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Anthony’s College
San Angel, San Jose 5700 ANTIQUE
Liberal Arts Department

Theology 102 Worksheet


Fill up the necessary information:

Name: Essay D. Gador Date:
Course & Yr.: BSAIS -1A
Lesson -10

How can you show that Jesus is present in your everyday life?

For me, Jesus is present in my everyday life through my actions and interactions with
others. By practicing love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity towards
those around me, I reflect the teachings and example of Jesus in my daily life.

Additionally, spending time in prayer, meditation, and reflection can help me cultivate a
deeper awareness of Jesus’ presence in my life. By seeking guidance, strength, and
inspiration from Jesus in my daily activities, I invite His presence to guide and shape my
thoughts and decisions.

Furthermore, participating in acts of service, volunteering, and outreach to those in need

can also be a powerful way to demonstrate Jesus’ presence in my life. By embodying
the values of service and selflessness that Jesus taught, I can make a positive impact
on the world around me and inspire others to see the light of Christ shining through my

Ultimately, showing that Jesus is present in my everyday life is about living out His
teachings, being mindful of His presence, and sharing His love and grace with those
around me.

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