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Elicit: Why can the man lay on a bed of nails without bleeding?

The phenomenon of a person lying on a bed of nails without bleeding can be attributed to
the principle of distributed force. When the person lays down, their weight is spread out across
numerous nails, minimizing the pressure exerted on each individual nail. This distribution of force
prevents any single nail from puncturing the skin. Additionally, the person often uses a distribution
device, such as a board or shield, to further spread out the weight. As a result, even though the total
force applied to the person's body remains constant, the pressure on each nail is reduced to a level
that does not cause injury, allowing them to lay comfortably without bleeding. This equilibrium of
forces allowed for a controlled release of pressure as the body is on the bed of nails, reducing the
risk of getting hurt.

Engage: Why did the balloon not pop when it was struck by the skewer?

The balloon's resilience to popping when pierced by the skewer can be attributed to various
factors. Firstly, the distribution of stress across the balloon's surface played a pivotal role. Through
the demonstration, it became evident that certain areas of the balloon, specifically in the center of
the balloon were under greater stress than others. By tactfully selecting a less stressed region which
are the top and the bottom part of the balloon, the likelihood of the balloon bursting was reduced.
Moreover, the skewer's sharpness and thickness were important in facilitating its penetration of
the inflated balloon. Additionally, the pressure within the balloon served as a critical safeguard
against bursting. The internal air pressure exerted an outward force, countering the applied force
of the skewer. This equilibrium of forces allowed for a controlled release of pressure as the skewer
punctured the balloon, reducing the risk of sudden explosion.
Elaborate: Why does the mattress sink more when the person is standing compared when
the person was lying?

In the provided example contrasting a woman wearing a stiletto and a three-ton elephant's
foot, the principle of pressure distribution is elucidated. It suggests that the application of a
significant force over a small area creates greater pressure compared to a lesser force distributed
over a larger area. The same concept can be applied when a person stands on a mattress, causing
greater sinking compared to when lying down. In the standing position, the concentrated force on
the foot results in heightened pressure, inducing mattress compression. Conversely, in the supine
position, the body's weight is uniformly distributed across a larger surface area, leading to reduced
pressure. In essence, pressure diminishes as the force and surface area increase, while an imbalance
where force surpasses surface area elevates pressure levels.

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