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Class C Refit: This kit allows players to replace one

type of armor with another (all locations); for

Refit Kits example, replacing standard armor with ferro-
Refit Kits are factory produced packages, often fibrous.
created by the unit’s original manufacturer. The A Class C kit also enables replacement of an existing
parts have been carefully selected to be hardpoint category with another, or an item of
compatible with a specific unit. Extensive equipment with another; for example, replacing an
supporting documentation is provided to make energy hardpoint with a ballistic hardpoint. Note:
installation relatively straightforward. when replacing an energy hardpoint with either
Class A Refit: This kit allows players to replace one missile or ballistic, the kit will provide an ammo bin
weapon with another of the same category and and feeding mechanism for 1 ton of ammo within
with the same (or fewer) critical spaces (including that same location.
ammunition). For example, players may replace a Players may also use class C kits to change armor
medium laser with a medium pulse laser, or a large quantity and / or distribution, change a non-
laser with an ER large laser, or an AC/10 with an LB weapon component location, or add ammunition
10-X AC, and so on. Additionally, changing a or a heat sink.
weapon’s facing falls into this category, and adding
melee weapons to a mech with hand actuators fall Class D Refit: This kit permits players to install a
into this category. new item or weapon hardpoint where previously
there was none. Items include jump jets, TAG,
Class B Refit: This kit allows replacement of one AMS, BAP, ECM, and Artemis IV. Class D kits also
weapon with another of the same hardpoint allow for the attachment of new melee weapons.
category; for example, replacing a machine gun
and ammo with an AC/5 and its ammo, or replacing Class E Refit: This kit lets players change the type
of myomer installed, and/or install CASE.
a PPC with a large laser, and so on.
Class F Refit: This kit lets players change a unit’s
Hardpoint Weapon Categories
Energy Lasers internal structure type (all locations), engine type,
PPC gyro type, or cockpit type.
Ballistic Autocannons
Machine gun
Gauss Rifle
Missiles LRMs
NARC Beacon

Refit Kit Class Kit Cost* Time Required for Refit

A 2% 2 hours
B 5% 1 day
C 15% 10 days
D 25% 30 days
E 35% 60 days
F 45% 90 days
*Percentage of total stock model value of mech being refitted.

Performing customization of any unit will invalidate its manufacturer’s warranty

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