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Ink and Silk

Monster Hour - Arc 6.5


The Voidmind has collected enough identities and stories to imitate the Plane of Memory, allowing it to gain access to
the demiverse. It has overthrown Anansi and is in the process of subsuming the entire plane, which will provide Auggie
Vaul with all the knowledge and magical potential contained therein.


Amidst the Plane of Memory, the newly empowered Void Colossus has extracted the hunters’ identities and trapped
them in a prison of their own memory: the Lacuna, contained within its rapidly expanding entropic corpulence.


This mini-arc does not have a traditional countdown. By the time the hunters arrive it will be too late to save the Plane
of Memory from being subsumed by the Void Colossus. The question is simply whether they can save themselves and
the other ten victims from the Lacuna before it’s too late.

Notes, Custom Moves, Etc.

Arc Notes:
● The Lore of Magic
○ Alvin’s final scene in the Lacuna will show the Sealing of Magic. The five original Guardians - a
Rainbow Serpent (Beast), Anansi (Trickster), the oldest soul in existence (Spirit), a fiery djinn who is
actually [REDACTED] (Wishbringer), and the first sorcerer (Human) - each offer a piece of themselves
to form the seal.
○ The first sorcerer is ultimately destroyed by the effort, though part of their essence is enshrined in the
hammer they used to forge the seal - which is transformed into the key that JR now possesses.
○ The grimoire they held also shows the three planes (Otherwhere, Plane of Memory, Hereafter) orbiting
around mundane earth, indicating where magic can be found even after the sealing.

Threats: Monsters & Minions

NAME The Void Colossus

TYPE Monster Sorcerer

MOTIVATION To usurp unnatural power

POWERS Non-Euclidean Abomination - The Void Colossus has gorged itself on the Plane of Memory, swelling to
the size of an aircraft carrier. It’s form is still capable of defying conventional physics in its shape and
movements, though it mostly operates by means of its hundreds of inky tendrils at this point.

Memory Prison - The Void Colossus can employ its erasure ability to instantly devour the identity of a
person within the Plane of Memory, subsuming their consciousness and trapping it within the Lacuna
(see below). These identities appear as bright orbs of light at the center of the Lacuna contained with
the bell of the Colossus.

WEAKNESSES Anansi’s Threads - The echoes of Anansi’s influence over the Plane of Memory are the only force that can
do appreciable harm to the Void Colossus. They can also penetrate into the Lacuna to aid those trapped

ATTACKS Ink Tentacle Spikes (4 harm far area ignore armor)


HARM CAP. The Void Colossus lacks a traditional metaphysical anatomy, and thus cannot be harmed physically
(except by Anansi’s threads)

NOTES/LORE Having realized its purpose and potential by fusing with the Plane of Memory, the Void Colossus is a
much larger and more powerful version of the Voidmind. It’s true appearance is far more readily
apparent at this stage: a gargantuan jellyfish-like entity with a sphere-like appearance, the surface of its
bell slick like oil and churning like rough seas as hundreds of inky tendrils devour every orb within the
Plane of Memory.

Threats: Phenomena

NAME The Lacuna

TYPE Phenomenon Bubble

MOTIVATION To keep inside things inside, and outside things outside

POWERS Prison of the Mind - The Lacuna is a prison of consciousness contained within the Void Colossus. It
traps victims within their own memories, replaying them over and over while the Colossus feeds on
the force of their identities.

The Abyss - The underbelly of the Lacuna: an endless sea of tar beneath a midnight sky. If a
consciousness cannot be quelled within the prison of the mind, it will be cast into the Abyss, where it
will be slowly unraveled and annihilated. There is no escape from the Abyss absent aid from an outside

WEAKNESSES The Construct of Memory - The Lacuna can recreate a victim’s memories, and even tamper with them to
a certain extent, but it cannot fundamentally alter them. Every memory has a weak point - a moment of
clarity, growth, or poignancy - that can be exploited (see below).

NOTES/LORE The hunters will need to escape from three memories each. To do so, they must find the weak point
where Anansi’s threads have been able to penetrate - typically located at a pivotal point in the memory
- without destabilizing the memory so much that it resets or cycles to a new one, or casts them into the
Abyss. (GM note: these should be determined during the scenes based on flow of play.)

1. Arc 2 Transformation / The Hunger
a. Alvin experiences parallel tracks of memory between his human life and Guardian
ancestry. The first pairing is his transformation in the forest beside CNL, coupled
with a pack of bestial wolves being driven to hunger by the absence of magic.
2. First Transformation / Vampire Trial
a. The first transformation Alvin experienced during a class at Firmament College with
Leon + A bestial Guardian watching the trial of a vampire in the aftermath of the
sealing of magic.
3. Leaving for College / The Sealing
a. Saying goodbye to Sarah and his family at the farm in rural Colorado + the sealing of
b. NOTE: Warning from Anansi that the sealing of magic was what Auggie Vaul had
sought to see.
1. Buni’s Funeral
a. With her mother and family at her Buni’s funeral.
2. Returning to the Studio
a. First time at the studio after Buni’s passing, getting reacquainted with the space in a
whole new context.
3. Tattoo with Buni
a. Constance and her Buni getting matching tattoos after a difficult family dinner in the
waning months before she passed away.
b. NOTE: Reveal that Constance’s tattoo is the connection between her and her Buni.

1. Abandoned at the Mall
a. Being left behind by her family at a mall, left to fend for herself.
2. First Grift
a. The first grift that JR ever pulled, the one that hooked her on a life of crime
(particularly against those who deserve comeuppance).
3. Tiger Heist
a. Rescuing the baby tiger cub from the Prince of Palo Alto’s party.

Threats: Locations and Bystanders

NAME The Plane of Memory (Fallen) NAME Anansi’s Threads

TYPE Location Den TYPE Bystander Helper

MOTIVATION To harbor monsters MOTIVATION To join the hunt

NOTES A vast expanse containing all the NOTES The echoes of Anansi’s presence within
knowledge of humanity. Formerly the the Plane of Memory. Engaged in a war
realm of Anansi, now under siege by the with the inky tendrils of the Colossus all
Void Colossus. across the Plane of Memory. Will aid the
hunters as best as they are able.

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