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SES “MY s. handful [‘hendful] n. sing. >i 5 >t There are only a handful of good restaurants in this area, and they're usually busy. Maybe we should go somewhere else. & responsibility [rspansobrlat] 0. BE Being a country's president is probably the biggest responsibility a person could have. 1 provide [ pro'vaid ] v. #848 Fruits and vegetables are important because they provide your body with the energy it needs. 2 background [‘bek.graund ] n. #5 5 ASHE This university used to be only for the rich, but now it's open to people of all backgrounds. education [ edsa'kefon | n. BEF = Phil received a good education, as he went to a great! 3+ school and also learned a lot at hone, urban ['sban ] adj. irney Jason likes living in an urban environment because there are always many things to see and do. schedule ['skedgul] n. BRR 5 472 Mike checked his schedule to see if he has to work next week. varied ['vernd] aoj. a8e809 I'm trying to eat a more varied diet. | don’t think | should eat the same things every day. promote [ pra'mor ] v. (238 5 193 6 The government is trying to promote trade with a foreign country by opening an office there. lantern [‘tenton ] 7. 8 5 #248 C At night, we use a lantern to light our way to the ‘campfire, so we can see where we're going. pollution [pattufon ] 1. 535% Fish are dying in this lake because of the pollution from garbage in the water. wire [ wane] m. i885 Seas . ‘The gate was closed with a small piece of wire that someone put on the handle, burden (bsdp] m. 8 5 fit amr. I'm worried about this new sales tax. | think it will place a heavy burden on the poor, resource [1'sors ]/[ r1sors ] n. 2% ‘The books at the library are a wonderful resource for helping us learn and find information. jointly [‘dgointl] adv, Bees 5 ses Jeff and | worked jointly on this project. He wrote the words and | drew the pictures. slope [ slop] 7. $38 5 Ut The ball rolled down the slope of the hill and went into the stream at the bottom. 5. lifetime [ ‘ar countryside [‘kantersaid] n. BABB 5 SH Henry grew up in the countryside and worked on his uncle's farm. He's not used to the city. youngster [ ‘jansta’] m. sam 5 52a 5 BME The youngster held her dad's hand while they were crossing the busy street. - greet [ grit] v. RHIR 5 #7#20F 5 30H I greeted my mom's friend at the door and told her to come inside and sit down. advertisement [ adva'tarzmant }/[ ‘edvatarzmant] nS | saw an advertisement on TV for a new restaurant, Let's go there! fitness [fms ] n. BRA + BBA ‘Tom has been trying to improve his fitness by cyoling and walking to work. restrict [ rr'strrkt] v PR) 5 FRE At our school, class sizes are restricted to 20 students or fewer. This way, teachers can pay more attention to each student. 1m ] aol. FEE Ryan is a lifetime fan of that football team. He has. watched every game the team has played since he was litle! yearly (jr ] ac. 89 Sarah is considering a new job offer because her current yearly contract is coming to an endl energetic [ ena‘dgetk ] adj. SAFE 5 TERISTIC Kathy got a great night's sleep yesterday, so she feels, energetic and happy today. lively [tari] aaj. $A Evie's party was very lively, with lots of people dancing and laughing. muscle ['mas} ] 7. BES Bobbi goes to the gym often so she can develop strong muscles. instruction [1n'strakfon ] n. #5a% 5 he 5 RSM (WER TER) lan missed a step in the instructions for building his shetf and put a pieos in the wrong place, . eager ["ige ] adj. SAETEN 5 88809 After several months of working without stopping, lam eager for a vacation . approve [elpruy] v. BAR; FR The boss didn't approve of the plan and asked us to make some changes. efficient [1frfont] aoj. 5 My new refrigerator is so efficient that it uses 40% less power than my old one. 7 2.reliable [sr'larab} | adj. TaR9 5 (ALB NY This bus schedule isn't reliable now because it was. made a few years ago. i 3. track [trek] 9. #88 Rosie's shoe got caught in the train track while she was crossing, but luckily no trains were coming, 4. nearby ['mrbar] adj. #Ei09 On the weekends, we play at a nearby park, It only takes us two minutes to walk there from our house, 5. preparation [ prepe'refen ] 7. Fit 5 34% ‘We'll begin the lunch preparation activity by putting ‘two slices of bread on each plate. 6. aboard [ober | prep. mE (oar SAS + ALE) There are around 2,000 people aboard this ship as it sails to Japan and South Korea. 1. portion ['porfan] n. (e489) 9» ‘When Steve buys fast food, he always orders a portion of fries. 2. steam | stim] v 78 (eopaRbe sham Yolanda steamed some dumplings in the bamboo basket that she had placed on her cooking pot. 3 juicy ['dsust] ag. S489 Barry was hungry and had been working hard, so he 4. spice [spats] n. #4 5 ABER : Because Larry uses so many spices when he cooks, | his dishes always have a strong taste. 5. garlic ['garlik ] n. #& 5 AA ‘Adding garlic to a dish is a great way to add taste, although some people don't lke the smell 6. sausage ['sosid3] n. #88 The hot dog, a type of sausage, is a classic food at baseball games, 1. dive [dary] . #8 (dive-dove-dove) Kerri loves to dive into the ocean with her mask on so she can see under the water. 2. unlike [ antank ] prep. 7B 5 8-7) Unlike my brother, who loves to piay soccer, | prefer reading books in my free time. 3. colony [‘kalont] n. (Bi #9aR 89) BFE Joseph discovered an ant colony in the sand near his apartment building, 4. creature [‘kritfa] 0. 2% : This forest is home to a number of creatures, such | as black bears and foxes. ; 5. threat [ Oret] n. Bei ‘The strong typhoon that is developing off the coast is, a threat to the small vilage. 78 sll 6. protection [ pra'tekfon] n. fil Always wear a helmet when you ride a scooter so your head has protection. 1. fee [fi] 7. am if you're not a guest at this hotel, you can still use its pool for a fee of NT$500. 2earn [an] v. ae (6) You can eam a lot in the fim industry, but the hours are fong and the work is hard. 3. handy [‘hendr ] adj. 24809 ; AFB The book you gave me was really handy. It taught me a lot about growing vegetables. 4, automatically [,ota'meuk[r] adv. BEN This speaker will automatically turn itself off if it hasn't been used for five minutes. 5. grocery [‘grosart] n. aBieeE Arthur paid for his groceries and then put them in his bag before leaving the supermarket. 6. label [ Yeb]] m. ti; #882 Katie looked at the label on her sweater to see which ‘company made it. 1. tobacco [tatbreko | n. HERE BEE ‘Smoking tobacco is bad for your health, but many people still do it because it calms them down. 2. existing [ igzustan ] aaf. RAF) 5 BRAGHY The city will repair the existing roads before starting to build any new ones. coast [Kost] ia 5 58: The coast guard asked people to stay away from the | sea on the typhoon day, flood [flad ] 1. tk 5 ak i Heavy rain caused a large flood yesterday, which led | to water damaging many homes. : throughout [erwavt] prep. Wik 5 #08 The tea shop has branches throughout Taiwan. You can find them almost everywhere! 6. broadcast [‘brodkest ] n. BE ‘My grandpa always keeps the radio broadcast on while he goes to sleep, [‘vigan ] n. #8 Owen's vision was damaged after a car accicient, and he can't see clearly ever since. [zon] n, (15389) The school has a drop-off zone at the front gate for parents to park their cars and pick up their children. 3. global [ ‘glob ] aaj. 25865 Climate change is a global problem that all countries must work together to deal with. 4 feature [ fifa ] m. #6 5 SoA This smartphone offers many exciting new features such as a 3D camera. 2. surface ['ssfts ] n. 3 The surface of the river wasn't smooth because it wat awindy day. 3. outdoor [‘autdar] adh. 9h) 5 BRET There's always the chance that an outdoor event will be canceled if there's a lot of rain. 4, path [pw ] n. BA 5 208) ‘Sarah quickly pushed her brother out of the path of AER yO 5. specific [ spa'sitik ] aoj. Same ; FLARE ; BYR Paul's order was very specific, He wanted a chicken sandwich without tomatoes. 6. advanced [ edvenst | adj. $3889 The machines at that hospital aren't very advanced, but the doctors work well with what they have. | the ball and saved him from getting hurt. 5. risk [risk ] 7. HbR 5 MR ‘Swimming isn’t allowed at this beach because sharks create too much risk for those in the water. 1. helmet [‘helmat ] 7. 32 We need to put on our helmets to protect our heads before riding the motorcycle. 2. flash [flef] v. BSR; 183 pe a Ursula almost lost control of her car and drove intoa | 4 confused [karifjuzd] adj, aCEIERGHO ; mtsimaey tree when a cat flashed into sight. | Doug was confused about the math question, sohe | 3. figure [tiga |r. Be 5 Beh asked the teacher for help. : Could you give me the exact figure of how many eggs i you want me to buy? 4. constant [‘kanstant ] adj. @ataee 09 ; FRED Adults must pay constant attention to young children, or they might hurt themselves by accident. 2. period ['piriad] n. BAMA 5 BRE 5. engaging [mgedsiy] ad). SR3LAG) 5 ARO BEA Taiwan was under Japanese rule during the period Rosalina didn't find the movie very engaging. She was! from 1895 to 1945, quite bored by the end. H 1. presence ['prezns ]n. #4 5 HU 5 88 Joseph feels nervous at social events, so he often brings his dog. The dog's presence helps him feel comfortable. 6. afford [o'fard] v. Simei Harry's family cannot afford a vacation in another country, 80 they stay at home, 1. desired [ dr'zamrd] acj, 2/9389 ; #SE3EREN ANter several rounds of interviews, Mark managed to get his desired management position in the company. 2. monster [‘mansta] 7. #299 5 FEM When Charlie was young, he worried that monsters ‘would eat him in his sleep. Now, though, he knows they're not real 3. collection [kalekfen] n. (—#t) sbeaaa : That generous man sent a huge collection of books | to th: for fr 3. practical ['prekuk| ] adj. ROY 5 aemaT4T6) | In the meeting, the manager asked for practical ways | to solve the problem, not crazy ideas. 4. inspect [1mspekt] v.22 5 BAR After Bily drove into a tree by accident, he got out to inspect the damage to the car. . visible [‘vrzab|] adj. eR; TRAY ; Don needs his glasses. Without them, only soft shapes! are visible to him. 6. decrease [di'kris] v med 5 PEE ‘The number of smokers has decreased since people started to learn about smoking's bad effects. 4. product [ pradokt }. #86% 1. captain [ keptan ] 1. BBR 5s Nike mainiy sells shoes, but it also has other products | The captain ordered the sailors to sail the ship to ‘such as T-shirts, pants, and backpacks. | safety because a big storm was coming. 5. benefit [‘benafit] m. eee 5 28 | 2.port [port] n. #5380 Being close to nature is one of the ben The little fishing boat left the port early in the morning the countryside. to catoh fish. 6. dizziness ['dianas ] n. 8% ; SB 3. navy [nevi] 0.59% Itis common to experience sudden dizziness when | Joan's brother serves in the navy, and he travels on a you stand up too fast. big ship often 1. billion [orljan] n. Hi 4. capture [‘keptfa ] v. Bs 155% ‘The company started a big new project that is ‘The army easily captured the city after the enemy king expected to cost over a billion dollars. gave up and let them in, of living in “79 80 $.slave [sev] n, S88 Hattie was forced to be a slave on a farm, where she ‘worked hard without pay or rest. 6 crew [Kru] nm. SRGRSER 5 SARIS ; SARE AR The crew on the fight were really polite, so | had a great time flying with them. 1 frightening [‘framyan } adj, HG 5 Ae ‘Walking through the dark forest was a frightening experience, but I had my big brother with me. 2. entire [intarr] aj, 2880 5 Ste Jonny was 80 tired that he fell asleep for the entire flight. He only woke up once we had landed. 3. harbor [‘harbe] 7. 3800 5 #93 ‘The rich man boarded his boat and sailed out of the harbor toward the open sea. . victim ['viktim] 1. 8 Many people are sencing money to the vietims who lost their homes and families in the big earthquake. 5. sink [sink] vi (sink-sank-sunk) | dropped a large stone off the side of the boat, and it sank to the bottom of the lake. 6. deck [dek] n. BH Many of the boat's passengers waved goodbye to ‘heir families from the upper deck, Te warn [worn ] v. S26 5 #08 Jessie warned her daughter not to go to the beach, when the typhoon came. 2. mental ['ment] ] ag). #08 5 D5BHT ‘While it's important to look after your body, it's important to take care of your mental health, too. 3. signal [sign] ]n. 06 The dark clouds in the sky were a signal that it was going to rain soon, 4. extremely [1k'striml ] ad. 3 5 aE | really want to be a doctor, but getting into medical school is extremely cifficult. 5. decade [‘deked ] n. HF 5 +505 Our company has grown so much in the last decade, hope it grows as much in the next ten years! 6. battle ['bet|] . (A) Mie In the winter, many wild animals have to battle the cold to survive. 1 investigate [ mnvesta get] v. ABE 5 RE The fire department is still investigating what caused ‘the building to bum down. 2.record [r'kord ] vba 5 SEE 5 ARR Julio records ail her ideas in a notebook so she can read them later. my 3. data [‘deto }/[ deta] n. 909 5 Bi Carrie's job is entering data that's written on paper into a computer program, 4, immediately [1'midioth ] adv, 2280 5 FE Ifyou want to catch your train, you have to leave your house immediately. 5. pilot [‘patlat] n. RATE When we were about to land, the pilot told us the weather and the time in the local area. 6. attract [ a'trekt] v. 031 Although this phone doesn’t offer any special features, many people are attracted to its great appearance, {Lf (sm ] n. 25) 5 SRB 5 ES xn | After winning a major contract, the firm has become | one of the largest in its field. 2. aircraft [‘erkeeeft] n. RU 5 FATE (ARBEIT) There is an airport not far from here, so aireraft fly above our house pretty often. j 3. desire [dr'zarr] n. 098 ; RE i Sophie's greatest desire was to lead her country | toward a more peaceful future, commercial [ ke'msfol ] adj. RARE 5 RBA This is not a commercial camera, so you can’t buy it in stores. It's only used in schoo's. 5. mystery [‘mstort] ni The exact place where people buried the treasure on the island remains a mystery. 6. prevent [ prr'vent |v. BBLE 5 BS {The doctor told me that this medicine would help, prevent the illness from making me feel bad. 1. mighty [‘maru ] aoj. sist09 5 i790 The boy stood up to look tall and showed off his muscles, trying to look mighty. 2. kingdom [‘kindam ] n. 0 This country was once a kingdom, but now itis led by a president. 3. colony ['kolont] PRE Britain had many colonies that helped make the ‘country very rich during the height of its power. 4. weaken ['wikan] v. 885 ; #38 ‘As he grew older, my father’s mind stayed strong, but his body was weakened by a long period of sickness. | | 5. powerful ['pavafal ] ao}. ARABE9 5 09 | Master Liu is a powerful fighter. You don't have a | chance of winning against him. 6 bold [bold ] ao). EaRREY 5 AREY Everyone said Larry was bold to point out the teacher's mistake in the middle of class. 1. goods [ gudz ] n. pl. 54% 5 gz NOTES: Lisa's company sells goods such as clothes, shoes, | and purses to stores in China, : 2.feather [fede 1. BE H | saw a feather on the ground and wondered what | kind of bird it came from. ! 3. fortunately ['foryfomtl ] adv. uBR 5 326 t Liz had a lot of work to do, but fortunately, her friend | Dan offered to help. ! 4, erase [1'res ] v. 898 5 3 i Technology may advance, but it will never erase the | need for human connection and understanding i my 5. temporarily [ tempa'rerols ] agv. S252 5 MBH Jenny will temporarily stay at her grandma's house while her parents go on vacation. 6. symbol ['simb] ] n. #028 5 Sit ‘The rainbow flag has become a symbol for LGBTQ pride and social movements. NOTES: noun aa verb ha adjective ia adverts He preposition TT 5 TR pronoun Rem interjections mk auxiliary ver anise phrase Ae conjunction El determiner REA verb to be bbe BB) (ar, ae, was, were) past tense verb waz verb in “ing” form BE ing West past participle ATH ‘somebody ‘something subject object to + base form verbs

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