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Mindset Evolution:
Let’s get started!
Well done! Your proactive approach and unwavering
commitment to achieving your goals are truly
commendable. In a world where many drift through
life without direction, you've taken the initiative to go
after what you want! The time to act is here and NOW!

When life changes, do your values and

actions change too? It's not just about
tough times; even when things are
going well, do you stick to your core
values? When things settle down, will
you be okay with your choices? No
matter what's going on, can you see the
power in facing challenges? Times are
tough, and not everyone is ready for the
unexpected, but we can work on
strengthening our body, mind, and spirit
to come out on top.

This guide will help you stay positive

and be in the best possible position. It's
your guide to self-mastery, and it's how
you can thrive during these times.

We will succeed – let's do it!

Zachary Laid
Having a winning mindset is mandatory for personal
development. Mental toughness is the best way to
prepare yourself to conquer hard times. You have to
start somewhere, it all begins with your mindset.

People often ask me how I manage to stay motivated, driven,
and focused. My usual response is something like, "I look within,
remind myself to be strong, and refuse to give in." In reality, how
can you afford not to stay focused and motivated? How can you
abandon your dreams when the only thing that stands between
you and your goals is your unwavering determination? So, no
matter where you currently stand, continuous progress is
essential. I must keep pushing myself, and you should too.
People are depending on you! Remember your WHY.

In life, everything is about the personal significance you attach
to it. If you happen to have a naturally negative disposition (like
me, I admit it), but you consciously opt for positivity, it carries
greater weight. When you possess an addictive personality, and
you make the choice to move forward, to stay sober, it becomes
more significant. Growing up in a negative environment,
surrounded by pessimistic individuals, and still making the effort
to be a positive role model means a lot. It's all about what holds
meaning for you – forget about everything else.
LIFE IS A BIG GRATITUDE TEST. Gratitude isn't just words; it's
action and progress. There's no stagnation in the universe. We're
either growing or declining, progressing or regressing. Life
events are meant to strengthen and evolve us. When you
embrace this mindset and practice gratitude for both the good
and the bad, that’s when you'll truly appreciate life.


My morning routine is the same every day. I wake up, play some
music, and read quotes or a book I really like to help me grow.
After that, I start my meditation.

For my meditation, I always begin with a deep and emotional

song. I pick a song that touches my soul and almost makes me
cry. This helps me learn to face difficult things willingly. To
quietly deal with hard feelings is a powerful way to grow.

It’s said that suffering is the origin of consciousness, so what I

do is invoke this suffering with this music.
I'm awake before the sunrise, driven by my desire for personal
growth. This is how I kick off my day. I draw upon my emotional
motivators and vividly picture my ultimate vision down to the
smallest detail. It's so clear that it brings tears to my eyes and
gives me goosebumps.

Following this, I conclude my meditation and dive into an intense

workout, which, in my view, embodies the essence of gratitude.
While it's secondary to the act of early rising to pursue dreams,
it's a comprehensive approach to growth in mind, body, and

Pushing oneself to the limit to make the most of the one life
we've been given, seeking health through self-care and
respecting our existence, is the epitome of gratitude. It
encompasses the mind, early rising for personal growth, the
body, pushing physical boundaries to extend our lives, and the
soul, all combined in the journey of willingly embracing

When you push yourself extremely hard to enhance the one life
you've been given, by prioritizing your well-being and showing
deep respect for your existence, it's undoubtedly the highest
form of gratitude.

In summary, it involves the mind, waking up early and pursuing

growth; the body, pushing physical boundaries to extend one's
life; and the soul, embracing challenges willingly, with all of
these aspects coming together.
“Everything you’re searching for
is already within you”
This is why various religions worldwide embarked on extended
journeys, pursued solitude, and practiced fasting. The modern
approach involves eating less, exercising more, and spending
time alone to seek answers. It's essentially a contemporary form
of meditation rooted in ancient practices, even found in the
Bible, Quran, and Torah. The core idea remains consistent
despite changing surroundings, as the focus is on our inner
selves, not external factors.

Don't begin your day with mindless activities; instead, wake up

with a focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and visualizing
your path. This is how I've always started my mornings, while
everyone else is still asleep and the lights are still off in the
There's nothing quite like commencing your day with "wins." It's about creating
momentum, empowering yourself to seize the day, and shape your own destiny.
Every morning when that alarm rings, you have a choice: will you charge forward
like a beast to pursue your vision, or will you hit the snooze button and miss out?

1. Wake Up Immediately!
Start your day promptly, with no time for snoozing. Your vision awaits. Choose
a challenging wake-up time to invite growth through embracing discomfort.

2. Meditate
This step boils down to self-awareness. Find what works best for you, whether
it's deep breathing, yoga, or immersing yourself in music and meaningful
quotes from your notes or books.

3. Vision
Envision who you aspire to become, focusing on character traits, not just
material possessions. Step into this vision and let your conscience be your guide.

4. Hydrate
It's a no-brainer. Replenish your body to kickstart the day. I gulp down a tall
glass of water as soon as I wake up.

5. Nutrition
Fuel up and energize your system with a touch of glycogen (a few carbs),
keeping it light to avoid feeling lethargic.

6. Workout
Conquer your workout. Feeling sore or tired from yesterday? Excellent! It means
you've already notched up five wins, and pride is surging.

7. Defy Temptations
What's your weakness? Is it alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, video games, TV, fast
food, or porn? By now, you've already accumulated your victories. Will you let it
all slip away, or will you push through to the end? IT’S UP TO YOU.

continuously building perfect days, you eventually construct a perfect life. It's all
about maintaining consistency and aligning your daily actions with intention.
I engage in daily journaling, which aids me in clarifying the person I aim to be. With
time, you'll find yourself writing it repeatedly to the point where you can vividly
visualize the words flowing from your pen, even with your eyes closed.

List a MINIMUM of 3 ITEMS each...

(focus on what you DO have, who YOU already are)

(Make decisions that will help you go to bed at night.)


(Start with your 1 BIG task you need done.)
The small things really do matter
We need to recognize that our capacity to adhere to the little
details consistently is what propels us forward. Many people
possess a "lottery mentality" where they seek grandiose results,
attempting to compensate for poor dietary choices or excessive
spending. We understand these behaviors hinder us from
attaining our desired goals and levels of success in life. The key
to self-mastery is through the small daily habits we build.

Now, I'll share the crucial elements of self-mastery and making

the most of your time with minimal distractions. Ultimately, it
revolves around striving to become the finest version of yourself
and selflessly giving back. This is the essence of life. To stay
committed to this path, you must deeply understand your
unwavering guiding principles, which are so vital to the person
you are and aspire to be that the effort required becomes
insignificant. There's no room for quitting because what you
need to do is mandatory.

The key to self-development is

through what we ingest.
Get The Proper Nutrition
"I dedicated over a decade of my life building my expertise in nutrition,
mindset, and fitness. Now, I'm passing on this knowledge to you."

Track Your Macros (Macronutrients)

Achieving mastery in this changed my life forever, and it had a similar impact on my
clients. Begin by grasping these fundamental concepts and then aim to gain a deep
understanding. This guide is here to introduce the idea, but it's not the primary focus.

1. Carbohydrates
This is your body's primary energy source. There's a lot of confusing information about
carbs and how to manage them effectively. Without getting too complex in this short
guide, start tracking everything you ingest for the next 2 weeks. Get a scale and
measure everything before you eat it, and log it into MyFitnessPal. You will see how
many total calories, carbs, proteins, and fats you consume on a daily basis. Then make
sure you track your bodyweight every morning, after using the restroom before drinking
or eating anything. Depending on your bodyweight fluctuations and how much food
you consumed, you'll know how to adjust your macros based on your goals.

2. Proteins
Protein is essential for survival and building muscle. Many people fall short on their
daily protein intake, resorting to constant snacking, only to be dissatisfied with their
appearance. Consume the majority of your protein from real food sources such as
eggs, fish, chicken, and red meat. Aim to hit a minimum of .7g per lb of bodyweight
(unless you are overweight, in that case use LBM).

3. Fats
Keto is the current trend, and I get asked about it constantly. Keto focuses on fat
intake. Does it yield results? Yes, especially for those who are dealing with health
issues where it's necessary. However, I never recommend starting with Keto if you
simply want to shed fat and build muscle. I can go on about this but really you just
need to stop being lazy and track your macros. Be consistent with your diet protocol
and it will work, some diets work better than others but I am speaking on what has
worked for me and many other clients I've helped. Keep the fat low, protein high, and
carbs adjust based on your goals.
Here's a sample shopping list you can follow. You're not restricted to
these items only. Combine a protein with a carb to create 4-5 meals
each day. Track it to ensure you're on the right path and stack those
wins! Keep it simple, and don't overthink it!

Proteins Carbs Fats

Chicken Oatmeal Avocado
Eggs/Egg Whites Fruits Olive/coconut oil
Steak Vegetables Fish oil
Tuna Whole wheat Almond butter
Salmon Pasta/bread Almonds
Lean Beef Sweet potato Peanut butter
Turkey Breast Brown/white rice Peanuts
Jerky Greek yogurt flax seed
Greek Yogurt Quinoa Cashews
Cottage Cheese Rice cakes Walnuts
Whey Protein Lentils
Training is broken down by three main factors, intensity, frequency, and volume.
These can always be manipulated based on your goals. Let’s go over some
fundamental movements you must master in order to build a strong physique.

1. Squat Movement
Any squat variations like the barbell or goblet squat. This is the basic human
action of standing up with added resistance, forcing the body to grow.

2. Hip Hinge
Any deadlift variation such as an RDL (Romanian Deadlift) or conventional
deadlift. The act of lifting a heavy object from the ground using a hip hinge.

3. Horizontal & Vertical Pull

Any horizontal pulling movement such as a machine or barbell row. As well as a
vertical pull such as the lat pulldown or pull up.

4. Horizontal & Vertical Push

Any horizontal pressing movement such as a push up or bench press. As well as
a vertical press such as the overhead press or dumbbell shoulder press.

5. Isolation Movements
The first 4 movement patterns are all compound movements, this is where you
are targeting multiple muscle groups at once. Isolation movements are for when
you want to isolate a single muscle group and focus on it. This can be bicep
curls, tricep pushdowns, lateral raises, calf raises, ab crunches, and so on.

Establishing a strong base in your training involves following these movement

patterns. A well-structured program prioritizes compound movements as its
When we willingly subject ourselves to physical challenges and
push our bodies beyond their comfort zones, we not only build
physical strength but also cultivate mental fortitude. The
discomfort and struggle that accompany rigorous exercise or
dietary restraint act as the crucible in which resilience is forged.
This process instills discipline, patience, and determination,
qualities that extend beyond the gym or dining table into every
aspect of our lives.


At this moment, everyone's true colors are shining through. People
with negative energy are affecting us collectively, and scarcity is
spreading. Don't get caught up in it! To elevate your energy right
now, shift from panic to planning. You can't control what's
happening outside, but you can control your inner work, boosting
your vibration significantly. Signs you're operating at a higher
frequency include increased clarity, a sense of purpose, improved
perspective, and a stronger sense of unity with others. Visualize a
brilliantly bright future, and let's tackle this together.

With love and respect,

Zachary Laid.

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