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2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) | 978-1-6654-7358-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISBI53787.2023.10230415

Hao Xu1 , Tengfei Xue1,2 , Dongnan Liu1 , Fan Zhang2 , Carl-Fredrik Westin2 ,
Ron Kikinis2 , Lauren J. O’Donnell2 , Weidong Cai1
School of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Australia
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA

ABSTRACT is time-consuming and needs experienced neuroanatomists.

White matter (WM) tract segmentation based on diffusion Several semi-supervised WM tract segmentation methods
magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) plays an important role have been proposed, such as tract-level few/one-shot [10, 11]
in the analysis of human health and brain diseases. However, and few-shot segmentation methods using limited annotated
the annotation of WM tracts is time-consuming and needs subjects [12]. [10, 11] transfer tract segmentation knowl-
experienced neuroanatomists. In this study, to explore tract edge from fully-supervised tracts into few/one-shot annotated
segmentation in the challenging setting of minimal annota- tracts. Although tract-level few/one-shot tract segmentation
tions, we propose a novel framework utilizing only one an- implemented in [10, 11] has successfully transferred knowl-
notated subject (subject-level one-shot) for tract segmenta- edge to tracts with insufficient annotations, a large number
tion. Our method is constructed by proposed registration- of subjects still need to be annotated. [12] designs two pre-
based peak augmentation (RPA) and uncertainty-based refin- text tasks to enable tract segmentation with a few annotated
ing (URe) modules. RPA module synthesizes pseudo sub- subjects. However, to our knowledge, no method has ex-
jects and their corresponding labels to improve the tract seg- plored WM tract segmentation under the extremely minimal
mentation performance. The proposed URe module allevi- annotation condition. That is, only one subject is annotated
ates the negative influence of the low-confidence voxels on in the dataset for training, denoted as subject-level one-shot
pseudo subjects. Experimental results show that our method learning. Exploring this minimal annotation setting can be
outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, helpful for clinical applications due to the difficulty of tract
and our proposed modules are effective. Overall, our method annotations.
achieves accurate whole-brain tract segmentation with only In this study, we propose a novel deep learning frame-
one annotated subject. work for subject-level one-shot tract segmentation, which
leverages proposed registration-based peak augmentation
Index Terms— diffusion MRI, white matter tract seg- (RPA) and uncertainty-based refining (URe) modules. Our
mentation, deep learning, one-shot learning contributions are as follows: 1) We propose an effective deep
learning framework, achieving accurate whole-brain tract
1. INTRODUCTION segmentation results with only one annotated subject; 2) To
improve the segmentation performance under the scarcity of
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) [1] is the only annotated subjects, we synthesize pseudo peak subjects and
non-invasive method for in-vivo mapping of the human brain their corresponding tract segmentation labels through RPA
white matter (WM). A WM tract is a set of white matter module; and 3) To further improve model accuracy, we pro-
fibers (axons) forming a corticocortical or cortico-subcortical pose a URe module to facilitate the self-supervised learning
connection in the brain [2]. WM tract segmentation based process by refining synthesized pseudo labels.
on dMRI is important for analyzing WM characteristics in
healthy and diseased brains [2, 3].
Recently, deep-learning-based tract segmentation meth-
ods have been widely used to achieve outstanding segmenta- 2.1. dMRI Datasets and Data Preprocessing
tion accuracy [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. These deep-learning methods
usually train a network using a large-scale annotated dataset. We use the dataset from TractSeg [3], including 105 subjects
For example, TractSeg [3] utilizes a U-Net structure [9] to from the Human Connectome Project (HCP) [13]. Each sub-
segment WM tracts using fiber orientation distribution func- ject has 72 tracts annotated by neuroanatomists. We follow
tion (fODF) peaks by training and validating on over 80 anno- the same dataset split as [3], using 84 subjects for training,
tated subjects. However, obtaining annotations for WM tracts and the rest 21 subjects for testing. Regarding our subject-

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Fig. 1. Overview of registration- and uncertainty-based framework for WM tract segmentation with only one labeled subject.

level one-shot segmentation setting, we only use one anno- data, to be used for our peak subjects. Let {x, l} be the only
tated subject out of the 84 training subjects. As shown in labeled subject and its corresponding tract segmentation la-
Fig.1, we use multi-shell multi-tissue constrained spherical bel, and y (i) be a set of unlabeled subjects on a spatial do-
deconvolution (CSD) method [14] with all gradient directions main R3 . Pseudo peak subjects and their corresponding la-
to transform dMRI data to fiber orientation distribution func- bels are synthesized with the RPA module. Specifically, a
tion (fODF) peaks data, which has 9 channels corresponding spatial transform model is learned to register the labeled sub-
to sagittal, axial, and coronal directions (each direction has ject to unlabeled subjects. Pseudo subjects and corresponding
three channels), as in [3]. Compared with raw dMRI data, pseudo labels are generated by deep-learning-based registra-
the networks trained with fODF peaks data achieve better tion using 3D U-Net [9]. Set g(x, y (i) ) = u(i) is the spatial
tract segmentation results [3]. Therefore, we directly segment transform model, where θ are the model parameters, and the
tracts in the field of fODF peaks, and all subjects mentioned output of the model u is the voxel-wise displacement field.
in the following are in this field. The deformation function φ(i) = id + u(i) , where id is the
identity transform [15]. Therefore, the pseudo subject x(i)
2.2. Registration- and Uncertainty-Based Framework for and the corresponding pseudo label l(i) are as followed:
Subject-Level One-Shot White Matter Tract Segmenta-
x(i) = x ◦ φ(i) , (1)
As shown in Fig.1, we propose a registration- and uncertainty- l(i) = l ◦ φ(i) . (2)
based framework for subject-level one-shot tract segmenta- For each voxel p ∈ Ω, smooth loss Lsmooth and similarity
tion. Three stages of our proposed framework are as below. loss Lsim are considered as the registration loss:
Stage 1. Our proposed RPA module uses deep-learning-based
registration [15, 16, 17] to obtain pseudo labels for unlabeled
X 2
Lsmooth (φ(i) ) = ∥∇u(p)∥ , (3)
subjects in our subject-level one-shot tract segmentation task. p∈Ω
To alleviate the scarcity of labeled peak subjects, studies usu-
ally use the traditional data augmentation (e.g., rotation, flip- 1 X h (i) i2
Lsim (x(i) , y (i) ) = y (p) − x(i) (p) . (4)
ping, and cropping) [3] or linear registration-based augmen- |Ω|
tation [12]. Our RPA module based on more advanced deep-
learning-based registration methods [15, 16, 17] can poten- Lsmooth is used to penalize the spatial variations in φ(i) , and
tially obtain the high-quality pseudo dataset. We modified Lsim is used to penalize the difference between pseudo sub-
registration methods in [15, 16], which are originally for MRI ject x(i) and unlabeled subject y (i) . We balance Lsmooth and

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Lsim with hyperparameter γ: 3. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS
Lreg = Lsmooth + γLsim . (5) 3.1. Implementation Details
Stage 2. To further improve the quality of the pseudo dataset
Training. In Stage 1, we use fODF peaks, which have a size
from Stage 1, we train a TractSeg network (TractSeg-A) on
of 144 × 144 × 144 × 9, as the input of the 3D U-Net [9].
the only labeled subject to enable the tract segmentation and
The size of synthesized pseudo subjects is the same as input.
evaluate the quality of pseudo labels in the voxel-level. The
The 3D U-Net is trained with an Adam optimizer. The learn-
trained TractSeg-A is used to calculate the voxel-level uncer-
ing rate is 0.001, the batch size is 1, the epoch is 100, and the
tainty map (Stage 3) to refine the pseudo dataset.
hyperparameter γ is 0.02. Hyperparameters in Stage 1 are ref-
TractSeg decomposes a 3D subject into 2D slices in three
erenced from [16] and tuned on our dataset. Since there are 83
planes (sagittal, axial, and coronal planes) and trains a 2D
unlabeled subjects in the training set and a pseudo subject is
U-net network with them. During inference/testing, in each
generated for each unlabeled subject, 83 pseudo subjects are
plane, TractSeg reassembles the 2D slices of the prediction
generated for subsequent training. In Stage 2, the input of the
into a 3D subject prediction. The mean value of tract segmen-
TractSeg-A is a 2D image (slice) with a size of 144 × 144 × 3
tation prediction of three planes is used as the segmentation
(sagittal, axial, and coronal planes). The output is the seg-
prediction result of this subject. Set z = m(x) is the predic-
mentation result of 72 tracts in the corresponding plane, and
tion of TractSeg. We use binary cross entropy loss as the loss
the size of the output is 144 × 144 × 72. The TractSeg-A is
function of TractSeg:
trained with a learning rate of 0.02 and Adamax optimizer.
n The batch size is 48, the epoch is 200, and the dropout rate is
Lu = − [l · log m(x) + (1 − l) log (1 − m(x))] , (6) 0.4. In Stage 3, parameters of TractSeg-A are frozen, and the
n j=0
TractSeg-B has the same input size, output size, and hyperpa-
where n is the number of tract classes. rameters as the TractSeg-A from Stage 2. Hyperparameters
Stage 3. We use pseudo subjects and labels {x(i), l(i)} that in Stage 2 and 3 are referenced from [3] and tuned on our
are refined using the proposed URe module to train TractSeg- dataset.
B for predicting final results. The URe module improves the Testing. During testing, we only use the trained TractSeg-
quality of pseudo subjects and labels by filtering out voxels B to get the final tract segmentation result. We stack 2D slice
that are not trustworthy using voxel-level uncertainty maps predictions to get 3D predictions (size of 144×144×144×72)
generated from TractSeg-A. First, 2D slices of pseudo sub- for the whole brain. The mean predictions of three planes
jects x(i) are input into TractSeg-B for training. Set the (sagittal, axial, and coronal) are calculated as the final predic-
TractSeg-B as t(x(i)) = v(i), where v(i) is the segmentation tion results.
prediction. Similar to Eq. 6, loss of initial segmentation is as The above training and testing are performed with Pytorch
followed: (v1.10) on a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU machine.
Lpseudo = − [l · log m(x) + (1 − l) log (1 − m(x))]. 3.2. Comparison Experiments and Ablation Study
n j=0
(7) We perform comparison experiments and ablation studies on
the HCP test set. Our performance evaluation is based on the
At the same time, to quantify the quality of pseudo subjects on
widely used metric, Dice score [3, 10, 11].
voxel-level, x(i) is input into parameter-frozen TractSeg-A.
When the prediction value (from binary-cross-entropy loss) Overall Quantitative Comparison Experiments. We com-
of TractSeg-A is closer to 0 or 1, it means that the prediction pare our method to U-Net, a popular deep-learning-based seg-
confidence of this voxel is higher. Based on that, we set the mentation method, and TractSeg, a state-of-the-art (SOTA)
output of TractSeg-A to be z(i), which is transformed into white matter tract segmentation method, as shown in Table
an uncertainty map um(i) through the uncertainty transform 1. In our implementation, we train U-Net and Tractseg with
(URe module): only one annotated subject. Here, the difference between U-
Net and TractSeg is that U-Net decomposes a 3D subject into
2 · z (i) − 1, if z (i) > 0.5,

2D slices in only the sagittal plane for training and prediction,
um(i) = (8)
1 − 2 · z (i) , otherwise. while TractSeg decomposes a 3D subject in three planes and
calculates the mean value of tract segmentation prediction as
Finally, um(i) is used to weight the initial segmentation loss: the final result (as in [3]). Ours (RPA+URe) achieves a margin
of 29.82% and 24.16% higher mean Dice score over TractSeg
Lweight = um(i) ⊙ Lpseudo . (9)
and U-Net, respectively.
Lweight reduces the weight of prediction from untrustworthy Ablation Study. We evaluate the impact of RPA and URe
voxels (voxels with lower prediction confidence). modules on tract segmentation performance, as shown in

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Fig. 2. The mean Dice scores of all 72 tracts on the test set for our proposed method and compared methods.

Table 1. Quantitative comparisons on HCP test set.

Methods Dice score
U-net 43.19±15.20%
TractSeg 48.85±17.58%
Ablation Study Ours (RPA) 69.45±9.53%
Ours (RPA+URe) 73.01±8.14%

Quantitative Result on Every Tract. Fig. 2 shows the mean

Dice scores of all 72 tracts on the test set for our proposed
method and compared methods. The full name of each tract
can be seen in [3]. Compared with two SOTA methods, our
method has the highest mean Dice score on all 72 tracts.
Visualization of Tract Segmentation Results. In Fig. 3, we
show the visualization of tract segmentation results for differ-
Fig. 3. Visualization of tract segmentation results of two ex- ent methods. We observe that ours (RPA+URe) can generate
ample tracts: left corticospinal tract (CST) and left fronto- more complete and accurate segmentation results compared
pontine tract (FPT) on one subject. The yellow regions are with other methods, even when the tract is very thin.
labels, and the green regions are segmentation results of our
method and compared methods.

Table 1. We design our framework based on TractSeg, there- In this work, we proposed a novel registration- and uncertainty-
fore our method without RPA and URe modules (Ours (w/o based framework for subject-level one-shot WM tract seg-
RPA+URe)) is the same as TractSeg. Ours (RPA+URe) mentation. Our method leveraged the proposed RPA module
achieves 73.01% mean Dice score, outperforming Ours (RPA) to synthesize pseudo subjects and their corresponding labels,
and Ours (w/o RPA+URe) by 3.56% and 24.16%, respec- and the proposed URe module for refining the low-confidence
tively. Ours (RPA+URe) also achieves the lowest standard voxels in the synthesized subjects. Comparison results show
deviation of dice score compared with other methods. These that our method outperformed other SOTA methods and its
results demonstrate the effectiveness of novel RPA and URe ablated version by a large margin. Overall, our method
modules in our framework for subject-level one-shot tract achieved accurate tract segmentation of the whole brain using
segmentation. only one labeled subject.

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