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B: Biblical authority (1 Tim. 3:16-17). By this, it meant that Baptist believe that the Bible is the only
and the sufficient authority for what to believe and what to practice.

A: Autonomy of the Local church (1 Tim. 3:15). By this, it meant that each local church is
sovereign in itself and cannot be controlled by any board, hierarchal system, or another

P: Priesthood of Believers (Rev. 1:5, 6). This meant that every “born again” believer may
pray without a human intercessor directly to God through Jesus Christ the High Priest,

T: Two Ordinances (Acts. 2:41- 42). (1) Believers Baptism for Identification (2) The Lord’s
Table for a memorial (II Cor. 11: 23-26).

I: Individual Soul liberty (1 Jn. 2:27). Every person has the right to interpret the scriptures,
to hold and to profess and to worship as he or she believes the Bible teaches. These things
are not to be forced upon at person. However, it is also recognized that all must give account
to Jesus Christ who is Lord of the Conscious and sovereign of the soul.

S: Saved Church Membership (Acts. 2:41, 47). This meant that the membership of a New
Testament local church consists of only those who have openly confessed Jesus Christ as
savior and demonstrated a willingness to obey the teaching of the Bible and agree to the
doctrines and standards of the local Church.

T: Two Offices (Phillip. 1:1). (1) Pastor and (2) Deacon (Phil. 1:1). These two offices are
the only Bible recognized ones in the local Church. Both are chosen by the congregation.
Other Church offices are necessary but must not be equated with these two.

S: Separation of Church and State (Mtt. 22:21). This means that every believer should
respect, sustain, and obey civil authority so long as it does not cause violation to conscience
or scriptural convictions. There should be no organic union of Church and state; but the state
should protect, not dominate nor interfere with the affairs of the Church.

These Truths are held by Baptists and thus set them off from other churches. Many other
groups hold some of this truth, but only Baptist holds all of them. A Baptist does not claim to
be the only one who holds any truth, but in one who sincerely believes that a Baptist Church
is the closest local Church to the Bible teaching of what New Testament Church should
believe and practice.

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