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1) Complete. Use the present simple or present continuous.

a) Every year, we send (send) each other cards and give (give) each other presents
at Christmas Day.
b) Today Mr. Smith decorates (decorate) his house with coloured lights and a
Christmas tree.
c) On New Year’s Eve, people often have (often/have) a party with their families
and friends and they celebrate (celebrate) it with fireworks too.
d) At this moment my mother is seeing (see) our costumes for Halloween. My
sister and I are dressing up (dress up) as witches.
e) At Eid ul-Adha, Muslims always eat (always/eat) a special meal.
f) My boyfriend is buying (buy) some yellow flowers and a card right now. Todays
is Valentine’s Day!
g) My cousin is Hindu and now she is celebrating (celebrate) the Diwali, which is a
traditional festival for them. My cousin and her family usually set of
(usually/set off) fireworks and ……………… (share out) some sweets.
h) My mother is (to be) disappointed with me because I don’t go usually (not
go/usually) to church in Easter. She is a believer in the Catholic faith and she
loves (love) Christ, so on Good Friday she ……… Christ’s death on the Cross.
i) I am thinking (think) about my degree seriously.

2) Present perfect simple.

a) Have you ever been (ever/to be) to London? No, I have never been never/to
b) My father has given (give) to me this present for my birthday.
c) My brother has lived (live) in London for a long time.
d) We haven’t packed (not/pack) our suitcases yet.
e) My friend has already joined in (already/join in) in the festival.
f) Mr. John Daily hasn’t come (not/come) to our house since last June.
g) Thanksgiving, a national holiday has celebrated (celebrate) in the USA since
17th centaury.
h) Molly has been (to be) interested in women since she was a little girl.
i) Have you already sent (already/send) your aunt’s brithday card?
j) I have already dressed up (already/dress up) since this morning!
k) Michael has been (to be) furious with this girlfriend for months.

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