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Text: Ephesians 4:13-16

Concise Background: Ephesus was an ancient Greek city with a long history and by this time a major
city of the Roman empire, the capital of the province of Asia, an important and prosperous
commercial and administrative centre. Apostle Paul wrote this letter When he was in prison at Rome
(59-61 AD). The main purpose of this Letter was to encourage unity among Jews and Gentiles.

1. Christian Maturity involves Christlikeness (v.13)

 Growing in Unity
When we grow in unity with one another in Christ, we became mature
Spiritually. The ultimate picture of spiritual maturity is Christ. Without our
unity among believers, it is impossible to be united in the body of Christ
because Unity is strength for believers.

2. Christian Maturity Involves Knowledge (v.14-15)

 Growing in the Knowledge of Scriptures

In order to grow Spiritually, we must know what the Bible says. Bible is
inspired word of God. The Bible provides essential truths that we may not be
victim of false teachings. Christ is the Head of every Church and we must
speak word of truth from the scriptures Because the Bible is inerrant,
infallible, God-Breathed, and our final authority for life and faith.

3. Christian Maturity Involves Engagement (v.16)

 Involving in the Service of Lord

We are the body of Christ. We are all essential workers. We are one in Christ
while playing different roles for the same mission. We are connected and
engage to function properly in the body. Rejecting the purpose to the body,
the rest of the body of Christ suffers. Therefore, we must engage in the
functions or service of the Lord without rejecting each other and this is how
we grow mature in Christ.

Conclusion: Christian life is not being a natural Christian, but growing day to day to be mature in
Christ. Without the spiritual maturity we are became weak Christian and never experience the
fullness of Christ in our lives. Therefore, let’s grow in unity, Knowledge and engage in the service
of the Lord to be Mature in Christ.

God Bless You!!

 Chinku Rai

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