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Haberman's Survival Data Set

Data Set Description:

The dataset contains cases from a study that was conducted at the University of
Chicago's Billings Hospital on the survival of patients who had undergone surgery for breast
cancer. The dataset contains age of patients at time of operation, patient's year of operation,
number of positive axillary nodes detected and the survival status that show if the patient
survived 5 years or longer or the patient died within 5 years.

Classification Result:
I am using the age of the patient at time of operation and the number of positive axillary
node detected as the input to know if the patient will survived 5 years or longer or the patient
died within 5 years.

If the the patient survive 5 years or longer the value of survival status will be 1 if the patient
died within 5 years the value will be 2.

Splitting the data set to train set and test set.

Evaluation Metrics:

Out of 77:
True Positive + True Negative = 49 +2
False Positive + False Negative = 5 + 21
Performance measure – Accuracy

Output :

Visualizing the performance of our model.

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