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5 Reasons

Why The
Customer Is
NOT Always
“People say the customer is always
right, but you know what, they’re
not. Sometimes they’re wrong and
they need to be told so”
Michael O’Leary, Ryanair CEO (b. 1961)
All marketers strive to understand their
target audience’s perceptions of their
products and services. And the
customer is always right—this is the
motto we’ve adopted and lived by for
If you’re one among them, let us
remind you that you’re also
It’s good to worry about what
customers are saying about your
business and your products/services.
But the process of continuously
pleasing them and taking them
seriously without justifying their every
opinion won’t be a wise idea!
But that’s not the conclusion. Being a
proper business owner, you need to
have proper knowledge about your
management and differentiate
between right and wrong, and so do
‘why your customers are not always
Not a big article on the customer is not
always right essay, but a short article
that will help you to conclude a wise
decision on it. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
 Is the customer always right?
 Why customer is not always right
 1. Wrong customer exists
 2. Considering the customer is
always right can conflict with your
 3. All customer's opinions may bring
a barrier to your growth
 4. You don't need to satisfy
 5. It's okay to let customers be

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