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Myths of modern


The pandemic detonated a global “anthropause”, the

temporary reduction in human activity worldwide, trigge-
red a spike in ecological studies measuring the benefits
of this unprecedented event in modern contemporary
world. Their results were highly valued by society and
biophilic tendencies and ecophilosofical contemplation
that even reached religion (the on going greening of
christianity). These ideals of spiritual ecology have been
integrated into our personal spaces where we have spend
most of our time during lock down. Social exclusion has
incited anthropomorphism, thought process of attribu-
ting human qualities to non-human things. The rise of the
DIY movement has created a deep interest to value craft
in what we own, therefor we seek to satisfy this new found
desire through interior designs that merge with raw na-
tural material exposing their true elements as we refuge
in their soul, as the helped us imagine a better tomorrow
though our personal journey.

Therefore we must search for new meaning in ancient

wisdom as the path to reset society, lock down ignited a
new social consciousness which brings back animistic be-
liefs of the past , of religion before religion, a time when all
the natural element had a soul and it they emit their own
energy deserving to exist as in the same spectrum as hu-
man and animal rights. These three trend stories explore
our personal relationship with the natural elements, from
the primordial, the intimate and the playfull, wee find
meaning and connections with the mondane where our
hands have become sculptures and our personal posses-
sions works of art as we have fallen in love with the process
of making

This story is about reflection , as we
search for deeper meanings in our
lives and our desire for calm and
balance, as we connect with the
animistic spirits of the rock which
allow us to imagine otherworldly
elements that we encounter in the
daily interactions with our personal
space that inspire our imagination.

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Our need to connect with the
natural elements made us fall
in love with objects that help us
with connect deepest parts of
our imagination.

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The mundane
becomes personal.

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Objects become animated
characters that help us project.
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Objects that help us confront
our darkest fantasies.

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Objects that connect us back to nature.

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Ancestral Shells.

Chalk is a soft, form of limestone

created by compresión of crus-
taceans and shells, it’s porous
structure creates a soft grainy
texture, which is combined mer-

ged in to organic undefined sha-
pes that are manipulated and

molded to remind that reminisce
of the ocean, as to unite the past
with the present.

Warm to the hand and porous to the touch.

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These textures can be used in textiles such as
treated silk and rustic linen.

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Organic and Undefined, slightly grotesque,
the seem to have been molded by hand as to
create shapes that almost alien.

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An intimate tender pallet , to reflect our perso-
nal search for deeper meanings. It can be uplif-
ting or barley there, we find colores that travel
through cloudy greys, and grounded earth
colour as to honor it’s origins with the natural

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Key colors. Linen

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