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The reading, A forgotten escape?

The reading; An entertainment and habit for certain young people, or something unknown to
others. Reading is not only a way to pass the time, but it promotes many other things
(detailed later in this essay). However, more than half of young people do not open a book,
nor do they even dare to try. What about reading today? Why was it lost? What benefits are
lost with it?

Reading is something very rare today, but it is also a pleasure that people have had for a
long time. There are different types of reading and each person enjoys reading the genre or
type that they like (keep in mind that these vary according to the age of the reader). The
changes in the habit of reading, today, are quite varied, from the way in which it is done, why
it is done and how it is done. So, if it is varied and well received, why has the reading habit
ceased among young people today?

There are different distractors that compete with reading. If we want to understand this, we
must ask ourselves, do a self-examination: How long are we glued to the cell phone,
computer or television in my day to day? How much do we depend on technology? Does it
promote the reading habit? On average, global Internet users spend 6 hours and 43 minutes
daily online and on social platforms. This has greatly reduced the time we spend reading,
and is the main source of causes for the reduction in reading among young people, since
being involved in the digital environment, they forget the importance of this activity and its

Another aspect that has greatly influenced the decline of this Habit and custom is the lack of
interest in reading. This aspect is closely related to the environment in which young people
find themselves involved, and they do not see the importance of a book and what it can bring
them. As there are other more common, popular, “quick and easy” factors to enjoy as a
source of entertainment, a book doesn't even attract their attention. Finally, it is easy for
them not to take time for this activity, and to spend it on other more trivial activities.

The majority of young people, due to the different and many distractions in which they get
involved, as well as the lack of knowledge or ignorance of the benefits of reading, have
frequent problems with this; In addition, adding to all this, the variation of the means through
which it is read (since not all of them are so profitable). They are not aware of the benefits
that they can get, such as: the increase in vocabulary or vocabulary, greater concentration
as well as comprehension of texts, keeping the mind active and increasing creativity and
imagination. It is for this reason that many young people (who do not have the habit of
reading (not all)) have academic, vocabulary and reading problems.

Based on everything discussed above, it can be concluded that, although it is not the fault of
all young people that the reading habit is being lost, part of the blame can be assumed on all
the digital distractors in which we find ourselves. we move day by day, and the great time we
dedicate to them (something that can become (or already is) insane), as well as the lack of
knowledge and ignorance of people about the benefits of reading, which generates a lot for
them disinterest in it; Something that we cannot continue to achieve, but rather, by taking
measures, make an effort to learn more about this excellent habit. From all this, it is
assumed and concluded that measures must be involved to promote the reading habit or
custom among young people, to benefit them, not only academically, but also as people and
part of the global culture of readers. All of this benefits society in turn, bringing more
culturally rich, curious and skilled people into many surroundings.

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