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1. Do you have any siblings? Are you the rst child in your family?

A: Yes, I have a sister and a brother. The big one(oldest) sister is

called Katrina, and the small(smallest or youngest) brother is called
Bryan. My older sister is thirteen(years old) and my little brother is
seven(years old).

2. Do you spend much time with your family?

A: Yes, when in the weekend, we will go to mountaining and


3. What does your family do when your family has free time?

A: We will play switch at home when we write our homework

done( get our homework done.)

4. Does your family celebrate holidays like Christmas or Chinese

new year?

A: Yes, when(in) Christmas, my mom will put some presents at the

Christmas tree.(my mom will hide some presents in the stockings)

5. By the way, what's your favorite holiday and why?

A: My favorite holiday is at Christmas and Chinese..

Holiday(Chinese New Yea). One Chinese Holiday(year) we need to
eat a circle thing that has white color and pink color and it is when
the twelve twenty-two(on December 22th) we will eat them and
twelve twenty-two(that day) is (also) my birthday and twelve
twenty- ve(December 25th) is Christmas, so I love Christmas very

6. Who are you closest to in your family?

A: I am the second.

7. Imagine that Katrina is having a ght with your mother, what

would you do to stop them?

A: They will not ght. They're mother and child(daughter).

8. Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?

A: Family. Because family born(raises) me but friend just sometime

because friends we always went(go) to school and we can play
together, but family, when we went(go) to school, we cannot play
and sometimes we just say good-bye, or say hello and went(go) to
bed and another day came(comes), so we cannot(don't) have many
time to spend with our family.

9. Who is your best friend? Can you brie y introduce to me?

A: If I told you that (my best friend) is not (in) our school? My best
friend is Ashley. Her family has her mom, her dad(She lives in
nuclear family) and she has a little brother and the brother's age is
with Bryan's age same(her brother is as young as Bryan's) and
when the(in) break time, we will went(go) to playground and play

10.In break time, what do you usually do with your other friends?

A: In break time, we will stay at class and talking(talk) about

anything. We will eating(eat) cookies together or we will talk about
something like math, or later we will(the upcoming) quiz.

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