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An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge

During the American Civil War, the armies from the South and North were

enemies. There was a man named Peyton Farquhar, who was a wealthy farmer. He

came from an old and highly respected Alabama family. He also lived in the South

and believed in the cause of the South. Farquhar had a beautiful wife and children.

One evening, when Farquhar and his wife were sitting on the bench near the entrance

to his land, a soldier from the South rode up to his house and asked for a drink of

water. Farquhar asked the soldier about the Owl Creek Bridge. The soldier, who was a

spy, told him that anyone caught interfering with the bridge would be hanged. Later

on, there was a rope around Farquhar's neck and his hands were tied with a cord. The

rope was attached to a wooden beam. While a sergeant was waiting for the signal

from his captain, Farquhar looked down at the swirling water of the stream and

imagined. He thought that the rope had broken and he would fall into the stream.

Then he would swim and run to the forest and find the road to his home. He stood by

the gate of his house and saw his wife. He was about to hug her. Unfortunately,

Farquhar was already dead since the sergeant received the signal from his captain to

hang him.

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