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Purpose of the Study: You are invited to participate in a research study examining the digital

dependency and cybersecurity behaviour of psychology students. You must be enrolled in a University in
the current semester and have owned digital devices.

Procedures: If you choose to participate, you will answer some questions about your experiences of
using your digital devices and exploration of digital media. You will also rate your knowledge and behavior
regarding cybersecurity. The study is expected to take approximately 15 minutes

Potential Risks and Confidentiality: It is unlikely that you will experience any risks or discomforts
beyond what would be experienced in everyday life by participating. Breach of confidentiality may be a
risk of harm but a data security plan is in place to minimize such a risk. The data collected in this study
are completely anonymous. No personally identifiable information will be collected and the information
you choose to provide in this study cannot be connected back to you. When the results of the study are
reported, you will not be identified by name or any other information that could be used to infer your

Benefits: There are no direct benefits to you for taking part in this research. You will be contributing to
knowledge about experiences in using our devices.

Questions or Concerns: If you have any questions or comments about this study, you may contact
researchers at this number, 09383086987.

By checking “Yes” below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood that:

● Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may withdraw your consent and discontinue
participation in the project at any time. Your refusal to participate will not in any way adversely
impact upon you.
● You have given consent to be a subject of this research and respond to the survey /
questionnaire(s) as truly as possible
● You do not waive any legal rights or release the University or the investigator from liability for
negligence or misconduct.

Do you wish to participate in this study?

o Yes, I am consenting to participate

o No, I am NOT consenting to participate

Signature ______________________________ Date _____________

Research Participants

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