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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)

Blockchain based Voting system in Local Network

Vairam T 1 ,Sarathambekai S2, Balaji R3
2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) | 978-1-6654-0521-8/20/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441912

Department of Information Technology

PSG College o f Technology, Coimbatore, India

Abstract—Structuring an electronic voting system which reduce the expenses of organizing elections and to improve the
fulfills the legitimate requirements of representatives has been a accurateness of the results. The security civic observing the
challenge for a long time. Conducting the free, systematic and Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) as defective because the
impartial election is the vital goal of every democracy nation. corporal security is required for such systems. The voting
Every country follows a different voting system from old paper
ballot system to Electronic voting system. There facing a many machine may damage due to physical access by a person
problem in these voting systems. The main problem is location hence affects the existing vote cast on the machine. In general
and the accessibility, people are suffering to go to their native the EVM has less security and integrity than online voting
place polling booth for casting their vote. This needs to be system. The online voting system also enable the voters to cast
considered as every people s vote plays significant role in the vote using their personal device like mobile, laptop etc.
deciding the right leaders. Blockchain technology offers the hence the secrecy is maintained and there increases a number
transparency and security requisites for the impartial election. It of participant to cast the vote. Blockchain is Distributed
is a complete decentralized, immutable ledger system. The online Ledger Technology (DLT) which has digital asset
voting system allows the voters to cast their vote from any place unchangeable and translucent through the usage of
at any time which leads to increasing the voter participation
count. The objective of the paper is to create a voting system
decentralization and cryptographic hashing. [4] addressed the
which provides transparency and security using Blockchain features of blockchain technology as follows:
technology, the Ganache tool is used for setting up a local
blockchain network. The metamask is used for account
a. Distributed ledger enables no single point of
Keywords— Blockchain, smart Contract, Voting system, b. New transaction can be inserted into the ledger
Truffle, Ganache by anyone who is having the distributed control.
I. In t r o d u c t io n
c. The block is created or inserted based on its
previous block details.
Generally, a single organization maintains the d. Consensus algorithm plays a major role in
database. This makes the single organization, a central constructing the new block and performs
authority with complete control over it. The central authority transaction in it.
has the facility to fiddle with the database and influence the
data. The organization maintains the database for two The objective of the paper is to create a voting
purposes one is for storage purpose which is not require any system which provides transparency and security using
modification of the data. The other one involves monetary Blockchain technology. To explore the various available
matters or sensitive data such as voting, account transaction options in the blockchain technology and to choose the right
details which requires many people to involve in the data entry platform to develop the voting system. With blockchain based
and modification. Though the organization enable only the voting, the voter turn up might also increase as people can cast
authenticated people to access the central database still the their vote from any place at any time, making this as a perfect
hackers will find a way to access the database easily. To alternate to the current voting system. This paper is organized
evade such circumstances, blockchain consider the database as as the literature review is explained in section 2, the proposed
public which provide every user to store their data in the architecture is discussed in section 3 and the implementation
database. Nevertheless, the user data must always be updated details and the conclusion is discussed in section 4 and section
to keep consistency. The consensus algorithm is being used in 5 respectively.
blockchain technology in order to maintain a consistent
decentralized database. The Block chain is one of the evolving II. LITERATURE SURVEY
technologies and plays a major role in many fields such as There are many researchers shown their interest to
healthcare, supply chain management, market monitoring etc implement a novel research work in the area of block chain
[1& 2]. technology as this becoming the mandatory of many
Different types of voting mechanism are followed applications. [4] proposed the permissioned block chain for E-
across the world [3]. Voice vote, rising vote, show of hands, voting system which uses the smart contracts to ensure the
ballot vote (recorded) are the traditional voting system. E- security and cost-efficient election. In [5], tabulated the
Voting (Electronic Voting) denotes that an electronic deployment of block chain based solutions for various level
equipment is used to troupe votes in an election. The such as corporate, community, city and national voting. Also
significance of e-voting is to proliferate the participation, to addressed Block chain enabled voting (BEV) opportunities

978-1-6654-0521-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE


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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)
and challenges. [6] Also worked in BEV, the authorized A Design Considerations
voters can cast a ballot using digital currency. Tamper-proof
audit trails is created by enabling by block chain for voting The system is designed with these following points in
which makes a perfect way for casting vote. In [7], analyzed
the I-voting system for various countries 1. Only one chance is given to the voter to prevent
double voting.
In [8], a prospective e-voting protocol is proposed
that utilizes the blockchain as a transparent ballot box.
Comparison of commercial block chain e- voting protocols
was carried in their work. They considered Bitcongress[9],
Follow My Vote[10] and TIVI[11] commercial protocol for
[12] Proposed the Open Vote Network which is best
suited for boardroom elections, this open vote network does
not depend on any trustworthy authority to calculate the
number of votes. The reason behind this is, the Open Vote
Network is a self-tallying protocol, and every voter is in under
the control of their privacy. The consensus mechanism is used
to secure the Ethereum blockchain. [13] Addresses the
drawbacks of two-round decentralized voting protocols by
enabling the election result using recovery round also
considered the computational security proof of ballot secrecy.
The blockchain technology could also be used in open science.
[15] Reviewed how an open science can be benefited from the
Blockchain. The blockchain review based on systematically
was done in [16] considered the theme for reviewing the Prev Hash
blockchain and the few research themes are economic benefits
and fintech revolution. The detailed review on blockchain
Block n-2
technology with respect to various applications was done in
[17], The most demanding applications such as Internet of
Tilings and Healthcare require the role of blockchain

Figure 1 Voting system architecture

III. PROPOSED SYSTEM 2. Only eligible voters are enabled to cast the vote by
The voting system architecture is shown in Figure 1. checking their identity.
The whole system can be divided into four main activities. 3. While vote counting, the system should not depend
on a single authority.
i)Registration - Before participating in voting, each valid 4. The privacy of the voters should be maintained.
voter is given a public address and a private key, which will be 5. The stored votes should be verifiable and tamper
used later for authentication. Each voter account is filled with proof.
enough ethers to carry out one single transaction. Both public
address and private key should not be revealed to anyone. This
helps the voters to cast their votes anonymously.
B. Ethereum Blockchain Network
«[Authentication- The voting process starts with
For implementing this proposed work an Ethereum block
Authentication. Each valid voter is given an address and key
chain network is used. It is a decentralized open source
for verifying their identity. Each voter is asked to enter his
blockchain network featuring smart contract functionality. In
public address and private key (authentication credentials).
Ethereum platform, the crypto currency used here is Ether
Once the credentials is valid, the voter is allowed to cast their
(ETH). It uses Proof of Work as the consensus algorithm
where the one who can quickly solve a problem using the
iii) Voting- Once authenticated, they can choose a candidate computation power can add a new block to the network. The
from the list of available candidates by using the Frond end blockchain arrangement takes care of vote tampering
application. Only one chance is being given to every voter. To problems. [14] used the Ethereum block chain network for
cast a vote, a function call is made to the deployed smart online voting application. In blockchain, each and every block
contract with the candidate id. is chained with its next block and its previous block. Hence if
the hackers tries to access the Block N then it will be notified
iv) Results- The transaction of the block is successful only to Block N+1, and the changes in Block N+1 also relects in
when the transaction id conformed by the miner (any one) and Block N+2 and so on. The hash value of Block N+1 is
acknowledged by all the miners. computer using (1).


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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)
Hasii(Elock(M + l ) =
2_ d e p l o y _ c o n t r a c t s , j s
/ (tim esta m p + Hash [S lock O'/)) +- Payload +
{HashOf&rk-ie Root ) + T w g e t + Nonce')
' ' (1) Re pl a c i n g 'Election'

> tr a n s a c t i o n hash: 0xc79b0751ea710944a70d952fff35d3e6277b33b444bdf02716ec04077eelldlc

4 Sswclw - O k
> Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
> co n t r a c t address: 0xfDB9f363434S1331E52S5688dfF5DB962DA67704
> b l o c k number: 3
> bloc k ti mestamp: 1 6 05 46 32 25
> account: 0x 4B 3 0 8 6 D a 9 B D 7 7 D 6 0 F 8 C B B F 4 4 9 6 4 B C B 9 8 3 A 0 B B 3 3 d
E le c tio n
> balance: 9 9 .9 72 76 99
MPQ5 suns > ga s used: 8 3 05 63 (0xcac63)
WatêHB5ííí»£3íl*iíí3fcJül«4»f(flí3fi 4.« £TK
> ga s price: 2 0 gxei
MfSíf6(MlJ]ííCCt32*6yBC6fiM35F}í2il7?MC2956c}?Jfl5v61F55FÍ«»$a > valu e sent: 0 ETH
> tota l cost: 0 . 0 1 6 6 1 1 2 6 ETH

> S a vi ng mi gr a t i o n to chain.
> S a vi ng a r ti fa ct s
a iiiiin i’tiii ! _n *

> Tota l cost: 0 . 0 1 6 6 1 1 2 6 ETH


Su mm ar y

> Tota l de pl oy me nt s: 2
> Final cost: 0 . 02 13 83 14 ETH
Figure 2 Deployed smart contract in Ganache

Figure 3 Migration using Truffle


Ganache is used to create a Ethereum blockchain network

in the local machine and the smart contract is deployed in the
network using the Truffle framework. Ganache provides 10
account with 100 fake ethers which can be used to test the
working of the developed application. Figure 2 shows the
deployed smart contract in Ganache.
When the smart contract is triggered Migrations are used
to update the blockchain. A numbered JavaScript is used a
migration which is created for every smart contract. The
migration or the numbered JavaScript file is being called
automatically by Truffle framework. For each migration,
certain amount of ether is spent from the account which is
used to deploy the smart contract in the blockchain network as
shown in Figure 3. The application is hosted using lite-server
and tested for the performance.

Figure 4 Before Voting (UI)

Figure 4 and Figure 5 represents the user interface for
proposed system before voting and after voting


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2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS)
Voting system is implemented using Ganache to check the
Blockchain-EIection working of the voting system. After the Votes are casted by
the voters, it is stowed as immutable and tamper-proof. This
addresses the security issues with the current e Vm system.
Though it provides transparency, as the transactions are visible
# P a r ty Nam e V o te s
to everyone, it conserves voter’s confidentiality and secrecy. It

0 B a la ji 0 helps in announcing the result fast. It takes more than 2 weeks

to announce result in the current system. The voting results are
publicly auditable. In future the frontend UI of the application

a D iv a k a r 1
can be improved to show the election statistics and any other
authentication methods can be integrated to further add

• M a n u V W hya 0 security and trust to the voting system.


/ M ukesh Kum ar 0

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improving the existing system hence it also provide a better
way to conduct the Election. It also used to evade the
drawbacks of centralized voting systems. This Electronic


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