friends had, and had told them how much fun it
The family had been putting money in the jar for over a year and father had said that
perhaps by this spring they would have enough saved for their Disneyland vacation.
“Maybe we could borrow some from the vacation jar,” Sally said thoughtfully. “I mean, it’s
our money, in a way. Remember how daddy told mother if it was just the two of them
they’d probably not go anywhere near as exciting?”
Sam shook his head. “That would be stealing,” he told his sister. “Besides, if we take
money out of the can we might not be able to go to Disneyland this spring.”
“Sally, Sam, time for supper!” Mother’s voice called from the kitchen.
Sally and Sam were unusually quiet during supper. When their father called that evening
they were happy, but somehow hearing his voice made them miss his all the more.
Mother spoke cheerfully to Mr. Miller, but after she hung up she looked so sad that Sally
and Sam felt she must miss their father even more than they did.
Sally and Sam went to bed, but neither of them fell asleep for a very long time.
The next day there was much whispering and activity. Mrs. Miller smiled as she cleaned up
overlooked scraps of paper and put the glue jar away.
She knew that the children didn’t have the money to buy her a Mother’s Day present, but
she didn’t need expensive presents. She would be just happy with the homemade cards she
assumed the children had made for her.
The children could hardly wait for Sunday to arrive. They got up early and cooked
breakfast. Hot cereal with orange juice and toast. When mother came down she found the
table set with their best bowls and silverware and breakfast waiting.
“That was a very nice Mother’s Day present,” she told the children when they finished
“That’s not all,” Sam said grinning broadly. He opened a cupboard and pulled out large
package with a card taped to the top.
“What’s this?” Mother asked as Sam laid the colourful package in her lap.
“Open it!” Sally and Sam exclaimed at the same time.
Mother opened the card first. It was a large piece of cardboard covered with yellow paper
upon which the children had glued pictures of hearts and flowers that they had cut from
various coloured construction paper. Across the top of the card they had written the words,
“This is beautiful!” Mother cried, “the best card I’ve ever gotten!”
“Open the package now!” Sally cried, clapping her hands together happily.
Being Successfulxx 48
“I don’t understand,” mother said, starting down at the familiar jar that lay exposed in
her lap.
“We decided that you should get the money in the jar to go visit Grandpa and Grandma
Miller,” Sam told her a little shyly. “We can save up more money to go to Disneyland when
daddy gets back. Right now daddy’s all alone. Mrs. Foster said she would be happy to take
care of us while you’re gone.”
“What made you think of giving me the vacation jar for a present?” Mother asked, putting
the jar on the table and gathering her children into her arms.

Cleanliness is to keep away body and spirit from physical and spiritual dirt.
That’s why bodily duties are very important to do for a healthy and principled person
completely, it is also responsibility of everyone fulfilling the main bodily duty is
Cleanliness must be not only from dirt but also from sins.
There are four different parts of cleanliness; bodily, spiritual, food & drink, and
neighborhood. We have to take shower at least once a week, sometimes everyday due to
weather conditions.
Before and after every meal we should wash our hands exactly. It is better to brush our
teeth twice a day. While we are washing our hands by the way we should never forget to
cut our nails on time.
As everybody knows we take all kinds of germs with our hands. Furthermore we should
shave off our beard, smooth our moustache, and comb our hair when we come of age.
By the way we must not forget to shave off our private parts (front part) and armpit a
cultivated and a civilized person must be careful about his eating, drinking, wearing and
neighborhood. This is a very important ethical responsibility.
First of all our homes, streets, districts, towns, cities, countries and villages must be kept
clean absolutely.
Moreover factories, markets, religious places and educational institutions must be kept
clean as well. We should know the importance of our health before sickness.
The first condition against sickness is to pay attention to cleanliness.

How Clean Is Your City?

Doesn’t the sight of garbage sicken you? As you look around, the vast stretches of garbage
piles with rats, birds, and other animals patronizing them are a common scene. The waste is
left lying open for a long period of time before the town authority collection is done.
A clean environment and a healthy community requires both a good system of waste
disposal, and proper management of cleaning operations.
The filthy city is a reflection of lazy, dirty people easy-going, uncaring municipal workers.
People with good civic sense should make it a point to notice the squalor around them and
inform the authorities. If no notice is taken, ask grown-ups to get organized and protest.
Being Successfulxx 49
If you go on a picnic, remember not to litter the place. The entire surroundings come
under a ‘no litter zone’. A dustbin is the only exception.
A Bangladeshi doctor who had lived abroad for ten years came back to Bangladesh.
Someone asked him, “What, in your opinion, is the main difference between Western
countries and Bangladesh?”
“They’re much cleaner,” he replied. “People out there really know how to look after
We must make our country a cleaner place to live in, too. We must look after our things.
We must keep them clean and bright. That would also make them last longer.


It was difficult for me to get permission to go to my friend Fatema’s house. My mother said
that she didn’t recognize this family and didn’t know their social life that’s why she didn’t
want to send me. It is very difficult to understand older people. I grew enough. I reached
the age of fourteen last month. Shall I not go to one of my friends alone?
Finally I convinced my mother by any means possible. I had tried to convince my mother
for days. At the end of it I won and I was going.
Actually I helped my mother wash the dishes, lay the table and tidy the house. While I was
helping my mother sometimes I said “Mother, Fatema is my nice friend and I like her very
much” not too much but in a day fifteen times I told my mother like that. In the end my
mother said:
“Enough is enough! I know how you like Fatema and I don’t want to hear about her
anymore. On Saturday you can go to your friend.”
Finally I arrived at their house. They live in our sector but there is enough distance and
fifteen minutes I walked on the road. One month passed since she came to our classroom.
We haven’t been friendly yet but I thought somehow we would not be friendly. She invited
me to her house with insistence and she said “Come to our house we can also have a
friendly chat together.” When I phoned and told “I am coming to you tomorrow.” she was
pleased with this news.
When I knocked at the door Fatema opened the door and embraced me. “Welcome to our
house, Mary! You made me very happy” she said. I was very happy but my nose had felt
unhappy. Because she was reeking of sweat. After I had taken back my arms from her then
I went into the house.
“Lets go to my room” said.
It was a small room. There was a bed and a study desk in there. There were some posters of
her favorite singers suspended on the wall
I sat on the chair and we started to speak. Her smell of sweat was killing my nose since the
room was so small. Anyhow I had to find a solution to go to a spacious room. I started
yawning and said “Would it be all right if we sat in your sitting room? Because I feel sleepy
in small rooms”
“Of course let’s go to the sitting room and sit there” she said. We went to the sitting room.
This place was enough spacious. In the sitting room there were a big table, a set of
Being Successfulxx 50
armchairs, some beautiful pictures suspended on the wall and flowers in some places. I
sat in a big armchair.
Fatema came near me and sat in an armchair. After she had sat near me then her smell of
sweat started to reek strongly and my nose started killing me so I stood up quickly saying
“Can I look at the picture closely?” and started to walk in the room.
I scrutinized the pictures closely. After that I sat in armchair far from Fatema. This place
was good and I had felt relieved. In a short time Fatema brought lemonade and sat down
near me drinking her lemonade. I drank lemonade quickly and stood up “May I go to toilet?
After drinking something I have to go” I said. Fatema took me spacious and beautiful
bathroom. In it there was a huge bath-tub.
I wanted to give a hint to Fatema and said “What a beautiful bathroom you have! If I were
you I would take shower everyday”
Fatema took her hair back indifferently and said “I don’t take shower frequently because
my hair is too long and it is so difficult to wash” I would almost tell her she should take a
shower but I held my tongue. I knew I didn’t to have to break her heart.
After locking the door of the bathroom I washed my face and hands I needed to dally there
but returned compulsorily. While Fatema’s mother was putting a dish of cake on the table
“Welcome” she said. After she brought a bottle of juice to put on the table

Fatema said:
“Come here, let’s eat our cakes, later we can study our lessons” I sat down at the table.
There were enough cookie, chocolate cake and flaky pastries. I always succumb to
chocolate cake . After I had started to eat my cake with fork I felt her disturbing smell
again. The chocolate cake was watering my mouth but my nose was killing me.
I stood up from the table and I said
“I don’t feel like eating now. Before I left my house I had eaten enough. And I haven’t got
hungry yet.”
Fatema said:
All right let’s eat later”
Suddenly a bright idea came to my mind. I got angry to myself so that I didn’t think about it
“Have you got cologne? Because of hot I am covered with perspiration. I never stand for
the smell of sweat” I said Fatema went and brought a bottle of perfume. I sprayed a little to
myself but I sprayed abundantly to Fatema. Then the bad smell went away completely.
I said that we could eat our cakes. After that I couldn’t help succumbing to flaky pastry and
ate it. After eating cakes we sat at the table to study our lessons and opened our books.
After we had studied a little unfortunately that bad smell started to reek and was coming to
my nose badly. The smell of perfume had gone away. There was only bad smell of sweat.
I understood that perfume was good in clean body. As a matter of fact I wasn’t good at
math and under these circumstances I had already forgotten two plus two. I said that I
didn’t feel like studying. Actually I wanted to go home.
“I have to go home in case my mother is worried” I said.
“You have just come here. Your mother knew this. If you don’t want to study, lets have a
friendly chat so don’t go” she said.
We stood up from the table and I pretended to look at the pictures after that I sat in an
armchair far from Fatema.
Being Successfulxx 51
Suddenly a man who was lurching came into the room. He was walking reluctantly, his
eyes were in red, leering at me at the same time he was coming near me. I was greatly
surprised and I couldn’t say anything. Very soon Fatema stood up and took him outside by
holding his arms.
After some minutes Fatema came back and said:
“Don’t be afraid, he was my father, he has drunk too much. He had gone yesterday and he
has just come. I took him to his bedroom and lay him. I think he will come round after
twenty four hours.”
I have felt relieved a little. We talked about friends and school life. As a good friend I
didn’t want to break her heart but I knew that I had to find a solution to warn her about
smell of her sweat.
Once my aunt had warned me about smell of sweat and I was benefiting from her advice
too much. By the way I wanted to speak about my aunt. Fatema! I have an aunt, she is an
expert of smell, I mean she can’t stand for bad smell
“Who can stand for bad smell” she said.
I seized this opportunity and went on.
When she comes to our house she warns me and says
“Be careful in cleanliness, if you reek badly you disturb the others and you make a bad
impression on those who felt it.”
Fatema laughed and said
“You have a witty aunt, you reek of garlic and onion after eating them”
Everything was OK. She had just disclosed a subject I wanted to speak. “If you aren’t
careful in cleanliness of armpit you reek badly” I said and my aunt “Take a shower
frequently, if it is not possible to take a shower, you should clean your armpit with cologne
or soapy handkerchief” says.
“What is this soapy handkerchief?” she says laughing.
I was pleased with it. Because she had paid attention to this subject. I explained promptly
Two pieces of cloth or cotton you can take and first clean with soapy piece of cloth then
clean with watery cloth.
“Why do we need like that…. If you feel smell of sweat you can go to bathroom and take a
shower” she said.
It was a very good explanation.
This is the main problem, I said. Actually people don’t feel their own smell, the others
don’t tell her mistakes to her face. For that reason it is necessary to take measures against it
in advance
My aunt “When the weather is cold maybe we can’t take a shower, those who are in
crowded classes and active, running here and there too much need to take a shower
frequently and must pay attention to cleanliness. It is better to take a shower.
If you don’t take a shower you should wipe your face, hands, armpits, etc.
You should get this into a habit while wearing” says Fatema:
“I hadn’t heard like that before” said. After having a friendly chat with her I stood up to go
home. I felt relieved. In fact I had done what I wanted because I had explained without
breaking her heart.
“Mary, I want to tell you something but I am afraid of breaking your heart” she said.
You can tell, no problem
Being Successfulxx 52
Actually I wouldn’t tell but since you disclosed this subject of smell I was saying. You
are not keeping yourself from bad smell do you know? I was listening to her with
“What kind of bad smell?” I said.
Smell of mouth. Your mouth reeked of garlic all day. I was disturbed too much but I didn’t
want to make you feel ashamed and tried not to make you sad. Please! After eating garlic
don’t go out from house; she said.
Garlic? Ok you are right. Before I came here I had eaten pilaff (biryani) and yoghurt with
garlic. Because my mother likes yoghurt with garlic. How I couldn’t think it. I felt
ashamed, and said “Excuse me, I will be careful next time” and then I returned home.

Importance of Toilet Manners

There are two different manners in the toilet like defecating (big toilet). It is very important
to know the manners of toilet for cultivated and educated people.

Before going you should take off your jacket or coat.

You should roll up your trousers.
Enter with your left leg.
Don’t speak in the toilet.
Squat down while defecating or urinating.
Don’t think about anything in the toilet.
Don’t stay in the toilet more than your need.
After finishing big toilet clean with toilet tissue. After that wash with water.
In the end of it dry with toilet tissue again.
For small toilet clean with water then dry with toilet tissue.
Get out of the toilet with your right leg.
After finishing your toilet wash your hands with soap too much.
As doctors say it is not enough to use toilet tissue, in fact both of them I mean toilet tissue
and water are necessary to use in the toilet. Especially you should pay attention to
cleanliness in the toilet too much for healthy life. Doctors say that, it is very useful to squat
down even while urinating.


Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Muck and money go together.
Cleanliness is coming from good character.
A clean person keeps him away from doctor.
Clean city clean country, clean people clean society.

Love Of Reading
Story 1
Being Successfulxx 53

The Right to Read and Write

Fifteen year old Tarkan was expelled from school last year. He still cannot read or write.
Since his parents cannot support him, he is desperately in need of a job.
Will he get a decent job so that he could be self-sufficient? The chances are that he is likely
to be cheated at every step because he cannot read or write.
All those years at school and yet illiterate? How could it be possible? Well, it happened to
Tarkan because he felt that his teacher did not help him to overcome his difficulty in
The teacher also overlooked the constant taunting his classmates subjected him to over his
poor performance. As a plea for help, longing for sympathy and attention, he began to
misbehave and regularly played truant. He felt let down by his school education.
The teacher had to cope with fifty students in the class. Was Tarkan justified in now
blaming him for what happened?
Fortunately, Tarkan is being helped by a caring neighbour who owns a garage. He will
soon have him on his feet. Tarkan is learning to read and write from the owner’s school-
going son and earning his keep by cleaning the garage owner’s home as well as the
He is also observing the work of the mechanics and picking up the technique of repairing
cars. It won’t be long before he learns to recognize different parts of machinery and to
make his own notes.

Story 2

A Mysterious Friend

We were eight friends. The eldest one was twelve; the youngest one was nine years old. In
our group everyone had different skills and character. Actually, everyone had different
characteristic. Someone was good at running; someone was good at swimming, climbing,
arm wrestling, etc. Namely, everyone had different superiority. For that reason, it was not
possible for an ordinary person to join us.
We used to like summer.
For us summer was to swim, entertain, play games and go for a walk. But in our village
there was a weird boy who was saying that he liked school life.
Sometimes we were seeing each other. But he was silent and well-balanced that’s why, we
were calling him coward. We were going for a walk with our group but he always was
Our power was different. If we were somewhere our atmosphere was there, I mean we
were very happy everywhere, we had the biggest power in the village. In the village, All
children were feeling admiration for us. By the way, Also they had been afraid of us.
Three guys from our group had come from the city, so our showing-off was good enough.
Our village was too close to the city, that’s why many people had to work in the city. They
didn’t have too much village work in the village so we were amusing ourselves too much.
Being Successfulxx 54
Near our village there were rock caves, there was a river down the rock caves. This river
was very important for our village.

There was a suspension bridge to go to another village facing our village. It was another
beauty of our village. In fact, river, suspension bridge and rock caves were the source of
excitement. In the afternoons we were swimming like fish in the river. At the same time we
were trying to learn all types of swimming. I was good at turning a somersault from the
rock into the river. Serkan was good at jumping into the river by shouting like a crazy.
Ramsey was good at diving into the river. Ahmad was good at being under the water for a
long time. The others were good at different styles of swimming.
In short, we were trying to do all the dangerous things in the river. But there was a guy in
our village. He didn’t use to join us. He was swimming far from us after he put on his
clothes then he was going alone to the village.
From our group everybody knew how to fish with a hook and line. Sometimes we were
fishing many fish but I didn’t see that guy while he was fishing.
However, he was fishing big size fish from somewhere but we didn’t know and see him.
We never used to believe him how he caught these fish, because he was silent and looked
timid. We thought that it was impossible for him to catch these kind of big size fish.
One day he was passing closely and, he had many big fish in his hand and I shouted at
Hasan scornfully, “Did you fish with a hook and line?” He said seriously, “I caught with
my hand.” Then all of my friends started to laugh at him teasingly. But he was quiet and
serious as usual, he didn’t say anything and went away.
By the way we had also thought to follow him stealthily, since we wanted to understand his
mysterious behaviour.
One day in the afternoon we had gathered to have a good time near the rock caves.
Everybody had brought their own pop gun as before we decided.
Because we had wanted to hunt lizards, killing lizards with pop gun was giving us
enjoyment we went to the rocks with pop guns in our hands when we found lizards, first of
all we were breaking off their tails then hunting with guns. Actually we were having this
fun regularly.
Once our mysterious friend Hasan had shouted at us and said, “You all are brutal, put
yourselves in their shoes, if you had mercy, you would not harm them.”
But I had said, “Hey you coward! You are filled with envy to us.” After that he had spoken,
“I do not envy you and I am not afraid of you, I am also ready to contest with you in
We all were very surprised what Hasan said. For the first time we had seen how he was
excited, It was alluring and interesting what Hasan said.
We stopped hunting lizards and came down, we were in pursuit of adventure because we
were curious about his scolding, then we gathered around him, Serkan said, “Tell us what
kind of contests you want.”
After that Hasan said, “I don’t know may be swimming, climbing or fishing. If you trust in
yourselves we can contest in different things.” In the end we decided to contest with Hasan.
Anyone from our group could contest with him. It wasn’t fair but he had wanted to contest
like that. Our first contest would be fishing. If one person caught many fish in thirty
minutes he would win.
Second contest would be high jump from the rock into the river. If one person jumped from
the highest of the rock into the river he would win this contest.
Being Successfulxx 55
Third contest would be swimming. If one person crossed the river from one to another
by swimming, he would win this contest.
The last contest would be climbing up the rocks. In this contest the rule was to climb up the
highest point and earlier than the another.
First contest would be tomorrow. But before the contest, every side has got some different
requests, basically we wanted to have fun.
That’s why we didn’t need any requests, we would teach him a lesson. It was great for us.
Hasan had two different requests, and he would explain his requests at the end of the
But we had only one request. We had explained there. If we won, it was certain, Hasan
would explain in front of the children that, he was a coward and we were superior and bold.
In the contest there was another condition. Hasan had driven forward this condition. All the
contests would be in front of the some seniors from the village, namely the seniors would
be referee. Before contest we got ready and spoke everything together what to do. That
night before contests I was so excited. Finally morning came and the sun rose up our group
with eight friends had come near the river as we decided.
It was nearly exact time for the first contest, everybody was ready there. Seniors from the
village had come too. We all came near the river, that had plenty of fish.
First contest started under the control of the seniors. Our friend Tarkan caught ten fish in
thirty minutes using hook. After our friend Tarkan, Hasan started to fish. He said he
wouldn’t use hook. He wanted to go under the water to catch the fish. He dived several
times and caught twenty seven fish.
Unfortunately in the first round he had won. By God there were three contests left. After
one hour we found suitable rocks for jumping into the river. Everyone wanted to show
bravery, that’s why everyone was trying to jump from high places.
While I was jumping I was very afraid. Everyone had already jumped except Hasan. We
were sure we would win. But Hasan went up to the highest point of rock and jumped into
the river.
In the second contest he had won again. That time we were very surprised. After that
seniors told that third contest would be tomorrow. We all went our homes.
I was feeling anxiety, I had made light of him, I thought he was a coward but because of
him our power would be finished. We tried not to show that we were loosing power. Hasan
was like nightmare for us.
The next day would be swimming contest. After one day in the afternoon, we came near the
river as we decided. It was the widest place of the river everybody was in the queue along
the river. If one person reached the another side of the river he would win the contest.
After the contest had started then there was shouting and noise in the river. After some
minutes one of our friends was shouting because we had won this contest. Oktay one of our
friends had won this contest, in fact he had learnt how to swim in the city. Our last contest
would be climbing up the rocks, we were too tired that’s why we decided to do last contest
the next day. At last our last contest time had come. We came near the rocks we knew this
place very well.
After seniors made a sign then we started to climb up the rocks our friends were so nimble,
we were climbing up the rock very well, by the way our opponent Hasan had started to
climb up the rocks from a very steep place, but it was short cut to reach the apex of the
Being Successfulxx 56
It was a very dangerous place. We shouted at him not to climb but he didn’t listen to us
and went on climbing, we were afraid that he would kill himself. Any way he was going on
climbing, at the same time I was angry with myself why we did a contest like this.
After some minutes we heard a voice, it was Hasan; He had finished contest and he was
beckoning with regret that we had lost these contests, namely we were beaten and it seemed
hard for us.
We congratulate him on contests and He left. After these defeats we all gathered and
remembered what we promised Hasan, we all came up near Hasan and I started to speak as
a spokesman of our group, “Hasan you beat us.
We will fulfil your wish but don’t bring forward some conditions that loose our power in
front of the other children in our village ,we can do everything except this. I mean, don’t
make us look small please.” Hasan was so calm and he said, “Hey, guys I am not going to
humiliate you in front of the other children, on the contrary I have got demands to make
you very honourable.”
We couldn’t believe his last sentence and he added, “Friends! My first wish; after this time
I want you not to cause trouble and beat children in the village.” In fact I was so happy
while Hasan was speaking. Hasan continued speaking, “Your group’s aim must be to help
the other people. For that reason, let’s call your group “benevolent” or different name. We
were impatient and we wanted him to tell his another demand and he started to speak again,
“Friends! Sometimes you were not seeing me outside, do you know what I am doing when
you don’t see me. I am reading different kinds of books in the bedroom or in the garden
under the trees.
For that reason my mind and heart are getting useful things. As you know friends, we are
having meal three times a day. Because our body needs nourishment and also our brain,
mind and heart need nourishment too.
Nourishment of mind, heart and soul, useful information, and honourable feelings are good
manners. If we don’t learn useful things, bad manners will come to our mind. A guy can’t
spend his days by wandering here and there. I mean we need games but there must be limit
in it.” Hasan was talking like an adult. All he talked, looked resonable.
In fact when we have holiday we are not interested in reading anything. I was trying to
understand Hasan.
By the way he was teaching us a lesson about how to spend our holidays. He continued:
“Friends, my second demand, why don’t we gather in our garden to read some books like
novels, some supplimentary books for lessons and even sports books.”
“How are we going to get these books?” one of my friends asked.Hasan said, “I think
everybody has got pocket money, why don’t we buy a book and give it to our friend as a
We accepted his second demand, the next day in their garden we gathered and Hasan
brought a big box and started to give out books to each guy.
I started reading a book it was “Little Prince” I had been bored a little. After a couple days
reading books had started to tickle my fancy. Hasan was a clever boy. The first day he
didn’t make us read too much, after 45 minutes “Friends! That’s all for today, may be we
can go to the lake and swim there, even I can show you some techniques of swimming.” he
Many weeks passed. We were spending our vacation by swimming, wandering, playing
games and of course reading books, and we started to be good guys, because of reading
useful books those books had affected our manners.
Being Successfulxx 57
I understood that reading useful books had been teaching us good manners, Hasan was
right because after giving the real nourishment to our heart, mind and soul we started to
become like adults. Soon after we had started to love reading books, sometimes Hasan was
giving us some books of good manners and useful things.I couldn’t understand how our
vacation had passed this summer.
We were very surprised because we had changed too much in a short time, and we were
very grateful to Hasan and also we were very lucky to have a friend like Hasan who was
honest, well-bred, good- tempered and brave,In the end we chose him as our leader and we
promised each other how well we would spend our vacation.
We were successful in our classes, that’s why in every summer vacation we were enjoying
reading, wandering, swimming and playing games.


Learn weeping, and you shall gain laughing.

What’s learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb.
Never too late to learn.
All’s well that ends well.
Think on the end before you begin.
Good men suffer much.
Good things are hard.
He is wise that is honest.
Knowledge is power.


Consultation is the first requirement for reaching the right decision. Decisions upon a
matter reached without due reflection and without properly consulting others usually come
to nothing. Those individuals who are sufficient to themselves, disconnected from others
and unconcerned with their opinions, even if they happen to be geniuses, are at
considerable risk of error compared to those who offer and receive opinions in consultation.
Ask someone who knows; two lots of knowledge are better than one.
Consultation is the first condition for obtaining good results; taking proper account of the
opinions of friends and well wishers is an important means of saving oneself from
Many a task, undertaken without due preparation and without thinking through all the
consequences and ramifications, apart from making little progress, has brought discredit
upon those who undertook it. It is surely true that whoever sets about a piece of work on a
whim, and according to how it occurs to him to do it, will suffer the disappointment of
going down many roundabout or misleading roads.
The wiser individuals are those who know whom to consult and how to get the most benefit
from their opinions; such people are a pleasure to work with. Intensive, thoughtless
individuals, so complacent about their own knowledge or competence in an affair that they
Being Successfulxx 58
will intimidate others into accepting their opinions, are always unbearable to those who
must work with them.
Before initiating a task it is wise to make the necessary consultations in order to be clear
about one’s own responsibility and so avoid blaming others later if things should turn out
wrong. Unless possible consequences are properly discussed in advance with experienced
people, before resolving to do something, regret and remorse will be the outcome.

Story 1
The Lake of the Moon

Once there lived an elephant in a dense forest. He was the chief of a large herd of elephants.
He was so huge and strong that even the lion feared him. His trumpet made even fierce
animals tremble in terror. Seeing him out in the forest, they slunk away to hide under
groves and bushes.
Now, once there were no rains for two years at a stretch. The drought caused almost all the
pools to go dry. The elephants are fond of bathing and need much more water than any
other animals do. So, the elephants were in grave trouble indeed. The pools that they used
to bathe in, had all dried up.
So, the elephants went to their chief in a body and requested him to do something. The
chief was very wise and patient. He chose four young elephants and sent them in all the
four directions to look for a new pool. They left each on his mission. Three of them
returned blank in the evening. But the fourth one had located a big lake though quite at a
Every member of the herd praised the young elephant. Soon the herd left for the lake.
Having walked throughout the night, they reached the lake at dawn. They had a hearty bath
and quenched their thirst. Then they plodded through the bushes around the pool and stood
resting under the trees.
Now, a large number of hares lived among the bushes around lake. So, many of them came
to be trampled dead under the feet of the elephants. Those that were lucky to escape
lamented over the ruthless killing of their companions.
The hares lost no time to follow that the elephants would be coming daily to the lake which
meant a number of killings every day. So, they held a meeting to think over the problem.
Some hares suggested that they all should leave the place to be safe forever. But others
objected to it. At last a young hare stood up and said, “Brothers! This place is our ancestral
home. No doubt, we are small animals. But I never mean that we should leave our home.
Big animals have got to be behaved enough to live in a nice manner. And if at all they
don’t, we should do something to drive them away.”
“But how is it possible after all?” asked another hare.
“It is possible and we’ll do it,” replied the young hare. Looking at the sky, the young hare
thought hard. As he looked down, he saw the reflection of the moon in the clear still water
of the lake. At once an idea hit his mind and he shouted, “A splendid idea indeed! We shall
have to create terror in the minds of the elephants so that they may stop coming here. Fear
is the weapon that can solve our problem.”
When the other hares asked the young hare how to create fear in the minds of the
elephants, he said, “This fear can be created in the name of the moon.”
Being Successfulxx 59
Every hare supported his idea. But how to frighten the elephants in the name of the
moon- was a problem. Now, an old experienced hare put forth his plan.
“A young smart hare should go to the elephant-chief. He should tell him that the moon, the
ancestors of the hares, is very much annoyed with the elephants as they have made the lake
of the moon dirty and trampled many hares to death.”
Who should go to the elephant-chief was again a problem. All eyes turned to the young
hare who was sent to see the chief of the elephants.
The young hare went over to the place where the elephants were staying. Sitting over a high
rock, he shouted, “Listen all of you, O Elephants! I’ve been sent to you with a warning by
the moon who is the ancestor of all hares. You have made the lake belonging to the moon
dirty and killed many hares as well. So, the moon is very angry with you. Our master has
sent you a warning that you should never come to the lake again otherwise it will go hard
with you.”
Hearing the warning, the elephants were frightened. They asked their chief to please the
hare and assure him that they would not go near the lake ever again. So, the leader of the
elephants said, “Please come to me and hear what I say. I assure you that no harm will
come to you.”

The young hare went to the chief who saluted him and said, “Please take me to your master.
I want to beg his pardon.”

The hare led the tusker to the lake. Asking him to look at the reflection of the moon, he
said, “Look! Our master is there in the lake. He is meditating in peace. You can salute him
from a distance and ask for his pardon. The elephant saluted the reflection of the moon and
said, “Pardon me, sir, and my companions also for the sin that we committed in ignorance.
I promise that we shall never commit this mistake again. I also promise that I shall move
away from this divine lake along with my companions never to come this way again. I also
beg pardon of the hares for killing some of them unmindfully.”
Saying so, the elephant-chief slunk away silently from there. Next morning, he moved to
some other place along with his herd to look for another pool or lake.
The hares made merry at the success of their plan. They danced in joy to see their enemies
going away much more frightened than hurt.

Story 2
Deceiving the Blue King

Once there lived a jackal in a thick forest. He kept roaming for food for two days but could
not get any. So, he felt that he would die for hunger. Suddenly he thought of going to some
village near the forest. He hoped to catch some hen etc. there and eat it up. But he was
afraid of the village dogs. Roaming about, the jackal came to a village that stood at the edge
of the forest. He walked stealthily hoping that some stray chicken or hen might be his prey.
But the day was very unlucky for him. Suddenly he heard the bark of dogs.
The jackal ran fast for safety through a winding street and rushed into a house. It was a
weaver’s house and big tub full of strong solution of blue was lying in its compound. Out of
wits as the jackal was, he fell into the tub suddenly. Finding the jackal nowhere, the dogs
Being Successfulxx 60
went away. When the jackal was sure that the dogs had gone away, he came out of the
tub. But his entire body had been dyed blue by now.
At a loss to understand what to do, the jackal took to his heels towards the forest. He looked
very odd indeed. When the animals of the forest saw him, they turned tail in fear. Even
fierce animals like the lion, the tiger and the leopard trembled to see him.
The jackal was highly surprised to see the jungle animals fear him. So, he went to a pool of
water and looked at his reflection in the water. Knowing the reality, he began to think hard
what to do. At last an idea struck him and he decided to reap full advantage of his coloured
The jackal said to himself, “All the animals are now afraid of me. Even the lion, the tiger
and the leopard tremble at my sight. Why shouldn’t I declare myself the king of the forest
then. The lion and other fierce animals will obey me and the weaker animals will follow
suit. Thinking so, the jackal went into the forest and called out to the animals saying, “Stop!
Stop! You needn’t run away in fright. I won’t harm any of you at all. Be fearless and live
freely under my protection. God has sent me as your king. Come and receive me with
honour. Call all the big and fierce animals also. I shall appoint them to very high posts.”
Hearing the words of the jackal, all the animals came near him. Even the lion, tigers,
leopards, elephants, deer, monkeys, rabbits, foxes, jackals and many other animals and
birds had come. They accepted the blue jackal as their king. The jackal was beside himself
in joy.
Then the jackal dispersed the meeting uttering good wishes to all and granting them a free
and fearless life in the forest. The animals, in return, started sending presents to their new
king. They also looked after his comfort in every way.
Now, the jackal thought of making his position strong. So, he decided to appoint different
animals as his ministers. He made the lion his prime minister, the tiger his general, the
leopard his bodyguard, the wolf his law minister and the bear his home minister. The
monkey, the fox and the hare were made the king’s chief advisors. Birds like the peacock,
the owl and the hawk were given high posts too.
But the blue jackal had an ever-present fear from the jackals. So, he kept them out of the
royal service. Not only this, he decided to impose some restrictions on them.
Thinking over the matter, regarding the jackals, the blue king passed an order. He called all
the jackals to his court and said, “Listen with care! I pass a law for you- all the jackals. You
will live in the north-eastern corner of the forest within the bounds that will be marked in a
few days. No jackal will ever come out of these bounds. I have received several complaints
against you. You jackals are always up to disturb the peace of the kingdom.”
The jackals were amazed to hear the order. They felt that the order for them was a step-
motherly treatment with them. So, a meeting was held to consider the matter.
All young jackals suggested an open revolt against the king. But the old ones were not in its
favour. Still everyone felt that there was some important reason behind the order passed for
the jackals specially.
At last an old experienced jackal said, “Listen to what I say and then think of some plan for
our welfare. I doubt, this king is himself a jackal who has dyed his body blue. He wants to
keep us at a distance so that this reality may not be disclosed to other animals.”
“What should we do then?” said a young jackal.
“Nothing but start howling aloud when the blue king is holding his court,” replied the old
“What will come out of it?” asked to young jackal.
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“If the blue king is a jackal, he’ll start howling after hearing our howls and that will
disclose his reality.” Said the old jackal.
Days went by followed by weeks and months. Everything was going on smoothly in the
forest. One day the blue king was holding his court to discuss a very important matter. All
the ministers were in their seats expressing their views.
Suddenly a noise coming from a distance was heard. It was the loud howling of the jackals
who had been ordered to live in the north-eastern corner of the forest. The work going on in
the court got disturbed.
As for the blue king, he became restless at the howling of the jackals. He had not heard this
howl for a long time. So, he was feeling a strong urge to howl himself as well. He tried his
best to turn his attention from that side but all in vain.
Suddenly, the blue king broke into a loud howl raising his head and looking at the sky.
Tears of joy had also welled up in his eyes. He had forgotten that he was the king of the
forest and that this howl was sure to push him into the jaws of death.
As soon as the beasts of prey heard their king howl, they came to know that he was just a
jackal with an unusual colour. Mad in anger, they rushed at him and tore him into pieces.

Story 3

The Crows and the Cobra

Once there lived a crow-couple in a banyan tree in a forest. They had made a cosy nest
among its branches. In the root-area of the tree there was a hole wherein lived a jungle
mouse. The crows and the mouse lived as good neighbours. Several other birds also lived in
their nests in the same tree.
One day a black-cobra came there from somewhere. He entered the hole of the mouse who
escaped immediately through the other opening to save his life. So, the cobra made this
hole his home forever. As for the birds, they didn’t like the cobra at all. But they were all
helpless indeed.
About a month passed peacefully. But the cobra had an evil eye on the birds. The mother-
crow had laid eggs in her nest. In about a fortnight, young baby-crows hatched out of the
eggs. The crow-couple was very happy to see their little ones. They began to bring them up
with care and love.
One day the crows flew away in search of food for their nestlings. The cobra was looking
for a chance to eat up the baby-crows. So, finding the parent-crows absent, he crawled up
the tree and made all the baby-crows his meal.
When the crows-couple came back, they were shocked to see their little ones nowhere.
They asked the other birds about them. The birds told them what had happened. The crows
wept over the loss of their babies for a number of days.
Now, the mother-crow said to her mate, “We must go somewhere else. I am in the family
way again. The cruel cobra is here and he will eat up our babies this time too.”
The crow also felt sad and anxious to hear the words of his mate. Making up his mind to do
something, he flew away from his nest to seek advice from an old fox.
Soon the crow reached where the fox lived. He narrated his tale of woe and begged the fox
to help him. The fox thought hard for some time and then said, “Don’t worry, dear friend. I
Being Successfulxx 62
have thought of a plan fro you. You need not leave your home and go anywhere else. If
you act cleverly according to my plan, the cruel cobra will be killed before long.”
“Let me know of your plan then,” said the crow.
“There is the capital of a kingdom at a short distance from here. And there is a public bath
at a stone’s throw from here. The queen comes to this public bath along with other royal
ladies every Monday. They take off their clothes and ornaments before they enter the bath.
The guards stand at a distance on the watch.
So, you must reach the public bath in the morning on Monday. When the queen has entered
the water along with her companions, you should pick up her necklace in your beak and fly
slowly towards your tree.
Your mate should keep cawing aloud all the way so that the guards may be able to follow
you on your heels. Reaching the tree, you should drop the necklace into the cobra’s hole.
The guards will dig the hole and kill the cobra,” explained the fox.
The crow was very happy to know of the plan and he agreed to carry it out. Returning
home, he told his wife about the entire plan. She also liked it and became ready to help her
husband. So, the couple waited eagerly for Monday.
On Monday, the crow-couple reached the public bath in the morning. They sat on the
branch of a tree near the bath waiting for the royal party to come. At last they saw the
queen’s litter coming towards the bath. Several other ladies, a number of servants, maids
and also a group of guards were outside with her.
Seeing the royal party at the bath, the crow-couple was very happy. After taking rest for a
while, the queen and her companions got ready for a bath. The guards were sent to a
distance and the ladies took off their clothes and ornaments. Placing them on the bank, all
of them went into the bath.
The crows were watching everything very closely. When they saw the necklace, they lost
no time to act as advised the wise fox.
The father-crow picked up the necklace in his beak and started flying slowly so that the
guards might be able to follow him.
The mother-crow followed him cawing loudly to attract the attention of the queen and the
When the queen saw the crow taking away her necklace, she asked the maids to inform the
guards. So, the guards gave a hot chase to the crow-couple.
The crows flew slowly to the banyan tree wherein they had their nest. The guards were
following them close on their heels.
In about half an hour, the crow reached the banyan tree. The father-crow sat on one of its
branches with the necklace in his beak. The mother-crow kept cawing aloud all the time.
When the guards got quite near, the crow flew to the mouth of the cobra’s hole and dropped
the necklace into it. The guards saw it and decided to get the necklace out of the hole after
digging it.
At first they tried to get the necklace out sending a long stick into the hole.
On doing so, the cobra got disturbed and it came out hissing angrily. The guards were
stunned to see a fearful cobra before them. So, they decided to kill it.
The cobra too saw its life in danger. He stood up with its hood spread flat hissing in anger
again and again.
But the guards had made up their minds to kill it in order to get the queen’s necklace. They
lynched its head with their clubs. So, the cruel cobra lay dead near its hole.
Being Successfulxx 63
The crows heaved a sigh of relief. They were quite safe now for all time to come. The
other birds living in the banyan tree also felt relieved to see the cruel cobra lying dead.
They knew that the cobra could be as dangerous to them as it had been to the crow-couple.
So, all the birds living in the banyan tree were extremely happy at the killing of the cobra
by the royal guards. They all praised the crow-couple.
Having killed the cobra, the guards dug his hole and took out the queen’s necklace. They
were happy to get it back and went away towards the temple.
In due course of time, the mother-crow laid eggs and babies hatched out of them.
The crow-couple lived happily ever after. But they did not forget to go and thank the old
fox for his wise plan.

Story 4

The Fox and the Goat

A fox one day fell into a deep well and could find no means of escape. A goat, overcome
with thirst, came to the same well, and seeing the fox, inquired if the water was good.
Concealing his sad plight under a merry guise, the fox indulged in a lavish praise of the
water, saying it was excellent beyond measure, and encouraging him to descend. The goat,
mindful only of his thirst, thoughtlessly jumped down, but just as he drank, the fox
informed him of the difficulty they were both in and suggested a scheme for their common
escape. “If,“ said he, “you will place your forefeet upon the wall and bend your head, I will
run up your head and escape, and will help you out afterwards.” The goat readily assented
and the fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the goat’s horns, he safely
reached the mouth of the well and made off as fast as he could. When the goat upbraided
him for breaking his promise, he turned around and cried out, “You foolish old fellow! If
you had as many brains in your head as you have hairs in your beard, you would never have
gone down before you had inspected the way up, nor have exposed yourself to dangers
from which you had no means of escape.”
“Look before you leap.”

Story 5

Drawing a Lesson

One day a lion, wolf and fox have started to hunt together in a forest. They have hunted a
wild ox, chamois and a rabbit. When they came near a river, they had a rest and the lion
“Please brother wolf share out this prey equitable.” Wolf was sure of himself and stood up.
He brought the wild ox beside the lion and said:
Being Successfulxx 64
“Our master, you are stronger than us, that’s why this is your share. Chamois is middle
size so I am taking it. Rabbit is share of my smallest friend.”
Lion has been angry at the share and says:
“Hey! Wolf, I didn’t understand well. Come beside me and explain again.” When wolf
came near him he paws the wolf and kills it. After that calls the fox.
“Hey fox! Come here and share out equitable.” The lion says.
The fox greets the lion and says:
“This fleshy wild ox is your breakfast, this chamois is for your lunch and this rabbit is for
your evening meal, our dear master”.
Lion was cheerful and shouted:
“Hey fox! You behaved equitable, where did you learn how to share out well?
The fox stood back a little from the lion and said:
“From the happenings to the wolf.”

To sum up, we have to draw lesson from the events. If we want to show our attitude for
something, first of we should consider every aspect of the problem and also we should
consult ourselves too. Otherwise, speaking everywhere is concerned with bravery, it is just
concerned with ignorance.


He that cannot ask, cannot live.

Better to ask the way than go astray.
Ask and it shall be given you.
Like question, like answer.
Good counsel has no price.
Counsel must be followed, not praised.
Too much consulting confounds.
If you wish good advice, consult an old man.
Night is the mother of counsel.
Counsel is to be given by wise, the remedy by the rich.
If the counsel be good, no matter who gave it.
A fool may give a wise man counsel.
Counsel over cups is crazy.
Anger and haste hinder good counsel.
A healthful man can give counsel to the sick.
An enemy may chance to give good counsel.


Good Manners

Being Successfulxx 65

Disabled People

We should help them in their work. For instance while they are crossing the road or if they
are carrying something.
We mustn’t look at them scornfully and must avoid them from bad words and treating
After seeing their conditions we should draw a lesson from them and think about the
importance of our organs which make important jobs.

While playing games we should make them join and also give them some activities that
they can do.
In fact we should support them intellectually and teach them not to abandon hope from life.
Moreover we should support them about how to struggle with life.
To sum up we can give them some examples from our daily life they can do some useful
thing for themselves and for other people, for instance some deaf people are the best in
their class we can see some favorite disabled people who are deaf, blind, lame, etc. Some
people haven’t got their hands but they use their other organs and they can get their needs.
There are enough people like that.
Actually disabled people are more skillful than the other people in feelings and abilities.
For instance a blind person has got better memory and care than a normal person.

Story 1

Coping with Physical Problems

Nine year old Ali used to stammer and the other boys in class always made fun of him. It
was very unkind and their teacher noticed it. One day when Ali was absent, the teacher said
to the class, “Today we’ll have a heart to heart talk about our physical problems. We all
have them, you know. Now look at me. Unless I’m careful about my diet, I put on too much
weight.” “Oh, that’s all right, ma’am,” said Hasan. “People are always telling me I’m too
thin.” Adnan said slowly, ”And ma’am, I know that my brother is much better looking than
me.” “ I squint,” said Sami, who wore thick glasses. “My teeth are all crooked,” said
“There you are,” said the teacher. ”Though some have bigger problems than others, none of
us is perfect, physically. Then why do you make fun of Ali?”
The boys realized their mistake and promised not to trouble Ali again on account of his
stammer. And they kept their promise.
Physical problems are of many kinds. A person may be blind or lame or his hands may
have been wasted by disease. What does such a person feel like?

Story 2

Spare Your Thoughts

Being Successfulxx 66
In 1954, a book titled My Left Foot caused a sensation among its readers. Christy
Brown, the Irish poet and writer, was born with a disease that disabled him. So he taught
himself to write with his left foot. What an achiever!
Many people are born with disabilities. Some become disabled afterwards due to illness or
A handicapped person faces many problems in his personal life as he has very special
needs. These needs may not be met by his family or community. Christy Brown did not
consider his disability as a handicap. He overcame it. One can imagine how hard it must
have been for him. But he made it!
People with special needs need special care, encouragement and a lot of love. Who know,
there might be another Christy Brown waiting to be given a start.
Blindfold yourself and try walking. It is not easy. Talk to your class friends and ask them
whether they know of any disabled people. Ask them what kinds of disabilities they have.
Think of various ways in which you can help.
“To achieve the marvelous, it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.”

Story 3

Fatema’s Choice

Fatema and her friends were getting late for school and were walking very fast. Fatema saw
a blind man trying to cross the busy road. She said, “Look! There’s a blind man walking
straight into the traffic.
Rukiya said, ”We’re late! Someone else will take care of him.”
“And if nobody does?”
“It’s none of our business.”
“We can’t leave him like that. He will never be able to cross on his own.”
Rukiya snorted, “You’ll be punished if you’re late.”
She ran on but Fatema had already reached the blind man. She helped him to cross the road
Options always face us and choosing wisely is often difficult. Listen to your inner voice
when it comes to a moral choice, take a friend or an adult into confidence or speak to God.
Taking a decision is often easier after prayer and reflection. If you have experienced this,
share your insight with your friends.

A purified scholar says, “Begin therefore your day with prayer and make it so soulful that it
may remain with you until the evening…. Do not worry about the form of prayer. Let it be
in any form. It should be such as can put us in communication with the divine.”
Prayer is talking to God and listening to Him. It is a way of life which will help you to
make right choices.
Story 4

Dealing with Disability

We often hear people telling us to treat physically and mentally challenged persons
‘normally’. What do they mean by that? ‘Do not pity them’, we are told. Obviously this is
easier said than done. A blind person does not look you in the eye when you talk to her.
Being Successfulxx 67
One’s eyes cannot help straying to the calipers on a polio-affected person’s limbs. So
how can one be ‘normal’ under the circumstances? A deep and long look into our own
minds reveals that it is our own thoughts that handicap us.
To all the five-to-sixteen-year-olds who were members of the children’s library, Esma was
a kindly silver-haired librarian whom they loved. Few knew that Esma had a physically
challenged elder sister at home and nobody would have guessed that, looking at the ever-
smiling Esma.
Even her colleagues only got to know when Esma would ask them to join her for lunch,
“Naima has made cake today”, she would say, or it would be delicious professional looking
any of a host of wonderful goodies like biscuits, or buns. “What a wonderful cake.”
Esma’s colleagues would exclaim, “Why doesn’t she start a catering business?”
Only then would Esma tell them about Naima’s limitations as a person with an artificial
leg. But she always spoke with great pride when she told others about how efficiently
Naima managed the house, how well she cooked, and with how much love and affection
she treated their nieces and nephews, so that they swarmed to the two spinsters’ house with
their children and friends, not just to feast on Naima’s scrumptious cooking, but to spend
time with two charmingly cheerful souls. ”I was the youngest in the family,” explained
Esma, “ I saw all my brothers and sisters get married and settle down with their own
families… those were not the days when parents of a handicapped child could think of
marrying her off, nor were there many job options for a person with disabilities.
I was in the prime of my youth then but our parents were getting older and naturally more
and more worried Naima’s future. But Naima herself had taken over all the domestic chores
and managed the home so well that our mother had little left to do.
I had started working by then and yes, thoughts of marriage did cross my mind… but I have
no regrets I did not marry. Naima’s cheerfulness and the way she dotes on me made life
both meaningful and enjoyable for both of us.”
Meeting admirable people like Esma and Naima is a rare privilege, knowing them and the
story of their life… is an inspiration in itself.
Amina’s story is a well-known one. Born with cerebral palsy, Amina would have been like
hundreds of other children similarly afflicted. She would have been a disabled person
totally dependent on others for even the most basic needs, but for her mother, Mrs Aysha’s
dogged determination to make her as self-reliant as possible.
Today when you meet the charming and intelligent Amina, you not only feel like doffing
your cap to the years of agonized effort both mother and daughter have put in to make
Amina the person she is, but one also feels like saying ‘Bravo! God helps those who
sincerely believe in helping themselves.’
Every kind of suffering and heartbreak during those years of trying have been worth it. But
is Amina’s story just another ‘story’ of success and inspiration? One certainly hopes not!
The experience of at least one person is worth recounting here to show that it is not always
the physically fit who are the givers.A journalist, who wrote for children and on children’s
issues, was crossing the vast courtyard of a well-known school, when a tap on her shoulder
made her turn round. “You didn’t recognize me, Aunty?” a voice asked hesitantly.
The journalist was a quick- witted one and replied hastily, “Of course I know you Amina,
your pictures are in every newspaper today.” That was true. Photographs of Amina were in
the papers that day because she had cleared her tenth class Board exams with 63% marks,
through the Open School.
Being Successfulxx 68
But what had really stunned the journalist was the fact that Amina had spoken to her as
though she had recognized her. Was that possible? Amina was her daughter’s “class-mate”,
in the school her mother was the principal of, so the journalist knew a lot more about
Amina than most people. ‘But,’ wondered the journalist, ‘did Amina really speak to me as
Shayla’s mother, or was I just another “Aunty” to her?’
All doubts were removed from the journalist’s mind a few days later. One afternoon, the
telephone rang and a voice asked softly, “Aunty, are you free to talk just now? I know
Shayla has an extra class today and she won’t be back from school till four. She was telling
me Uncle is very sick and you are staying at home to look after him. You have to be very
brave Aunty, and also look after yourself…”
The journalist was very touched by her concern and the child’s lucidity of thought. That
was just the beginning. Amina would call up every other afternoon and the journalist would
chat with her daughter’s class-mate as though they were old friends.
The so-called “mentally challenged” girl would offer sweet words of solace to an
emotionally distressed woman worried over her husband’s ill-health. She would cheer up
the journalist with funny things that happened in school, or about her newly-acquired sister-
in-law who was a wonderful cook and a talented interior designer. In short the conversation
was mundane- yet it was meaningful. In the eyes of society Amina was mentally challenged
and “needed” society to help her. The journalist knew that quite the opposite was true in her
case. It was Amina who was helping her to deal with a difficult situation in her life.
At the turn of this millennium’s last century, we need to examine seriously our attitudes
towards all human beings. Does being physically fit, really mean that we are perfect? We
know we have shortcomings and most of us strive to overcome them.
The lives of Naima, Esma, Amina and her mother act like beacons for us. They show us a
way to better ourselves, to take from someone we consider weaker than ourselves and to
give back twice as much whenever, wherever and to whomsoever that we can. If we did
that honestly and consistently enough, at least in our immediate environment, it would
make a significant difference.


Respect a man, he will do the more.

Content is happiness.
Who is contended, enjoys.
Despair gives courage to a coward.
No flying from fate.
One eye of the master sees more than ten of the servants.
He gets a double victory, who conquers himself.
Hope well and have well.
You never know your luck.
Lose a leg rather than a life.
A good name is better than riches.
The more cost, the more honor.
Being Successfulxx 69
Story 1
Duty Towards Other Children

Ahmad, Peter, Reza and Ramsey were playing with a ball in the park. Rana, Aysha and
some other children were playing in a circle.
One girl was sitting all alone under a tree. She was watching the other children.
She was Mary. She was feeling lonely.
Who was that girl? Why was she not playing? Did she have no friends? There were so
many children in the park. They look happy because they were having fun.
Mary looked sad. She and her parents had just shifted into this neighborhood. She had no
friends. She was alone. Suddenly the ball rolled towards Mary. Ahmad ran after the ball.
“May I have the ball, please,” Asked Ahmad. Mary quietly gave the ball to him.
“Why are you sitting alone?” Asked Ahmad. “Come and play with us.”
All the children looked at Mary. Nobody else had asked her to play. She felt shy, but
Ramsey came up to her and took her hand. The other smiled at her.
Mary stood up and walked with Ramsey towards other children. She was smiling.
Now Mary was happy. At last, she had made some friends. She was no longer lonely.
The children were kind to Mary. They asked her to join them. This made her happy.
We should be kind to others and they, in turn, will be kind to us. Thus everyone will be

Story 2
Love Everyone as They Are

This story is about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam.
He called his parents from San Francisco.
“Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I have a favour to ask. I have a friend, I’d like to
bring home with me.”
“Sure,” they replied, “we’d love to meet him.”
“There’s something you should know,” the son continued, “he was hurt pretty badly in the
fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go,
and I want him to come and to live with us.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.”
“No Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”
“Son,” said the father, “you don’t know what you are asking. Someone with such a
handicap would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let
something like this, interfere with our lives. I think you should just come on home and
forget about this guy. He’ll find a way to live on his own.”
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few
days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son died after
falling from a building, they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-
stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the
body of their son. They recognised him, but to their horror they also discovered something
they didn’t know, their son had only one arm and one leg. The parents in this story are not
unlike many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have
around, but we don’t like people who bring inconvenience to us or make us feel
Being Successfulxx 70
uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren’t as healthy, beautiful,
or smart as we are.
“Love everyone as they are!”
Story 3

Sally and Sam’s New House

Sally and Sam lived with their mother and father in a house in a small town. One day their
father told them that he had gotten a new job and that they would be moving.
Sally and Sam helped their mother gather up all their toys. They helped their mother pack
all their clothes.
They helped put all their toys and clothes into boxes. Then they watched the moving man
as he loaded all the family’s belongs into a big truck and drive away.
Sally and Sam climbed into the back-seat of their car and drove for many hours.
The new city they were going to live in was much bigger than the one they had lived
The home they would live in was different too. Their mother explained that in their new
home there would be other people living in the same building, only in different apartments.
Sam and Sally saw many people on the streets. They saw many people coming and going
from the apartment house that was going to be their new home.
Some of the people they saw wore strange clothing. Some of the people had dark skin.
Some had brown skin. Some had yellow skin. And some had light skin.
This was very strange to Sally and Sam, who had never before seen anyone who didn’t
have light skin like their own. When a dark skinned man and woman introduced themselves
as their next door neighbours Sally and Sam couldn’t help but stare.
When the husband and wife left Sam asked his mother why the people around them looked
so different.
“The people in our old home were all of white ancestry,” their mother told Sally and Sam.
“That means that they all came from families who had light colored skin. It’s different here.
We have people whose ancestors came from many different lands. Some of the people were
born with white skin, some were born with brown skin, some were born with black skin and
many were born with various shades in-between all these colors.”
“Why did God make so many different colors of people?” Sally asked her mother. “And
which color is best?”
“There is no best color, Sally,” her mother explained. “God made people in so many
different colors because he likes variety. Remember our flower garden?
Remember how much you liked the red roses?
Well, didn’t you like the daisies too?
And the daffodils. And the pansies that Grandpa grew?
All those flowers were beautiful in their own way, and they were all made by God.
The town you were raised in was like a rose garden. But our new home is a scatter garden,
full of many different kinds. When you put them all together you have a big, beautiful
It isn’t what color your skin is, or how short you are, or how skinny you are, or how heavy.
What matters to God is how we treat one another. Those who don’t show love and concern
for others are like weeds in God’s garden.
Being Successfulxx 71
God wants us to be kind to all people, no matter what color their skin, where they live,
how they dress or what language they speak. All people, no matter what they look like, are
God’s creatures.
Soon you’ll be meeting new people and making new friends. How many friends you have
will depend on how you treat others.”
Story 4

Living with Other People

Once a train was going at full speed when someone pulled the chain. The train came to a
stop. The guard and some of the passengers came running, only to find that the chain had
been pulled by two old women because they could settle an argument.
One woman said, “I want to keep the windows closed. If they are open, I shall freeze.”
The other woman said, “I want to keep the windows open. If they are closed, I shall choke.”
The argument went on. Neither woman was willing to give in. at length on of the
passengers lost his temper. “I know what to do,” he said. First open the windows and freeze
one. Then close the windows and choke the other.”
Does it sometimes come to this in your house too? Do you have quarrels because different
people want different things?
For instance, do you insist on keeping the light on when others are trying to sleep? Do you
sing when they are studying for an exam?
A home is for all the members of the family. Each should get as much comfort as possible.
Each should be able to work, rest and enjoy himself. This can certainly be done if the others
are willing to adjust.
For example, if your brother has an exam and you wish to sing while he is studying, you
need not sing in the same room. You can sing elsewhere. Otherwise, you can wait till he
has finished studying. Imagine, for a moment, how you would feel if you were in your
brother’s position. Think of families that live in a single room or hut, so many people
together. How do they adjust? Let us learn from them.
Story 5

We all Make Mistakes

It was recess time in Hamit’s school. The boys were all out in the playing field, as was the
rule. But Hamit was in class, reading a comic.
Suddenly a gust of wind blew away a page of the comic. Hamit tried to grab it. Instead, he
knocked over a bottle of ink and there was ink all over the floor, on the wall, inside the
desk. Hamit was so scared the he ran out of the classroom and joined the others in the
playing field.
The bell rang and all the children returned to class. Soon the teacher came in. she looked
around and saw the ink everywhere. “Who has dropped ink here?” she asked in a stern
voice. Hamit’s heart began to beat very fast. His mouth went dry. The teacher asked again,
“Who has dropped ink here?”
All the students looked at one another. They had no idea who had dropped the ink. Hamit’s
hands were cold.
He knew that if he was found out, he would be punished and Hamit was very scared of
being punished.
Being Successfulxx 72
The teacher spoke again. “All right, if nobody owns up, I’m going to punish the whole
class. For the next three days none of you will go out during recess. You will stay right
here, inside this room and work.”
This was too much for Hamit. He knew his friends simply loved to go out and play.
Suddenly he stood up. “Ma’am, it was I who dropped the ink, by mistake. I’m sorry. Please
forgive me.” And then came the biggest surprise.
The teacher did not punish Hamit. Instead she called him to the front of the class and patted
him on the back for owning up.
Story 6

The Brother and the Sister

A father had one son and one daughter, the former remarkable for his good looks, the latter
for her extraordinary ugliness.
While they were playing one day as children, they happened by chance to look together into
a mirror that was placed on their mother’s chair.
The boy congratulated himself on his good looks; the girl grew angry, and could not bear
the self-praise of her brother, interpreting all he said (and how could she do otherwise) into
reflection on herself.
She ran off to her father to be avenged on her brother, and spitefully accused him of having,
as a boy, made use of that which belonged only to girls. The father embraced them both,
and bestowing his kisses and affection impartially on each, said, “I wish you both would
look into the mirror everyday: you, my son, that you may not spoil your beauty by evil
conduct; and you, my daughter, that you may make up for your lack of beauty by your

Story 7

The Bald Man and the Fly

A fly bit the bare head of a bald man who, endeavoring to destroy it, gave himself a heavy
slap. Escaping, the fly said mockingly,
“You who have wished to revenge, even with death, the Prick of a tiny insect, see what you
have done to yourself to add insult to injury?” The bald man replied,
“I can easily make peace with myself, because I know there was no intention to hurt. But
you, an ill-favored and contemptible insect who delights in sucking human blood, I wish
that I could have kill you even if I had incurred a heavier penalty.”
“Revenge will hurt the avenger”


Pardons and pleasantness are great revenges of slanders.

Pardon is the choicest flower of victory.
He who forgives gains the victory.
He who forgives others, God forgives him.
Forgive and forget.
Forgiveness from the heart is better than a box of gold.
Being Successfulxx 73
Forgiveness is perfect when the sin is not remembered.
Pleasant hours fly past.
Joy and sorrow are next door neighbours.
Good things are hard.
Good men suffer much.
Set good against devil.


One who holds his friends in good esteem and treats them with respect has gained many
defenders and supporters against his enemies.

The need for faithful friends is no less than need for the vital necessities of life. Being
among a secure and peaceful circle of friends means finding safety against many sorts of
hazard and danger.

He is wise, if a friendship is damaged, immediately removes the cause of discontentment

and restores good relations. But even wiser is the one who is careful enough to avoid or
prevent disagreement with his friends in the first place.

Love and good relations between friends continue so long as they understand each other,
show self-denial and make sacrifices within permissible limits. The friendship between
those who cannot renounce their interests and preferences for the sake of their friends
cannot be enduring.

One is loyal and faithful to one’s friends to the extent one shares in their troubles as well as
in their joys. The one who cannot weep when his friends weep and rejoice when they
rejoice cannot be regarded as a faithful friend.

One who maintains a friendship with a friend who has fallen on hard times is a true, loyal
friend. Whoever does not support his friends against their misfortunes has nothing to do
with friendship.

Those who tend to disagree and struggle with their friends have few friends. One who
desires to have friends both faithful and in great number should avoid disagreement with
them on trivial matters.
Friendship is something pertaining to the heart and its sincerity. Those who think they can
gain other’s friendship through deception and hypocrisy are themselves in a manifest
deception. Even if there are around them some simple-minded people who have been taken
in by their hypocrisy and flattery, it is inconceivable that they will long and be able to
sustain friendship with them.

Story 1

Welcome Home
Being Successfulxx 74
A teenage boy had cancer and was in the hospital for several weeks to undergo radiation
treatments and chemotherapy. During that time, he lost all of his hair.
On the way home from the hospital, he was worried… not about the cancer, but about the
embarrassment of going back to school with a bald head.
He had already decided not to wear a wig or a hat. When he arrived home, he walked in the
front door and turned on the lights.
To his surprise, about fifty of his friends jumped up and shouted, “Welcome home!” the
boy looked around the room and could hardly believe his eyes. All fifty of his friends had
shaved their heads!
Wouldn’t we all like to have caring friends who were so sensitive and committed to us that
they would sacrifice their hair for us if that’s what it took to make us feel affirmed,
included, and loved?
Friends like that are hard to find in today’s world, but we should make friends like that.

Story 2


It was 1953, it was spring, and it was a great time to be a kid!

School would be out soon, and there were three long months of summer vacation to look
forward to.
Tom Mix and Roy Rogers were still making movies, and the local theater had decided not
to raise its prices. You could still get into the Saturday matinee for thirty five cents. And
that included a Buck Rogers cliff hangar serial and a cartoon!
A carnival was coming to town in July, and a circus in August. What more could a guy ask
The boy and his friend had been thinking about all these things as they watched their kite
soar gracefully above them in the sky over the large open field. The boy was ten and his
friend was eleven, and although they were a grade apart in school, they were the best of
buddies and did everything together.
They came to this field together, to fly kites, or play cowboys and Indians, or just to
explore. There were woods along one side of the clearing that were great for hiding and
building forts in. and if you were playing the part of an Indian there was a stone fence that
offered protection from the cowboys after a raid on their camp.
It was in this very field that the carnivals set up their rides and the circuses put up their
tents. And as much fun as it was to wander around those events while they were there, it
was even more exciting to see them leave, and then race to the field to see what treasures
may have left behind.
There was always something. A broken trinket, a length of thick rope, or maybe even
change from kids pocket when he had been turned upside down while riding “The
Octopus”! A person never knew what they might discover.
Yup, it was a really neat field.
It was getting late, and the two friends decided it was time to go.
The older boy gave one last hard tug on the kite’s string, as he always did, trying to get it to
dive and loop, and then they reeled in the line and started for home.
The path out of the field went by an old apple tree, and for the past week or so they had
been watching a large yellow caterpillar who had made his home on one of the branches.
Being Successfulxx 75
They had watched him slowly inch his way up and down the branch looking for any new
leaves that might have sprouted. But there wasn’t much new growth on the tree this early in
the year, and so they had wondered how he would survive.
They didn’t see the caterpillar today. Instead they noticed a large, grey, lifeless looking
cocoon, and they wondered if their yellow friend had died. But it was getting very late, and
the boys friend said his stomach hurt, probably from hunger, so they didn’t wonder about it
too long, and continued their walk home.
The next morning the boy and his friend walked to school together as usual. They arrived
with a little time left before the first bell, so they took a few moments to wander around the
playground and discuss their plans for that evening.
The boy’s friend wanted to go fishing at Mudd Creek, the water was getting high there and
he thought perhaps the trout may have come back early this year.
It was also just about time to start getting their bicycle-built-for-two back together. Neither
friend had a great bike, but when the rear wheel was removed from one, and the front fork
of the other attached, it made a super fast and fun vehicle! (and sticking playing cards in the
spokes of the wheels made it sound just like the full dress Harley Davidson motorcycles
they would see on the highway… well, almost…)
But nothing definite was decided upon, and so, when the second bell rang they went their
separate ways.
Noon came, and when the boy entered the cafeteria it was buzzing with excitement.
Someone in Mrs. Foster’s class had gotten very sick and had to be taken to the hospital!
The boy’s friend was in Mrs. Foster’s room, and so the boy looked around the busy lunch
room trying to find him. But his friend wasn’t there so the boy sat next to some of his other
Everyone seemed to have a different version of what had happened, and there were a lot of
rumors, but the one thing they all seemed to agree upon was the fact that it had been the
boys friend who had gotten sick.
Lunch period ended and soon the school day was over.
The boy hurried home to see if his friend had returned from the hospital yet. He was sure
his friend would have wonderful stories of being poked with long needles, being asked to
say “ahhh” a hundred times, and other strange and unknown things.
There were a lot of cars in his friends driveway as the boy walked past, but he didn’t see
anyone and so he continued to his home two houses away. His grandmother was in the
kitchen baking when he walked in, and she asked him if he had heard about his friend.
She said he had suffered an attack of acute appendicitis. His appendix had burst in school,
and by the time they got him to the hospital it was too late. The poison had spread
throughout his body and he died a short while ago.
His best friend was gone.
There was no one to take him to the funeral, and so he decided to go to the field. He hadn’t
had much experience with death. He had seen dead squirrels and birds of course, but a
person, that was different. He didn’t understand.
Why did things have to die?
Where did they go?
Why did his best friend have to leave him?
He wanted to think about all these things and so he walked slowly down the road to the
field, carrying the kite, its tail dragging along behind him.
Being Successfulxx 76
As he passed the apple tree he noticed the dull, grey cocoon was broken open. There was
nothing inside, it was just a cold empty shell now, and there was no trace of the caterpillar.
There was a strong breeze, and the kite went up into the bright sky easily. The boy sat on a
rock and watched as the colorful kite swayed in the wind and danced on its tail. As he
watched he thought about all the good times he and his friend had had. Times that they
could never have again.
Never again!
It was very difficult for him to accept that he would never see his chubby, funny friend
The boy was very bad, but he didn’t cry.
There was lesson for now and it was getting cool.
It was time to go.
He stood and began to wind the kite string into its holder.
He hadn’t wound more than a half dozen turns when a beautiful yellow Swallowtail
butterfly landed on the line no more than two feet from his hand.
The string went slack in his hands, and it seemed the butterfly was pulling on the line trying
to catch just one last gust of air under the kite. The kite responded by soaring another fifty
feet up into the air and then started floating slowly back to earth.
The line was taut in his hands again and the boy continued reeling it in. As he did, the
Swallowtail let go his hold on the line and flew upwards, up past he kite and into the clear
blue sky until it disappeared from the boy’s sight.
Now the boy understood.
The caterpillar hadn’t died. He had changed into something new and wonderful, leaving
behind an empty shell which was no longer needed.
The boy knew he would never see his friend again, not as he had been. But he knew his
friend wasn’t really gone, his friend just changed his world.
Instead, he too was off on a great new adventure, his spirit soaring among the clouds. And
he knew that if he kept all the memories alive, the friendship and the good times, then his
friend would never truly leave him.
His spirit would always be there.

Story 3

Clever Sally

“Remember to treat everyone just like you would like them to treat you,” their mother
returned the children when they showed her the small green leaves in their pots. “And, do it
to make them happy. You will discover being nice to others will make you feel good too.”
One day Saleh forgot to take care of his plant. He forgot to be nice at school too. When he
came home his plant didn’t look right. Saleh remembered what his mother said. After that
He gave the plant fresh water and made sure that the next day at school he would be kind to
Before long both Saleh and Sami’s plants were strong and healthy. And when summer
came there were beautiful flowers blooming in their pots.
Saleh and Sami’s friendships had grown too.
Being Successfulxx 77
Whenever either of them felt like being mean or nasty to one of the other children they
thought of their plant and how it had wilted when they hadn’t taken good care of it. That
helped Saleh and Sami to remember to take care of their friendships too.
Saleh and Sami were happy because they had learned to do things the right way.
God’s way.
Saleh and Sami made Friends
Saleh and Sami had moved from a small town home to a new home in a big city. When
they moved Sami and Sally had left all their friends behind. Their mother said that they
would make new friends when they started to school. But the first day of school Saleh and
Sami came home unhappy. No one wanted to be their friend. All the other children had
friends already and Saleh and Sami felt left out.
“I know it’s not always easy to make friends,” their mother told them. “Good things take
time to grow, including friendships.”
Then Saleh and Sami’s mother went and got two pots. She put soil from a sack into each of
the pots. Then she gave Saleh one of the pots and Sami the other. She opened a package
and gave Saleh and Sami some seeds.
“Each of you plant some seeds in your pot,” she took the children. “Be sure you take good
care of them. Water the soil whenever it starts to feel dry, and make sure your pots get
plenty of sunshine. I’ll bet by the time your plants bloom you will have new friends. But
you must be sure to nurture your friendships like you do these plants. Otherwise neither
will grow. You must show love toward others. Be happy, and don’t pick fights. Don’t
become angry when things don’t go your way. Be a good example to others, but don’t ever
think you’re better than anyone else. Trust God to work things out. And most importantly,
remember to pray each day, asking God to help you be a good friend to others.”
Saleh and Sami put their seeds in their pots. They gave them lots of water and put them on
the windowsill. The next day they went to school and tried to be nice to everyone. But still,
no one wanted to be their friend. Saleh and Sami came home and looked at their pots.
There was no sign of anything growing. Day after day Saleh and Sami went to school. They
didn’t push and shove on the playground. They didn’t name call or shout ugly words. They
always smiled, and never argued. When someone needed help, Saleh and Sami lent them a
hand. One day a group of boys asked Saleh to sit with them in the cafeteria. They had a
good time.
When Saleh came home he looked at his pot and saw some small green leaves poking out
of the soil. By the way Sami played a game of touch football with a group of boys and had
a good time.

Story 4

Friend to the Lonely

On the first day that four year old Nalan came to school, she was very frightened. There she
was, alone and with so many new faces all around. Her mother had dropped her at school
and gone home.
Nalan stood in one corner and slowly the tears began to trickle down her face. Just then one
of the teachers saw her. She came and took Nalan’s hand. “Don’t cry,” she said with a
warm smile. “I’m your friend. We’ll play together.
Being Successfulxx 78
When school is over, we’ll buy a cold drink and share it, half and half.” Nalan looked at
the teacher and smiled back through her tears. Even when she had reached senior class,
Nalan loved that particular teacher for being a friend to her when she was lonely.
Do you remember the time when you first came to school? Weren’t you a bit lonely and
frightened? Name one person who helped you overcome that loneliness.

Story 5

Two Friends and the Bear

Once there lived two friends. They always went about together. One day they were passing
through a forest.
Many wild animals lived in that forest. So they were afraid. To pass time they were talking
to each other.
First Friend: “Don’t be afraid, my friend. I shall not leave you alone, if any wild animal
attacks us.”
Second Friend: “I believe you, dear friend. But I am still frightened. I hope nothing will
First Friend: “There is nothing to fear. I can fight any wild beast. I’m not at all afraid of
them. Didn’t I tell you how I once fought with a black bear?”
The first friend had hardly finished talking when a big black bear appeared before them.
There was a big tree near by. Soon he climbed it up leaving his friend behind.
The second friend did not know how to climb a tree. So he could not decide what to do. He
remembered that bears do not touch dead bodies.
So he quickly lay down on the ground. He also stopped breathing. The bear came to him
and felt his breath. It thought that the man was dead. So it went away.As soon as the bear
had gone, the first friend came down. “Friend, what did the bear tell you? I saw it holding
its mouth close to your ear for long.”
The second friend stood up. “Well, the bear gave me a very good advice. It told me not to
keep company of a friend like you.” So saying, he left the company of his false friend and
went his own way.

Story 6

The Farmer and the Snake

It was a very cold day in winter. A farmer was returning home from the field. He saw a
cobra lying by the wayside. The cobra was almost dead with cold.
The farmer felt pity for the snake. He brought it home. He placed it by the fire. Soon it
came back to life.
The farmer had a little son. He wanted to play with the snake. So he went to the snake. But
the snake at once lifted its head to bite him.
The farmer was also in the room. He saw what the snake was about to do. So he quickly
brought a stick.
“Ungrateful creature, is this the way you want to pay me back? You shall live no more? So
saying, he hit the snake with his stick and killed it.
Being Successfulxx 79

Story 7

Two Foolish Goats

A little stream passed through a village. It was quite deep. The current, too, was strong. A
plank was thrown across it. It served as a bridge.
One day two goats came from two sides. They wanted to cross the stream at the same time.
“Let me pass,” cried one of the goats angrily. “I must cross first. Make way for me!” cried
the other with no less anger.
Thus they quarrelled standing at the middle of the plank. They grew more and more angry.
At last they began to fight. Soon both of them fell into the stream and were drowned.


It’s good to have some friends both in heaven and hell.

When friends meet, hearts warm.
In the time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; in the time of adversity, not one amongst
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.
Try your friend before you trust.
Love your friend with his fault.
Friendship cannot stand always on one side.

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