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Name: Fiel, Johnses G.

Date Submitted: April 05, 2022

Course/Section: BSCE 1A
What are the skills that you need to have as an Entrepreneur? And
explain each in your own point of view.
Communication - For an entrepreneur to interact effectively with his or
her clients, he or she must have adequate communication skills. Good
communication skills can also assist an entrepreneur in being more
receptive to other people's ideas, so expanding his or her reservoir of
business and entrepreneurial expertise.
Networking - Networking is a crucial skill for every entrepreneur since it
may help you identify business possibilities, partnership arrangements,
subcontractors, and potential employment. It broadens the
entrepreneur's viewpoint, allowing him to improve his observation
abilities and thinking, which is beneficial while working with a firm.
Curiosity- As an entrepreneur, you'll need this talent to find chances that
might be a valuable source of money. It's defined as having a strong
interest in something outside of your comfort zone and a desire to learn
more about it.
Time management – Because time is money, a successful entrepreneur
must be able to manage his or her time effectively. To thrive as an
entrepreneur, careful planning, careful scheduling of any meetings and
precise time allocation are required. It is critical in order for a project to
be completed within the time frame set.
Strategic thinking - One of the most important abilities for any business.
It is the capacity to come up with answers to problems in a business
while looking for ways to address them in the quickest time feasible and
with the smallest expense an entrepreneur can afford.
Efficiency - As an entrepreneur, being efficient in everything you do may
save you time, effort, and resources. You can generate the most quantity
of product with the least number of resources available if you are
efficient at your profession. It is also one of the most crucial skill sets
for a business owner to possess.
Risk-taker - Not just in terms of time, effort, and company reputation,
but also in terms of his own cash and funds, as well as the funds of his
or her business partners. It is essential to have as an entrepreneur so
that you can make sound judgments when presented with opportunity to
start your own business.

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