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Forbidden Embrace

Fiel Angela Resurreccion

Angela Martin, a mafia boss's daughter, finds herself in a precarious situation as she falls for her sworn
enemy, Eleven Collins, who belongs to a rival mafia family. Living in a world of crime and deceit, their
love seems impossible. Despite the risks, Angela and Eleven secretly meet at an abandoned warehouse to
confess their love for each other. The tension is palpable as they embrace, knowing the consequences
could be dire if their families were to find out. Determined to be together, Angela and Eleven devise a
plan to escape their respective families and start a new life. Their hearts are filled with hope, but they
know the journey ahead will not be easy. One night, while preparing for their departure, Angela overhears
her father discussing an upcoming attack on the Collins family. Torn between loyalty and love, Angela
faces a difficult choice. Angela ultimately decides that love prevails and, risking her own life, rushes to
warn Eleven about the incoming ambush. Time is of the essence, and their lives hang in the balance.
Barely managing to thwart the attack, Eleven confronts Angela, whose betrayal to her own family leaves
her feeling desolate. However, Eleven, understanding the weight of her decision, offers his unwavering
support. With newfound strength in each other, Angela and Eleven flee the chaos, determined to carve out
a new life together. Although their love may be forbidden, they know that they are stronger when united.

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