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Directions: Circle the subject pronoun in each sentence below.

1.I think that we are ready for the game.

2. We are going to the football game this weekend.
3. He is a bright young man.
4. It is one of the best movies I have seen.
5. Tell her that she must arrive on time.
6. I am excited about the test.
Directions: Circle the object pronoun in each sentence below.
Example: Can you tell him the good news about them?
Answer: them
7. Can you make sure they arrive on time to that event?
8. The funny thing is that he doesn't understand all of it.
9. Please take him to the park so they can enjoy them
10. I can tell that she really works hard at it.
11. Make sure that they understand the rules of it.
12. Are you sure they are ready for them?
13. I saw him at the dame when he ran into her.

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