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Unit 5 APP development

app development (Anna University)

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Comparison of Di昀昀erent Frameworks

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Performance de昀椀ned as how many simultaneous users or transac琀椀ons the system is to service and its
response 琀椀me. The performance itself is made up of mul琀椀ple factors: the device, server, network, and

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how the app is programmed71% of app Uninstalls are down to app crashes. 70% of users abandon an
app that takes too long to load.

Measuring your mobile app's performance at di昀昀erent KP

General app KPIs

General app KPIs can typically be tracked by anyone as they don't require a technical understanding of
mobile technology or development.

The importance of certain KPIs will di昀昀er according to the func琀椀onality and objec琀椀ve of the app. For
instance, subscrip琀椀on-only app won't worry about the number individual downloads of the app in
ques琀椀on. Rather, they concentrate on user engagement.

General mobile app KPIs:


 The success of a mobile app is o昀琀en dire propor琀椀onal to the number of downloads it has.

 A social media app's twenty million downloads doesn't stand equally with a paid subscrip琀椀on
service's one million downloads, for instance.

User growth rate

 To properly measure the performance of your rate at which your user base is growing to predict
future growth.
 You simply calculate the number of daily ac琀椀ve users over a given 琀椀me period and average them

Organic conversion rate

The organic conversion rate is the rate at which you're conver琀椀ng users through non-paid channels like
word-of-mouth, social media men琀椀ons, PR, organic search.

Paid conversion rate

leverage paid ads to reach your goals faster via From paid tweets to sponsored Instagram posts,

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If too many people are uninstalling, this can indicate an issue with your mobile app's performance - an
issue you should 昀椀x quickly.


A high user ra琀椀ng means your users are 昀椀nding your app useful and can also be a sign that your user
engagement is e昀昀ec琀椀ve.

We will track nega琀椀ve reviews to be looking at in terms of improvements for your func琀椀onality.

Reach vs impressions

Reach refers to the number of people who see your content while impressions refer to the number of
琀椀mes your content was displayed.

UX and performance KPIs

To improve the performance of your app from a technical standpoint and make changes that will
improve the user experience.

Load speed

people expect lightning-fast loads and, for the most part, they receive them. If your mobile app isn't
toeing the line, you have to 昀椀x the issue fast.

Screen resolu琀椀on

Screen resolu琀椀ons of your users is essen琀椀al to ensure you're delivering an app that works as designed
for every user.

Crash reports

Apps will crash. Many devices, opera琀椀ng systems, and speci昀椀ca琀椀ons to comprehensively test every
possible circumstance.

By keeping track of crashes, ensuring the func琀椀onality of your app going forward.


Peoples are they using tablets or smartphones? Are there more Andriod users than iPhone users? Was
any device used the most?

Opera琀椀ng systems

Knowing what opera琀椀ng system, a device is running is crucial to 昀椀xing known issues like crashes.

For example, if you're seeing more crashes from users with iPhones, this probably means your app
hasn't been properly op琀椀mized for iOS users.

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Mobile app performance refers to how well an app runs on a mobile device under various loads and
circumstances. It might require measuring how long an app takes to load, mi琀椀ga琀椀ng crashes during
peaks in user ac琀椀vity, or monitoring ba琀琀ery usage.

1. Use a CDN to accelerate APIs

 APIs are responsible for communica琀椀ng and displaying informa琀椀on received from other
 To speeds up an API's content delivery networks or CDNS come in.
 A CDN uses servers all around the world to accelerate API communica琀椀on.
 In using an edge server that's close to the user in a geographical sense, latency, round-trip 琀椀me,
payload, and size are all mi琀椀gated.
 Essen琀椀ally the distance to the user is reduced, resul琀椀ng in a boost to the API's speed.

2. Op琀椀mize images

The bigger the image, the slower it will load - and the slower your app will operate while trying to
display it. Properly op琀椀mizing your images ensures this load 琀椀me is kept to a minimum.

Op琀椀miza琀椀on can be looked at as a three-step process:

 Compression
 Resizing
 Caching

Compression is the process of encoding digital image informa琀椀on using fewer bits to kepp load 琀椀me is

Resizing images involves changing the resolu琀椀on of the network into the device's memory to fast the
load 琀椀me.

Caching is the prac琀椀ce of downloading images from a network into the device’s memory fast the load

3. Cut down on super昀氀uous features

If a feature isn't essen琀椀al to the app's performance, you should consider cu琀�ng it for the be琀琀erment of
your overall performance.

App to be fast and responsive, super昀氀uous features tend to bog apps down, increasing the load 琀椀me
and slowing down performance.

4. Load data as you need it

Loading all of an app's data at once is a quick way to slow or even crash it. split-up assemblies to beak
the data down into easily retrievable chunks.

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5. Create an o昀툀ine mode

An app's o昀툀ine mode is designed to create a bu昀昀er for your informa琀椀on to be safely housed in the case
of a loss of network connec琀椀vity. It essen琀椀ally means reliability, security in informa琀椀on, and user ease of

6. Op琀椀mize your code

Unop琀椀mized code can lead to slower performance or even clean and compressed. poten琀椀al crashes so
you want to make sure your code is clean and compressed

7. Test your app across mul琀椀ple devices

To test your app across mul琀椀ple devices. Device tes琀椀ng ensures your 昀椀nal product will perform as
designed no ma琀琀er what device your user base is using.

8. Monitor crashes: Monitoring your crash reports will ensure you're across any issues that may spring
up once your app is live. Ensure they don't happen for the same reason a second 琀椀me.

9.Display a loading state

If your audience is simply staring at a blank screen while your app loads, they will perceive the load 琀椀me
as longer than it actually .Displaying a loading state with a colorful anima琀椀on or helpful messages is a
great way to help users tolerate the wait.

10. Go na琀椀ve

App develop using na琀椀ve apps to make faster and more intui琀椀ve for the users. It also gives you the
ability to make full use of the device features such as GPS or images, etc.


 Enable debugging.
 Start debugging. A琀琀ach the debugger to a running app.
 Change the debugger type.
 Use the system log. Write log messages in your code. View the system log.
 Work with breakpoints. View and con昀椀gure breakpoints. Debug window frames.
 Inspect variables. Add watchpoints.
 View and change resource value display format

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Time to market (TTM) refers to the amount of 琀椀me it takes market. TTM is measured in units of 琀椀me.
Depending for a product or applica琀椀on to be developed and released to the type of product, you might
perhaps measure it in months, weeks, or days. Time to market is the period of 琀椀me from product
concep琀椀on to it being available for purchase or use. If you come up with an idea for a mobile app today,
the day it's ready to be downloaded on the Apple Store or Google Play will mark your TTM.

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Time to market is how long it takes for you to develop and launch a product.

App Type Es琀椀mated 琀椀me

Simple App Development 2-4 months
Average App Development 4-6 months
Complex App Development 9+ months

Reducing 琀椀me to market is a viable goal to strive for, as it brings a number of desirable outcomes,

 Compe琀椀琀椀ve advantage
 Reduced R&D costs
 Improved customer sa琀椀sfac琀椀on
 Bigger market share
 Being able to look for new investors

Reduce 琀椀me to market in product development:

1.Es琀椀mate required budget

Es琀椀mated the budget properly, and this can be tricky, to a point where you can't even deliver an MVP.

2. Reduce scope and build an MVP

Detailed project scope is de昀椀nitely needed but on the other hand, s琀椀cking to it too rigidly may prevent
you from tes琀椀ng the feasibility of your idea in the real world and collec琀椀ng valuable feedback.

3. Follow agile development process

Agile product development is a widely assumed methodology allowing teams to work e昀케ciently,
respond to any changes in requirements that may occur, and deliver quality products on 琀椀me, mee琀椀ng
end-user needs. The agile framework involves the following:

 De昀椀ne the product vision and goal

 Create a product backlog
 Plan and priori琀椀ze
 Plan a sprint
 Develop and test
 Review
 Rinse and repeat

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Time Taken UI/UX Design Alpha Test Beta test Example

Small App 2-3 weeks 6-7 weeks 1 Week Business cards

Mid Size App 5-6 weeks 14-15 Weeks 2 Week Online stores,
Booking systems
Big Size App 9-10 weeks 20-22 Weeks 3 Week Social media

Factors That Impact the Development Timeline

 The Complexity of an Idea

 The Precise Requirements
 The Accuracy of the Final Result
 The Business Exper琀椀se

Importance of Time to Market

 Lower costs
 Increase poten琀椀al market share
 Increase revenues

Time to Market Examples

So昀琀ware - TTM in this industry may be anything from half a year to up to 昀椀ve years, depending on the
complexity of the product. For example, the 昀椀rst version of Airbnb launched in 10 months.

Cell phones - cell phones commonly have a TTM measurement of between one and three years.

Vehicle manufacturing industry - the TTM for cars tends to be somewhere between three and 昀椀ve

Energy products and services - in this sector, TTM can start out at the low end at approximately seven
years. It can increase to 20 years for some types of products and services.

Pharmaceu琀椀cal sector - in this area, 琀椀me taken is typically from around nine to ten years up to 19 to 20
years. Covid-19 vaccines were the excep琀椀on to this rule, due to tremendous interna琀椀onal pressure.

Aerospace and Defense industry - in this sector the 琀椀me frame can range from anywhere between
three or four years up to 22 years.

Impact of Delayed Time to Market

 Loss of poten琀椀al revenue

 Missed opportuni琀椀es for market share
 Decreased customer sa琀椀sfac琀椀on
 Increased compe琀椀琀椀on

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Mobile app maintenance refers to the en琀椀re process that is followed to ensure a bug-free and seamless
working mobile The app maintenance process includes monitoring, 昀椀xing, re昀椀ning, and upda琀椀ng the
elements that can provide a user experience.

The progress of an app not only depends on the higher number of app downloads. Instead, a large
number of ac琀椀ve users speci昀椀es the success of a mobile app. According to a survey, around 56% of users
uninstall mobile applica琀椀ons within 7 days of the installa琀椀on period.

Types of Mobile App Maintenance

1.Perfec琀椀ve Maintenance

Perfec琀椀ve maintenance is a process that considers those feedbacks. It also involves some func琀椀onal
modi昀椀ca琀椀ons in the source code to provide a perfect user experience to the ac琀椀ve users. When the
targeted user uses the app, speci昀椀c new user requirements are discovered.

2. Preven琀椀ve Maintenance

Preven琀椀ve maintenance is the interven琀椀on that aims at reducing or elimina琀椀ng the occurrence of
errors. It improves the maintainability and understandability factor.

3.Adap琀椀ve Maintenance

Adap琀椀ve maitenence is concerned with upda琀椀ng the system to keep it informed with the changing
so昀琀ware or hardware environment.

4.Emergency Maintenance

Emergency maintenance takes care of unexpected errors and problems that plague the system.

5.Correc琀椀ve Maintenance

Correc琀椀ve maintenance involves repairing of residual errors and faults in the daily app func琀椀ons. These
errors are errors in coding, designing, and logic.

High maintainability prac琀椀ces

 Fix issues or add new features without introducing new bugs.

 Improve performance or other a琀琀ributes.
 Adapt to a changing environment e昀케ciently. On-board new developers quickly.
 Have a minimal impact on other components because of change to one component.
 Establish test criteria e昀昀ec琀椀vely and e昀케ciently.

Best prac琀椀ces to build an easily maintainable applica琀椀on

 App Support
 Keep Upda琀椀ng the User Interface
 Add New Features
 Performance Monitoring
 Bug Fixing

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 Check Licenses
 Scheduled System Maintenance
 Eliminate Dependencies To Clear Technical Debt
 Balance Modulariza琀椀on And Re-Usability
 Incorporate Automa琀椀on
 Adopt Test Driven Development
 Incorporate Automa琀椀on
 Create API And Method-Level Documenta琀椀on Bene昀椀ts of App Maintenance

Bene昀椀ts of App Maintenance

 Be琀琀er User Experience

 Maintains Brand Image
 Minimizes Uninstalls
 Keeps Up the Compe琀椀琀椀on
 Financial Bene昀椀ts


Making the experience of your mobile app superior for your users, its ease of deployment is equally

What to iden琀椀fy before developing a mobile app?

 Decide on your opera琀椀ng system

 Know your target audience
 Concept proof your app idea
 Know what's out there
 Plan your app design and security

Steps to guide for start on developing a new mobile app:

1. Establish a team
2. Conduct compe琀椀琀椀ve research 2.
3. App Development
4. Outline core features
5. Plan app security
6. Begin coding
7. Perform mul琀椀ple tests

8.Gather and implement feedback

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9. Launch in the app store

1. Establish a development team

Developing an app has become easier with so昀琀ware programs and online tools such as app builders.

Form a team of individuals with various backgrounds and exper琀椀se.

The app development process is best done with group of people and greatly bene昀椀t

Building a distributed team with top independent talent.

Instead of being limited to your knowledge or con昀椀ned by geographic lines,. To get started, look to
Upwork to 昀椀nd the best mobile app developers for your project.

At a minimum, your app development team should include a:

 Product manager
 UX/UI designer.
 Mobile developer
 Quality assurance analyst
 Digital marketer

Conduct compe琀椀琀椀ve research

 Make your product stand out to compe琀椀tor features

 Find apps produced by your compe琀椀tors.
 outline compe琀椀tors where fallen short.
 Gauge speci昀椀c insights into what customers like
 What you should do di昀昀erently to solve problems.
 Get user feedback to 昀椀nd their needs.
 develop features giving your app an edge.

Outline core features

Features of App include:

 missing from the market

 your target users are searching for what.
 Develop key features that other development teams have neglected.
 intui琀椀ve
 easy to navigate
 personalizable
 simple to use.
 good image resolu琀椀on

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 speed
 compa琀椀bility with both OS.
 search op琀椀on to keep users engaged
 push no琀椀昀椀ca琀椀ons
 social media linking
 opment
 Incorporate new features or updates once the app is live
 ac琀椀ve and engaged users.

4.Create mockups

A mockup is a detailed outline of the appearance of the app with user interface (UI) and UX designer. It
is glimpse how about the app look and operate for development team.

Mockup includes

 cohesive color scheme

 typography
 images, basic layout

The advantages of a mockup include:

 Allows the development team to revise the app's appearance.

 If you're seeking poten琀椀al investors, it shows them before the development team begins coding.
 Explains the expecta琀椀ons for the development team.

5.Plan great app security

 Preven琀椀ng cybercriminals from stealing user data.

 A single breach of the app causes loss of users and poten琀椀ally millions of dollars.

Ensure the mobile app and mobile pla琀昀orm are both secure through:

 Encrypted data and Authorized APIs

 Strong authen琀椀ca琀椀on
 Tamper-detec琀椀on so昀琀ware
 Constant tes琀椀ng for poten琀椀al breaches

6.Begin coding

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 Front-end development refers the code what the end-user will see.
 Back-end development refers code, which dictates how the app func琀椀ons.
 Using an Agile methodology of project management can be useful allowing for e昀케cient,
adaptable and 昀氀exible coding.
 Test environment to check 昀椀nal app. Test environment considera琀椀ons include the database
server, front-end environment, opera琀椀ng system and network.
 bug repor琀椀ng tool used to ensure accurate and granular test data.

7.Perform mul琀椀ple tests

 To develop a successful app skip rigorous tes琀椀ng when the project is on a 琀椀ght budget,
quality assurance (QA). QA helps teams ensure the app is ready to enter the market.

 To iden琀椀fy any bugs and quickly make improvements to the app before going live to

QA team think about when tes琀椀ng include:

Front-end vs. back-end func琀椀onality:
For the front end, does the mobile app look like it's supposed to from the user side of things?
For the back- end, does the app func琀椀on as it's supposed to? For example, if a pop-up message
is supposed to disappear when the user clicks on it, does it? Is the li琀琀le "X" to
click it away properly displayed?

 App integra琀椀on.
 Applica琀椀on type.
 Installa琀椀on and storage.
 Security op琀椀miza琀椀on.

Gather and implement user feedback

 Development team should have based features on customer needs.

 Feedback from who doesn't know the app can help provide invaluable user feedback to ensure
it is ready for many users with di昀昀erent experience levels.
 Tes琀椀ng the app with various users should give your development team a be琀琀er understanding
 One way you can gain feedback a昀琀er the launch of the app is by looking at analy琀椀cs.
 To help your development team understand customer behavior and iden琀椀fy any confusing areas
for modi昀椀ca琀椀on.
 To help the team make adjustments to the applica琀椀on before the market launch.
 Once the app is live, it's a good idea to con琀椀nue receiving feedback so you can make necessary
updates and adjustments as needed.

Launch in the app store

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 Developers may only focus on releasing their app to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

5.8 UI/UX

User Interface (UI) design what you see when you use an applica琀椀on. A user interface (Mobile UI) allows
users to interact with the device's apps, features, content, and func琀椀ons. Ulconsists of the visual
representa琀椀on, interface, naviga琀椀on, and processes that work behind the func琀椀onal and structural
ac琀椀ons in the mobile app.

User experience (UX) appearance and func琀椀on of the app, while UI is all of the interac琀椀on in the

Types of User Interfaces

1. Splash Screen

2. Onboarding Screen

3.Home Screen

4. Login and Pro昀椀le Screens

5. App Screens

Best Mobile-app Design Examples

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 Bumble
 Starbucks
 Venmo

 Whatsapp and Airbnb

Ten rules of good UI design

 Match between system and real world

 User control and freedom
 Consistency and standards
 Error preven琀椀on
 Recogni琀椀on rather than recall
 Flexibility and e昀케ciency of use
 Aesthe琀椀c and minimalist design
 Recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
 Help and documenta琀椀on
 Visibility of system status

Eight golden rules of interface design

 Strive for consistency

 Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts
 O昀昀er Informa琀椀ve Feedback
 Design Dialog to Yield Closure
 O昀昀er Simple Error Handling
 Permit Easy Reversal of Ac琀椀ons
 Support Internal Locus of Control
 Reduce Short-Term Memory Load

UX vs UI

UX design UI design
Human-昀椀rst approach to product’s design Human-昀椀rst approach to design the aesthe琀椀c
experience of a product.
Process of building products Process of Process of transforma琀椀on wireframes into
transforma琀椀on that provide great user a琀琀rac琀椀ve and easy to use interfaces.
Focused on users and their journey through the Focused on visual and interac琀椀ve
Aims to improve the user interac琀椀on and Aims to create a琀琀rac琀椀ve, Simple to use and
experience of simple to use and scalable scalable products.
Example: Uber, Spo琀椀fy, Paybal, Bigbasket
Example: ASOS, Evernote, Tumblr

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Reusability refers building a new app (mobile and web) using pre-exis琀椀ng components.

Common features of all app to reuse of code:

1. Build a mobile app design repository componen琀椀zing the func琀椀ons that can be reused.

Common features like:

 Registra琀椀on
 Login / Login Help
 Pro昀椀le
 Loca琀椀on Services
 Search

2. De昀椀ne the requirements for common mobile app func琀椀ons at a parent level.
 Password changes
 Managing User Sessions bong
 Managing User Pro昀椀les
 Search Behavior
 Loca琀椀on Services
 Push No琀椀昀椀ca琀椀on Handling
3. Build a framework library of these common func琀椀ons for integra琀椀on into the app.
 Authen琀椀ca琀椀on and Authoriza琀椀on
 Geo-Loca琀椀on Func琀椀ons
 Maps Func琀椀onality
 Managing User Pro昀椀les
 Photo and Video Capture via the device camera

4.Use the exis琀椀ng backend components and infrastructure to provide the data that drives the

5. Build a test suite that handles common test scenarios across all your mobile apps.

 Memory Tes琀椀ng
 App Impact on Ba琀琀ery Life
 App Performance for Geo-Loca琀椀on Scenarios
 Tes琀椀ng App on Mul琀椀ple OS, Screen Sizes and Resolu琀椀on

Bene昀椀ts of Reusable

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 Quicker development/tes琀椀ng
 Deal with less code at once
 Makes bug tracing easier
 Reduces size of app install

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