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Unsupervised Graph-Text Mutual Conversion with a Unified Pretrained

Language Model
Yi Xu1 , Shuqian Sheng1 , Jiexing Qi1 , Luoyi Fu1∗, Zhouhan Lin1
Xinbing Wang1 , Chenghu Zhou2
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
{yixu98, susisheng, qi_jiexing, yiluofu, xwang8}

Abstract Graph
Alfred Worden UT Austin,
David Scott
Graph-to-text (G2T) generation and text-to- ba de
B.S. 1995
cku an Alan Bean er
graph (T2G) triple extraction are two essen- p Pil
ot m
co crewMember
tial tasks for knowledge graphs. Existing un- rato
r on
ope Apollo 12 p ati selec
supervised approaches become suitable can- oc

didates for jointly learning the two tasks due NASA Test Pilot 1963

to their avoidance of using graph-text parallel

data. However, they adopt multiple complex Text
Alan Bean graduated from UT Austin in 1955 with a
modules and still require entity information or
Bachelor of Science degree. He was hired by NASA in
relation type for training. To this end, we pro- 1963 and served as a test pilot. Apollo 12's backup pilot
pose INFINITY, a simple yet effective unsu- was Alfred Worden and was commanded by David Scott.
pervised method with a unified pretrained lan-
guage model that does not introduce external Figure 1: A pair of knowledge subgraph and its corre-
annotation tools or additional parallel informa- sponding text.
tion. It achieves fully unsupervised graph-text
mutual conversion for the first time. Specifi-
cally, INFINITY treats both G2T and T2G as a
text, the typical subtasks (He et al., 2020; Chen
bidirectional sequence generation task by fine-
tuning only one pretrained seq2seq model. A
et al., 2022) of which include named entity recog-
novel back-translation-based framework is then nition (NER) and relation extraction (RE). Figure 1
designed to generate synthetic parallel data au- illustrates a training pair sample containing part of
tomatically. Besides, we investigate the im- a knowledge graph and its corresponding text.
pact of graph linearization and introduce the
G2T and T2G have been intensively studied re-
structure-aware fine-tuning strategy to alleviate
possible performance deterioration via retain-
spectively, mainly treated as two kinds of indepen-
ing structural information in graph sequences. dent problems in a supervised way. Due to the suc-
As a fully unsupervised framework, INFINITY cess of pretrained language models (PLMs) (Raf-
is empirically verified to outperform state-of- fel et al., 2020; Lewis et al., 2020), mainstream
the-art baselines for G2T and T2G tasks. Addi- supervised methods have achieved considerable
tionally, we also devise a new training setting performance with fine-tuning or prompt learning
called cross learning for low-resource unsuper- paradigm (Ribeiro et al., 2021; Clive et al., 2021;
vised information extraction.
Ye et al., 2021; Ke et al., 2021). However, these
1 Introduction supervised methods require annotated data. In-
spired by unsupervised machine translation ap-
Graph-to-text (G2T) generation and text-to-graph proaches (Lample et al., 2018), recent work at-
(T2G) triple extraction are two mutually inverse tempts to explore low-resource alternatives that
tasks that are crucial to the domain of knowledge avoid the requirement of graph-text pairs with un-
graphs (KGs). G2T verbalizes the structural in- supervised joint learning (Schmitt et al., 2020; Guo
formation in KG with descriptive texts, which has et al., 2020b). As illustrated in Figure 2, unsu-
attracted much attention to expand the application pervised methods consist of G2T modules and
scope of KG, such as KG-based dialogue and Q&A T2G modules with different parameters, which are
system (Ji et al., 2022). As a primary task of infor- trained jointly in an iterative manner through the
mation extraction, T2G aims to extract triples from two steps of back-translation: the generation step

Luoyi Fu is the corresponding author. and training step. The outputs of the generation
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Volume 1: Long Papers, pages 5130–5144
July 9-14, 2023 ©2023 Association for Computational Linguistics
Generation Step strategy. Specifically, we adopt the reward aug-
G2T Relation
mented maximum likelihood (Norouzi et al., 2016)
for training losses to retain the order and structural
Given Entities or Given Entities or
External Tools External Tools information in the original dataset during the fine-
G2T tuning process. In contrast to prior unsupervised
Training Step
work (Schmitt et al., 2020; Guo et al., 2020b), IN-
Training T2G Training G2T FINITY is entirely bootstrapped without the assis-
G2T modules T2G modules Training Generation tance from manual or automatic annotation tools.
We perform extensive experiments on two
Figure 2: Framework of existing unsupervised models.
datasets: WebNLG (Gardent et al., 2017) and Gen-
The left part is the cycle of training T2G, and the right
part is the cycle of training G2T. Wiki (Jin et al., 2020), both of which belong to
the very few benchmarks that can evaluate G2T
and T2G jointly. The results show the superiority
step for the current modules serve as the supervised of INFINITY over existing methods. In addition,
training signals for the other modules in the next we also propose a newly designed training setting
iteration. Such an interactive and coupling process called cross learning, which makes it possible to
imperceptibly produces a lot of synthetic parallel train on large-scale datasets without parallel data.
data that is helpful to low-resource training. In this Thanks to its simplicity and efficiency, INFINITY
paper, we are thus motivated to focus on unsuper- can be quickly deployed on various scenarios for
vised learning of both G2T and T2G tasks in a joint application. This work presents the following con-
framework. tributions:
As shown in Figure 2, unsupervised models
share two major issues in order to be jointly trained. • We are the first to take G2T and T2G as
First, recent state-of-the-art models usually sim- two unsupervised sequence generation tasks
plify the T2G task into relation classification with and propose INFINITY, a novel unsupervised
given entities (Jin et al., 2020). As a result, the text framework for graph-text mutual conversion.
corpus has to seek external information extraction
tools for the acquisition of entity annotations. Sec- • INFINITY uses only one pretrained seq2seq
ond, existing research branches on either G2T or model to generate synthetic parallel data it-
T2G separately implement the two tasks using dif- eratively and employs structure-aware fine-
ferent neural modules, i.e., G2T modules and T2G tuning strategy such as the reward augmented
modules, which contain numerous parameters that maximum likelihood to obtain structured
make it challenging to train and share information graph sequences.
with each other (Schmitt et al., 2020).
• INFINITY requires no parallel information or
To tackle the above issues, we design a novel
external annotation tools compared with other
back-translation-based framework called INFIN-
unsupervised models. With the help of cross
ITY that integrates G2T and T2G tasks under the
learning, INFINITY is suitable for scenarios
unsupervised setting. Note that we name our frame-
with large-scale datasets.
work as INFINITY since the overall architecture
of the interaction between G2T and T2G resem- • We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate
bles the shape of ∞ (Figure 3). We first investi- INFINITY on two benchmarks. The results
gate the power of seq2seq-based PLMs for G2T demonstrate its superiority.
and T2G and propose to regard graph-text mu-
tual conversion as two sequence generation tasks, 2 Related Work
where we manage to ensure the simultaneous gen-
eration of continuous synthetic pairs of graph-text 2.1 Supervised Graph-text Models
sequences in a unified PLM-based module with As part of the data-to-text task, the key of G2T lies
the back-translation technique. In this way, INFIN- in capturing structural information and generating
ITY requires no additional neural networks beyond fluent texts. Some researchers (Koncel-Kedziorski
the PLM. Considering that linearizing graphs into et al., 2019; Li et al., 2021) design sophisticated
sequences may cause possible performance deteri- architecture based on graph neural networks with
oration, we equip INFINITY with structure-aware heuristic rules to encode KGs. In addition, most
methods linearize the graph to sequence as in- we describe the framework and training details in
put to models. However, graph linearization may the following parts.
lead to the loss of structural information. Past re-
searches (Moryossef et al., 2019; Guo et al., 2020a; 3.1 Formulation and Notations
Frisoni et al., 2022) introduce different neural plan- Given two non-parallel datasets: a text corpus T =
ner to determine the order of input triples before {ti }Ni=1 , and a graph dataset G = {gj }j=1 , where

linearization. Recently, Ribeiro et al. (2021) inves- N and M are the numbers of text sequences and
tigate different PLMs for G2T generation. Clive graphs, respectively. Each text sequence in T can
et al. (2021) propose trainable control prefixes as be denoted as t = (w1 , · · · , wL ) with L tokens,
prompts for PLM with finer-grained control during where wi ∈ V is the i-th token in t, and V is the
the process of text generation. vocabulary. Each graph in G consists of a set of
Regarding T2G, it aims to extract entities and re- triples, denoted as g = {(eh , r, et )|eh , et ∈ E, r ∈
lations (triples) from texts, which is a basic task in R}, where E and R represent the entity set and
the domain of natural language processing and usu- relation type set, respectively. Each entity e ∈ E
ally handled as a classification (tagging) problem is composed of several tokens formulated as e =
e ), w e ∈ V. Each relation type r ∈
to label roles for different tokens (Wei et al., 2020; (w1e , · · · , wLe i
Yan et al., 2021). Apart from these approaches, R is also made up of tokens formulated as r =
r ), w r ∈ V. Similar to multilingual
there emerge some triplet-generation models. For (w1r , · · · , wL r i
instance, CopyRE (Zeng et al., 2018) uses the idea neural machine translation, we assume T and G
of copy mechanism (Gu et al., 2016) for triple ex- share the same distribution of latent content z such
traction. CPC (Ye et al., 2021) designs various as linguistic or semantic characteristics:
positive and negative samples for direct graph se-
quence generation under a supervised setting. Z
p(g) = p(g|z)p(z)dz, (1)
2.2 Unsupervised Graph-text Models Zz
As previously stated, due to the lack of parallel p(t) = p(t|z)p(z)dz, (2)
graph-text corpora, unsupervised models usually
combine G2T and T2G into joint learning frame- which is the key of unsupervised learning. In our
works (Figure 2), which are motivated by unsu- unsupervised framework, both G2T and T2G are
pervised machine translation (Lample et al., 2018). regarded as sequence generation tasks. G2T aims
There are only a few unsupervised graph-text mod- to generate a natural language text sequence from a
els at present. Graph-Text Back Translator (GT- knowledge subgraph, while T2G generates a triple
BT) (Schmitt et al., 2020) is the first approach to sequence that represents the linearized graph where
unsupervised text generation from KGs and can entities and relations exist in the given text. Since
be used for semantic parsing simultaneously. Cy- the graph itself is a set of triples, for a graph g ∈ G,
cleGT (Guo et al., 2020b) is another unsupervised we adopt linearization strategy by concatenating
training method that uses non-parallel graph and all triples with special tokens [H], [R], [T ], and [E]
text data and iteratively back translates between to specify the head entity, relation type, tail entity,
the two forms. Although GT-BT and CycleGT and end of sequence respectively. The linearized
employ back-translation for unsupervised settings, graph is illustrated as follows:
they simplify the T2G task to relation classifica-
tion with given entities (Jin et al., 2020), which [H] e1h [R] r1 [T ] e1t
requires the text corpus to include entity annota- [H] e2h [R] r2 [T ] e2t
tions or equip with external information extraction (3)
tools. Therefore, these methods leak the informa-
|g| |g|
tion of parallel corpus in the training process to [H] eh [R] r|g| [T ] et [E],
some extent.
where eih , ri , and eit refer to the elements of the i-th
3 Method triple in g. We can simply linearize the graph using
the order of triples in the original dataset, and we
This section presents the proposed method INFIN- will discuss how to keep structural information for
ITY. We first define the tasks and notations. Then graph linearization without designing sophisticated
[H Mθ is the required intermediate result t̃. In the

[H ]
] e e1 [

3 [ R]
second step, Mθ further receives t̃ as an input text

R] r1

r2 [T]

[T] e2

sequence and generates a back-translated graph. It



Structure-aware is worth noting that t̃ is not a sequence of discrete
Strategy PLM Mθ Structure-aware
Strategy tokens, but an embedding matrix of tokens, where
[T] [E] AB
each row of the matrix represents an embedding of
] r1 e3 OP C D
[H 1 [R
[R [T]
e2 ] r2
a token. The PLM Mθ receives the synthetic text
embedding and generates a back-translated graph

g̃, which is used to align the original g through

Figure 3: The overall architecture of INFINITY. The maximum likelihood estimation. Ideally, the back-
cycle of blue arrows illustrates the direction of G2T translated graph should mimic the original graph g.
task while the cycle of magenta arrows illustrates the
Finally, parameters are updated with the guidance
direction of T2G task.
of estimation result.
Text → Graph → Text. Similarly, the other di-
methods that will lead to additional neural compo- rection (the cycle of magenta arrows) also requires
nents. We only focus on the proposed framework two steps. In the first step, a text sequence t is fed
rather than the inside neural components, although to PLM Mθ , and we denote the output synthetic
the linearization of the graph input is suboptimal. graph sequence Mθ (t) as g̃. In the second step, g̃ is
fed to Mθ . Here, g̃ is also in the embedding form.
3.2 Joint Training Framework of G2T & T2G
Mθ then generates a back-translated text t̃ based
Different from unsupervised back-translation meth- on the synthetic graph embedding, and parameters
ods (Lample et al., 2018; Guo et al., 2020b), IN- are trained on the basis of t̃ and the original t.
FINITY only employs one neural network model, In summary, G2T and T2G can be optimized
i.e., a single PLM. Therefore, the parameters of the simultaneously in the proposed INFINITY with
framework are greatly reduced, while the PLM can synthetic parallel pairs (t, Mθ (t)) and (g, Mθ (g))
observe both the original graphs and texts at the i.e., (t, g̃) and (g, t̃). In both tasks, the model
same time, which is easier for information sharing is expected to back-translate the synthetic result
and model training. We denote the only PLM as Mθ (t) and Mθ (g) into sequences that are roughly
Mθ , and the overall architecture of INFINITY is the same as the input t and g. The objective is as
shown in Figure 3, which is shaped like ∞. follows:
In Figure 3, the seq2seq-based PLM Mθ is in the
centre of ∞. In the training process, the framework L = Eg∈G [− log P (g|Mθ (g))]+
iteratively back-translates between graph dataset Et∈T [− log P (t|Mθ (t))]
and text corpus. Here, the vocabulary embeddings
are the same for G2T and T2G tasks, and the two 3.3 Structure-aware Fine-tuning
tasks are both executed in Mθ . For simplicity and As a framework to solve the problem of bidirec-
with a slight abuse of notation, we use the same tional sequence generation, we need to consider
symbol Mθ (·) to represent the sequence generating how to retain more structural information in graphs
function of the PLM, whether its output is discrete as much as possible without introducing additional
or continuous. The training process of INFINITY parameters. As already mentioned, recent ap-
consists of two parts, the Graph → Text → Graph proaches design sophisticated modules to order
(GTG) cycle and the Text → Graph → Text (TGT) the input triples before graph linearization. How-
cycle. In each batch of the training process, Mθ ever, these methods depend on supervision signals
is trained for the GTG cycle and the TGT cycle and make models more complex, which is not con-
simultaneously. The training details are as follows. ducive to model generalization, let alone deploy-
Graph → Text → Graph. This cycle (the cy- ment to unsupervised settings.
cle of blue arrows) consists of two steps. In the From our perspective, graph linearization strat-
first step, the goal is to generate a synthetic text egy hinders seq2seq-based PLM from capturing
sequence t̃. We first linearize the original graph graph structure with maximum likelihood estima-
into a triple sequence with special tokens. The lin- tion (MLE) since MLE suffers from the exposure
earized graph g is then fed to the encoder of Mθ , bias problem (Bengio et al., 2015). To this end, we
and the output Mθ (g) produced by the decoder of can adopt reward augmented maximum likelihood
(RML) (Norouzi et al., 2016) which combines the Algorithm 1 Training Unsupervised INFINITY
primary form of MLE and the maximum reward (1)
1: Initiate parameters of PLM Mθ ;
expectation in reinforcement learning (RL). In this
2: Obtain the distribution of q(g̃|g; τ ) from G ac-
way, our training process is able to make rewards
cording to Equation 5;
one of the training targets under the framework of
3: Obtain the distribution of q(t̃|t; τ ) from T ac-
MLE, which considers the structure of graphs and
cording to Equation 7;
the order of texts. According to RML, the expo-
4: for i = 1 to N do
nentiated payoff distribution connects MLE and (i) (i)
5: G̃ (i) ← Mθ (Mθ (G));
RL objectives, and it can be easily incorporated (i) (i)
into MLE-based training. In our framework, we 6: T̃ (i) ← Mθ (Mθ (T ));
define a distribution in the augmented space for 7: Compute LG RM L using G̃
(i) and G according

graph dataset G as follows: to Equation 6;

8: Compute LTRM L using T̃ (i) and T accord-
ing to Equation 8;
exp(r(g̃, g)/τ ) L ← LG RM L + LRM L ;
9: T
q(g̃|g; τ ) = P , (5)
g̃∈G̃ exp(r(g̃, g)/τ )
(i) (i+1)
10: Fine-tune Mθ with L and obtain Mθ ;
11: end for
where g̃ ∈ G̃ is the output hypothesis (possible gen- 12: return Mθ
(N +1)
erated sequence) of g, r(g̃, g) denotes the reward
function such as BLEU or F1 score, τ is the tem-
perature to control the degree of regularization, and that the structure-aware strategy is flexible in our
τ > 0. Now, we modify the MLE-based objective framework (See Appendix for more details). In
function to: addition, existing unsupervised models cannot em-
ploy RML for graph extraction, which is defined as
X a relational classification problem rather than a se-
RM L = Eg∈G [− q(g̃|g; τ ) log p(g̃|Mθ (g))]. quence generation problem. In INFINITY, G2T and
g̃∈G̃ T2G tasks are jointly trained thanks to the shared
(6) parameters of Mθ . Compared with unsupervised
machine translation, our method does not train a
In LGRM L , the predictive probability of the out- language model with the denoising objective on the
puts in the original loss can be smoothed using two tasks due to the RML strategy. As a result, we
their corresponding rewards with the distribution optimize the loss function:
q(g̃|g; τ ). For symmetry, RML can also be ex-
tended to our text corpus T similarly, which is
shown as follows: L = LG T
RM L + LRM L . (9)
The detailed training process of unsupervised
exp(r(t̃, t)/τ ) INFINITY is provided in Algorithm 1.
q(t̃|t; τ ) = P , (7)
t̃∈T̃ exp(r(t̃, t)/τ ) 4 Experiments
X This section conducts a series of experiments to
LTRM L = Et∈T [− q(t̃|t; τ ) log p(t̃|Mθ (t))], evaluate the performance of INFINITY. We first in-
t̃∈T̃ troduce the datasets and baselines, then we provide
(8) the comparison results. Further, we implement ex-
tensive analytical experiments. At last, we show
where t̃ ∈ T̃ is the output hypothesis of t. However, how cross learning works.
experiments show that the strategy will not signif-
icantly improve the performance when applied to 4.1 Datasets
text sequences. Since our task is unsupervised, datasets with ex-
The system of RML is simple and computation- ternal information except for graphs and texts are
ally efficient. One only needs to sample possible not in our consideration. As a result, we select
outputs G̃ and T̃ from their corresponding expo- WebNLG (2017) (Gardent et al., 2017) and Gen-
nentiated payoff distribution before training. Note Wiki (Jin et al., 2020) as our benchmarks, which
can evaluate G2T and T2G models at the same 4.3 Training Settings and Evaluation Details
time. WebNLG is widely used in text generation In our implementation, we use T5-base (Raffel
and relation extraction, where each graph contains et al., 2020) as the PLM for INFINITY since T5
at most 7 triples. GenWiki is a new resource for is based on transformer and can handle multiple
unsupervised G2T generation, and we select two tasks well. We prepend graph prefix Graph: to the
large domains (i.e., Sports and Games) of GenWiki. linearized graph sequence for G2T task and text
Tabel 1 presents the detailed statistics of these two prefix Text: for T2G task. In order to speed up the
datasets. convergence of training, when generating synthetic
Dataset Train Valid Test Relation Types
intermediate outputs of texts, we discard embed-
WebNLG 13,036 1,642 4,928 373 dings of illegal tokens including [H], [R], [T ], and
GenWiki 48,020 1,000 10,000 250 [E] for the G2T task, which will not be fed to the
encoder of the PLM in the following step. During
Table 1: Statistics of benchmarks.
the inference stage, we leverage the beam search to
generate texts and linearized graphs. Additionally,
for the T2G direction, we adopt the same heuristic
4.2 Baselines rules recommended in prior work (Ye et al., 2021)
to generate reasonable linearized graphs, where the
4.2.1 Supervised Baselines
special token [R] (relation) should be followed by
The intended application of INFINITY is in unsu- [H] (head entity). The training and inference pro-
pervised scenarios. Thus, only relevant methods cesses are carried out on NVIDIA GeForce RTX
are considered. For G2T, we compare our model 3090.
with a wide selection of PLM-free and PLM-based We employ Adam as the optimizer. The beam
methods. PLM-free models include StrongNeu- size is set to 4 for both tasks. The learning rate
ral, BestPlan (Moryossef et al., 2019), Graph- is set to 1e-4. For G2T, we adopt several widely
Writer (Koncel-Kedziorski et al., 2019), and Plan- used automatic metrics, i.e., BLEU (Papineni et al.,
ner (Zhao et al., 2020), where BestPlan and Plan- 2002), Meteor (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005), and
ner design different planners to order triples be- CIDEr (Vedantam et al., 2015). BLEU and Me-
fore linearization. PLM-based models include T5- teor consider precision, recall, or F-score between
base and T5-large (Ribeiro et al., 2021). As to generated and ground truth texts while CIDEr cal-
T2G, we choose OnePass (Wang et al., 2019) and a culates the TF-IDF weights for each n-gram. For
state-of-the-art triple extraction model CGT (Ye T2G, we use the micro F1 score to evaluate the
et al., 2021) as our baselines. Moreover, we quality of the generated triples. F1 results of enti-
also implement a supervised version of INFIN- ties and triples are both provided.
ITY with aligned graph-text pairs, which serves
as a reference for the upper bound of our unsu- 4.4 WebNLG Results
pervised model. The supervised loss is: Lsup = 4.4.1 G2T Results
E(g,t)∈G×T [− log P (g|t) − log P (t|g)].
Table 2 presents the results of G2T task on the
WebNLG dataset. For fairness, we report the re-
4.2.2 Unsupervised Baselines
sults of INFINITY without applying structure-
Due to the limited research on unsupervised joint aware strategy RML to texts. It can be seen that
training, we selected almost all unsupervised mod- our proposed method outperforms all other unsu-
els as baselines. Rule-Based (Schmitt et al., 2020) pervised baselines. The BLEU score of INFINITY
employs a heuristic algorithm to extract facts and is 2 points higher than CycleGT, we believe the
concatenate text of each triplet. Graph-Text Back independent G2T and T2G modules in CycleGT
Translator (GT-BT) (Schmitt et al., 2020) adopts result in degraded performance. The results of
a series of denoising methods and applies a back- INFINITY is even better than the level of some su-
translation model with a POS tagger as external pervised models such as GraphWriter and Planner
tool. CycleGT (Guo et al., 2020b) is derived from since they (the latter two) are PLM-free. Moreover,
GT-BT, it jointly trains G2T and T2G tasks via the performance of the supervised INFINITY is on
cycle training, where the T2G is simplified to the par with T5-base and T5-large, and the supervised
relation classification task with given entities. version can even deal with the T2G problem, which
can be attributed to the power of PLM and the joint 4.5 GenWiki Results
optimization for the shared latent space.
Unlike the WebNLG dataset, GenWiki is specially
BLEU METEOR CIDEr collected for unsupervised G2T task, where graph
Supervised Models (G2T) elements do not necessarily exist in the text. More-
StrongNeural 46.5 0.39 2.87
BestPlan 47.4 0.39 2.69 over, the entities extracted from the text are also
GraphWriter 45.8 0.36 3.14 not necessarily contained in the ground truth graph,
Planner 52.9 0.45 3.72 which makes it challenging to generate informa-
T5-base 59.1 0.44 4.02
T5-large 59.3 0.44 4.03 tive outputs. Hence, some supervised baselines are
Supervised INFINITY 58.8 0.44 3.99 not applicable to this dataset. Since the codes of
Unsupervised Models (Given Entities / External Tools) Rule-Based and GT-BT (Schmitt et al., 2020) are
Rule-Based 18.3 0.34 -
GT-BT 37.7 0.36 - not provided, we use our implemented Rule-Based
CycleGT 55.5 0.44 3.81 model as the baseline. In Table 4, our proposed
Unsupervised Models
INFINITY 58.0 0.44 3.89
method shows better results than GraphWriter and
Rule-Based model, but the BLEU value of INFIN-
Table 2: G2T performances of different models on ITY is lower than CycleGT. The reason is that Cy-
WebNLG dataset. CIDEr results and corresponding cleGT has known all tokens of entities and relation
codes are not provided in Rule-Based and GT-BT. types for T2G task, which can be used as external
information to achieve better performance during
the training process. As a result, INFINITY can
4.4.2 T2G Results only generate the tokens of entities and relations
that appear in the original texts. In other words,
For the T2G task, it should be mentioned that the our model may substitute the ground truth tokens
three compared unsupervised models RuleBased, with other words but remain the similar meanings.
GT-BT, and CycleGT, are given entities as a rela- For example, the original relation birthYear may
tion classification task, so they have a 100% F1 be predicted as birthDay in INFINITY.
score of entities naturally and cannot employ RML
loss for graph sequences. As can be seen from Ta-
ble 3, our model’s F1 (triple) score is 61.7, which BLEU CIDEr F1 (triple)
is superior to all other unsupervised models un- Supervised Models
der the circumstance that all entities are unknown. GraphWriter 29.7 2.68 N/A
T5-base 45.7 3.74 N/A
Rule-Based model cannot extract any triples. The T5-large 47.1 3.74 N/A
supervised INFINITY shows better results than the Supervised INFINITY 43.6 3.44 33.8
Unsupervised Models (Given Entities / External Tools)
unsupervised one in terms of entity recognition, Rule-Based (our implementation) 13.9 1.26 0.0
whereas its performance is inferior to other super- CycleGT 38.5 3.50 34.2
vised methods since our model only uses the T5- Unsupervised Models
INFINITY 34.3 2.50 23.4
base PLM and does not equip other sophisticated
modules. Table 4: G2T and T2G performances of different models
on GenWiki dataset.
F1 (entity) F1 (triple)
Supervised Models (T2G)
OnePass N/A 66.2
CGT N/A 83.4
Supervised INFINITY 95.0 59.3 G2T T2G
Unsupervised Models (Given Entities / External Tools) BLEU CIDEr F1 (triple)
Rule-Based 100.0 0.0 Supervised INFINITY 58.8 3.99 59.3
GT-BT 100.0 39.1 w/o RML 54.3 3.58 51.5
CycleGT 100.0 58.4 w. RML for text & graph 57.3 3.89 59.7
Unsupervised Models w. RML for text 56.2 3.67 53.8
INFINITY 93.9 61.7 w. RML for graph (ours) 58.0 3.89 61.7

Table 3: T2G performances of different models on Table 5: Ablation analysis on WebNLG dataset. The
WebNLG dataset. N/A means the model is not applica- version with RML for graph is used as our reported
ble to extract entities. results.

WebNLG GenWiki
BLEU CIDEr F1 (entity) F1 (triple) BLEU CIDEr F1 (entity) F1 (triple)
WebNLG.G × GenWiki.T 34.8 2.04 89.1 45.2 21.6 1.41 59.2 1.2
WebNLG.T × GenWiki.G 45.6 2.82 91.9 19.5 16.1 1.13 65.6 9.1
WebNLG 58.0 3.89 93.9 61.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A
GenWiki N/A N/A N/A N/A 34.3 2.50 97.0 23.4

Table 6: Analysis of cross learning on WebNLG and GenWiki datasets. dataset.G means the graph data in dataset
and dataset.T denotes the text corpus in dataset. The last two rows are the results of training with the graphs and
texts on a single dataset, where they are only evaluated on their corresponding benchmark.

4.6 Detailed Analysis that T and G share the same distribution of latent
4.6.1 Ablation Study content, and INFINITY only makes minor modi-
fications to the text sequence for transformation.
We use the WebNLG dataset for ablation analy-
Further, INFINITY can be applied to datasets with
sis. As shown in Table 5, the supervised INFINITY
larger and more complex graphs. The performance
shows the best results on the G2T task. The per-
depends on how much latent content graph and
formance of INFINITY without reward augmented
text sequences share. Also, memory requirements
losses (w/o RML) is worse than any other versions,
quadruple when doubling the input length due to
especially for T2G task, but it can still compete
the adopted PLM limitation (Raffel et al., 2020).
with other unsupervised models such as cycleGT.
In practice, we suggest using community detection
Applying structure-aware strategy to both text and
algorithms to divide a large graph into multiple
graph makes the model capture more order and
subgraphs for training.
structural information in the datasets, and it obtains
significant improvement. We also evaluate variants 1.0
that only adopt one side reward augmented loss. IN- 60 0.8
FINITY with RML for graph demonstrates the best 50 0.6

performance except for the supervised one. This 40


30 BLEU 1 0.4
is because the PLM itself performs well on texts, 20 BLEU 2
BLEU 3 0.2 F1 (entity)
and the improvement of RML for text is limited. 10 BLEU 4 F1 (triple)
0 0.0
Therefore, we use the version with RML for graph 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
as our final reported model. (a) Triple of Graph (b) Length of Text
4.6.2 Analysis of Input Scale Figure 4: Results of different input sizes on WebNLG
We investigate how the performance of INFIN- dataset.
ITY scales with the amount of input data since
our method models graph-text conversion as two
sequence generation tasks. For G2T, we divide 4.7 Cross Learning
the input graphs into groups based on the number As mentioned in Section 3.1, we assume T and
of triples and calculate the mean BLEU value of G share the same latent content. In the same
each group of text sequences obtained by INFIN- dataset, T and G have the same domain knowl-
ITY. Similarly, as to T2G, we group the input data edge, whereas different datasets can only share the
according to the length of the text sequences and language. In the latter case, to analyze the scalabil-
count the F1 value of the output graphs. Figure 4 ity of INFINITY, we propose a new training setting
shows the results of different input sizes on the called cross learning, where we only use the graph
WebNLG dataset. It can be observed that the BLEU (or text) data of WebNLG and text (or graph) cor-
values decrease with the increase of the number of pus of GenWiki for training. Table 6 shows the re-
triples (≤ 5). When the number of triples exceeds sults, where dataset.G means the graph in dataset
5, the BLEU values abnormally increase because while dataset.T denotes the text in dataset. We
there are fewer samples of long triples (about 3%). can see INFINITY works well under the setting
Besides, the F1 value is insensitive to the input of cross learning, which cannot be accomplished
size of texts. One of the possible explanations is by other unsupervised models such as CycleGT
since they require entities and relation types for References
both tasks. However, the T2G performance of Gen- Satanjeev Banerjee and Alon Lavie. 2005. METEOR:
Wiki is worse than WebNLG because the tokens An automatic metric for MT evaluation with im-
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absence of a corresponding graph corpus, we can tics.
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A RML Sampling degree value to obtain a reasonable graph sequence,
where nodes with similar semantics are close.
As mentioned earlier, one only needs to sample In the experiments, we find that RML can
possible outputs G̃ and T̃ from their corresponding achieve the best performance, thus we adopt RML
exponentiated payoff distribution before training. as the only strategy in INFINITY.
According to Norouzi et al. (2016), it is difficult
to sample with BLEU or F1 score since the distri- C Case Study and Error Analysis
bution is intractable to compute. Thus, we utilize
the importance sampling method with the distri- To analyze the generation performance and draw-
bution of hamming distance between the original backs of INFINITY, we select two representative
sequence and its hypothesis. For the graph dataset, instances shown in Table 7, where the ground truth
L sequences of linearized graphs associated with g and generated sequences are provided. As to the
are sampled from a tractable proposal distribution first case, the generated text is consistent with the
q(g̃|g; τ ), i.e., hamming distance sampling. Then, ground truth, with only a few slight differences,
we obtain the importance weight ωl of each sam- and the generated triples are exactly the same as
pled sequence g̃ l : the real ones. The second instance contains two
sentences and five triples, which has several typical
errors. The order of the generated text is incon-
exp(r(g̃ l , g)/τ )/q(g̃ l |g; τ ) sistent with the original text, and there are some
ωl ≈ PL , (10) semantic errors. The generated triples are all rea-
k k
k=1 exp(r(g̃ , g)/τ )/q(g̃ |g; τ )
sonable, but the first fact with the relation related
which replaces the proposal distribution by Mean Of Transportation is missing. The boundary
reweighing the samples in loss LG
RM L . More de-
of the last generated triple is wrong, where [R] does
tails about importance sampling can be found in not appear in the proper position, and [T ] is miss-
Norouzi et al. (2016). ing. It is still challenging to capture fine-grained
entity or relation boundaries without supervised
B Common and Heuristic information such as relation type.
Structure-aware Strategies
The structure-aware strategy is flexible in INFIN-
ITY, we can adopt other structure-aware strategies.
Generally, PLMs are pretrained based on a large
number of text corpora, and they are not fed with
linearized graphs. Thus, the following denoising
loss with perturbed linearized graph structure is a
suitable way to warm up PLMs:

lm = Eg∈G [− log p(g|corrupt(g); θ)], (11)

where corrupt(·) is a function that generates cor-

rupted graph sequence. Possible operations on the
graph structure include but are not limited to re-
placement, discarding, duplication, and swapping.
By this means, PLM is capable of remembering the
structure of graphs.
Besides, BFS and DFS traversal-based graph
linearization are another two common methods
adopted by many supervised generation models (Li
et al., 2021; Cai and Lam, 2019), especially in the
field of semantic role labeling and AMR semantic
parsing. In our unsupervised setting, we can exe-
cute BFS or DFS from the node with the maximum
Ground Truth Sequence Generated Sequence Main Error
Arlington in Texas is located Arlington , Texas is
at 184.0 metres 184.0
Text 1 above sea level and above sea level and Rephrasing
has a total area of has a total area of
258.2 square kilometres. 258.2 square kilometres.
[H] Arlington Texas [H] Arlington Texas
[R] elevation Above The Sea Level [R] elevation Above The Sea Level
Graph 1
[T ] 184.0 [T ] 184.0 Exact Match
[H] Arlington Texas [H] Arlington Texas
[R] area Total [R] area Total
[T ] 258.2 square kilometres [E] [T ] 258.2 square kilometres [E]
The Aston Martin V8, The Aston Martin V8,
manufactured by Aston Martin, with a 5.3 litre engine,
is related to the Aston Martin DBS is a related transport vehicle
Text 2 and was succeeded to the Aston Martin DBS. Senetence Missing
by the Aston Martin Vantage. It is the successor to the
Its engine volume is 5.3 litres. Newport Pagnell Aston Martin Vantage.
and it is assembled at Newport Pagnell.
[H] Aston Martin V8 [H] Aston Martin V8
[R] related Mean Of Transportation [R] manufacturer
[T ] Aston Martin DBS [T ] Aston Martin
Graph 2
[H] Aston Martin DBS [H] Aston Martin DBS Triple Missing
[R] successor [R] succeeded By
[T ] Aston Martin Vantage [T ] Aston Martin Vantage
[H] Aston Martin V8 [H] AstonMartin V8 Wrong Boundary
[R] engine [R] engine Volume
[T ] 5.3 litres [T ] 5.3 litres
[H] Aston Martin V8 [H] Aston Martin assembly location Rephrasing
[R] assembly [R] Newport Pagnell
[T ] Newport Pagnell [E]

[H] Aston Martin V8

[R] manufacturer
[T ] Aston Martin [E]

Table 7: Case study and error analysis on two selected representative instances. The blue background represents
nuances that do not change semantic meanings, while the orange background represents information loss. For
graphs, we arrange the triples in the order they are in the ground truth or generated sequences.

ACL 2023 Responsible NLP Checklist
A For every submission:
3 A1. Did you describe the limitations of your work?

Appendix D
3 A2. Did you discuss any potential risks of your work?

Appendix D
3 A3. Do the abstract and introduction summarize the paper’s main claims?


7 A4. Have you used AI writing assistants when working on this paper?
Left blank.
3 Did you use or create scientific artifacts?
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7 B2. Did you discuss the license or terms for use and / or distribution of any artifacts?
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 B5. Did you provide documentation of the artifacts, e.g., coverage of domains, languages, and
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Not applicable. Left blank.
3 B6. Did you report relevant statistics like the number of examples, details of train / test / dev splits,

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to understand experimental results. For example, small differences in accuracy on large test sets may
be significant, while on small test sets they may not be.

C 3 Did you run computational experiments?

3 C1. Did you report the number of parameters in the models used, the total computational budget

(e.g., GPU hours), and computing infrastructure used?
4.3 and Appendix C
The Responsible NLP Checklist used at ACL 2023 is adopted from NAACL 2022, with the addition of a question on AI writing

3 C2. Did you discuss the experimental setup, including hyperparameter search and best-found

hyperparameter values?
4.3 and Appendix C
3 C3. Did you report descriptive statistics about your results (e.g., error bars around results, summary

statistics from sets of experiments), and is it transparent whether you are reporting the max, mean,
etc. or just a single run?
4.4 and 4.5
3 C4. If you used existing packages (e.g., for preprocessing, for normalization, or for evaluation), did

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4.3 and Appendix C

7 Did you use human annotators (e.g., crowdworkers) or research with human participants?
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 D1. Did you report the full text of instructions given to participants, including e.g., screenshots,
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 D3. Did you discuss whether and how consent was obtained from people whose data you’re
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 D4. Was the data collection protocol approved (or determined exempt) by an ethics review board?
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 D5. Did you report the basic demographic and geographic characteristics of the annotator population
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No response.


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