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/5 marks


1 After completing Lab Activity 10.1 page 421 in your textbook reflect on your
heart disease risk factors.

Based on the lab activity, my score is less than 20. I am 20 years old, train more than
three times a week, and have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 23 kg/m². My blood
pressure is good, and my cholesterol levels are low, with my HDL cholesterol being over
0.9 mmol/L. Additionally, my parents are both over 50 years old and have never had a
heart attack. There is no history of personal or hereditary diabetes. While I don't
experience significant stress, I do live in a smoke-filled environment and smoke one
cigarette a day.

2. What will you do to reduce your risk factor?

To keep my heart healthy, I'd start by quitting smoking and avoiding places where
people smoke because even a little exposure to smoke can be harmful. I'd also make sure
to eat lots of fruits, veggies, and healthy foods, and keep up with my regular exercise
routine of working out more than three times a week. It's important to visit the doctor
regularly to check my blood pressure and cholesterol levels to catch any issues early.
Even though I don't feel very stressed right now, I might try some relaxing activities just
to stay calm and happy. And since my family has a history of heart health problems, I'd
get checked every year to be safe. Finally, I'd keep learning about how to keep my heart
healthy so I can stay on track.

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