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Relationships, goal setting and social media

1.1 Goal setting is the process of taking active steps to achieve whatever you want to do in the
1.2 Helps to know what exactly your goal is. Helps you to measure your progress. You are able
to attain this goal. You can achieve this goal in a given time frame
1.3 Realistic goals – A goal that you can achieve given your skill, how motivated you are and
how much time you have.
Unrealistic goal – A goal that is not practical or not doable. It normally sets someone up for
1.4 The inability to set to set relevant academic goals will negatively effect the future of a grade
11 leaner. This will lead to decreased motivation, poor time management and it will limit
their opportunities in the future.
1.5 Distraction and disconnection
You may loose family time because you are always on social media and you are always
Comparison and jealousy
Whenever you are exposed to another person’s highlight reel this can lead to feeling of
jealousy within family relationships. Seeing other family members successful and happy may
lead to family members creating Unrealistic expectations within the family.
Social media platforms aren’t face to face communications, which could lead to
Miscommunications and fights between families
1.6 Protect personal information.
Don’t share your full name, phone number, or any other sensitive details. Always be alert
for suspicious people, there are a lot of scammers online.
Choose virtual friends wisely.
Only accept friend request from people you know and you trust in real life. Don’t feel
pressured to accept follower request from strangers.
When in doubt trust your gut.
If something doesn’t feel right, talk to someone whom you trust to give you good advice.
Have regular check-ins
Allow your parents to see the people you are talking to. Or you can go to someone you trust
to advise you on decisions.
1.7 Seeking support
This can allow teenagers to reach out for help from trusted family members, friends or
Building resilience
This will help teenagers build resilience by helping them adjust and adapt to changes in their
friendship circles and only prioritize relationships that make you feel good.
1.8 Being goal-directed will enabled you to make the correct career choices. Being goal directed
gives you long term vision and short term motivation.
Long term vision offers direction, motivation and sense of purpose .
It is a plan that someone has but it is long in the future.
Short term motivation is setting short term achievable goals, or breaking challenges or tasks
into smaller pieces and sections. Maintaining a good positive mindset.
1.9 Social relationships can influence may influence your ability to achieve whatever you desire
in life in positive or negative way. They can influence your ability to achieve goals by
shaping your self esteem and your self concept. These aspects are influenced by the way by
the feedback you get from everyone that is around you. If they support you and encourage
you are likely to have a positive self concept and self esteem, this will effect your confidence
and motivation.
1.10 I would encourage my friend to have a open talk with their parents. The talk has to be
about life goals and aspiration. They have to be respectful and calm, emphasizing the
importance of pursuing goals for their growth in the future.

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