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Assignment No.

Q.1 Construct machine code for the following assembly language
instructions. (Marks: 20)

GROUP: 1, 2 GROUP: 3, 4 GROUP: 5, 6 GROUP: 7, 8

1. MOV BL, AL 1. ROR AX, 1 1. IN AL, 34H 1. INC [SI]
2. LEA SI, [BX][DI] 2. MOV DH, CL 2. MOV BH, [55] 2. OUT DX, AL
3. ADD BX, 0059H 3. SUB DL, 55H[SI] 3. SUB [2048], DX 3. ADD CL, 4AH
4. XCHG CH, [BX] 4. IN AX, DX 4. ROL DL, CL 4. MUL BX

Note: Perform all the steps. i.e., 1) write down the template, then 2) fill in all the
bits in it and, then 3) convert the result into hexadecimal format.

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