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NOTE – This is a historical document that was published on the OIT

(Occult Institute of Technology) website between 1995-96 this document

represents ideas from those years. These ideas may or may not have
undergone revision in the intervening years. However, this document
will not be updated or revised, its’ purpose is to archive the type of
public information that OIT was putting during that era. This is an
archival document.

[From (reformatted by TN)]


Introduced by Fr. NN.

This ritual is based on certain Romanian traditions of Black Magic,

which were in legend handed down to the followers of Vlad Dracul [i.e.
the Impaler] by the great man himself, who in turn received them from
the Prince of Darkness.

The legend follows that Vlad, once a Christian rebelled against the
confines and lies of the Church and chose to identify himself with the
Devil. The working draws heavily upon the connections of Vampyres with
the Powers of Darkness. Self-Lore in the Vampyre tradition.

Concepts of the Self in the vampyre traditions are generally that of

the *Undead*. This may be interpreted as *not dead* with its
implications of immortality and of the Secrets of life and death.

Vampyres frequently possess supra-normal physical and mental powers,

and possibly a few limitations for flavour or eccentricity [see Andy
Warhol's 'Blood for Dracula' for example - his dietary habits are
distinctly amusing] although these are not compulsory.

Immortality, or the refusal of death is a frequently misunderstood

concept. The Vampyre / Magician chooses to live fully in this life, and
to not allow her or his consciousness to disintegrate after physical
death. This survival of consciousness is not dependent upon adoption of
"magical" symbols, names etc. or participation in this or other magical
rituals. It is dependent only upon the recognition of ones own *Self*
and the will to continue existence, whatever it may be... and

Blood is very important in the Vampyre traditions. In the modern

Vampyre traditions this is seen as symbolic: for example the Temple of
Set's Order of the Vampyre sees no significance in blood consumption or
blood letting.

Blood symbolizes *Life*. The Black Magical Vampyre is thus seen as a

magician who desires and practices the highest Life, whilst recognizing
the energies of the Beast within - the primal energies of Lycanthropy
and shape shifting which form another aspect of Vampyre magic.

The following rite symbolizes a solitary, isolated awakening to a

Vampyric state, and the self-initiation of the journey along the left-
hand path.
The trappings of the rite may be altered to suit your circumstances
and personal inspiration. This ritual, as all magical rituals, is at
your own risk, and not suitable for unstable or immature individuals.

Setting: Somewhere you will not be disturbed. A dark chamber either

painted or hung in black or similar. Or a starry lit forest glade. It
is your choice.

Dress: Black robe is ideal. The idea is to become your own vision of a
vampyre - magician. Pay attention to each of your senses. For example:
perfumes, clothing, music, and offerings.

Ring bell Nine times. Nine is a sacred number in Black Magical

traditions and symbolizes dynamic evolution towards perfection.

Light the Black Flame. This may be an ornate black candle or a chemical
/ electrical mechanism that ideally produces a purple - black flame,
symbolizing isolate consciousness.

Invocation." This black night I become my Vampyre: a master of life and


"I light the Black Flame in honor of the Prince of Darkness, and become
the Vampyre that my mind creates; burning with passions in pursuit of
all that I desire."

"I cast off the constraints of the Right Hand Paths and with a Will,
dedicate myself to the control of my own destiny. I now face the
trials and tribulations of the Left-Hand Path."

"I empower myself with the Essence of the Vampyre: To be invisible

even in the scorching day, to know when to be silent, and when to
prey. To know and explore my whole psyche."

"I cast forth this doom: I, the Vampyre NN (your name) walk on the
Left Hand Path, and my Will is impenetrable!"

"I Honor the Blood, which is my Life, and become more than smoke and

"Open wide the Gates of Hell! "In the noble presence of the Dark Lord
I swear an oath to become a Vampyre, to be true to mySelf and my
chosen Path."

"Hail the Vampyre! Hail the Dark Lord!"

The Chalice. The Chalice is the Dark Graal, or Unholy Grail: that which
is often sought but seldom found. The Graal in this case is filled with
a reddish liquid symbolizing blood (but NOT blood). Some suggestions
are tomato juice, fruit (particularly berry) juices or wine - sangria
makes a fitting elixir! As you drink the elixir, visualize yourself
becoming empowered with the Powers of Darkness. You are partaking of
the essence of yourself, and the Vampyre that is a part of the divinity
inside you.

Closing the Gates of Hell: Close the ritual by again ringing the bell
Nine times. The Awakening.
Now as a budding initiate of Vampyre mysteries, you may see the world
with different eyes. With this first ritual you may have some insights
into the nature of magic and your control of it, and how to shape your
destiny. This probably will take some practice, however.

Others may only feel slightly silly at having undertaken such a task:
or even at bothering to read these pages. To these, I wish a happy
life, and am sure they will get the life they deserve.
Acknowledgments Daimon Egan for the Nuit.Vampyre net "Vampyre Working".
Nuit.Vampyre is a computer forum on the Fidonet system. Moderated by
the Order of the Vampyre. (Thanks to BlackWulf & Darkstar).
HAND PATH Vol. 1, Issue 1, May 1996 ce (e-Version August 1996 ce)
Fr. NN P.O. Box 666 Northbridge NSW 2063 AUSTRALIA


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