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● Genre(s):

Economy Trend

● Target audience:
Generation Z, Millennials

● Topic: Single Economy; single living trend x FIRE lifestyle

● Purpose: Bring out young people's thoughts surrounding a lifestyle which has more
and more influence on young people in the country in recent years (also a topic that
Vietnamese young adults are interested in). Also, the adults’ view surrounds this

● Interview: Young people who live alone, young people who married (talk about their
opinions surrounding the single lifestyle)

● Single economy is a type of economy which appears because of the change of

demography. This change relates to the way young adults, and adults in contemporary
society choose to live. They have the tendency to decide to live alone and focus on
themselves (e.g. job, self improvement, etc.) more than people in the past who tended
to get married at an early age.
● FIRE lifestyle is a way that the majority of people who were born from the year of
1981 to 2004 choose to live. This means they want to be financially independent and
retire early.

In this podcast, I want to talk about the birth of the single economy - why people decide to
live alone (not marry and do not have a family of their own), and how the FIRE lifestyle
helps them to live in the single economy.

1. From where did we have the “single trend”?

There are many reasons for why the single life trend appeared. It could be the change
of women's roles in society, the need for mental well-being, traumas, ‘further
education, professional development, the rising cost of living and unaffordable
housing prices, the gender imbalance in the marriage market’, there are many people
worry that the future is not a good place for their children to live (e.g. pollution, war)
so they decide not to marry or having children and enjoy living by themselves as well
as enjoy their lives, etc. In short, it was because of demographic change.

2. What are the problems that a person who chooses to live alone has to face?
- Sickness and safety
- Finance problems
- Boredom and loneliness
- Social prejudices and behaviors to those who choose to live alone.
- They also have to face the prejudices and hatred from the society, as well as being
treated unfairly.

3. FIRE means financial independence and retirement early. This trend of living
encourages people to work hard in a specific number of years. After that, they will
have enough money to cover the rest of their lives, and have the opportunity to choose
whether they want to continue working or retire early and enjoy life.
- Single people have to face the risk of having a safe life and having no one to take care
of them when getting old; however, following the FIRE lifestyle, they can have an
appropriate plan for their single lives.
- As for those who worry about their lives when the elderly age comes, Vietnamese
nursing homes are now improved everyday, in order to provide single senior citizens a
way to take care of themselves when they’re getting old and have no family to be
there for them.
The governments also confirmed that in the contemporary days, they cannot just focus
on the population, especially the aging population problem, but they have to pay more
attention and build a better system of taking care of senior residents. This is now
coming into practice with a view of giving those who live alone a more certain life
when getting old.
- FIRE lifestyle also appeared because young people in Asia, especially in Vietnam,
choose to live a fast and memorable life, without worrying about their ‘death’. This
means they choose to ‘live fast, die young’, not to live a long and simple life like their
parents, grandparents in the past.

● For the magazine, we can discuss the single lifestyle and what are the impacts of this
way of living on the economy, which created the ‘single economy’.


2 mic (Shotgun mics)

2 mic stands
2 XLR Cables
ZOOM H5N Recorder
USB cable for H5N Recorder

● Bởi vì mọi người dần tự chủ được tài chính, nên muốn sống một mình và tận hưởng
cuộc sống (?)

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