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Giancarlo can avail a service to the travel agency as to get a renewal of his passport because
according to Republic Act No. 8239 or also known as Philippine Passport Act of 1996 that he has the
right to ask a help and service to all travel agency who have license and accredited to the Department of
Foreign Affairs. Also, the travel agency should do their duty to their customer as to give the sufficient
and quality service to their customers. Aside from that, Giancarlo can avail the service of the travel
agency as to get the renewal because Giancarlo’s passport is not yet expired in the due date. The
services that travel agency can offer to Giancarlo is to have assurance on procuring tickets and
facilitating travel permit or visa and booking for customer for tours and also they act as an agent to the
customer as common carrier in valid reason.

Q. It is a problem because he is not compiling the minimum requirements of the DOT as to take and pass
the Bachelor Degree even it is not related to the field of travel and tour because before we create a
business we should take the Bachelor Degree as an advantage to us to have a knowledge about the
course and business that we can build. Also, it is a problem because that is a one requirement of the
DOT as to have experience on the field off business. The recommendation are Oswald Tan should take
the Bachelor Degree of travel and tour operation management course to have experience and
knowledge about the travel and tour business and also it gives time to take this degree to fully operate
and to have valid accreditation of your business.

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