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i NOAKHALI SCIENCE & fj TECHNOLOGY UNIVERTISTY DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY Course Title: PHARMACEUTICAL MICROBIOLOY Date: 20, JAN 2019 Md. Mokabbir Hossain Uchsas ASHiBog004M Pharmaceutical Microbiology >Fung? 1 NOAKHALI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY NOAKHALI-38134, BANGLADESH. FUNGI Fungi (Singularsfungusjare =a kingdom = of, usually muicellular eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrephs (cannot _make ther own food) and have important roles in nutrient eyeing. in an ecosystem. Fungi reproduce both seumlly and asexually, and they abo have symbiotic associations with plums and. bacteria, However, they are also responsible for some diseases in plants and animals. Fungi are phiced in a separated Kinglom called. ibe kingdom fimgi. The study of fimgi é known as mycology. Peure: Fitngt CHARACTISTICS Fungi are not Plants. Fungi are Non-Photosynthetic, Eukaryotes, Fungi are Non-Motik, Most of the Fungi are saprobes (live on dead organism.) viv Pharmaceutical Microbiology>Fungi 2 > Absomplive heterotrophs (Digest food first & then absorb it into ‘their bodies) ® Rekase digestive enayme to break down organic material or their hast, Store food energy as Glycogen, Important decomposers & rccycles of nutrients in the cnvironment. Most of the Fungi are mulicellulir except unicellular yeast. Lack true roots, stems or leaves, ‘Cell walls are made of chitin (complex polysaccharide) Body & called the Thallus. ‘Grow as microscopic tubes or fikments called hyphae, Some Fungi are intemal or external parasites. A few fungi act like predators & capture prey like roundwoms. Some are edible, while others are poisonous. Produce both sexual & asexual spores. ‘Chssified by their sexual reproductive structures. Grow best in warm, moist environments. A Fungcide is achemical used to kill fimgi, Fungi Inchde puffballs, yeasts, mushrooms, smuts, usts, ringworm & mold, > The antbiotic penicillin is made by the penicillium mokd, ww vv ‘TPYES OF FUNGI Pharmaceutical Microbiology Fungi 3 SYSTEMIC CLASSIFICATON Chytridiomycota: Chytrds, the organisms found in Chytridiomycota, are usually: aquatic and microscopic. They are usually asexual, and produce 7 spores that move around using flagetla, small tail-tike appendages, The chytril Batrachoehytrinm dendrobatidis ean ‘eause a fingal infection in frogs by burrowing under their skin, and it has recenily devastated populations of harlequin tro killing off qwo-thirds of them in Central and Sowh America, Zygomycota: Zygomycetes. are mainly terrestrial andl feed off of plant detrius or decaying animal material. They abo ccause problems by growing on human food sources. One example of a zygonycie is Rhizopus stolonifer, a bread mold. ‘The hyphae of zyomycetes are not sepaniied by sepla, making their mycelia essentially one karge cell with many rmckei. They usually reproduce asexually, through. spores. Glomeromycota: Giomeromycetes. make up half of all figi found in soil and they offen form mycorthizae with plants; in fact, 80-90 percent of all kind pkmts develop mycomhiae with gmeromyccies. ‘The fimgi obiain sugars ffom the plant, and in return, dissolve minerals in the soil to provide the plunt with nutrients. These fimgi alo reproduce asexually Pharmaceutical Microbiology>Fungh 4 Ascomycota: Ascomycetes are offen pathogens of plinis and animal, inchding humans, in which they are responsible for infections lke athletes fool, ritgworm, and egotism, which eauses vomiting, convubions, halkwinations, and sometimes even death, However, some ascomycetes normally are found inside: humans, such as Candida albicans; a yeast which. lives in the respiratory, ‘gastroiniestinal, and fermmke reproductive tracts. Ascomycetes have reproductive sacs known as asci, which produce sexual ‘spores, but they also reproduce asexually, Basidiomycota: Like ascomycetes, basidiomyeetes abo produce sexual spores called basidiospores. in cells called basidia Basidia are usually club-shaped, and basidiomycetes. are ako known £2 | as club fing. Most basiliocytes reproduce sexually, Mushrooms ane m acommon example of basidiomycetes MORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATIO! ¢ e-o-2> aS Filamentous fungi (mold): The majority of fingi form fitunentous stracture known as hyphae, These are nuikicellular structures with branching. Most of these hyphae extend in 3 dimensions through whatever they are growing in. Specialized hyphae are produced to allow vegetative (non-sexual) reproduction with spores or conidia, Some highly specialized reproductive or protective structures are abo formed by some species, such as ascosporic. There are probably millions of species in total Filamentous fimgi are fours! in most phybgenetic ‘groups, but the vast majority of human pathogens are Ascomycetes. Example: Apaphysomyces varlabilis, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus Pharmaceutical Microbiology>Fungi 5 ‘Yeast: Yeast are single-celled microorganisms that ate -chissified, abng with mokls and mushrooms, as members of the Kingdom Fungi Yeasts are evolitiontlly diverse and are therefore ‘classified into two separate phyla, Ascomycota or sac fingi and Basidiomycota or higher fungi, that together form the subkingdom Disarray. Budding yeast, abo referred to as “tue yeasts”, are members of the —phyhim = Ascomycota and the order Saccharomycetales. Such chssifications are based on characteristics ‘of the cell, ascosporic, ancl colony, as well as cellukr physiology. Yeast-like-Fungi: Yeust like grow partly as yeast & chnguted cel resembling hyphae. The = iter. forma pseudonycelium Exampk: Cardia albicans, Dimorphic Fungi: These are fingi which exhibit a yeast form in the host tasue & in vitro at 37degree Celsius onenriched medina & mycelial form in vitro at 25 deg res Cebsius REPRODUCTION Reproduction is the biol process by which new “offspring” individual organisms are produced fiom their *parents". Reproduction is a finwlammenial feature of all known life; each individual orginism exists as the result of reproduction. The known methods of reproduction are broadly grouped into two muin types: sexual and asexual Fungi also have 3 types of reproductions: > Vegetative > Asenal ® Sextal VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION Vegtutive reproduction can occur by fagmentation, baking, fision, sebrotic and shiomomhs. Sclerotic: Sclertic are penetrating bodies made up of compact masses of hyphae. They grow under unfavorable conditions to produce new mycelia Pharmaceutical Microbiology>Fungi 6 Rhizomorphs: Rhizomorphs are rope fe twisted masses of fyphoe wih wel-defined apical sowing pokt Puss he ufivorble pernds in doorant sages but with the ones of faorable conditions seach shizomomph gve ree toa new mycelium, Vegetative reproduction can occur in various. wags = = Fragmentation: Hypo breaks ito pisces and cach pisce give rie 10 anew mycelium = «Fission: Common in yeast Co’ divide ito daughter cols, © Budding: Daughter buds appears fom porent cell This bud sepanties and firms anew onanism, ‘At tines. these buis fil wo separate and afer repeated bukling & fens paeudomycelium. yo Pharmaceutical Microbiology Fungi 7 © Oidia: Roni or ov! smetures having tin walk Produce yeast tke caled iin, Fach oifium on germination produces new mycelium. Hypha Oidia ooh? + Chlamydospores : Thick walks! resing spores produced by some fingi, They are capable of fring new ongmisms on approach of fnorsble conltions + Gemmae: They represent chhinydospores in siucture but are not very dumbk and thtk walled, SAXTUAL & ASAXTUAL REPRODUCTON l ed a iar eee iewine ae ramones . ree sen OO9S sears sheselange sem a ert os ae Rass SS paral oe Pharmaceutical Microbiology >Fungi MORPHOLOGICAL FETURE Pharmaceutical Microbiology >Fungi 9 PHYSIOLOHY OF FUNGI Fungi aw able w wilstand catain meme ernironments, > Yeats & oils can gow in amatam wih consirations ofsugir tht Hhibit most bactrie Ex. Jam muy be spoied by mols. % Yeasts & mils Genmlly can okrate more acc contitions than most other microbes. * Some Yeat aw filiaive but mobs ae siktly acre > Opsimim temperature of gowth & 20-30) degee Cebius fr Saprophyies & (30-37) degree Cobis oe pansites, Some ingi can gow stor rear O degee ths can cause spokage of mat & segtables in col! somgs, Fungi ave hetephlic ie, cabin source must come fom ongunic conpourxls sich as goose. > Fug cit we onic nfogen Soma morally. contains pepione\ COMMON DISEASES FROM FUNGI Fungi are everywhere. There are millions of diffrent finga! species on Earth, but only about 300 ‘of those are known to mike people sicko} Fumgal diseases are offen caused by fungi that are ‘common in the environment, Fungi live outdoors in soil and on plants ard trees as well as on many indoor surfaces and on human skin, Most fungi are not dangerous, bul some types can be harmful to heal Pharmaceutical Microbiology >Fumgi 10 ASPERGILLOSIS Caused by the fimgus Aspergillus and usually occurs in people with lung diseases oriweakened immune systems CANDIDIASIS Cawed by the yeast Candida. Candidiasis can occur in the mouth and moat, vagina, or the bloodstream, COCCIDIOIDOMYC | cause by coccidiosis's, a fungus OSIS (VALLEY that lives i the southwestern FEVER) united & parts of Maxieo, Pharmaceutical Microbiology >Fungi LL C.GATTHINFECT! | Caused by Cryptococcus gattii, oN which lives in tropical and sub- tropical areas of the work, the United States Pacific Northwest, and British Columbia. Common infections ofthe fingernails or toenis, FUGAL NAIL INFECTIONS MUCORMYCOSIS A rare information that mainly affects people with weakened immune system. Pharmaceutical Microbiology >Fungi 12 SPOROTRICHOSIS | Caused by the angus Sponothri Which fives throighout the world in soil and on plants, CANDIDA AURIS: | Emerging, often muitidrug- resistant fimgus: found in healtheare settings that presents a serious global health threat Pharmaceutical Microbiology > Fungi 13

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