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Power BI Certification and Training

Module 5: Power BI Service


© Brain4ce Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Module 5: Power BI Service

HR Report

Step 1: Open the Data set named Calendar.csv.

Step 2: Browse and select the CSV file from your local system.
▪ Click Load data.
▪ Create a new text box and name the report “Salary Analysis”.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 3: In Visualizations → Format your visual tab

▪ Slicer Settings → Selection → Multi-Select with CTRL
▪ Slicer Settings Options Orientation Horizontal
▪ Cancel Slicer Header

Step 4: Select the Text box and add the “Select the Year” text to it.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 5: Import a new Data set called ”Final_Job”.

▪ Create a Slicer for column “Supervisor Level”.

Step 6: Create a Slicer and use the “Supervisor Level” column. The following are the
visual settings.
▪ In Format Visuals Slicer Settings, select Multi-Select with CTRL, Slicer
Header: On, Font: Arial, and size 16
▪ Values: Font → Arial → Size 16
▪ In General: Shadow → On, Position → Center

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 7: Import a data set called “Org” and create a slicer for column “Division”.
Step 8: Follow the same settings mentioned above for “Supervisor Level”.

Step 9: Create a Slicer for Column “Business” from Org Data set.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 10: Import Person Dataset. In Data View, create a measure called Total Salary.
▪ Total Salary formula is: Total Salary = SUM(Final_Job[Monthly
▪ The Salary formula is: Salary = MEDIANX( SUMMARIZE(
'Final_Job', 'Final_Job'[FTE], "Median", [Total Salary]
), 'Final_Job'[FTE])

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 11: Dataset: Final_Job and create an area chart with column: Salary (y-axis) –
Person and column: Gender (x-axis).
Step 12: Area chart and its parameters.
▪ In Format Visuals → General Settings → Title: On, Name: Salary, Heading
3, Font: Arial (Bold and Black), Horizontal Alignment, X-axis, and Y-axis
Font: Arial and Bold, Text Wrap: On, Header Icon: On, Tooltips: On,
Effects: On,

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 13: Create a Scatter Plot with X-axis: Monthly Rate, Y-axis: Salary, Legend: %job
Step 14: Format Visuals Settings for Scatter plot. Name the Title “Pay Analysis”.

Step 15: Create a new Page. Make 4 Slicers for Year (2010,2011,2012,2013)
Step 16: The title of the page is “Hire and Termination”.
Step 17: Create a Slicer for the year like the First Page called “Salary”.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

▪ Gender from Person data set

▪ Supervisor Level from Final_Job data set
▪ Division from Org data set
▪ Business Area from Org data set
You can follow the same Visual settings or create your own.

Step 18: Create a card and import the FTE column from Final_Job.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

▪ Create Category value: On

▪ Title: Total FTE
▪ Switch Shadow: On and the label as Times New Roman

Step 19: Create a new Measure called Hire.

▪ Formula: Hire = COUNT('Final_Job'[EmplID])

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 20: New Measure called Termination.

▪ Formula: Termination = COUNT(Final_Job[Termination Date] )

Step 21: Make the Termination into a new Card.

Step 22: Create a new Measure called Total Employee.

▪ Formula: Total Employee = SUMX(Final_Job, Final_Job[Hire] +
Final_Job[Left Staff] + Final_Job[FTE])

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 23: Make a new card Titled Total Employee and Put Shadow on as shown below.

Step 24: Make a new Card from Column Retired Staff from the Final_Jobs dataset.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 25: Build a 100% Stacked Column Chart and make the following changes in the
Visualizations section.
• X-axis: Employee Type from Final_Jobs. Tilte: Bold, Size 15 and the
Text Segoe UI
• Y-axis: Hire from Final_Jobs. Tilte: Bold, Size 15, and Text: Segoe UI
• Legend: Division
Step 26: Chart Title as Division. Text: Arial, Bold, Size = 16

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 27: Import and use 2 data sets called Geo and Person
▪ Note: In Data View, Name the 1st Column as %pers (unique ID)

▪ Location on as address from the Geo Data set

▪ Legend as %pers from the Person Dataset
▪ Latitude: Average of latitude (change the data type to decimal number if
not automatically done)
▪ Title: Employee Location and Switch Shadow: On

▪ Longitude: lng from Geo data set (data type – decimal number)

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Note: The steps from here will require a thorough understanding of relationships
(module 2), these settings usually are autodetected, but if not, you have to manually do
Relationship 1: Geo (Postal Code) – Person (Postal Code), Many to Many, both

Relationship 2: Final_Job (ToDate) – Calendar (Date), Many – One, Single

Geo Location will be active when Relationships are active.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 28: Let’s make the Navigation of the Report much easier by adding buttons and
bookmarks. Create a page called Landing Page.

▪ Make a new Bookmark for navigation (moving in between pages).

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Module 5: Power BI Service

▪ Go to the View tab and click Bookmarks. Add the name of the current

▪ Make a Button with the following settings:

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Module 5: Power BI Service

▪ Shape → Rounded Rectangle

▪ Text → Name the button as “Hire & Termination” with Font → Red and keep
horizontal and vertical alignment as middle
• Icon, Fill, Shadow, and Border – Switch on
• Action → Bookmark → “Hire & Termination”
• Follow similar procedures to create a button for the “Salary Analysis”

Step 29: Make a new button for navigation for previous and next pages with actions
marked with their respective bookmarks.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 30: Upload the file in the new Workspace named Module 5.

Step 31: Go to Add content and select the file from Local.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 32: Create a report from existing data according to your convenience.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Name the Report as Quick Summary.

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 33: Make a new page file and name it Dashboard

Step 34: Make 3 Slicers as shown below:

Step 35: Create a Slicer for the Year

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 36: Create four slicers similar to the previous ones and a funnel chart with the
following settings:
▪ Use columns: FTE, Count of Retired Staff, Hire and Termination

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 37: Pin this Live to a new Dashboard

Step 38: Q&A feature in Power BI Desktop can be used, which is almost similar to BI

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Module 5: Power BI Service

Step 39: The Question asked is: “top location codes by total employee”

Note: Any Question related to chart and information can be asked

Step 40: Power BI Lineage view

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Module 5: Power BI Service

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