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Protective and Risk Factors of Cigarettes & Alcoholism

Good day! I am to inform you and raise awareness about cigarettes and
alcoholism. In the present time, many people are addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, even
adolescents. Did you ever wonder why people smoke and drink despite knowing its
effects on them? Have you ever thought about the reason why people smoke and drink
while some don’t? Well, let me explain it to you.

First of all, cigarettes and alcohol are considered as drugs and are truly addictive
because of a certain chemical they contain. Cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly
addictive and alcohol contains ethanol which makes us intoxicated and act impulsively.
Being addicted to cigarettes and alcohol is bad for our health, thus, damages our organs
and leads to having cancer, such as in stomach, lungs, liver, etc. and chronic diseases.
Not just that but it also affects our social life such as that in family, school, workplace, and
in society. Besides, it is also money draining. Being addicted to those drugs will affect
one’s state of mind, hence making them lazy, act impulsively, and less productive.

Do you know the reasons why people smoke and drink? Well, there are many
reasons why people smoke and drink and two of those are peer pressure and problems.
Peer pressure is usually the reason why people get addicted to smoking and drinking.
The people around them forced or encouraged them to try smoking and drinking. Making
them feel guilty and calling them KillJoy if they don’t follow what their peers want. The
other reason is problems. People smoke and drink as a means of escaping and forgetting
their problems even for just a short amount of time.

Curiosity is another risk factor of smoking and drinking. Now, I’ll ask you, have you
ever thought about what it feels like to be smoking and drinking? Or what does it taste
like? That’s the case for many people who got addicted to smoking and drinking. You’re
curious about what it feels and tastes and to get rid of that curiosity, you try smoking and
drinking once until it becomes your habit and gets addicted to it.

There are also many reasons why people don’t smoke and drink and one of those
is that they value family life and are committed to having a healthy lifestyle. We don’t want
to live our life with an illness, right? It is very hard to live when suffering from an illness.
Moreover, it may ruin our social life with regards to family, friends, and generally in public.

There are many things that influence a person to drink and smoke. Cigarettes and
alcohol are very unhealthy. Furthermore, it will only make our life shorter and make us
suffer. If you won’t stop or limit yourselves in consuming these drugs, you won’t be able
to enjoy your life to the fullest being sick and all. Cigarettes and alcohol will only give us
temporary happiness and inner peace but it will not solve any of our problems. What
cigarettes and alcohol can give us are worsened problems and temporary happiness but
not permanent. Smoking and drinking is not the solution to any problem. Instead, it will
only worsen the problem. Remember, true wealth is in health. Therefore, health is wealth.

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