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Magical herbs and ingredients

Acorns Fertility, ward off evil, good luck, helps retain ones youthful appearance
Agnus castus Promotes sleep & dreams, travel spells, peace and meditation.
Agrimony Uncrossing, undoing hexes, binding, spell breaking, protection from psychic attack.
Alder bark Protection,
Alder cones Protection, Divination, reduces anxiety & nervousness, connect with the fairy realm
Alfalfa herb Prosperity, protection of home and those within it,
Alkanet herb Guards against negativity, substitute for animal musk in incense.
Alkanet roots Purification, Prosperity
Allspice Prosperity, success and luck spells
Almonds Wisdom, money, fruitfulness. Invokes healing energy of deities, overcome addictions
Almond leaves Attract luck and money, overcoming addiction
Almond wood Overcoming addiction
Alyssum Protection and moderating anger
Amaranth Healing, Protection, Invisibility. Used in pagan burial rituals. Mends a broken heart.
Angelica root Protection, exorcism, healing, creativity, enhancing female magical power
Angelica leaf Remove curses, banish evil. Increases clairvoyance and psychic ability.
Aniseed Ward off the evil eye, increase psychic abilities
Apple bark Mix into incense for burning during love spells, fertility, abundance, long life
Apple dried Love, Garden Magick, Immortality, Friendship, Healing
Arabic gum Enhances psychic ability, friendship, money.
Arrowroot A hand dusting powder for luck in gambling
Asafoetida Casting hexes, AKA devil’s incense, burned to force someone to leave you alone.
Ash leaves Protection, Prosperity, Health, Sea rituals
Ash keys Unlock doors to new knowledge, protection
Aspen (Poplar) Protection from unwanted spirits, releases old fears
Avens Oat straw Prosperity, fertility, money
Avens (wood) Purification, exorcism, love, protection
Barberry bark To bar an enemies progress, cleansing, sorcery, atonement, hexing, love spells
Basil Money, success, happiness, peaceful home, mental boost, creativity
Bay leaf Protection, jinx avoidance, prophetic dreams.
Bayberry Money and luck
Bedstraw Love
Bearberry leaf Clearing the psychic channels, increase psychic abilities
Beech Bark/leaves Protection, luck and success
Beech stick Wishes (carve wish into stick and bury)
Benzoin Purification, Prosperity
Bergamot (herb) Beat addiction, divination, mental & psychic powers, self-improvement, study, travel
Bilberries / leaf Deeply protective, ward evil from a person, protection from drowning at sea, removes
negativity, increases luck and wealth
Bindweed Curses and hexes
Birch bark Protection
Birch leaves Goddess magic, protection, to banish negative forces.
Bistort snakeweed Luck and money, to protect against snakes and false friends.
Blackberries Healing and wealth
Blackberry thorn Protection of household and prosperity
Blackberry leaf Removal of evil spirits from a home and to return a jinx, faery magic,
Blackberry root Protection and to cause harm to a person
Black pepper Banishing negativity, exorcism, protection from evil
Black salt Remove or repel evil and negativity, curse an enemy
Blackthorn bark Protection, Left Hand Path Work, Baneful Spells
Blackthorn leaves Protection, returns curses, healing
Blackthorn thorn Protection, banish negativity, purification
Bladderwrack Sea spells, protection for travelling on or over the sea, money and business spells
Blessed Thistle Purification, protection of home, removal of hexes, energy, lifts depression & negativity
Boneset Protection from jinxes, cleansing, exorcism
Borage Courage, Psychic Powers
Bracken Healing, Rune Magic, Prophetic Dreams
Buckthorn bark Luck in legal matters, Drives away evil, wishes. A lucky wood to wear
Burdock leaf Protection and purification, ward off negativity
Burdock Root Cleansing, Protection and uncrossing Spells
Burnet Protection, consecrating ritual tools, counter magick, eases depression & despondency
Butterbur Used in love divination and to raise one's spirits by increasing sense of hope and faith.
Buttercup flower Happiness, love, prosperity, healing, self worth.
Calamus root Aphrodisiac, harmony, love, peace, strengthen and bind spells, tranquility
Caraway seed Protection for children
Cardamom seed Lust, passion and illicit affairs
Carnelian Protects from evil eye, overcomes psychic attack. courage, peace, grounding, cheering
Cascara sagrada Good luck with legal matters, protection, consecration
Cascarilla Remove negativity. Protection from possession, psychic or magical attack. Protects home
(eggshell) or work. Drawing sigils, runes and symbols
Catnip Cat & animal magic, get & keep a male lover, friendship, beauty, keep the home safe
Cats claw Vision quests, shamanic journeys, and money drawing.
Cattail Lust, fire lighting
Cayenne pepper Protection, peace, strength, working with Fire Elementals, eases emotional heartache.
Cedar needles Contacting spirits, removing negativity, protection, purification
Cedar wood chips Purification enhances psychic abilities
Celandine Ward off witches and the law, protection and escape
Chamomile Gambling, prosperity, creativity, meditation, love, fertility, peace, purification, releases
flowers feelings of pain, loss or anger
Cherry bark Love, romance, conjugal relations and sexual attraction.
Chervil Brings a sense of the higher self, contact with a deceased loved one.
Chickweed Fidelity, Love. bird magic
Chillies Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love
Chives Protection against evil and disease
Cinnamon chips To rapidly attract luck, money, love, purification and protection.
Cinnamon powder Luck, Purification and protection
Cinquefoil Protection, Love, Prosperity, Healing, aids restful sleep
Clam shells purification and love
Cleavers Binding spells, love
Clover (red) Good luck in love and marriage, attracts fae
Clover (white) Ancient protective herb, personal purification, drive away evil influences, attracts fae
Cloves Good luck, love & lust spells, comforts the bereaved, removes negative forces
Cockle shell Love, friendship, family and emotions
Colophony resin Purifying & cleansing areas of negativity, healing, protection, exorcism, money.
Coltsfoot leaf Prosperity, Wealth, Abundance and financial success
Columbine Love potions, protects against jealousy
Comfrey leaf Keeping money safe
Comfrey root Safety, protection
Cone shell Protection
Conkers/buckeyes Money, Healing, a powerful charm when held in the pocket
Copal resin Love, purification, exorcism, wards off negative energy
Coriander herb Love spells, health, healing.
Coriander seeds Passion and to keep a lover faithful
Cornflowers Enhances psychic abilities, fertility, love, sex, abundance, seeing fae,
Couch grass Used in binding spells, both for love-magic and for evil purposes.
Cowrie shells Divination, protection, prosperity, used to symbolize the genitalia of a specific woman
Cypress Protection and consecration, alleviates grief, longevity, healing
Cumin seeds Keep evil away from the home and keep a lover faithful.
Curry plant leaf Protection, repel evil at night
Daffodil Calming,inner peace, hope, self-love, new beginnings, love spells, fairy magic,
Daisy Innocence and love.
Damiana Love and sex spells
Dammar gum Brings light to the darkness of the soul, combats sadness, depression and melancholy.
Dandelion leaf Wishing spells, divination, Psychic abilities, cheering, healing, summoning spirits.
Dandelion root Psychic Abilities, Second sight and psychic dreams
Dead Nettle (red) Protection, friendship and relationships.
Dead nettle Protection, humility and for realizing ones potential.
Devil's claw Exorcism, purification, protection
Dill leaf Removes love jinxes.
Dill seeds Love spells, protection. Hang a sachet above the door to protect the home.
Dock seeds Healing, Fertility, Money
Dragons blood Power amplifier, protection, love, banishing, potency, energy
Echinacea Strengthens the power of spells and charms
Elder Berries Prosperity, Wealth, Abundance Rituals & Spells, Aid to sleep, protection. Fae magic
Elder flowers Wishes & truth, Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity & Sleep. Fae magic
Elder leaves Purification, Fae magic, love
Elecampane Love spells, communication with fae realm, promotes joy
Eucalyptus leaves Protection, healing, cleansing,
Eyebright Memory, Clairvoyance, Divination, And Meditation
Feathers Promote change, cleansing, protection, smudging & to make magical quills
Fennel Confidence, courage, fertility, longevity, love, protection, psychic protection,
purification, strength, consecration, divination, gain, meditation
Fenugreek seeds Protection, wealth, happiness, health
Fern Rain making, protection, luck, riches, finding hidden treasure, restoring youth, health,
fae magic
Feverfew Protection from accidents and illness, hex breaking
Flax Seeds Prosperity, Wealth, and Abundance Rituals And Spells
Fleabane Exorcism, Protection, Chastity
Frankincense Spirituality, protection, exorcism, consecration
Fumitory Used in incense for drawing money
Galangal root Contacting spirit guides, protection, wealth, hex breaking, sex spells, increases psychic
abilities, luck, courage.
Gardenia fruit Peace, love, healing, psychic awareness
Garlic Powder Banishing, Exorcising, protection
Garlic Mustard Protection, healing, exorcism, lust, anti-theft
Ginger powder Success, power, money, love, passion, inspiration
Ginko Biloba Longevity, aphrodisiac, love, fertility, healing, creativity, increases mental abilities
Ginseng Attracting love, luck, health, wishes, male vigour
Geranium Fertility, love and health
Goats rue herb Healing rituals
Goldenrod Divination and money
Gorse Love, Protection from evil, Restores Faith, Hope, Optimism, Strength, money spells.
Grains of Luck, protection of home, gambling success, divination, employment, lust and Wishes
Graveyard dirt Protection, cursing, love spells and to amplify spells.
Ground ivy Divinatio
Groundsel Health, Healing
Harts tongue Rain making, protection, luck, riches, eternal youth, health, exorcism
Hawthorn haws Wishes, fertility and chastity
Hawthorn leaf & Protection, love, protection from lightening, guard against evil spirits and evil eye.
Hawthorn thorns Protection, to mark wax and write using ink
Hazel wood & Fertility, protection and mental powers
Heather Carried as protection against rape & violence. burned with fern, it brings rain
Henna Protection against hexes, healing, for drawing designs and symbols on the skin
Herb Robert Happiness, prosperity and fertility, sympathetic magic, health, protection and love
Hibiscus flower Love incense and sachets.
Himalayan salt Protective, purification, ghost busting and exorcism,
Holly leaves Protection and to invite spirits into the home
Honeysuckle Love, Romance, Creativity, Sexuality, Conjugal Relations, Fidelity in marriage.
Horehound Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism
Horseradish root Purification, Exorcism
Horsetail Snake Charming, Fertility, Protection, Cleansing
Hops flowers Sleep aid and healing
Hyacinth flowers Love, protection, happiness, peace
Hyssop Exorcism, And Banishing Negativity, purification
Irish moss Good luck with money, business and gambling
Ivy leaves Protection, Healing, love, binding, abundance, fidelity
Ivy leaved Hexes, protection, charms against spells, banishes negativity and hostile activity.
Iron nails - old Protection and stability
Jasmine Flowers Love rituals and prosperity
Juniper Anti-theft, Love, Exorcism, Health
Knotgrass Binding and health
Ladies Bedstraw Love
Ladies Mantle Fertility, protection, love spells
Ladies mantle Fairy magic, beauty, cleansing the third eye.
dew drops
Lapis lazuli Protection, intuition, improve life, strengthen friendships, love, ease painful memories
Larch wood Smoke from burning larch wards off evil spirits. Protection and to induce visions.
Lavender Flowers Love, harmony, calming, sleep aid
Lemon balm Healing, love, lifting depression, memory, anxiety
Lemon grass Cleansing, opening and for removal of negativity
lemon peel Purification Love & Friendship
Lemon verbena Breaks up conditions, clears away the unwanted, causes discord between couples.
Licorice root To gain power & control over others, to change someone's mind.
Lilac flowers Psychic ability, love, luck, pleasure, change, protection, cleansing, harmony, drives away
Lime peel Purification, protection and love
Limpets Courage, confidence, strength
Lime flowers & Protection, luck, dream pillow and love
leaves (linden)
Loosestrife Peace, protection
Lovage Protection, love
Lungwort Air magick, represents the lungs, Love, Protection, Healing, Treasure Hunting.
Mace Herb Healing, protection, divination.
Mace (spice) Psychic & mental powers, prosperity, divination, love, luck, clarity of mind, protection
Mallow flowers Love, Protection, Exorcism
Maple wood Travel, learning and intellectual pursuits a good wood to make healing wands.
Marigold flowers Healing, positive thinking, legal matters and confidence.
Marjoram To drive off those who would harm your family, protect home or business from jinxes.
Mallow leaves Aphrodisiac, fertility, protection and childbirth
Mallow root Love, protection and removes negative energy.
Meadowsweet Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Milk thistle Protection from evil, strength, perseverance, wisdom, aid in decision making
Mint Breaking hexes and for mental strength
Mistletoe Banish unwanted spirits, love, luck, protection
Motherwort Boosts optimism, immortality, astral projection, protection, love, compassion
Mountain ash Protection, Second sight, Healing,
Mugwort Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Astral Travel, clairvoyance
Mullein leaf Dark spells, raising spirits. substitute for graveyard dirt, guards against nightmares
Mustard seed To disrupt unwanted actions by others
Mustard seed white Protection, symbol of faith
Myrrh Increases the power of any incense to which it is added, healing, purifying,
consecration, banishing, hex breaking and exorcism
Nasturtium Cleansing, strength, purity, aspiration, strong beliefs, ethics, festivity, conquest
Nutmeg ground Luck, Money, Health, Fidelity. Creativity
Oak bark Knowledge, protection and healing
Oak galls Used in charms and to make a magical ink
Oak leaves Burnt for Purification. Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck
Oak moss luck, money, protection and strength
Oats Money
Oat straw -Avens Prosperity, fertility, money
Orange The dried and powdered peel is added to love and fertility charms
Oregano To keep the law away, happiness, tranquillity
Palo Santo Cleansing, purifying, healing, removes negativitya
Parsley Divination, happiness, passion, protection, psychic development, purification
Passion flower Attract friends, calming, increases libido, helps with getting to sleep
Patchouli Money spells, love, lust and fertility, Sickens enemies,
Pau d' Arco Healing, Aphrodisiac, Purification, Fertility, Rejuvenating, Ward off negativity
Penny royal Guardian, ward off Evil, break a hex, bring tranquillity to the home & family, solve
marital problems [VERY TOXIC TO CATS]
Peony petals Exorcism, protection, luck, healing, prosperity, hex removal.
Peppermint Healing, money, purification, love
Pineapple weed Healing, spells for prosperity and making money.
Pine needles Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money
Plantain Protection of home & car, strengthens magical workings, drives away night mares &
Ribwort & hoary evil spirits, protects against snakes
Poppy seeds Prosperity, cause confusion, fertility, agriculture, love, sleep, luck & invisibility
Poppy seed heads Fertility and prosperity
Ragwort Protection
Raspberry leaves Love, Aiding sleep, healing, protection
Rose Buds & Love rituals and spells, enhances artistic and creative ability,
Rose Hips Love rituals and spells
Rose prickles Protection, defence, spell reversal or attack, love spells
Rosemary Cleansing and purifying, improves concentration and memory, enhances creativity
Rue Banishing negativity, love, protection, breaking curses, exorcism and money spells
Sage (Purple) Wisdom, discernment, and decision-making, Protection Rituals and Spells
Sage (White) Exorcism, Banishing Negativity
Sandalwood Clairvoyance, divination, good luck, meditation, protection, success, healing
Saltpetre Makes incense burn, luck, makes spells work faster
Savory Love, passion, virility, attraction, mental powers, creativity
Scallop shell Travel, movement
Scarlet Pimpernel Consecration of ritual blades and protection
Self heal Healing and protection against ailments
Senna Pods Used in sachets as love charms, as a laundry rinse to keep a lover faithful
Shepherds purse Healing, Protection, Stability
Sesame seeds Money. Lust
Sesame seeds Love spells
Silver weed Success, luck, money, protection and uncrossing
Sloes Exorcism Protection
Solomon’s Seal Protection, Exorcism
Sow thistle Increases strength and stamina, repels witches, invisibility from enemies.
Spearmint Healing, protection, exorcism, luck, lust, psychic development
Speedwell Protection, healing, removal of negative energy,
Star anise Psychic Powers, Luck
Star fish Used in place of a pentacle
Stinging Nettle A strong jinx breaker, Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
St Johns wort Protection, healing
Sweet Woodruff Healing, victory, protection, money and male sexuality.
Sycamore seeds Prosperity, love, longevity, healing, success and abundance, teaches humility.
Tansy Love, protection from the law investigating
Tarragon Protection, used in kitchen magic to put guests at ease & make them feel welcome.
consecration of chalices, compassion, love, peace, nurturing, good luck. banishing.
Thyme Health, Healing, Truth, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage, &
Clairvoyance, fae magic
Thistle seeds Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing
Toadflax (yellow Protection, Hex Breaking
or purple)
Tormentil root Protection and male sexual potency
Valerian root Purification, love and to promote sleep
Vervain Protect home against weather, creativity, attract wealth, remove negative energies, love
Violet flowers Love spells, good luck, Calms the nerves, prophetic dreams and visions, stimulates
creativity, and promotes peace & tranquility
Violet leaf To attract a new love, protection from evil and ward off nightmares
Walnut leaf Used in hexing, jinxing, crossing, and break-up spells
Wentletrap shell Magic related to any form of creativity, building, art, sculpture and inspiration.
Whelk shells Dramatic positive change
White Bryony Used as a substitute for mandrake. Prosperity and protection
White willow Healing, contacting the dead, love spells and rituals involving emotion, It strengthens
bark the third eye and is used for divination.
Wild carrot Fertility, lust, sex spells and to increase male potency
Queen Annes lace
Willow leaf Purification, jinx removal
Wood Betony Protection and purification
Wormwood Exorcism, And Banishing Negativity
Yarrow flower Breaks curses, increases psychic power, courage in dangerous situations. Prophetic
Yarrow leaf Divination, love sachets and psychic power.
Yarrow leaf & Divination, love spells, protection
Yellow Archangel Guards against evil spirits and spells
Yew Contacting the dead, summoning spirits, cursing, enhances magical abilities and
induces visions.

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