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Ryan O.

BSC - 4202

Every step and precaution are very important especially when we talk about
personal data, information and security of our identity. We all know that most of the
people nowadays are really using different medias to communicate to their loved ones
and at the same time to be “in” in the society. And each platform in social medias
require our information to have an identity and for people will be able to know us.
Although some uses social medias to deceived people there are still a lot more people
who uses it for good purpose. We cannot deny the fact that social medias are really a
great help to us especially when we wanted to communicate and to find news or
answers to some of our questions and assignments. As a student who is also using
medias, I have here some steps that I use just to avoid my information to leak or to be
secured. First, I make sure that the link or application I am using is safe and free from
any hacked. Second, I read the information from the applications I will be using before
entering my data so that I can avoid people to get my personal data and use from bad
things. Third, I make sure that when I am using any applications or medias, I do not
entertain people whom I don’t know and has nothing to do with me. Fourth, I do not
enter my accounts or put my personal data in someone else’ computer or cellphone.
Fifth, I do not download application that is very suspicious and will cause my data or
information to be leaked. Sixth, I do not trust people easily online especially if I only
knew them in social media. Seventh, I keep my data or information secured by not
sharing it to anyone and log in my account to any link someone sent me. Not online thru
online platforms our information will not be safe but at the same time thru offline as well.
I make sure that all the hardcopies about my documents are kept in a very safe place.
Whenever I am around with my documents I make sure to put those inside an envelope
and be attentive of what I am bringing. I do not forget my things on a certain place so
people won’t use my identity from bad things and I always check my things before
leaving to places I went in. Lastly, I value my identity, data, or information offline and
online so I will be able to keep it privately and avoid people to use it to deceive other
people. Our data or information are important, that’s why we should be remembered
that not everything we see online is worth giving our information for, do not trust people
who you only knew online, do not ever open a suspicious link that was being sent to
you. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

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