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Luyện tập IELTS Speaking theo tiêu chí: FL – FG – FP

Fluency & Lexical Resource Grammar Pronunciation


1. Do you prefer cold or hot drinks?

2. Have you ever tried a drink and you did not like it?

3. Many children drink soft drinks more than water.

What can we do about this?

4. Do you like hanging out with talkative or quiet people?

5. What topics do you often share with someone you trust?

6. Can co-workers become good friends?

7. If you decide to join a course, will you choose an online

course or learning face-to-face?

8. Is it true that the longer a course, the better it is?

Viết dấu cộng (+) vào ô có điểm tốt, và dấu trừ vào ô có điểm sai.


1. Do you prefer cold or hot weather?

Well… I don’t like sweating all the time, so yes definitely cold weather.

2. Have you ever been to a new place, and you did not like the climate there?
Well… no, I don’t think so. There was this one time when I went to the beach and it was
quite hot, hotter than I’d expected, but I think that was just the weather.

3. Do you like working with older people?

Well to be honest, at work I even prefer older folks than younger people. I don’t know why
but I can’t seem to get along well with the younger employees in my company.

4. What topics do you often share with your co-workers?

Not much… I would not share anything too private. But if it’s just chit chat then, you know,
anything goes, movies, celebrities, news…those kinds of things.

5. If you can learn something new next year, what will you learn?
Hmm well I guess if I have time, I will learn a new language. Chinese seems like a popular
option these days. Or maybe I’ll pick up something related to computer, you know,
designing and coding perhaps.

6. Is it true that the more expensive the course, the better?

Ah I really think people should consider the importance of, you know, how suitable that
course is for them. So no, I don’t think price is what matters here, instead you should really
figure out…hmm how do I put it… if the course can really help them improve what they
want, you know, it’s…it’s a big, a big decision.

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