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In the dim glow of his phone, Eli felt a pang of anticipation as he saw his phone lit up with a chat
notification. It had become their nightly ritual - catching up with her friend, Aurelia, halfway
across the world. As the pandemic spread its tendrils across the globe, their friendship became
a lifeline amidst the isolation. Distance seemed irrelevant as they navigated the new normal
together, virtually finding solace in each other's company.

They would spend hours engrossed in watching captivating movies and series, engaging in
thrilling games, indulging in deep conversations that stretched up until the late hours of the
night, giggling over each other’s silly thoughts and constantly updating each other on their
day-to-day activities, creating a bond that was strengthened with each shared experience.

Their friendship was a source of comfort within each other in the lonely days of the global
pandemic. However, as they shared more about their lives, Eli found himself falling for Aurelia.
He was drawn to her kindness, her intellect, and her sense of humor.

Aurelia had been a beacon of light during his darkest moments. She had been there to catch
him when he fell, to lend a listening ear when the weight of the world felt too heavy to bear. In
his lowest moments, she had saved him from multiple suicide attempts, her unwavering support
pulling him back from the brink.

As their friendship grew, Eli struggled with the weight of his feelings. He feared risking their
bond by confessing his love, yet he couldn't bear the thought of keeping his emotions bottled up
any longer. And so, with a mixture of trepidation and hope, he resolved to lay his heart on the
line and confess his feelings to Aurelia, knowing that their friendship would never be the same
again. However, Aurelia didn’t feel the same way as she cherished the friendship between them.

In the days that followed, Eli and Aurelia navigated through the awkwardness and uncertainty
that hung between them. They both struggled to find their footing, grappling with the changes
that Eli's confession had brought upon their friendship.

With a heavy heart, Eli decided to bring their friendship to an end. It was a decision born out of
love and pain, a choice to spare themselves from further heartache.

For Eli, it was an agonizing realization that he could no longer bear the weight of his unrequited
feelings, a loss he hadn't seen coming. And for Aurelia, it was a devastating blow, a heavy
burden to carry as they exchanged bittersweet words of gratitude, expressing their appreciation
for the memories they had shared, for the laughter and the late-night conversations that had
once brought them so much joy. Though their paths may diverge, and their journeys unfold
apart, the memories will still hold the depth of our hearts and the echoes of what once was.

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