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Unit 2 End of unit test answers

Unit 2 Health and sport

Reading: non-fiction
1 Accept any appropriate quotation from the first paragraph. Award two marks
for the correct answer with evidence. [2]
2 a. Children spend six hours a day watching television. Award one mark for the
correct answer with evidence. [1]
3 Accept any appropriate answer from the extract. Award two marks for a correct
answer with evidence. [2]

1 Too busy watching the television, not talking to everyone else at the table;
sitting on the sofa, not the table. Award one mark for each correct answer with
2 Examples: Instead, On the other hand. Award two marks for a correct answer. [2]

1 Most of the extract is opinion. The only possible facts are children spending
six hours a day in front of the television; the recent university study; young people
becoming more and more unfit/overweight, with 15 to 20 per cent less fit than their
parents at the same age; obesity among adolescents trebling over the past 15 years.
Award one mark for a fact, one mark for an opinion and one mark for the reasons. [3]
2 Enriching: make richer/better. Interacting: doing things together. Award three marks for the
correct answer with evidence. [3]

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Unit 2 End of unit test answers

Reading: non-fiction
1 Money: ‘... and all without spending a fortune’; ‘You don’t need to spend a fortune when
purchasing a bike.’
Fitness: ‘... actually builds strength in a holistic manner, since every single part of the body is
involved’; ‘improves general muscle function and cardio vascular fitness; burns 300 calories
per hour, so if you cycle 30 minutes every day it means an 11 lb loss over the year’; ‘helps
to build muscle’, as it will ‘continue to boost your metabolic rate long after you’ve finished
your ride.’
Intelligence: ‘Cycling also makes you smarter.’ ‘Teachers often comment that children who
walk or cycle to school arrive brighter and more ready to learn than those who arrive by car.’
Award one mark for each correct answer with evidence.[3]
2 The wrong sized bike can be dangerous. Award one mark for the correct answer with
3 ‘You’ is a (personal) pronoun. Award one mark for the correct answer with evidence.  [1]

1 There are numerous facts in the extract. Example: ‘Cycling burns 300 calories an hour.’
There are several opinions in the text. Example: ‘Cycling is one of the easiest ways to
exercise.’ Award one mark for a correct fact with evidence and one mark for a correct
opinion with evidence. [2]
2 A bike needs to be the right size or the rider wouldn’t be able to touch the ground
properly, change gear or manage the brakes. Award one mark for a correct answer
with evidence.[3]

1 The use of an exclamation mark emphasises the point being made. Award two marks
for the correct answer with evidence. [2]
2 Example: essential, important, vital, crucial. Award one mark for a correct alternative. [1]
3 The frequent use of ‘you’ is used to address the reader directly. The reader is more likely
to listen to the writer’s information and advice. Award two marks for the correct answer
with evidence.[2]

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Unit 2 End of unit test answers

Writing: non-fiction
Students must:

• Use paragraphs to organise the text, with a clear topic sentence

for each paragraph. Give four marks for developing points within
paragraphs. Give two marks for a good introductory
paragraph stating the argument. 
• Use persuasive techniques such as short sentences, facts and
statistics, examples, persuasive connectives, comparisons and
personal anecdotes. Give ten points for ten or more techniques. 
• Use the correct spelling and punctuation. Give four marks to zero
marks. Deduct half a mark for each error.  [20]

Please refer to the CD for guidance on progress assessment.

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