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Breaking a Blood Spell Ritual

You Will Need These Supplies

 Pins, rusty nails, etc.

 Rosemary
 A bit of red wine
 A candle small enough to fit inside the bottle.
 Some nail clippings from yourself or some hair or better yet some blood from the person for whom
you are performing this spell.
 Blood or some personal measure of the person who cast the spell (if nothing else a photo as I realize
that getting a measure of the caster may be difficult if not impossible.

 A thin sheet of copper (obtained at hobby or decorating shops). If you cannot obtain copper,
substitute a sheet of parchment with this glyph (the alchemical symbol for copper)
drawn upon it and or Cu (the periodic designation for copper) written upon it.

 A sheet of parchment or paper.

 A Black candle inscribed with this sigil:

 A White candle inscribed with this sigil:

Recipe for Bloodroot Incense

 2 pt. Bloodroot (substitutes: bloodwort, tobacco)

 2 pt. Dragons’ Blood
 A drop of your own blood/person you’re doing the spell for if you like
 1 pt. salt
 1 pt. Juniper/Pine needles
 1 pt. Rosemary
 1 pt. Ginger/Cinnamon


It is said that blood spells are hard or impossible to break. Blood acts a catalyst in a spell giving it an
extra kick and because of the life-force energy involved binds the spell to the caster. But like any other
spell, you are merely dealing with energy that manifested from the astral. Therefore like any other spells
directed against you there are the following options:

1. Let the spell run its course. This choice is usually the least appealing.
2. If you are a more skilled practitioner of the Art, you may overcome the spell by sheer force of
will. This course is fraught with trouble as you may not be more powerful than the original
caster. Plus, this action usually leads to an escalation of the conflict.
3. Retaliate with a spell of your own (see #2 above)
4. Reflect the energy back to its source (see #2 above)
5. Deflect or Transmute the energy being directed at you. Since a spell is merely energy, it may
be redirected, grounded, or transmuted. This is the course we’ll follow in the below working.
We are going to take this—for want of a better word—negative energy and change it into
something beneficial. Therefore even if the original caster keeps feeding this spell, you’ll only
benefit from such efforts. This method also has the added boon of not accruing any Karmic

Additionally, in the case of blood spells since the blood is used as a feeding agent for the thought -form
spell, were going to use this fact against the spell itself to lure it away from its victim in much the same
manner as a fighter pilot uses a flare to decoy a missile.
Performing the Ritual

Cleanse, Sweep, and Smudge the Ritual Area

Light the blood root incense and any ritual candles you use but don’t light the special black and white
candles yet.

Cast the Circle

(NOTE: Since this ritual could be considered a banishing ritual, cast the circle widdershins otherwise cast
the circle in your usual manner or use the included circle casting

While casting the circle, visualize the blue flame arcing from the circle upward and over you
forming the sphere of power.)

Magus: As I cast the circle, I ask that you assist by lending your energy unto my blade. As I walk
the circle, visualize the blue flame arcing from the circle upward and over us forming the
sphere of power.

Magus: I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, to be a meeting place of love, joy and truth—a
boundary between the worlds of men and the Realms the Mighty Ones.

A rampart and Protection against all wickedness that shall both contain and entertain
the powers raised within—wherefore do I consecrate thee in the name of The Dark Lord
of the Underworld, and the Dark Lady of the Moon.

Call the Quarters

(Note: Normally the circle would be cast deosil but for reasons mentioned above, the quarters like the
circle casting will be done widdershins. Walk widdershins to each quarter beginning with East and recite
the appropriate quarter call.)
East: Hail and welcome ye Sylphs of the Airs and realms of the Atmosphere,
I do summon, stir, and call you up.
Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the East
to guard our circle and to witness our rites.
Sylphs, thou art the gatekeepers of the Eastern Portals of Knowledge and Intellect.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Air)

North: Hail and welcome ye Gnomes, Dwarves, and Trolls of the Earthen Realms,
I do summon, stir, and call you up.
Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the North
to guard our circle and to witness our rites.
Gnomes, Dwarves, and Trolls thou art the gatekeepers of the Northern Portal of Boreas.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Earth)

West: Hail and welcome ye Undines of the Waters,
I do summon, stir, and call you up.
Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the West
to guard our circle and to witness our rites.
Undines, thou art the gatekeepers of the Western Portals to Death and Initiation.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Water)

South: Hail and welcome ye Salamanders from your realms of Fire,

I do summon, stir, and call you up.
Bring with you the hosts of the watchtowers of the South
to guard our circle and to witness our rites.
Salamanders, thou art the gatekeepers of the Southern Portal.

(Draw the invoking pentagram of Fire)

Evocation of the Great Gods

(Note: Use the God names listed below or any others of your choosing)

 Return to center of circle and face East.

 Extend arms in form of a cross. Chant:

Before me, HERNE, The Huntsman

Behind me, HEKATE, The Queen of Sorceries
On my right hand, CERNUNNOS, the Horned God
On my left hand THE MORRIGAN, the warrior Queen
About me flame the pentagrams
And above me shines the light of the God and the Goddess.

Performing the Rite

Transmuting “Negative” Energy into “Positive” Energy

 Light the black candle.

 Hold the black candle in your hand and envision all the negative effects of the spell that has
been laid upon you. Visualize how the spell looks on the astral plane, be it a construct like a
building or perhaps some sort of fell beast.

 Meditate deeply about how the spell looks, its energy, and how it’s affected you. When you are
finished, place the candle on a tray covered with brown paper.

 Cleanse your hands by rubbing them with salt.

 Light the white candle.

 Hold the white candle in your hands and concentrate on a vision of how you would like to
change the energy of the black candle (representing the spell or curse) into a more “positive”
form of energy. Remember a curse or spell only has power because you give it power. See the
energy of the black candle transmuting into the type of energy you want. See yourself happy,
stable, and secure, with all that negative energy transformed into positive.

 Place this candle on the tray too.

 Consider what you need to make that happy vision a reality. Write down your requirements or
a plan of action on a piece of brown paper. For instance, if the spell is harming you financially,
see that financial deficit turned into a bonanza. Then write down what additional steps you plan
to take on the mundane plane to accomplish that goal.
 Place a small flat sheet of copper between the two candles, so that one is at each end. (Copper
sheets are available through hardware and art supply stores.) If you can’t locate or afford a
copper see my notes under “You will need these supplies” heading.

 Place the paper on top of the copper sheet.

 Look at the black candle and say aloud, something like:

Negative energy that is no more transform into [name your desire] the thing I want

 Look at the white candle and say aloud, something like:

Light transmute the dark, my dreams are accomplished, nothing, and no one obstructs
for within me lives the secret spark.

Empowering a Witch Bottle

A which bottle is a magickal device which is used to trap and hold negative energies directed at a party.
In the previous step, we transmuted the dark energy of the spell into light energy that we could put to
use; the charging of a witch bottle takes this idea one step further.

Magus: (backs against the circle and concentrates on directing trapped negative energy into the
witch bottle, visualizing a swirling vortex of dark energy being sucked into the bottle.)

Magus: (Pours the wine, drops the needles, and inserts the rosemary into the witch bottle—or
the bottle may be premade)

Magus: (Takes the blood and drops it into the bottle)

With this blood I bleed,
Give all negative magick and thought forms directed at me
something else upon which to feed.

Magus: Pins, needles, nutmeg, rosemary, intent, and wine,

I put into this witch bottle of mine,
To trap and guard against harm, bad luck, and enmity, and negative spells directed at
Now take in the bad intentions directed at me.
In a swirling vortex suck in the ill magick and negativity
And transmute this energy three times three into something useful for me.

Magus: Transmute this energy three times three into something useful for me.
Transmute this energy three times three into something useful for me.
Transmute this energy three times three into something useful for me.

Magus (lights the small candle and recites.)

Magus: Starry moonlight, and Dawn’s sunlight,
Infuse this lit candle bright.
Consume the dark, bad luck and ill magick blight,
And change what was once darkness so this witch bottle emits only good luck and light.

Magus: Change darkness to light.

Change darkness to light.
Change darkness to light.

Magus: (drops the candle into the bottle and immediately stoppers the bottle with the wax plug.
May optionally seal the bottle with wax.)

Magus: With this stopper, bad luck is at an end.

Negativity is trapped within and cleansed.
Light shines through, and good luck is all this bottle sends.
As long as this bottle remains sealed,
All harm, enmity, bad luck, and negativity is healed.

This is my spell; this is my will.

As it is above so it is manifest below.
By stars, moon, and sun, the deed is done,
So mote it be.

Magus: By stars, moon, and sun, the deed is done; so mote it be.
By stars, moon, and sun, the deed is done; so mote it be.
By stars, moon, and sun, the deed is done; so mote it be.

Dissembling the Circle

Release of the Gods

Magus: Before me, HERNE, The Huntsman

Behind me, HEKATE, The Queen of Sorceries
On my right hand, CERNUNNOS, the Horned God
On my left hand THE MORRIGAN, the warrior Queen

I’d like to thank you all of you for aiding me.

Stay if you like; leave if you must.
But ere you merry part and leave
know that all who met here did so in perfect love and perfect trust.
Release of the Quarters

East: Hail, Sylphs of the atmospheres, on this moonlit night,

we thank you for witnessing and protecting these sacred magickal rites.
Lead the hosts of the Watchtowers of East and return to your Realms of Air.

(Draw the banishing pentagram of Air)

South: Hail, Salamanders of heat and light, on this moonlit night,

we thank you for witnessing and protecting these sacred magickal rites.
Lead the hosts of the Watchtowers of South and return to your Realms of Lava, Heat, and Fire.

(Draw the banishing pentagram of Fire)

West: Hail, Undines of the Rivers, Lakes, and Seas, on this moonlit night,
we thank you for witnessing and protecting these sacred magickal rites.
Lead the hosts of the Watchtowers of the West and return to your Realms of Water.

(Draw the banishing pentagram of Water)

North: Hail, Gnomes, Dwarves, and Trolls who toil in rock and dirt, on this moonlit night, we thank you
for witnessing and protecting these sacred magickal rites.
Lead the hosts of the Watchtowers of the North and return to your Realms of Earth, Borean
snow and ice.

(Draw the banishing pentagram of Earth)

Grounding of the Circle

Magus: O Circle of Power, as I have conjured thee I now release your energies into this blade.

(In your mind’s eye, see the circle dissolve into a wispy energy smoke, which the glowing blade readily

Magus: Where there once existed a rampart between this world and the Otherworld, the
rampart is no more. Once again, our realms are separate. However, the love and joy
with which we met here tonight remains undiminished.

Magus: Just as the oak must yield to the holly, and this ritual ends, so leave I this circle of magick
and mystery intense.

The circle is open but remains unbroken.

Blessed be.
Final Actions

 If possible take the ashes from the burnt bloodroot incense and scatter them on the doorstep or
an area frequented by the original caster of the spell/curse.
 Burn the black and white candles with the sigils for seven days or until gone (it’s okay to put the
flames out while you’re not there and then relight the candles when you return). Once the
candles are spent, gather the remaining wax and either bury it or dispose of it in running water.

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